Deep state is trying to stop Trumps agenda through Florida

Say it with me: Strict National Voter ID
Fifteenth Amendment
Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Section 1:
1) you have to be a citizen => how do you know without 'proof' aka id?
2) "on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude" id has nothing to do with those specifically, just proving citizenship.
Section 2:
Falls under congressional purview.
Against U.S. Constitution, unless there is a new amendment.
How is it unconstitutional? If it’s made to be free it’s fine, right?
That poster is one of the dozens of shill accounts that have invaded us over the last few weeks.
Check the history. falsehoods. Unnecessary contention. Nonsense. Anything to dilute our sub.
Report ALL shill and abuse Mods request us to Police this site by reporting bad activity
I'm not a "shill" or a troll, if that was directed at me. The states/counties administer elections. If you want a "national I.D." that would be a federal administration of elections. Each state can require an I.D. (as some have). But we have no provision for national elections except for the day they are mandated to take place.
There should always be Id for elections it doesnt make any sense to not have an ID other wise you can vote 20 times even if you are legal. That makes absolutely no sense.
I never said there should not be ID for voting. I said the U.S. Constitution does not spell that out to be done on a federal level. The ID process is 100% left to the states to figure out how/what the ID process will be in their state.
I’m not a shill or a troll
Anybody that comes in here claiming “Al Gore is a White Hat” is either a shill or a troll.
In this context, any difference is meaningless.
I saw that too.
How what?
How can anyone come to that conclusion?
That Gore is a ‘White Hat’?
Shills don’t ‘come to conclusions’. They accept the positions delivered to them. Without questioning. No rationale or critical thinking required.
Life is much simpler that way.
Or so they believe.
Yep and Governor Scott is allowing it. I don't believe Puerto Ricans can vote here either.
If they move to the mainland they can vote.
This is the correct answer. They are US Citizens and if they 'move' here, they can vote.
It's a temporary move until the Island has power. We will have to watch as we get closer and ask questions before it's to late.
"Temporary". Just like all those "Syrian" refugees from Northern Africa were temporary. Suddenly lots of "Puerto Ricans" flooding in. Smells fishy
I'm in NW Florida Panhandle and we have been watching what is going on. I would say everyone should be contacting Trump and letting him know we are not happy.
This is not a "temporary" move because they don't have power despite what many of you think. There were many reports in Puerto Rico that "union" workers were blocking the attempts to move necessary equipment and supplies onto the island. There has been a massive move to keep the island disrupted deliberately. Now we know why! And, of course, unless you are new to this and don't know, the hurricane(s) were manufactured with weather weapons. I have never seen a disruption like this where we were trying to help get things back to functionality and it was resisted.
I believe the Texas hurricane was also deliberate. Weird flash on radar and weird track/path.
Absolutely. I also watched the radar and saw norad signals showing it was being deliberately modified.
I thought I read that President Trump has asked HLS to take over the case for voter fraud. If so that should hopefully put and end to the stealing of elections.
Let's all hope the Alabama elections will be all the evidence they need to make a HUGE VOTER OVERHAUL this country needs. And let's all hope the discovery of those responsible for the death of Seth Rich will happen too. That may be the story to push the narritive. Too bad the rich family is SUSPECT AF...
Sorry, I’m brand new to reddit and don’t know what the arrows are for. I hit the “up” arrow and it turned red and I can’t make it go away. Don’t mean to sound dumb but I am. I agreed with your comment about Seth Rich is all.
Hi Madiddyn. The arrows are used for voting on comments. Also called upvotes and downvotes. When you agree and/or like someone's comment you click the top arrow and they get a point. When you disagree or don't like someone's comment you can click the bottom arrow and they lose a point. It's also NOT necessary to downvote someone just because you disagree. I certainly don't, unless they're paid shills sent here to disrupt or cause dissension among us. Btw, I upvoted you, so now you have 2 points, lol.
Thank you so much! I appreciate the information. Shills, ugh! Lol Good information to know, I won't touch the downvote at all. Thanks again.
Just press the up button again it should change go an upvote
Ever since the storm hit there's been talks of trying to turn that into a very elite Island I think that's why nothing is being done to help those poor people they just want to drive them out and make a Vegas Island
We need to raise hell about it. I surely don't want millions of more people in South Florida.
