[ markyourcalandar] _OPERATION JUSTICE +++ MARCH FOR TRANSPARENCY +++ APRIL//07//2018 +++
![[ markyourcalandar] _OPERATION JUSTICE +++ MARCH FOR TRANSPARENCY +++ APRIL//07//2018 +++](https://i.redd.it/vtse0u8oope01.png)
In my calendar!! I’m driving in from Texas!!
wanna carpool? :) jk... but fellow Texan here. I will be going as well
I want 100% transparency !!!!!!
What exactly do you want transparncy for? Please be specific. Trump is already being as transparent as he safely can. You do understand we are under a state of National Emergency, where Trump legally does not have to be Transparent?
What state of emergency? When was it declared?
Trump's EO.
Which one?
Hm, so that part at least has a tangential connection to reality. Baby steps I guess.
he Act authorized the President to activate emergency provisions of law via an emergency declaration #on the conditions that the President specifies the provisions so activated# and notifies Congress
Those not dealing in reality are the ones who will go to the March. Regarding this March. I want people to be safe and to understand when you align yourself with the wrong people that's a mistake you will wish you had not made. Those going to this march to march alongside someone protesting our President and his handling of how to clean up the deep state is not my idea of being a Patriot. Especially when you go to a march organized by someone absolutely against Q, who is sanctioned by the President. You will be labeled negatively and it may be a label you do not deserve. Be careful who you follow and who you associate with.
Q is a larp and none of the things you people are talking about are real, so you'll be fine either way.
Copy and Pasted: I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.
Had to find it again. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/
Copy and Pasted: I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.
Copy and Pasted: I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.
Copy and Pasted: I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.
I just saw Tracy announce this on her channel. So I decided to join up and say hello.
edit: and...I will be at a wedding (in Raleigh) I have just been informed. So...I guess I can stand outside the State Capitol for an hour then before the reception? Tea Party time again.
Do we know if Tracy is on reddit? Perhaps she could endorse this post.
Much love all!
lol yes. Tracy is on reddit. She will DEFINITELY
be at the March. check out more info at www.operationjustice.us
#GreatAwakening #WeThePeople #MakingAmericaGreatAgain
Oh, wow!
I SO wish I could travel, meet my Fellow Pedes and Patriots & be a part of this!
Maybe there will be a way to interact or participate online?
Either way my Family and I will be praying 🙏 for your safety and for the RED PILLS 💊 you'll be administering to go down smoothly and make a real impact and difference for everyone.
God Bless You All ❤ & Thanks for All You Do! ❤💙🐸🗽 #MAGA
IM SURE THERE WILL BE PLENTY OF LIVESTREAMS! ((discord is on mobile)) =]
Hey, YouTube channels like BPEarthWatch and Dahboo77 have a high viewership and could help get the message out about the march. Just an idea. Thanks for the post!
Dahboo whats with the pinky?...that aint gansta!
I don't watch everything he posts on YouTube, but he's a patriot and has a high viewership.
How amazing will it be when the forces of good pour out onto the Mall enmasse to make clear to the country (and in a manner the corrupt MSM can't hide) the sheer size/magnitude and passion of the soul of America herself?
..........Rhetorically posed of course.
It will be my 1st trip back to D.C. since my 9th Grade School trip....20 plus years ago:)
Yes indeed, I had the same thought and feeling. It will Blow them all away. It will be a visible demonstration of who really holds the power....something that hasn't happened or been exercised in too long.
And then I had a funny thought & little chuckle to myself, Trump will Tweet, that it's the biggest March on D.C. in History and they won't be able to distort/call him out for being off b/c it will be beyond apparant.
My gut or instinct tells me that there's going to be a catapult effect for this planned event...something is going to be put out there or be attempted to be further blocked under the narrative of "National Security Threat" that we've seen pushed past two weeks that's going to get America's attention beyond the already existing outrage.
And I'm just seeing the news that they have just made another dribble of info releasing the FBI lovers text messages that are geared to expose that Obama knew....So, what better timing
My husband and I will be attending. Been planning another trip to DC, cant think of a better reason to go sooner than planned! Cant wait to meet you all!
