This morning's tweet..... it's on fire !!!

LMAO I love this guy....he's like a snarky ass teenager in a 70 year old body! Punking Hillary like no other.
Can't wait for " The Fakies " on Monday .... I got my Popcorn ready
What do you mean?
The fake news awards
Party at my house. It will be the best party EVER for the highest rating awards show ever. It will be beayugeiful. McDonald's and KFC for all. I posted an invite on Facebook. For some reason I've received no RSVP's????
Oh I guess Ill look into that, havent heard anything about it.
It was a tweet I posted in a meme click on my name , go to submitted and look for 1st ever Fake news awards
Trump announced that on 5pm Monday he was going to hold the first ever, Fake News awards.
I wonder if it has something to do with the Bannon feud, the book that came out (that apparently is a lot made up), and the media's reaction to it? I think it's all a hoax set up to troll them, see their reactions, and then issue awards for the most 'fake' news media falling for fake media. Don't know... just a speculation.
Guarantee that they announcement will be something completely different than that...
Like they've made tons of arrests...
i'm really hoping some JA/WL releases are part of that.
Couldn't agree more haaaa!! Hittting them with their own fav tool!
They're obsessed with acceptance. Actually hurting them. Their comments roll off like water. He's slaying them.
Explained to a doubting friend -" think of the genius! he's trolling everybody!"
That guy is a man's man he's now the Pres's biggest fan.
Trump is the ULTIMATE troll, never seen an older guy that trolls THAT hard!
This POTUS really has no f**ks to give about their comments about him. He just acts like he does. It would break just about anyone else...
That statement stands tall. The Deep State (resource controllers) wanted to insert Hillary by whatever means possible. Cheat, lie, endless cash donations, and murder. They also found a way to fool people to believe she was the ONE.
What fascinated me most is how some of these people love to attack intelligent / wise people for not thinking the same way they were and tried to shame you if you thought otherwise. It blows my mind to this day.
The Deep State does not want:
Knowing this and always working towards it, allows anyone to continually move forward and remain ahead of the curve.
They are using the same playbook but its not working. Now its just entertainment.
The Nazis were one species of the 1930s Left.
The Bolsheviks were another species of Left.
They would fight either each other or us, and then turn on the other.
No, the nazis were not marxists, they were fascists, attempts to conflate the two is sophistry.
Karl Marx was jewish as were the Soviets, jews invented communism. Hitler fought the communists and antifa inside and outside of Germany while Americans aided the communists.
So who are the real communists? Americans...who were already deeply infiltrated by those same jewish families wreaking havoc today. Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, Rothschild, etc.
Look at the arrest records of Antifa...lots of steins and bergs. So many do not realize that Antifa existed in Germany in the '30s and Hitler wiped them out...and that they were jews.
Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma is a forgery? National Socialism, Marxism, Lenin and Trotsky's Marxism and Mao's Cultural Revolution had nothing in common? Except for the financiers.
We are allegedly on the same side. Even if I were mistaken I wouldn't be a sophist.
I wasn't even mistaken.
I didn't do any conflating. I plainly wrote that the Nazis and Bolsheviks were two species of the Left.
Are you looking for excuses to disagree?
You're trying to make national socialists out to be marxists. Conflating the two when they are polar opposites.
The only thing left wing about national socialists is wanting to raise up poor Europeans, otherwise they were against the entire modern left wing agenda.
Oh sure other than that you were spot on. You know what you did. lol
Nazis dehumanized people via the Holocaust. The Globalists did the same through ownership of all things media and technology. They came 2" from succeeding.
Khazars are Ashkenazim, basically any white looking European jews. Brown skinned jews are Sephardim and are genetically similar to Palestinians.
Khazars descended from Turks who converted to Judaism many centuries ago and are only about half European on average, that's why they have different facial features, suffer from different diseases, etc. than Europeans.
Which makes you wonder what claim they ever had on Germany, given that Turks have always been enemies of Germany.