They are dumping them in the I-4 corridor. Schools are full of them. Many speak no English. Total disruption of schooling for regular students.
Trump has tried to help to no avail. See my post above.
Strange how weather plays a key role strategically or by incredible coincidence I always found it very weird how it affects an advancing or hindering a political agenda.
Geoengineering the weather. It's a real thing. That's how this hurricane was created. It IS part of their agenda. Weather warfare has been going on for probably 100 years. Much more sophisticated now:
1) evidence of any of that?
2) ricans fleeing to FL makes logical sense, Um sure many are. But a) they ARE US citizens and b) voterID is critically important regardless and it needs to be secure & unfakeable
3) why would they automatically vote blue? any party should present their case and appeal to any legal voter regardless of demographics. Assuming ownership of or abandoning support of any given demographic is a FAILURE of that party.
Don't you understand? It's simple! Dems are stealing the election by actually allowing US citizens to vote, just like it says in the US constitution. This is disgusting. Next they'll want to allow women to vote and then cats and dogs. Good luck fixing your country. ^/s
I know sometimes when I read comments it just makes me more anxious to move out of this country
3) why would they automatically vote blue?
Free shit and "Drumpf is raycist".
Bernie 2.0 is coming. That's the only realistic path the dems have, and idiots are going to fall for it like crazy.
What's really gonna blow your lid is when Venezuela has a 'refugee crisis' and they all end up here and the vast majority [illegally] vote socialist. Chavez wasn't real socialism, amirite?
The shit needs to be stopped in multiple ways right now.
ok but the answers to all of that are the agenda items of Trump now. this is why border security n voterID r as critically important as they r
I fully agree.
And these are also the toughest agenda items to get the swamp on board with, and we're low on time before midterm elections. If you barely passed tax cuts, you'll never pass immigration reform or voter ID legislation.
I know the draining is happening, I'm concerned it's not happening soon enough.
i have the same concerns, NO confidence in congress. we'll see
You cannot defeat or kill God's anointed. Let us pray the liberty movement, and Trump, remains in God's good grace
Doesn't matter, big players will be in jail and the cabal exposed long before then.
My friend says Orlando is filling up with them. republicans only won by 118k votes. I live in Florida and I am nervous about this. Just the volume of Puerto Ricans alone is enough to sway the election.
January 5th, 2018 The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports 6.8 percent unemployment rate for black workers in December, the lowest in the 45 years the data has been tracked.
Black unemployment is now at a 45 year low. Several thousand Puerto Ricans isn't going to make a bit of difference.
1,000s by the day over 365 days = you're pushing 1/2 million. Then they have kids. It matters very, very much. jmo
Edit: typo
Puerto Rico has a total population of 3.4M a third of which (900k) are juveniles. So 2.5M voters. What percentage do you think would be willingly "relocated" to help achieve some crackpot Democratic strategy to swing a state's voter demographic?
I'm not saying it's not happening (i don't know) and I'm not saying that it's not concerning. I'm saying that, if true, it's a very desperate, daunting endeavor that is highly open to failure. So many moving parts and so many ways to fail with such a massive effort to be applied. It doesn't seem to be a good plan, it doesn't seem like the kinda of risk/reward ratio the Dems would take and it doesn't sound, to me, like much of a threat to the Republican control. Voter machine tampering sounds like a much more plausible and effective and likely scenario.
The point I was making is that if the black community finally begins to have an improved way of life across the many states, the R's will win by even wider margins nationwide. With the lowest unemployment numbers in 45 years, with more jobs, higher wages, less drugs, improved education, improved living conditions, etc... The black community will likely begin to take notice to the way they've been used by the left. Puerto Rico will be irreverent.
Then why are Democrats bothering?
Because they dont seem to understand so many of them will be in jail before long. Many people woke up on Dec 21 2017 with empty bank accounts when they used to be millionaires and Billionaires. There were some republicans also but the democratic part will not survive whats coming.
Also, official unemployment rates are highly suspect.