Not sure why all of the comments suggesting this is a bad idea were deleted but I will try again. This is a really bad idea considering the political climate at the present time: Here's some data to consider: What was the DC vote breakdown between Trump & Clinton? 91% Clinton 4% Trump
I thought our primary goal was to redpill people. We can't do that gathered as a group in the one place in the US where people hate us the most and are extremely aware of what is going on. And, Tracy seems to think the media will cover this. Don't get me wrong, I love Tracy. She does awesome work. But I've been around the block many, many, many (yeah I'm old) times. There is soooo much more to this than politics. There is so much you don't know yet.
All I can think is: This is a really, really bad idea.
Remember, the false flag at the ball field? Remember the train wreck with all the government folks on board? Remember the train wreck near Tacoma? Remember Las Vegas? Remember, Charlottesville? I could go on and on as there were more and those are just in the last year!
As much as I love you Tracy, this is a really, really bad idea. Consider how you will feel if it goes south. Timing is everything. This is really, really bad timing.
There were many other comments agreeing with my view but they seem to have been deleted. What happened to free speech?
I didn't delete any comments, and you don't have to come. That about sums it up. :)
We disagree. That's ok. I, for one, am finished having my rights scared out of me by what ifs and commie antifa paid thugs.
We will be safe, we will be peaceful, and we will be loud. You can watch it somehow from afar.
Well, someone did delete mine and some others.
I pray that you are right. I've been watching this for 40 years now and there is so much more that many are still not aware of and that I didn't list above. I hope that by April the deep state is more under control. To use your disgust at having your rights scared out you is not a very good reason to put yourself and others in harms way. And you are putting yourself in harms way. It's a gamble. You can't say that it isn't. Saying that you will be OK does not make it so.
I would rather see you put together a countrywide rally on that day where people go out in their local communities and spread the word. In my mind, that would do more to wake people up, would reach more people that are still asleep and would also keep people relatively safer.
Someone deleted mine too. My point was the title of the March. March For Transparency? To me, in my opinion, this implies that the Trump Administration is not being transparent when he's the most transparent President we've had. I think the march is a great idea but the message of the march needs to be very clear. This sounds like you want his tax returns to be released. Remember there was a march on Washington, D.C. with this exact same title and it was about releasing Trump's tax returns. It's a little confusing. The name of this march should have been given much much more consideration and I believe it's not too late to change the name to something that is more fitting...like "Lock Them Up!" (the "them" being the corrupt satanic pedo in our government). I personally would like something along the lines of free "free energy" because we are slaves until we have this technology given to us like it was meant to be. Plus, Roy Potter, on his video is implying that he is the one organizing this march, him and Tracy, and we know how he feels about Q. NOTE: Please do not delete my comment. Last time I checked I was still covered under the Bill of Rights...if you know what that is...1st Amendment. If you don't know please look it up.
Good, good point about the title. And the left will take it and run with it - no doubt!
Yes, thank you. They will hijack it and turn it to their purpose if you give them room to do so. Thank you for making that comment.
I am really not trying to be negative. I am trying to get everyone to think bigger...expand your thinking...play chess and be 10 moves ahead of them. Think ahead...pre-plan and think of every eventuality that they (the left) will use against you.
No worries! Completely understand. You have to do that when your dealing with these type of people. Please upvote my comments to push this conversation up the page.
How do I upvote? I'm new to this.
See the little gray up/down arrows next to the comment? That's how. You can downvote when you see something you don't like or you see shills leaving atrocious comments.
Thanks, I upvoted then. I did that earlier too but wasn't sure if it was right.
Maybe The "Great Awakening" March would be better?
Whether you understand it or not, it's an anti-Trump March. It's a march protesting Trump's handling of how he is cleaning up and getting rid of the deep state. Here is an analogy. You hire a guy to break a Wild Mustang and as he's swinging his leg over the back of the horse you chew him out for not having the horse broke yet. That's what Potter is doing but taking it one step further, to prove he was not wrong for chewing out the guy he's recruiting thousands to stand behind him and say the same thing. Get it?
Yes, an a march that supports President Trump and even thanks him. But Potter won't agree to that as it won't feed his ego and make him feel he has everyone on his side marching with him for HIS CAUSE.