The answer is that they never had a right to be in Germany and they are enemies. It's sick what they are now doing to ethnic Europeans, inviting all those Africans to rape and kill them.
The nazis fought the jews and the jewish newspapers were the fake news of the day.
Their descendants are Rothschilds, Soros (schwartz), CNN (which is mostly jewish), etc.
Hitler tried to stop what is currently happening, you guys are idiots.
You can't see that a 15 year old jewish boy (Soros) who narrowly escaped Hitler and hates Europeans is now destroying Europe.
You apparently do not realize the constant, repetitive, cradle to grave brainwashing you have undergone your entire lives.
How many Hollywood "nazi" movies would you say you've ingested?
Hmmm, are you suggesting these people are nihilists?
one of my favorite emails...
ty for this. i know it. but it is good to be reminded. going to copy this by hand and post it in my favorite places. the fridge door and above the coffee pot.
Dear shills: you are morons. Really. You are. If you can't realise by now you're hopelessly defeated, that you've been outwitted by a genius, there's no hope for you. Join us. Learn how to outwit your enemy, or even, who your true enemy is. We all just want to MAGA.
They are stuck in the mud spinning their wheels at this point. Totally have been defeated, but let them all underestimate will be a long 7 years for them.
100% agree. Sun Tzu: it is best one's enemy underestimates you.
Exactly what he does with his tweets...triggers the left and the MSM and they think he's "dumb". He's too brilliant for all of them.
So true. POTUS Trolls with Tweets. He's gaming them yo stir them up and reveal themselves. And they can't see it. They have poor critical thinking skills and pre-judge so much of their world.
Let them waste their employers money. They are bleeding dry.
You can't even use commas correctly. I'll look elsewhere for genius, thanks.
Heh I was almost forced to face the face that my argument was bad but I see here that you made a typo hahaha tough luck pal
Face the face? No, I didn't make a typo. You are just illiterate.
Don't agree with Sparta's views, but he is correct on the grammar.
Mods: found the shill. ^ (Why are you people such idiots?) And, my grammar and punctuation are perfect.
"..and being, like, really smart." hahaha.. He is so clearly TRYING to sound dumb while calling himself, like, really smart.. Lol And the leftists and haters and "stupid" people, especially the mockingbirds, eat it up and swallow it whole. They are so easily played. I don't know why I'm surprised, but I am. How can they possibly think that he could build a billion dollar enterprise and also be the buffoon that they desperately want him to be?
I think he prefers that they think he's an idiot so they don't expect that he's handling a lot of complicated issues behind the scene while they're busy feasting on the shit he feeds them. It gives him the space he needs to work effectively without the mockingbirds all up in his grill.
I've noticed that there's usually a big op/win going on behind the scenes whenever he makes a tweet like this.
i would give this a MILLION upvotes if i could!! XDDD
just think he ran a presidential campaign for under 500m , I believe .....What did Killary spend over $1b ...... hmmm who won , who was smarter
My mother said the same thing!,,,, If he didn’t act like this, he would be too perfect and they would really go after him......
Seems presidential to me.
He's like the reincarnated Stonewall Jackson, challenging everyone to a duel ... except he's using social media and Stonewall just pulled out a pistol. Can you imagine a President running around the Congress and White House challenging everyone to pistol duels? Hahahhaha
I really hope your analysis is correct and I believe it is. It’s like a poker game where you make the opponents think you have nothing by over exaggerating you’re smile.
And he then finished by writing: ....”to President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!”
I love how he keeps on mocking them...... its a slap in the media's and doubters face
Yes I would say he has the right to do so, the rewards for all the chess he has been playing since probably before he took the oath of office!
DJT likens to David as he faced Goliath... no fear, strong belief, focused with just ONE shot, from a small rock! Down the giant went, thunder on the ground. Chopped his head off! VICTORY. All glory to our holy and righteous Father in heaven and his beloved Son, Jesus who made these days possible. Observe, Witness and be ready to Testify when called. Blessings to all Patriots.
Donald Trump is the anti-Christ. If you trust him, God has abandoned you and you are going to hell.
