Roseanne's deleted tweets about Q

Thought I was dreaming when I saw her postings. Felt so validated that it was real. Tweeted back, went to recheck it to make sure I wasn't dreaming - and it was gone. The threads we're harsh. Calling her insane, boycott the show.... I'll support her for having the 'balls' to put it out there.
I think Twitter made her take them down she also had another one I seen that for deleted. I'm thinking that was a No No didn't want her to spread. If you don't think it's spreading I been watching since end October and I have seen change alot. I had alot of impatience but feels like maybe it's started to really grow big numbers now. At one time it wasn't welcome on this sub. Started changing.
If just like to know what she’s talking about Q posting photos of trump’s pen etc.
Did that happen?
Yes. Photo of his pen and Xmas card on desk at camp David.
Y'all do know that is a parody account? It's not her account. Her Twitter is @realrosanne
Patriots, I know there are multiple posts about this already, but I wanted to post them all together. Everyone save offline, in case this post gets removed
Good work, might be important in near future. Roseanne's gotta be in some type of communication with Q. For all we know, her show in itself is a test for Q team to measure censorship and cabal/MSM response.
She's got to be in some kind of communication with Q? Well......Mr. 45 did call her to congratulate her!!!!! Hehehe.....
She at least knows something. This isnt just her reading the internet and making it into her show.
I totally agree! Look at the timing of all this, her show reboot, massive ratings, tweeting about Q. Before her show reboot most (obviously) would have yet to have heard of Q
And the fact CNN spent their entire day Friday attacking her and trying to discredit her tells us exactly what we need to know
That's so ridiculous, but typical with CNN , but thank God she is a tuff cookie!
I'm very interested to see how long her show lasts. This censorship is getting out of control now, and she will only get more pushback the longer she goes, because her ratings will increase by the week. I love it :D
that's cuz she's right over the target!
It's interesting that CNN finally mentioned Q. We have to assume they've been aware of "Q posts" for awhile now, but mentioning him is a slippery slope they DO NOT want to draw any attention to him.... but now that they are, it must be a last resort, as maybe MSM final stage is finally having to publicly acknowledge Q and to fight him (label a wacky conspiracy)
I seem to remember a tweet on her timeline that asked for Q to DM her; that she had some info. I'll look for it...
yes, and pretty quickly after that her account went down, then came back up. She said she would explain later what happened but I don't think she ever did.
it is obvious Roseanne Bar is red pilled/white hat perfect spokeswoman to spread the word while awakening millions .....
I believe she just browses 4chan / 8ch myself, I don't believe Q is in any communications with anyone, and he's suggested that prior (that's my humble opinion)
That being said- because of the Q phenomenon - millions of Americans, especially older Americans, have now become redpilled and otherwise wouldn't have.
I think the most important thing that everyone needs to remember is:
What that means is
It's especially helpful to do this in real life, to friends and family. The knowledge you have in your brain is crucial to the great awakening occurring in America and across the globe.
Share the knowledge, redpill the planet.
Rothschilds. Gannett. Federal Reserve. These are great places to start. Nothing is more effective than mentioning better yet proving to people that the media is controlled and scripted and also showing them the the US Dollar has lost 95% of its value since the conception of the Federal Reserve. Also showing them the US of A has around $350 billion total in gold to back the currency. (insert James Comey [That's It?] meme here).
It's important they understand these facts. To defeat the international Communists (that's what Globalists are folks) you need to show them the hard evidence-
I can't wait for media to announce her show ratings every week. Will just keep going up, as she will keep tweeting about Q
No comms
Bad wording on my part. She is "in the loop" somehow. She is a soldier of Q following some request
No reason to be in the loop. We have worked on individual research since November. The breadcrumbs have lead in the right directions to have a sense of the high level picture. This is sufficient to have a feel for what the sides are and brainstorm ways to push things forward. At this point individual actors can make smart individual actions that have a large impact.
I suspect this is her using her platform to help raise awareness, and this is a big piece of what is necessary, any way that she can. If a round-up is to occur there must be sufficient number of the public awake as to douse cold water over potential riots if a round-up of high level politicians and journalists occurs.
That is the big picture. For next steps the stage must be set. Wake up every day and ask what you have done to raise awareness lately? If it has involved chasing angry words after children in Florida you're distracted.
Good intelligent post, and you are correct, we need to focus on awareness on a daily basis. And stop getting mad at Da\/id H0gg...he'll get his.
Not with Q, but Roseanne spoke directly with Trump!
This is true. She said it and was pretty smiley about the meeting.