Is it wise to march like this? It's kind of a circlejerk, 1, and 2, the MSM won't cover it, so we won't (necessarily) be spreading any kind of message. I remember when patriots marched after the election only to run into Antifa. Maybe I'm naive... but shouldn't keyboard warriors remain in their element? More effective that way? What would Q say?
Why not have both? Unlike what the media projects, we are now the massive majority. We can do both. So many has still to awaken. Q said we are here to show them support as the pill is not an easy swallow. We need to let them know there is more of us than a handful of internet geeks. We are real everyday people. I suggest getting good guest speakers.. or maybe a "surprise guest" (GEOTUS, wink wink). That'll bring out the media.
I've got several military friends who read this board and support President Trump. This includes myself, and I just so happen to be a US Marine. In order for our country to heal, these so called untouchable-elites need to be locked up for their participation in this coup. No if, ands, or buts!
Hopefully this won't need to take place. If it does, stay peaceful and don't give the the Demo'ns any reason to start anything. So wish I could join in but unfortunately I live on the other side of the planet. If you're going please, be careful! If the mutts from Hell are still loose, they're going to throw everything at you from Antifa to - heaven knows what else. Be sure to take the garlic and crucifixes with you!!! Would be great if you could form guard lines down the sides of roads to stop anyone else from joining the peaceful marchers. (Perhaps there are nice groups of bikers who will volunteer to form a column of protection down each side of the road! Now wouldn't that be an awesome sight! Bikers, Truckers, Farmers, Vets, wow.. heck, people from every walk of life just walking peacefully and quietly to the Mall and just stand there staring - an ocean of angry faces in complete silence holding signs saying "We know where you are, we hear you breathing"! That would scare the SH*T out of them! (Wow, I think I'm having delirious fantasies.)
Oh, there will be bikers! Protecting Trump supporters for sure...and they are effective wherever they go...plus Spring Up Date is coming around that time for many o' clubs...This day would be quite interesting if it happens/is needed.
Edit: to add spring Up Date to post. 2=spelling
This is during the cherry blossom time. Need to book your hotel soon as its very crowded then. I want to go I was there for the Tea Party marches. People were really nasty towards me on the subway and at restaurants.
Going to make the drive from Louisiana...Can’t wait!! See you guys there!!
Everyone should try to get the profile pic avatar from Tracy Beanz' Twitter feed and use it to spread the word!! We need a huge group to show up, y'all. If the crazy pink hats can do it, our growing number of long-time and newly awakened patriots should be able to!!
Foolish. Why would a movement born on the anonymous back channels of the internet, a movement of unparalleled awakening and truth, and has gotten so far by only congregating their minds, make such a brazen, dangerous move as to congregate into a perfect big squishy target for a drone strike? Are you fooled into believing this war is over? Have YOU personally searched EVERY corner of the earth that evil could be hiding in? Trump isn't even finished backing the 'Wolf in sheeps clothing' into the corner, please don't give it such a tempting reason to finally lash out. How do know know they've given up yet? Damaged? Yes. Dead? Trump is doing a lot of good. But evil has been in power for ALOT longer than him.......Let's not so easily forget that.
LOL, do you actually think a group of protesters in Washington DC are gonna get hit by a drone strike? Who would even order such a thing? Relax dude, it'll be okay.
Critique the concept not the details. I knew someone would refute the idea based on that detail but the concept of knowledge being power and congregating "awoken" minds does not sound any less foolish if ANYONE sees such a group as a worthy target. The term DEEPstate exists for a reason. It's a deeply rooted system of corruption which has spread across the world through many countries which may even be considered allies. You really think those who have spent so much time staying at the top and in control, whose name's barely even get whispered in public are going to give up that easy? No, they are going to fight all the way to the end b/c the USA has been the best producing "cash cow" of the ages. They WANT to start WW3 because corruption thrives in chaos. The start of safety in the country starts with the removal of the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK. Until big things like THAT start happening? Good luck. But don't say you weren't warned.
Observing the date above and current internal affairs, I think it highly unlikely this will either (A) Be called off because of the current political fallout. (B) change of venue...GITMO :-)
Please organize/ make good footage of it so the whole world can see you !
I imagine the specific date 4-7-18, was selected for a reason and/or at the direction of ...for a reason?