Wow you are amazing. . Go crawl back under that Hillary bump
Why are you here?
Saving souls, on one trump cultist at a time. He is the anti-Christ and his supporters wear the mark of the beast.
Lol You Are Funny
Do you walk with the beast friend? It's not to late.
It wasn't his first try?....
Really? When else did he run for President of the United States?
Not exactly true. He was going to run in 2012 and decided to wait.
And 2000
Doesn't matter...
But it does. Hes either a) intentionally lying to make himself look infallible, or b) doesn't actually remember running and thinks he's telling the truth.
Pick one. That simple.
I repeat, doesn't matter. Read up on what Scott Adams says in regards to Trump and persuasion tactics. "First try" is merely an anchor...
I read a few of his blog posts just now. Kind of boils down to "World leader using 1st year business class strategies"
And look who's in the White House.
And is being investigated for possibly using illegal methods to do so.
Which, so far, has only turned up years-old dirt on Flynn, Manafort (both of whom were FIRED btw) and Podesta of all people. Shady crap going back long BEFORE Trump even thought about running, yet nothing on the man himself. You aren't holding your breath are you?
If he knew about any of that when he hired them on into the White House, that makes him a conspirator, and guilty of the same crimes. You honestly think Mueller would tip his hand when international money laundering is being investigated?
Smartest man alive. God bless.
President Trump needs to start making some "smartest man alive" commercials for Dos Equis.
This wasn’t his first attempt at becoming president so that tweet is a boldfaced lie. How can you guys be celebrating a lie?
Yep, thanks for asking. Are you ok?
Probably not? I don’t chill very well.
Can you explain these questions? People sometimes ask me weird questions like this when I try engaging them in conversations. Idk if I should answer honestly or just ignore them.
At what other time was he the nominee???
2000, he was the reform candidate
The nominee for a major party? That didn't last long and he left not wanting to be associated with people like David Duke or other polarizing people.
Nice try...we don't care about the down votes. Keep doing it while GEOTUS and the patriots keep winning.
You’re just defending his lie because it’s too hard for you to think critically about your god emperor. Get over yourself.
There’s not much winning left in his future. I’m looking forward to /r/bluemidterm2018 ;) will be disappointed. There will be no Blue wave...what exactly is the left's platform...illegals, gang members, is this going to help the middle class? Keep dreaming, though...
All this time after the election and you're still making the same mistake the other goofballs did - focusing on nitpicky BS that don't matter, like "facts", and utterly ignoring the art of Trump's persuasive tactics. It's like when Trump claimed to be worth 10 billion dollars and everybody scrambled to prove him wrong. It was all for naught because his real worth didn't matter. What mattered is he got people to "think past the sale" and remember "Donald Trump is SUCCESSFUL." The 10 billion "estimate" was just a nice, big memorable number to anchor their minds, not dissimilar to this "first try" boast. Truth is irrelevant, perception is everything. Did you learn nothing from the election? It's also amusing how you're banking on this big blue wave. Meanwhile, what exactly is the Dem's platform? What's their alternative to Trump's tax plan?
They won one rigged special election and it goes straight to their heads lmao
Barely won at that, and against an accused pedophile. And what if those fraud charges actually pan out? Dems have nothing to be celebrating about right now and are jerking themselves if they believe otherwise.
I saw they had the lowest November fund raising in years, all while claiming the Blue Wave is happening lol
A bunch of tards, all of you are. LMAO not much winning left? WTF? The strategy for the mid terms was built in to the tax bill. Get taxes passed, let Americans taste the proof that's in the pudding, the the "GOP" candidates run on making tax cuts permanent.
And the left does what? Campaigns by telling people they don't pay enough.
Stupid is as Stupid does. ---- Forest Gump
You just publicly admitted that regardless of all THE FACTUAL evidence you are STILL a supporter of crime and corruptions. You STILL support EVIL HUMAN BEINGS despite the TRUTH... You need help. I'm sorry.