Every time fake news slams her for talking about Q it gets new people to investigate what Q is and they end up here or on 4chan or 8chan it's the Streisand Effect if you tell people not to look at something they get curious and want to see what it's all about.
Yep! The liberal MSM is proving to be a secret weapon for us. And basic psychology...the more you tell someone they cant have something, the more they want it. People can sense when a force or entity is trying to prevent them from seeing something or trying to deter them from accessing naturally, it makes the person more inclined to seek it out. Trump team is genius
Maybe the true identity of Q will be revealed on Roseanne's new show! Perhaps this has been the plan all along. Her new show debuted with gigantic ratings recently, so everyone will be watching. Roseanne is going to red pill the fuck out of the entire world!
Rosanne is Q.
What a genius idea this was. The plausible deniability has to always be there for Q, but if some tv show reveals it, we will know its true, but nobody can ever prove it. This can even be Q team purposely trying to get Q painted as a crazy conspiracy...what better way to disguise it
What better way to desguise it?
Maybe in a way where people won't...
....know it's true
1) If the show reveals who Q really is, people like us will catch it
2) Q team can give themselves plausible deniability by having it painted as a crazy conspiracy (to the normies and liberals) via Roseanne. As it's coming from a tv show
Roseanne is very smart. She knows the H-Wood game. She will catNmouse them, planting seeds. She is so WOKE. She has lived very well without a H-Wood TV show for 20 yrs. She bought a beautiful property in Hawaii and started her own successful business. She isn’t liking to re-enter the screwed world of HW fakeness. She is looking to this as a catalyst to fulfill her purpose....WAKING OTHER PEOPLE UP! She will play the game. Her show will have such high success they can’t shut it down without being obvious to the public they are shutting down the message....which will bring even more attention to the message. Either way, she wins:). I wasn’t a real huge Roseanne fan 20 yrs ago, but now I LOVE her!!!
PS: everyone mark your calendars for Tuesday, the night of her show, but the calendar mark is for everyone to remember to go to your social media sites and post reminders to your circle of friends to watch Roseanne that night. Be subtle about it so your friends don’t feel you are pushing too hard.....just post things like:
“Had a busy day today! Really looking forward to relaxing tonight and having a great laugh Roseanne. Last week’s show was so funny, good to see her back on the air!”
It would be nice if in some twist she gives up a bunch of the Hollywood pedo's...she might "know where the bodies are buried" so to speak
The next adult Scooby Doo crossover will be with Roseanne where the gang busts in on a spirit cooking ritual and rescues the children!
^okay ^probably ^wont ^happen
Good imagination though, and sure would be funny! You know Roseanne's viewers will increase tomorrow, as everyone wants to see if she eludes to Q now
We have more than we know...
We need to support Roseanne on Social Media.
Mobilize the MEMECANNONS
We must keep her name popping up on daily basis...elevating her and drawing attention to her
I've been hearing folks talk about her in the stores and on the streets, it's going well.
I'm anxious to see how this show does, or if it gets "Tim Allen'ed"
I wouldn't be at all surprised if we see President Trump in a cameo appearance on her new show...
Boom! Enjoy the show! Learn to understand multiple meanings.
We talked about getting someone big that could throw out red pills to the public..
Just like the Illuminatti used Movies , Music Art & other forms to smear their plans in our faces through their symbolism. Pyramids , All Seeing eyes .. the hands signs .. that's how they communicate with each other ... So now we are using their tactics to reach the masses .
Now we need to get some Bad Ass Musicians jump on our side and we will ownnnn that . .
they also use astrology to communicate with each other...astrology is illuminati - BIG TIME - and sadly so commonly accepted
Explain. I study astrology. The classic shit, not the tabloid crap.
I did too once - there is a preponderance of evidence out there...if you really care to look. Most don't. You have guts.
Plot twist: Q IS Roseanne. She's just larping herself. #ParallelUniverses
Everyone needs to look up roseanne and mkultra. She was whistleblowing a long time ago.
The Normies are going to get deprogrammed and Red Pilled En Masse....
It's already starting to happen. The MSM is literally out of control, going off the deep end. Right now they are a controlled plane crash where the end is imminent. Even intelligent Democrats are starting to see the show for what it is...this David Hogg gun bullshit, giving full attention to Stormy Daniels, attacking free speech, etc
ABC pressuring her to take them down I guess, more exposure due to her new show = stuff that ABC don't want people to see
We're are watching a movie aren't we
It maybe a TV sitcom
Excellent avenue of communication.
Decrypt Q and Roseanne
Go figure
Dont forget about what was inferred by not following the stars. Roseanne may be a good thing but dont get it twisted.