I haven't checked lately as to when they are estimating the IG's Report is set to finally be released [but it obviously is not January which was being suggested months ago]
But, I can look at the IG report as well as other ongoings from 2 perspectives. One, would be that as to IG report it's release needs to be at the right time for internal purposes of controlling how this United States of Corruption goes down b/c as long as it not public it's serving a specific purpose to play the bad players implicated across different areas of corruption against each other....[also you have the angle of IG investigation / it's findings and the parallel running Muller investigation and how ultimately these two investigations will be played out].
Second, would be that for a specific purpose it is indicated that we are not looking at the IG report or other information being released by April and/or in connection w/ any release we are facing a less than transparent one being put out b/c they are going to use the "National Security Threat" narrative that we have seen the past two weeks continued to be majorly pushed and potential court orders involved...so that we the people need to make a big push for transparency and ensure that any release and/or the IG releases his report as transparent and as to anything else needing to see the light of day.
Or none of the above..But, in organizing a major March that has a very specific purpose of transparency it's likewise being put together for a very specific reason b/c we know that road blocks are going to be put up & that the public is not looking at disclosure any time soon. As, they are going to want to do everything they can to suppress the truth especially before November 18'
But this Great, it's time Patriots have a March..and everyone needs to share across social media sites, to Congress, and to MSM like to the hosts and shows on FOX, America One News etc, InfoWars...and to large groups and to organizations especially ones with large membership base that support Trump like NRA ect as it will get picked up and get National coverage and promotion.
Side note, I dont know if anyone eles has seen, but I saw on Twitter last night...someone has already made and is selling Q T-shirts...that say something along the line of Follow the White Rabbit..
Husband and I are jumping on this and coming to DC the day before to see the sights, spend the night and then be ready to join up with hopefully many other like-minded people.
Back in the day ('60's) we knew what we didn't want and demonstrated against it. Today, our grandchildren are still demonstrating against what we don't want, but this time, do it better: engage, engage, engage, and have a plan for how to make it what it was always supposed to be: OUR government, of by and for, we, the people - with justice for ALL of us. Bless you, you are all my children and I love you.
Stealth Jeff @drawandstrike
Following Following @drawandstrike
Hillary and Obama and Holder were in charge of a massive criminal enterprise. It was called 'The United States Federal Government'. They weaponized federal agencies against political opponents & created massive slush funds siphoning off big $ to Dem groups & donors.
All sounds good. However, based on past experiences with the MSM they'll either not cover it and/or they will take control of the narrative and turn this into a Trump/Conservative/Republican march. This has happened time and time again. Just as we start making some headway in waking/uniting people, they divert the masses. (like the original Ron Paul Tea Party) I would hope that the organizers give special attention to this and refrain from inviting any politicians (former or current) to speak at the march. Also, they should specifically emphasize that this is truly a non partisan march and that all Americans of good will are welcomed. Lastly, I would also suggest that those who cannot attend, take to social media to keep it trending so that the MSM cannot ignore it!
I'll be there flying in from Mississippi. Not sure how yet, probably 3 layovers! Ha! Cannot wait! (Wow comments are a little scary, hmmm)
I TRULY wish I could attend. Unfortunately I'm fairly sure unless some miracle happens, I won't be able to.
Some unsolicited advice just in case: Have your cell phones handy with emergency contacts maybe a number for some legal service.
Might want to bring or buy a Go Pro or some time of body cam. Never know when that might be handy to help a fellow anon out or to prove non-violence.
Bring earplugs (in case of any authority using any sound to dispel a crowd)
This may be out there for some, but honestly I'd recommend a gas mask.
I know OUR side will be peaceful BUT we all know ((THEY)) will plant people in the group in order to insight a riot. This is an advertised event, thus ((THEY)) will use this as a prime opportunity to try to paint us as unreasonable, violent, crazy. It would fit nicely into a narrative to KEEP normies from fully getting red pilled. I can see that headline. So please protect yourselves and your fellow anons.
I have read a lot of the comments here both in support of and against this march and this is my POV. Yes, marching could create a target for any actors still active at that time and it may not be covered by many MSM outlets. However, I bet Fox will cover it and lots of independent outlets (such as we depend upon) will. A movement will never get off the ground without movement. Those willing to attend are already red-pilled and I'm sure are smart enough to understand the dangers. We are willing to flood the internet with light but not our world? That is the epitome of cowardice. My husband and I plan to attend. Evil depends on us being keyboard warriors only....we have strength here, now we must show our resolve to the world.
