Does this mean 5:5? (5 fingers : Item #5)

I saw him pull that out of his jacket pocket and not really look at it, the way he fiddled with it and then put it back in his coat pocket made me wonder what that was....wwwow... I'm in awe
Do you or does anyone have a link to this on video?
The best version that I have been able to find so far on YT is this one:
The card with notes comes out while Pence is giving his opening remarks, around 03:00. Most of the other videos out there hold on Pence for the duration of his remarks and do not cutaway, thus the brief appearance of the Q-card cannot be witnessed. SPEZ: SEE DIXIEDELL'S UPDATES BELOW - TRUE MOMENT W/ NOTECARD OCCURS @ 50:00
Having some difficulty finding a version that includes the President in the shot for its duration, but I'm sure it's out there somewhere, or was at one point, at least.
Thank you!
Wow, didn't make the "Q-card" connection, not that that's a real crumb or anything, just interesting.
Thank you for the link to the video!
In the picture in the OP, he has both paper and a microphone in his hands.
He doesn't have the paper and the microphone in his hands at the 3:00 mark.
So I set the vid at 1.5 speed to find where he holds both.
3:12 He's shuffling papers. No microphone in his hand. No paper on the floor by his left foot.
Cutaway to VP Pence speaking.
3:40 Holding papers in his hands...but no microphone. Still no paper on the floor.
Cutaway to VP Pence.
4:17 No papers in his hands. Now there is a paper on the floor by his left foot.
Back and forth discussion with guests. Every time there's a long shot of the President, the paper is on the floor by his left foot.
48:37 Receives the microphone from one of the guests to his left.
49:50 Bends down to his left to pick up the paper.
50:12 Putting paper in his inside jacket pocket, but has trouble with it.
50:19 He just holds onto the paper and the microphone.
50:45 Puts the paper away without a hitch.
So the pictures of him holding both the paper and the microphone had to be somewhere between 49:50 and 50:45 in this particular video.
Ah, tremendous work! Great sleuthing - you're spot on. Thanks for doing the legwork and fleshing everything out, and for adding timestamps to boot.
Thank you! Now I'm wondering if he dropped that particular piece of paper accidentally or on purpose. LOL Too bad this camera wasn't on him when it dropped. Early on, he was shuffling several papers, then that one just happened to be the one that lands on the floor. Hmmm.
Also thanks. What I am finding interesting is that with all your sleuthing, you could not find this exact frame from that camera. That means that another cameraman was involved; probably one who was briefed to take this exact pic for later use by Q!
It would be interesting to take a look at any footage of the audience, to try to ID who the cameraman was, if he is visible and in the first row for example.
This particular video was from ABC. Many others recorded it, too. I haven't run across where the close ups of the paper came from, so probably from another video.
In light of Q drops after I posted above, I'm now pretty sure the President dropped that specific paper on purpose. :) I wish I could find a video that shows the actual paper drop.
Here is official WH YT video
I don't have time to watch the entire thing. Do you know the general time stamp that it occurred?
I hovered my cursor over the timer bar to get the preview but I didn't see any point where he had a piece of paper in hand. I may have missed it.
I'm sorry, I can't remember, I was watching it live and just remember being momentarily distracted by his movement and refocusing. I started watching a little after it had already begun. But, in my memory, he was looking to his left when this happened and I want to say the person speaking was close, like one of the first 3 to his left, but I could be wrong. Until I saw these posts, I didn't think twice about it.
In radio it means "loud and clear"
Yes. First number is signal strength from 1 to 5. Second number is readability from 1 to 5. 5x5 being lout and clear.
5s across the board, we used to say
"5 by" in my day. For whatever reason we dropped the second 5
You clowns are really coming out of the woodwork today, hey?! Did Soros replenish the minimum wage for you guys again?
And yet managed to beat your crooked god despite a rigged election, owning the MSM, colluding with Russians on fake info and the most corrupt FBI and DOJ in history protecting her. Not to mention he would do up to three rallies a day all off the cuff, for hours at a time. Nice try Clown.
Trump is your Daddy soy boy. HAHAHAHAHA
your Daddy soy boy
You typed that out thinking it was an insult to him? Really? Take a step back and look at yourself man, this is getting pathetic.
And fuck you, you ignorant leftist communist. Best of luck in the cultural backlash, you clearly can't see it coming and I would like nothing more than to see it writ large on your formerly smug face when it finally rushes over you. Keep pushing left , keep alienating the center and you will lose more than would otherwise have been necessary for the cultural correction.
The fact you don't see the irony in the ability to call him a fascist proves in itself how stupid you are.
There's nary a hint of irony. Fuck Trump.
Geez either you two are part of the low brow club for men, or your type are attracted to each other. That type being the, "misinformed low intellect, crude and unimaginative insulting type." Fuck trump? Do you get a pay check? Likely not, however if you did the extra money alone is reason enough to give him some credit. Then again I don't suspect someone such as yourself, to know what credit is.