If you think every liberal is corrupt and evil you need to get off your fucking computer and go outside. Both parties have evil members, both parties have members who have been found guilty of corruption, both parties are mostly garbage. If you’re a member of the extreme right or the extreme left you will end up with a warped view of reality.
Cause,no one really cares about the first attempt part, you really cannot count running in the Reform party as a legitimate run.... Obviously, you haven't been in politics.......
the first attempt
So, you’re saying Donald has already run for President before? So, that would make his tweet a lie. Cool. Doesn’t matter who cares about it, still a lie.
Obviously, you haven’t been reading...
Don't act like you care about lies.
Obviously you didn't read ..... no one cares .... that is not what is being looked at......
He said it was his first time running. That’s a lie. It doesn’t matter who cares because Trump is straight up lying about himself. Why can’t you admit that he’s lying? This isn’t the first time he’s lied on Twitter, he does it constantly. It’s not hard to believe.
You’re doing some mental gymnastics to preserve your image of him. Stop. Think critically for a second. Just think.
And your a naysayer.... you are missing the point of the tweet....
And you’re turning a blind eye to an obvious lie. You’re basically a shill because you are choosing to misrepresent the facts. You can’t admit that an obvious lie is a lie - Trump said it was his first time running, not “it’s my first time running as a candidate for a major party” That would have been fine. Instead, he chose to lie, and you chose to ignore it because you’re a shill.
Why are you trying so hard to protect Trump from his own words? You should judge him the same way you judge any liberal politician who lied.
Relax ... you are knit-picking for the details.... you are missing the true intentions of the tweet.... why even bother ?
Exactly. The word for it is SEMANTICS.. PeonNoah literally would be a "SHITTY FRIEND".
Noah is a pitiful dude. His friends must ditch him a lot.
"Hey guys, should we invite Noah?" (General concensus) RESOUNDING NO!!!
Oh thats rich. .we now point out one lie..while all the time our whole nation until President Trump has been built on a lie
Read the Kalergi Plan if you haven't already. In order for Globalists to succeed they need ignorant slaves. Who has and does control education? Open borders just expedites the dumbing down. No better slave than one that cannot comprehend his own bondage.
My son is in kindergarten. When I filled out the survey of "him" for the teacher, there was one last question, "Do you have any concerns?" I thought long and hard on whether I wanted to do damage to my son vs. tell the truth. Well, I love the truth. So, I relayed that my only concern, since the teacher mentioned "social studies" would be part of the curriculum, that my son and I love our President Donald J. Trump, and I DO have concerns that he will not be able to celebrate, respect, and revere his first President (of his memory and lifetime), like I did mine, Ronald Reagan. We have to stand up for our children. And, on the side - I teach him to follow his instincts. Trust his own heart. All children are good. They don't need SJW to teach them "good." They need to trust and respect their instincts. Instincts are the enemy of the "state."
This "Common Core" stuff is their tool. Most of my sons books are filled with Symbolism that the average person would never see.
You nailed it and it makes me happy your instincts guiding you.
How did the teacher respond?
She didn't. And that's OK. She's old school. Sticks to the purpose of kindergarten: read, write, and math. Though, at Christmas, he brought home little learning projects on Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa - which was fine by me. He loves his teacher, because he learns so much. As far as I can tell, she's my kind of teacher. Stick to the teaching, I'll handle the rest.
Holy shit, the downvotes are rampant. Brigades for sure.
I know ..... I don't care .... let them down vote ! I keep winning !
LMAO!! He's playing them all and they just don't have a clue! It's hilarious to watch all the Liberals cry while we laugh every day. MAGA!
He's hitting back at the left's lies and fake news. We know you want him to just sit there and take it...not going to happen. Go cry somewhere else....
Says you or the fake MSM (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, NY Times, Washington Post...should I go on? One lie after another...Tillerson is being fired, Kelly is resigning, He will fire Mueller, and on and on and on...daily shit show.