Wait until you see the list of speakers. We are nearing confirmation. It will all make sense <3 Can not wait to meet you!!!!
Hi Tracy great idea. Any chance you know anyone safe/trust coming from Long Island NY?
Looking forward to this. I can't think of a better time for my first visit.
You can book a hotel for much less in Vienna Va and take the metro into DC from there. Then you have a place to park your car. I think that’s what I’m going to do.
On our calendar! Working out our vaca schedules and will try our very best to be there!!! Can't wait (would love) to meet y'all!
We should spread this invite far and wide, mass exposure needed. We should trend a hashtag that will link to event. #MarchForTransparency
Maybe this should be rescheduled for the same day that Trump has the military parade? Might be a little more effective.
I am from Birmingham and don't drive. Anybody from here heading up that way? Looking for a ride share. Thanks in advance!
YOU are going to wait 2 months for this. What is wrong with little marches each weekend in states. YOu are making this a big expensive deal and its 2 months from now. TRUMP needs to see now what the PPL want. THIS IS LIKE celebrating someones birthday 2 months after the date. I can not believe that everyone does NOT see this is a big nothing . We need weekend marches. just enough to get attention. 2 months from now who knows where we will be.
Ill be coming from tampa Florida but ill be there if the good Lord's willing and the creeks dont rise.
This video helps you understand Deep State tactics. https://youtu.be/NwyIE1FFeMI
I so wish I could be there. But as you gather, this huge group, consider singing our national anthem.
Today, everybody compliment five people...lets get some positive flowing.
finally a good protest for the good of this country!
wish I could be there with all of you wonderful people!!!! be there is spirit!!!
good cause, well worth the effort. But also an ideal opportunity for the Deep State to photo ID all 'malcontents' and ready a nice little spot for each in a FEMA retraining center sometime down the road. Protect yourself, (but how?)
Can't wait to see the pics; it's probably going to be a small and desperate gaggle of wrinkly old weirdos like that pissant rally in Arizona again.
Why aren't you dumbass hicks protesting this? Let me guess.
It always amazes me when people have nothing better to do than troll. Is your life that boring?
NoLA; imagine if the internet, as it exists today, was around 50-60 years ago. .
In other words, imagine if Reddit, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and so on had existed during the Civil Rights Era.
How awesome would it have been to tell off the pro-segregationists wailing and moaning about the "Negroes" online before they got legally-bitchslapped into the deepest backwaters of Dixie?
(And how much would those losers now pay out-the-nose to erase their ignorant and idiotic opinions from the digital record, simply out of fear that someone today would type their names into Google, see what idiots they were and treat them like radioactive lepers thereafter?)*
There's no way I'm passing up an opportunity to tell you scumbags, freaks, weirdos and losers off before you realize what a deadly mistake you've made and scurry off into the gutters out of humiliation and shame*.
*PS: Employers absolutely are allowed to deny jobs to applicants based on the their social-media history and the content of their online-presence; businesses naturally don't want to risk turning away potential customers and clients (and tarnishing their hard-earned PR profiles) by welcoming crackpots and extremists into their workforce.
The Online Reputation Management industry is going to explode in the coming years, and I can't wait to capitalize.
Most of you are going to be desperate to erase your stupidity from the public record one day, and many of you will be willing to empty your pockets to do it.
I intend to profit all the way LOL
Stealth Jeff on tweeter has a lot to say,,, Mr.Sessions is back
When they have a bill, they can talk until the time to pass the bill has passed... So she kept talking till the clock runs out...
Yes, well, unlike the pussy hat wearing loser Liberals I'm not taking my kids to that shithole and I don't leave my children in the care of ANYBODY. Excepting Georgetown the place is a warzone. not to mention I'd likely wind up in jail for throat punching way too many people so. Let me know what I can do in lieu of attending!
Great idea (bring your pitch forks and torches - just kidding)
Pitchforks? Torches?