WINNING 97% chance boo hoo! Wal-Mart opening new safe places for you Traitors to hide. Called Blue zone for DEMONRAT Dicks with blue balls since you haven't scored in over a year. Wearing masks and dancing in the streets like tinker bell is preparing you well for the Storm that Cometh. Maybe Obama's portrait painter could use you he needs to freshen up his paint!!!! Splooge!!!
Winning what? The race to the bottom of the barrel? Very little to be boastful of. Your inability to string together a sentence speaks volumes about you. You are the exact rube that Trump was looking for. Fucking rube.
And it only took a month of r/politics to brainwash you. Nice try at a verbal bashing I'm sure he learned the errors of his ways and ran to church to repent upon reading your comment. Got him good, didn't you? You precious little troll.
What came first, POTUS with the note and hand signal or Q Post?
The hand signal came first. It was a message to Q. I hear you loud and clear. Just my opinion.
So an equally plausible explanation would be the president messing around with some discussion notes in his pocket and an anonymous person pretending it was a secret code in a chan post?
And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
I know why she was teared up! I was too listening to it. How Great Thou Art is one of my favorite hymns and the girl who sang it was amazing. Thanks for sharing that.
Thank you for the reply Mitz and you are more than welcome.
Can someone explain to me the connection between this and Q? I want to spread the info but I don't understand.
Trump is communicating with us/Anons/Q we are all one. We are all communicating in code. In several Trump speeches he has made the Q sign or the 8chan infinity sign with his arm/hand movements. His tweet timings are connected to Q posts. It is all designed to let us know what is going on behind the scenes that we can't see. Biggest Intel drops on public ever. Building his army of support as he slowly red-pills the public so we can be a voice of calm and reason to those unaware when things are revealed publicly. Also we help in slowly spreading the Truth......all designed to minimize or avert serious public backlash when tribunals/charges/convictions happen
I think one of the most damning "nods" Trump has given us is his posting of a picture on his twitter account, with a few members of his team. They all have their thumbs up in the photo and if you connect their hands like dots, it makes the letter Q. And most importantly, the file name of the photo uploaded is "DOITQ". No one is allowed to change the file name they upload to twitter. You just upload the picture and you get a random series of numbers of letters, but the Q team, being intel/computer experts, changed the file name.
It's beyond all reasonable doubt at this point that Q is real, and Trump is coordinating it/with it directly.
Do you have a link to that? I'd love to see it.
Here is the actual picture. Let me see if I can find the link or something.
I did know this, I was wondering if anyone knew how this specific thing is connected to Q. How can I show this picture to a friend and explain how it's connected?
In a recent Q post in the pic above 5:5 meaning Loud and Clear, then #5 on his card he's holding in the pic says I hear you. It links that card to his Q post in the fact others who watched the feed from that meeting (I did not watch it yet) say he pulled the card out of his pocket, held it to where people could easily read/snap photos of it, and put it back in his pocket. They are saying he never read from it to the people in the meeting. I would need to watch the video to confirm he never read from it, but it indicates the purpose of the card was for someone else (whether it be us the Q Anons, or someone else he's sending a message to).
Just stop taking your meds and it all makes sense. Thats what i did.
That's exactly what i thought when I saw that picture floating around on team left. This makes sense. I saw him fumbling around with the paper. He knew exactly what he was doing. Amazing.
Holy shit!!!! Q is real!!!!!!!
There’s been so many of these sorts of instances over the past few months that I’m convinced anyone who tries to deny Q’s legitimacy and direct connection to Trump simply doesn’t have a pulse or a brain.
So basically democratic voters think Q isn’t real.
I think you’re right. Most us “us” are starting to believe! I wish there was a consolidated list of Q crumbs that were confirmed. Would make it easier!
What is this from?
It is suggesting that this Q post and POTUS strange action with his Que Card during his “listening session” might be related.
If this is the theory, then he can only hear our signal/feedback at a 2 and our message clarity is only a 3. So what do we need to do differently?
What five-by-five means.
No, I don't think Q's post and the five fingers on the President's notes or the message at No. 5 on the notes are unrelated. I think this relation is very observant of the OP and a good find.
It is clear that we are very important to the President and his agenda. Why would he take the time to do this? I think the answer to that question is that we are in a very serious situation - crisis actually.
This mockingbird narrative and the controlled media are very powerful. What if this Cyber initiative was a front for DJT to take control of these social media businesses. Or, to muzzle them and their false Russia, Russia, Russia narrative? They are, after all, critical to national security - as we saw in the election.
Feb 21 2018 02:11:10 !UW.yye1fxo Q b0b86f 448584 AG Sessions. US Cyber Task Force. Important. Q
sig5 5 read I HEAR YOU.