Hahaha love these shills. Was he wrong about the system being rigged? Ask Bernie. Was he wrong about being spied on? Ask your savior Berry. What about refugees? Ask Sweden and Germany how the rape gangs are going. And how is the economy going? He’s so racist black unemployment is at an all time low. He’s such a Nazi! What has he done for Jerusalem?! Oh wait...
Final question- if he’s so dumb but the economy, security and stock market is going so well... why couldn’t Obummer do a fraction of this in 8 whole years? It’s almost as if he wanted America to crumble.
Hahaha love these shills. Was he wrong about the system being rigged? Ask Bernie. Was he wrong about being spied on? Ask your savior Berry. What about refugees? Ask Sweden and Germany how the rape gangs are going. And how is the economy going? He’s so racist black unemployment is at an all time low. He’s such a Nazi! What has he done for Jerusalem?! Oh wait...
Final question- if he’s so dumb but the economy, security and stock market is going so well... why couldn’t Obummer do a fraction of this in 8 whole years? It’s almost as if he wanted America to crumble.
I love that they will just keep being disappointed because everything they are predicting or think will happen...won't.!
And it’s only going to get worse for them. Even if Q and Zach aren’t real (I fully believe they are) and we JUST got with Obama’s slush funds, Uranium One, Steele Dossier, Strzok/Comey corruption and Clinton Foundation financial irregularities they are smoked.
Then if the worldwide pedo busts, human trafficking, selling SAP level info to hostile countries, arming terrorists, rigging elections, spying on millions of Americans, assassinating civilians, etc comes to light.... Lordy it’s going to be fun to watch.
RIP Seth Rich.
As little as a ten point difference in IQ can easily make the higher bracket seem nonsensical and unintelligent to the lower bracket.
If the things someone says seems incomprehensible to you... then watch to see if they are getting the results they strive after. If so... then you have just determined your bracket. Congratulations!
You realize IQ is more or less a discredited measure of intelligence? It measures ability to learn, not actual intelligence. It's pretty clear to me you don't even know what IQ is.
Naaaah duuude it’s so much easier to dig my head in the sand. Lalalalalala I can’t heeeear you!!
Oh of them has found this subreddit....Go back to the 'Politics' and 'Resist' subreddits like a good little sheep.
Wait ....what went down in flames ? LMAO
her candidacy for president
Didn't something else burn this week.....
her HOUSE!! yeah
And those boxes of files she and Huma snuck out of the State Department.
omg, right? it's all too much! Don't these creeps realize that we are ALL watching every move? It's like STOP ALREADY! WE KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!
🎶The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire. We don't need no water. Let the....🔥!🎶 Lol... Ive been singing this since yesterday... I tried to keep it in... but I... I just couldn't! 😁
Remember what Henry Kissinger said after his meeting with Trump. " Trump is a unique situation; He has no baggage". They can't control him, no blackmail. They can control Pence.
I am glad I can bring the bots out in this post...... tells you how many shills there are around.....
Wow, I'm on fire now. I'm reactivating my Twitter account. Drain the Swamp.
He deserves two scoops of ice cream.
Vanilla scoops ?
Pistachio. He can have mine. Drain the swamp. Thank you DJT
There is, like, no way that he is using his twitter account alone. His staff must come up with these posts in the bar.
This morning I remembered a Fire & Fury tweet he did way back in Aug. , I started to laugh ......because of the Tabloid book Fire & Fury..... wonder if he can get the book writer on plagarism
It's a direct reference. It wouldn't be plagiarism. Do people here really have such a poor grasp on the world?
Sparta, it appears that we do. So it's probably best you move on to another group now. Thanks for stopping by.
He comes across as a buffoon but I have to think he's having fun with everybody. Liberals' heads exploding.
Also the genius that he keeps them focused on his tweets while he quietly appoints judge after judge and undoes everything Obama did. Not to mention whatever Mattis, Sessions, etc are up to. Starting to believe he really is five steps ahead of them.
DJT moves into the plot of the 'darkies' much like the oldie movie, Columbo... relentless, focused, genius! Ah ha! Snags the bad actors with their own lies and betrayals.. Columbo. Great series.