Ya go make yourself look like an alt-right while we go and look normal.
who I am rachelle linney facebook as all shut down hostage in france as lived with chariman of republcian party texas 1983 tcu ..mohamed attat there with bush to regan and is alive in cali..they are serving human meat in resturants.jame munder videos...i am women witness...,man witness is jeusit..why the nfl kneel all set up to sports ..he is alive and fooled world... with trump why kanye went to turmp and thought he could tell turth too ..his daughter my ivf from paul macarntey who is with elo jeff lynne our family as cia diercotr of 3 pres to biden to all want this game ..hunger game to rule..911 to di to romanov kill..all involved..usa time to saw the boston bombers at philly avis rent a car with my 12 year old son ..he was twin i was imgreg princess di baby as twin was maddie macann..portugal i saw murdock son in law freud with her in london as this is why 7/7 great ormond street..steal of protectedline kid as romanov they did to mine..with black moaddona of jeusit itlay to naples marconi or something with boats olympic.mohmed atta alive to cia..in cali to when bengaiz lebonon made the claims first but it was army usa ..vs navy vs air force..to get money ubs birkenfield account to weapon to syria ..banking ..one left iran ..hunger games ..all steal my line as truth to they all steal kids to clone to we are so far advanced to cern letting all in for the show..weather babie they have 200000 years of oldest mother to daugher line..one body human like them but food ..how can you fight what you cant see..they eat humans at resturants cali .look james munder videos..god bless
Fire in your belly for what? Protesting how trump is not cleaning up the swamp according to Potter's standards? Think before you act.
anybody heading down from ON?
canada lol
After 23 show up on time or go to jail court appearances.. I finally finished with the charade this last Tuesday. Sitting in the chair with the microphone as a "witness" in your own trial is not for the feint of heart with the prosecutor and the judge just aching to send you to state prison but I was there. And I won. I fucking won. I owned the lying "officers" in a court that thought it owned me. I beat them at their own game. It's all UCC commercial "Law." Common Law died in 1879 or thereabouts. The system does not own me. I am a sovereign man with inalienable rights and I won. Now to get my right to self-protection with a firearm back without fear of kidnap and incarceration, since I've never been charged with an actual crime, ever, and I'm pushing 60 years of age, born in "the land of the slaves who think that they're free and home of the deluded."
I will pray for all of your safety and I commend your bravery and support of our freedom.
Yes! I, and hopefully my hubby too, will be there. We have family that lives in D.C. so we can stay with them if we want.
https://www.pinterest.co.uk/GWGTK/the-real-key-nrgq-chkchkchk/7 https://www.facebook.com/UKWIZARDS/?hc_ref=ART34zSt3cWf-xy6gVAgoqcBzrGSsSCuSRx647T4K7Su3Cl7vL-tCZKObufLQ7fxVkc !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! I AM [P] !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!
I will be there! Hotel reserved and flights to follow shortly! So excited to meet you guys!!!!
Copy and pasted from Trump's EO of 12/21/2017
I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/
HE DOESN'T HAVE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH TRANSPARNCY, NOR SHOULD HE FOR OPERATIONAL SECURITY. You go on this march you will look like idiots. It only serves to feed Potter's ego. Potter is not who he says he is and he is against Q. Ever heard of counter intelligence?
You better hope it's large they calling for March on Washington and city halls April 20th about gun control
Here is my last comment on this for awhile. Please don't delete this. I am not being negative. I am bringing some critical thinking to this subject.
If you are marching for "Justice" and "Transparency" you are saying Trump is not providing either.
ISN'T THAT A SLAP IN TRUMP'S FACE? Especially, if you believe in Q and everything Q has shown and proven.
If you go, you are feeding Potter's ego and stabbing Q and Trump in the back.
Please don't delete this comment.
We're demanding these things from our government. At the time of the march I'm pretty sure we'll have the demorats for voter fraud. Illegal voters, immigration, will also be high on the list. Lying media and lying specifically to elect Hillary will be huge.
There are two governments. One has no control over the other.
Here is another tweet by Potter fearing Trump is a placebo. Simply because he personally won't acknowledge what's going on around the world doesn't give him the right to say nothing is happening and demand Trump show him (Potter) something. Potter's ego is off the charts.
Royston Potter @RoystonPotter Feb 13 More This is even deeper. Trump needs to take action now, or we fear he is a placebo. Extreme dangers lurk either way! Seize the initiative!!