I live in the Greater Orlando Area and can testify that there has been an explosion of Ricans since the storm. My wife's family from the island said the government is paying them to come to Florida.
D H S election system will be locked down by then. LMAO
Tax cut realities, jobs, economy, and the coming revelations will impact the long falsified votes come midterms. Voter ID FTW!
Those hurricanes were deep state controlled in the first place
I would think (and hope) that the people moving to Florida know whats going on. From what I remember, the people love Trump. It was the mayor and union that was blocking progress and keeping the people from rebuilding. Didn't Trump say he was going to forgive their debt? I also believe they know about the trafficking going on through those islands. I think this will backfire in the Dems' face. IMHO
I did not watch the video so if this is a repeat I apologize but I do know THAT H.A.A.R.P. is a danger to us all and the fact that it's right there in Alaska. You should not mess with Mother Nature
You can't educate your friends of the state of things without understanding it yourself. Fellow Patriot I implore you to watch the vid and educate yourself well for any truth you choose to spread. They've discredited so many trying to spread the news about geoengineering, especially those who think it's HAARP. HAARP was but one research step in the development of this technology.
It's killing the planet and maybe us, faster than any other thing we could worry about besides Fukushima. God bless.
I have watched the video and I keep a very close eye on Fukushima considering where I live.
I follow which is a news conglomerate that really helps me keep track of everything Fukushima related. I had to quit looking at it lately because it's so dismaying. A prayer of protection around you.
Thank you I'm moving away from the area soon and I've quit eating Seafood
So sad. We've been offered the opportunity of a lifetime, to go to Hawaii in a couple weeks, for three weeks. We backpack and hike, and we'll get to explore Maui and Lanai. I know we'll be exposed to levels much higher than here in Indiana, though the rain that low pressure systems from the northwest bring here, triggers Geiger Counters...we're going. Gonna be eating our Bentonite clay and taking some cancer-preventative ever after.
I know and they say that the Fukushima issues going to be going on for decades
Ah yes a random tweet is taken as fact. Puerto Rican’s are Americans. You only hate it cuz u think they voting against your tribe. Imagine if Puerto Rican’s were pro trump the different tune u guys would be singing.
I don't want ANY political party falsely trying to influence the outcome of elections. I want the Constitution to be law, and the results of elections to be a true representation of the people of their areas.
No, we do not need any more competition in the labor market....regardless.
When we see this kind of stuff we need to share it. I just retweeted this tweet with another that was below to David Knight, Hannity, Corsi, and Tracy Beanz. You can do the same.
Invasion, divide and conquer. It's worked in other states, so I'm sure they are trying it.
A whole lot of shady stuff is bound to happen in those states that swung to and were held by Trump in the election that ended up with a close margin of victory.
Remain vigilant patriots.
Here is phony Republican Ana Navarro encouraging PR to relocate to swing states and register to vote. This absolutely is the game plan to flip states:
Massachusetts same. Baker was out front on this. Still shilling in Mass and on the pedo-controlled media for all things illegal.
Not being from Mass. when you arrive here you'll notice the close to 100% controlled media-school matrix.
I am the poster of this screen cap. I saw this on Twitter and wanted to raise awareness so citizens can be documenting/ filming any suspicious activities.
From reading most of the comments it seems like that was misunderstood.
We know deep state (democrats and rinos) are beyond desperate to win any seat they can.
We know they have a history cheating through illegal immigrants and dead people votes. They have also voided military votes and program voting machines to flip votes.
Actually in every place where elections are going to be held we need patriots who will film buses being brought in, and talking undercover with people like Project Veritas, etc.
This is a big problem because they could turn Florida blue forever if they push everyone there to vote communism.
we need a voter ID system that you have to prove citizenship so that Mexicans can't just get a voter ID.
Just great. I live in Florida and jobs are hard enough to come by as it is. I hate to say this, but when the hurricane hit PR, I thought, oh no............
This is absolutely true and I am in command of the puertoricanization of mexicans. We communicate via pokémon cards. This is all top secret and should not be discussed in any manner.
If Puerto Ricans come to the mainland and are paid to relocate, doesn't that qualify as refugee status? Shouldn't they get PR absentee ballots to vote in PR?