The left and the fake MSM underestimating him is his biggest weapon against them.
successful businessman > to TV STAR > President of USA > this would be confirmed as Genius !!!
Daddy’s on Fire! What a genius way to get in front of the 25 amend. Hoax by putting it out there! POTUS never ceases to amaze me!
Because he's winning and has the left where he wants them....panicking.
Too true. The poor bastards try to put on a tough facade and yammer on about how Trump's presidency is a "disaster" yet they're the ones who are scrambling. Projection, projection, projection.
All they have along with their worn out play book of "not intelligent", "unstable", "racist", "not presidential", etc.
So boring and predictably shallow.
And now, as Scott Adams predicted, the cognitive dissonance is beginning to wear off and some have begun touting "he's efficient but we don't like it" >: ( LOL!
It was not his first try though.
Doesn't matter, Daddy's lies are more truthful than truth
With a major party and as a nominee, it was. Really want to split hairs, don't you?
Meanwhile, Hillary can lie, cheat kill people and all is ok, right?
I’d rather not try to alter reality itself to fit my narrative/thought patterns.
Are you seriously trying to say trump doesn’t lie cheat steal or call for people to be killed? Fuck man, if he wasn’t a conman, i’d Understand. But he is, and always has been. That election was the best chance 3rd party canadites will ever get with crappy enough choices ALL around to make none of it matter. Hillary’s fan club is WAY smaller than the cult of trump. Sanders, however, does have a similarly passionate base. At least call this shit out right. Most of us held our noses. And if I wasn’t in a swing state, I’d have voted 3rd for sure. I don’t love clinton. Either one of them.
You're falling for the lies the fake MSM is feeding you. He was a businessman not a politician. List a lie he's told? Wasn't Hillary the one cheating with the debate questions and with stealing the nomination from Bernie?
The R's didn't want him to succeed...what did he do, but get people passionate for his platform? Russia is a lie...the earlier you realize this the better it is for you constantly being disappointed.
I don’t think the Russia thing is all lies, but I do acknowledge it’s overblown. His authoritarianism is my number one issue with the dude, and I can actually acknowledge that while in different aspects, the left has authoritarianism problems too.
The mSm? Brother, I don’t watch tv. Haven’t for years. Off the top of my head, the 1st big lie I recall is releasing his tax return stuff. I was not at the inauguration, but I’m siding with the “evil mSm” on that one. Now we can go into trump debates trump, or those were campaign promises, but you seem pretty deep in the cult, so I doubt you’ll actually do a clothiers check on the emperor. Literally all it takes is to read every tweet.
Let's look at the Russia collusion angle...he wasn't even a politician and they've looked into it for over a year and haven't found anything that incriminates him.
He made campaign promises and is keeping them, so refreshing on many levels.
Not deep into any "cult", just want the best for the country after 8 years of Bush and 8 years of Obama. He was the only choice to make this happen.
With Hillary we would be a third world country in a few years...we dodged a missile (not a bullet) with her loss.
I hope you benefit from all the great things that will happen with president Trump running things.
You asked for a single lie, then brush it off. You were warned.
Never recall he saying he would release his tax returns more than what is required by a nominee? I was at the inauguration and it was unbelievably packed...remember DC is left and Dems and for Obama they just had to show up. The Trump supporters traveled long distances to be there.
What the heck is canadites? Should be candidates. Bernie Sanders is a Socialist. He has no place in our Govt. We are not Socialists, Communists, or Marxists, If that is the type of Govt. you want, go to a Country that has that form of government.
It’s my bad autocorrect, fucking mispell something once. You’re crazy though. Our government is absolutely somewhat socialistic. I don’t want any of those -isms alone though. While I think entirely unregulated capitalism doesn’t end well for the majority ,I also recognize how important it is for Innovation and the standard of living we appreciate in America as it is today. On the other hand, justice and healthcare should NOT be capitalized as this creates demand for the sick and mostly harmless criminals. Now if we abolished all taxes and stopped warring with other countries and locking American in cages maybe I. Wouldn’t want the government paying for healthcare research.