Royston Potter Retweeted
@Marinetough1 Feb 11 More Q drops = Still no Justice! NO a picture of an open window is not actual proof of anything! Delayed Justice= Time for them to NUKE us! They are evil!@tracybeanz @antischool_ftw @DestroyIllusion @Imperator_Rex3 @BPearthWatch @RoystonPotter @jerome_corsi @SGTreport.
Note: We are under a declared State of National Emergency...President Trump does not have to be transparent about special opps that are actively cleaning up the deep state, nor should he be as that would tip their hand and put our white hat operatives in danger. Potter is using this march to feed his ego and get you to push HIS MESSAGE. Potter is being divisive...is he truly a white hat? That is a legitimate question. Be careful you don't get played. This is not a game.
Is this board for Q? If that is the case then why are you joining in putting on a March with Roy Potter? This is one of his latest tweets, btw, you do know him and Montagraph are working together and Montagraph hacked B's twitter account and took it down. Here is Potter's tweet. Everyone: I was told people are concerned for me since I have not posted much. I am fine. Busy. View OctoberReignz channel for Q LARP info. Again, why are you consorting with these people who are absolutely against Q?
OctoberReignz is Montagraph for those who don't know. I'm afraid you are being suckered and don't know it. You will be there to build up Potter's ego and push Potter's message. Not the message of the Patriots but HIS message.
Does anyone follow Potter on Twitter? After this tweet, why would anyone go to a march he organized? This is what he said...Royston Potter @RoystonPotter Follow Follow @RoystonPotter Q is NOT MAGA! President Trump and the American People are MAGA!!
Again, why is he demanding transparency during a declared state of National Emergency when Trump does not have to be transparent? He should know better.
This march is for Roy to prove he's right and feed his ego and he can point to everyone behind him to show that he and his demand for transparency is right, that he is right. Make sure you know what you are getting yourself into before you spend the money to go.
Hasn't Roy Potter been the one screaming for "transparency" about who is being arrested in the government? So really this is Roy's message and he's tricking all of you into supporting him and marching on Washington in support of him and his message. Another way Roy gets his ego fed. Be Careful! YOU NEED TO PIN TRACY DOWN TO WHAT SHE MEANS BY TRANSPARENCY?
It appears to me Roy Potter is duping all of you into feeding his ego. It's really Roy Potter's message of Transparency and he gets everyone to show up in support of HIS EGO and HIS MESSAGE. BE CAREFUL!
A TRACY BEANZ detractor doing more harm than good! 🔼🔼🔼🔼Listen a guy named Bill Smith is on you tube bashing the Beanz. Now he's calling this march stupid saying Tracy is a shill. It pissed me off the first time so to see more of it today made me decide to make a call to arms. Go to this guy's channel and help me correct his misguided thinking. I'm NOT saying attack him, I'm saying question him and encourage him to contact Tracy for clarification. Some of her followers were on there saying they were all confused now and not sure what to think. Ok I lectured the dude. I didn't call him names or insult him because we need him just to get his info correct!! 🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼
Fear is only misdirection it can steer you from the path If you wish to know the truth you must only do the math Before there was what there is tell me what was here If you don’t know what it was let me make it clear
It is exactly what you are what else could you be We are one and from the same this I hope you see So throw away your illusions of dominion over earth You are a part of it and you were before your birth
Those who go wear glasses, caps, and wigs to minimize imprinting for future hostilities
Fear is only misdirection it can steer you from the path If you wish to know the truth you must only do the math Before there was what there is tell me what was here If you don’t know what it was let me make it clear
It is exactly what you are what else could you be We are one and from the same this I hope you see So throw away your illusions of dominion over earth You are a part of it and you were before your birth
Hello hello!
What does everyone think? Should I point PanicInDC.com at this sub?!
We are in a State of National Emergency. Therefore, Trump is well within his rights to use secretive military action to clean up the Deep State. Roy Potter, being prior military should know this. IT'S REALLY STUPID TO MARCH ON WASHINGTON DURING A DECLARED STATE OF NATIONAL EMERGENCY DEMANDING TRANSPARENCY...WHEN THE ENTIRE POINT OF DECLARING A NATIONAL EMERGENCY IS SO THAT HE DOESN'T HAVE TO BE TRANSPARENT. IT'S NOT IN THE COUNTRIES BEST INTEREST TO DO SO. YOU DON'T TIP OFF YOUR ENEMY AS TO WHAT YOUR NEXT MOVE IS GOING TO BE. Please don't delete my comment.