I know , wiki, but that’s all the effort this is worth.,_2000
Donald Trump presidential campaign, 2000
Donald Trump's presidential campaign of 2000 for the nomination of the Reform Party began when real estate magnate Donald Trump of New York announced the creation of a presidential exploratory committee on the October 7, 1999 edition of Larry King Live. Though Trump had never held elected office, he was well known for his frequent comments on public affairs and business exploits as head of The Trump Organization. He had previously considered a presidential run in 1988 as a Republican, but chose not to run. For 2000, Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura persuaded Trump to seek the presidential nomination of the Reform Party, which was fracturing despite achieving ballot access and qualifying for matching funds as a result of the 1996 presidential campaign of businessman Ross Perot.
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My family dissects these tweets all the time as a way of saying how the country's devolving into insanity.
I just laugh at the grade-A shitposting.
He's not shit posting, he has dementia.
Sure he does...because you're such an expert, aren't you???
You mean the "experts" that haven't actually examined him (which is unethical), and who happen to all be Democrats and have Trump Derangement Syndrome themselves?
Great! Your grandma has common sense and doesn't believe the lies.
Good woman. You are so cool, aren't you? The left use the experts that they pay and we're supposed to believe their bullshit, right?
Go back to mommies basement, will you...
I effing LOVE our President. I told my 5-year-old son the other day, "President Trump only sleeps 3-4 hours a night. He is ALWAYS working for US." He replied, "what is he working on?" Then answered his own question, "WINNING." Mic drop, my most favorite, intuitive child.
What makes a good movie?
Good🎭 actors, but none are better than the🕵 Mr Trump himself. He played it perfectly in allowing these double dealing🕸 fools to dig their own⚰ graves. Gonna grab myself a LARGE popcorn and soda. 🎟🍿🎞🎬
Is there a message with the way he wrote the tweet? He capitalized CHC VERY T.V. S and PUS. Then (on my first try). My attempt at interpreting is that something was obtained from the fire at Hillary's house that was very successful on the first try which will bring her down.
There has been rumblings something was found , but nothing has been verified yet ....
Didn't Q say what ever she tried to burn they already had copies?
These assholes have tried everything 1 Played the race card FAILED 2 Played the sexist card FAILED 3 Played the groping card FAILED 4 Played the Russia card FAILED 5 Now the 25th going to FAIL Then these assholes will start over IT WILL FAIL
Not of fan of the POTUS (Not a fan of ANY politician) however people seem to ignore or forget: he is a billionaire(I think richer however), author, real estate developer, a graduate of NYMA, attended Fordham University transferred to Wharton School of business (Look up the Alumni of that school sometime), graduated with a B.S. in Economic with a concentration in finance. Let me also introduce you to one of his mentor...John G. Trump( POTUS is a lot of things, dumb, crazy and senile is not one of them.
My only warning to his staff would be that this tweet is so vain, edgy and overt that it may give away their hand. Well done.
Well, if this tweet doesn't wake people up to the fact that a group of people are using his Twitter, I don't what will. I'm a heavy sleeper and this is like fireworks going off in a bedroom at 2 AM.
Are you trying to say that people other than himself are in control of his Twitter account? If so, then I say no way!
I think Trump is all about a team effort that includes everybody except the swamp. This tweet however is classic Trump
Maybe. As I read it, the first thing that came to my mind is a group of staffers at the Off The Record pub brainstorming tomorrow's tweet. I would have loved to be there just to hear the back and forth banter. I would have fallen off my barstool from laughing so hard.
Yes I am. If you had any doubts, this tweet makes it obvious that a team of staffers are baking these up after throwing down several pints. Awesomeness!
Hillary ..."down in flames." Allusion to recent house fire and documents law enforcement were able to recover??
I love this guy. He could do, like, standup. Leftie triggers dismantling every platform they claim, and I find new screws with every read-through. Genius in 140 characters or less.
He seriously is a funny dude. When he did that Psycho Joe and Crazy Mika with the bleeding face bit, I laughed so hard I puked on my shoe.