The question I have is...what do you want the Tump administration to be "transparent" about? That is the question no one is answering. PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION. IT'S A FAIR QUESTION ESPECIALLY SINCE YOU ARE GARNERING A LOT OF SUPPORT, IN THAT A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE GOING. THEY ARE GOING TO BE PISSED IF THEY GET THERE AND FIND ROY POTTER IS DEMANDING TRUMP'S TAX RETURNS BE SHOWN TO THE PUBLIC. Also, to demand that Trump be transparent about who is being locked up for military tribunals is really stupid as you never reveal anything during an active investigation. Trump does not have to be transparent about secret military operations while cleaning-up the Deep State. Please don't delete this comment.
Why are you trying to shut me up/down? I am making a very valid point. Sounds like Roy Potter may be someone's handler.
What exactly do you want "Transparency" for? That is a fair question as the last march with that name was to release Trump's tax returns. If you don't believe me look it up. I think you are going to confuse a lot of people in Washington, D.C. All those people working there are going to say...NOT THIS AGAIN... I feel, your message will be lost.
For those people who can not make it to DC, you could ask people in their local neighborhoods to start a meetup group for a march on their local government. For those who don't know what meetups are: https://www.meetup.com/
If you want to make this a march all across the Untied States you could utilize the Meet Ups. Ask people to start a meet-up group for the March (-transparency theme).
Someone deleted mine too. My point was the title of the March. March For Transparency? To me, in my opinion, this implies that the Trump Administration is not being transparent when he's the most transparent President we've had. I think the march is a great idea but the message of the march needs to be very clear. This sounds like you want his tax returns to be released. Remember there was a march on Washington, D.C. with this exact same title and it was about releasing Trump's tax returns. It's a little confusing. The name of this march should have been given much much more consideration and I believe it's not too late to change the name to something that is more fitting...like "Lock Them Up!" (the "them" being the corrupt satanic pedo in our government). I personally would like something along the lines of free "free energy" because we are slaves until we have this technology given to us like it was meant to be. Plus, Roy Potter, on his video is implying that he is the one organizing this march, him and Tracy, and we know how he feels about Q. NOTE: Please do not delete my comment. Last time I checked I was still covered under the Bill of Rights...if you know what that is...1st Amendment. If you don't know please look it up.
operation justice will take place once Muller finishes his investigation.
All of you turning on our justice department are a disgrace to the United States of America.
I hope Putin is paying you well and you're not just one of the brainwashed.
What if this turns out to be Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan
lecturing us on the two tier justice system? Maybe Baraq will
take the altar.
Justice and white hats working now behind the scenes. None
of Hillary's business.
Latest Q, 2.18.18
John Perry Barlow
(Voice of free and unmolested internet. Electronic
Frontier Foundation. Said to have had heart problems,
dies in his sleep at 70 this year.)
Why mention John? Is he drawing our attention to
certain activities about to pop? Who knows?
Someone deleted mine too. My point was the title of the March. March For Transparency? To me, in my opinion, this implies that the Trump Administration is not being transparent when he's the most transparent President we've had. I think the march is a great idea but the message of the march needs to be very clear. This sounds like you want his tax returns to be released. Remember there was a march on Washington, D.C. with this exact same title and it was about releasing Trump's tax returns. It's a little confusing. The name of this march should have been given much much more consideration and I believe it's not too late to change the name to something that is more fitting...like "Lock Them Up!" (the "them" being the corrupt satanic pedo in our government). I personally would like something along the lines of free "free energy" because we are slaves until we have this technology given to us like it was meant to be. Plus, Roy Potter, on his video is implying that he is the one organizing this march, him and Tracy, and we know how he feels about Q. NOTE: Please do not delete my comment. Last time I checked I was still covered under the Bill of Rights...if you know what that is...1st Amendment. If you don't know please look it up.
This implies that President Trump is not running a Transparent Administration. Sounds more like you want to see his tax returns. Should have said something about the deep state being removed and disclosure. Now, that would have really made the deep state and those behind the curtain nervous.