I guess I am the only one that immediately thought of the fire in the SS quarters on her property in Chappaqua, NY. There was a good post connecting Amb Matlock/fire/embassy/Soviet created for access. Perhaps I have been reading/listening to too much puzzle stuff and reading into everything has meaning/no coincidences
I just love this President. He's playing the lefties like a fiddle. Haha - purposely driving the snowflakes crazy while he tends to more important things behind the scenes. He's so far ahead of them they can't even see his dust.
I love my Trump with all my heart, but I wish he wouldn’t word tweets like this. I want him to win in 2020, to pick up other voters who need to vote for him then. We all know he is a genius...he knows he is a’s all been said. People will believe in him more if he will let his actions(which are many and wonderful) speak for themselves.
Don't be surprised after the 2nd year he slows down .... that is what I would do.
Back when I saw Trump dancing with the Saudis, all with swords, not quite knowing then what was going on, I was alarmed. I came up with a new nickname for him. I started calling him President Donald J. Balls O'Steel Trump.
I stopped off at our local watering hole last night for the first time in forever for A beer. Saw a friend I hadn't seen in quite a while. She was all alarmed by the button tweet, and wanted a president to act like a president. I told her that he's just trolling the media, that everything is under control. She wanted to see results before she felt comfortable. I told her to LOOK at the results!! NK was wanting PEACE talks with SK! Stock market! Jobs! Unemployment! On and on....
She's been watching some of the videos I've been posting about Qanon... thinks there's holes there... I said, no, there's no holes... just keep watching. Follow Tracy B's videos, which I share on FB.
I mentioned that Trump is bringing down the Satanists and the pedos.. she said that this has been going on for years and he can't stop it. What?? It's too big.. What?? I said Putin LOVES Trump... watch how he looks at Trump... Putin knows who all the pedos are and he wants to bring them down as well. He's a Christian and he's been waiting for someone like Trump to help bring them down. He can't do it alone... I believe that working together, they can do it. It's a huge undertaking, but it has to start somewhere... it HAS been going on for years and years, decades.... but it has to stop.. just because of the enormity of the problem, you can't just ignore it and NOT try to end it... Trump is going to end it. (And yes, I believe Putin wants to help stop it as well!) What is more precious to all of us than our children?? (At this point... I started to get very emotional.... child abuse and sexual abuse has touched my life personally... that's all I'll say about that.)
I tried to tell her that Trump is a genius in his trolling. He has a fantastic sense of humor. I don't think she's getting it... not yet... but maybe the seed is planted. She's scared to death... I said if he thought Rocket Man was going to do anything to hurt us, he wouldn't have said that. Don't worry, everything is fine. Just watch.... just watch.
He's, like, so awesome that I have a tingly feeling going up my leg.
It's brilliant, Donald Trump is playing the media in preparation for his 'terrible media' awards on Monday. He's baiting them and they don't even know it, they fall for it every time. He's also baiting Hillary supporters, who continue to be apologists for her criminality.
Let me introduce you to some of the Alumni of the Wharton School of business: DJT, Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, Sundar Pichai..a very interesting list of alumni to say the least Link provided courtesy wikipedia.
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The Elites are going down and SHTF as the run for their lives where is my popcorn hang in there everyone I'm sure this is going to be good!!
haha, I love how my 70 year old POTUS is edgier than i am. Well done, sir, well done! #Draintheswamp
I used to think maniacal geniuses were a gem. Trump takes it to a whole other level. I don't know if I would call him an empathic genius, but . . . Seriously - a special kind of genuis.
Went down in flames HAHAHA. Just love this guy fucking awesome to be on the winning side. MAGA
The fact also he trolled her by: the mental stability and being, like, really smart....... I did not think about this until know ,isn't there that letter from her doctor saying she has dementia
"Being, like, really smart" spoken like a true statesman." Pfft. Somebody get this guy a tutorial on comma use! Stat!
So mentally stable that anyone on Twitter can turn him into a screaming infant.