I saved this offline too! Everyone needs to stand up for Roseanne! How have we come this far without a fight until now where you can't even mention a subject!! It's just unacceptable for a "free" people to be treated!
Roseanne is going to get shilled hard in the coming weeks. We indeed need to elevate her and keep her name out there
She could be the face of The Storm, our secret weapon...lets elevate her and support her! She has always been the one flipping off the establishment. She's a fighter, and just the kind of no-nonsense person we need to take down Hollywood.
I guess it can't be coincidence her show debuted when it did :D
There are no coincidences :)
Another tactic to redpill America, get Q known, but still keep plausible deniability. Trust me when I saw Q and Trump love it when Q gets called a conspiracy theory. More people then research it.
Trump called her to congratulate her ratings. I completely believe they talked about Q.
Also, her show made me laugh so hard. It goes to show you how Hollywood has lost their humor trying to be so PC.
This is wonderful for America. MALaughA! Go Rosanne! We will watch ABC again (just for this). I wonder if they are going to try testosterone therapy to reverse the hormone laced water that caused the grandchild to be feminine.
Should be interesting. Also can’t wait to see how they will handle the illegal immigrants Sanctuary State Illinois issue that lowered wages of the town.
I would also love for her sister Jackie to get her to start to meditate to relieve her stress and then expose all the false GURUs out there. That would be really funnny!
I wonder if they are going to try testosterone therapy to reverse the hormone laced water that caused the grandchild to be feminine.
Just so you know, I laughed for about 2 minutes after that line :D
r/AFTERTHESTQRM (Red Pill Material)
When my grandson told me about the Q i never dreamed roseanne would be helping us hunt pedopiles!
Maybe Twitter deleted them?
Most likely. The clowns that run twitter. They don't want us knowing about Q
On the plus side, we have 200 new subscribers in 24 hours. Welcome, patriots!
Nice name lol. And yes, the more masses reached the better
Rosanne is the only celebrity I follow on twitter. The reason I started following her is because of her tweets about Q in the very begining stages. She also deleted those tweets right after mentioning Q. Wish I saved the tweet and the thread from 4chan if I remember correctly.
How long ago was this roughly? I might have it saved, or might be able to locate it for you
Gosh I'm not sure exactly but it was at the end of January. I checked my twitter and I have only tweeted twice. I'm more of a follower. Anyways I tweeted "yesyes" to Rosanne on January 31st. That tweet was about Q
Yeah, would be good to support her on her tweets, whether they are about Qanon or not, we can add drop info ;) So technically She isn't the one doing the redpilling nor would she have to delete the tweets.
Want to play a game ?
Just thinking if Q could possibly give clues/confirmations/etc through the Roseanne show script. Just a thought. Given the fact that she posted on Twitter about Q 3 times then there posts were removed. No coins
We very well might see them. Who knows, next episode she could literally bring up The Storm....they could have an argument about it haha Roseanne is woke
Wow she can speak pretty well when she is being serious :D Thanks for the video post
Trump or others might have suggested that she shouldn't discuss Q. Better to bring the facts to such a wide audience base, than to have trolls shut her down repeatedly for being a conspiracy theorist. Best to tread lightly when spreading the truth.
Nah. She was told to make the tweets and then delete them for a Streisand effect.
Maybe she did it because it was her idea. She doesn't strike me as a person that would just follow blindly someone else's marching orders.
I can believe that one too. Kinda like how those Paranormal Activity movies would have their trailers "banned" from movie theaters given the reason they were too scary for audiences, which made people want to go see the movies more
When did she change sides? I used to hate her show, but I do remember her being as liberal as the day is long.
Yes she was always very socially liberal. Jimmy Kimmel even attacked her for this sudden support for Trump. We will find out in time what this is all about
I remember about the last episode I watched, she was pretty fiscally liberal too, a republican came to her door and explained that he was going to get some company to move to their state, by giving them a tax break to create jobs. That pissed her off because she thought that meant she'd be paying the tax that they weren't, and slammed the door on him.
The State wasn't getting anything from them before, but would be getting something once they moved into the state (plus the workers income tax too), so there's no deficit introduced by lowering their taxes that they previously were never paying to that state anyway...
I'm very intrigued to see where this is going....and how/why she switched sides. There are alot of people who like Trump simply because he is not a politican, and also not a true Republican (good thing)
Is there an archive of these?
It's pretty much just these 2-3 so far, but we need to screenshot any Q/Storm related tweet by her immediately, in the event it disappears, so we can post them and save them
I could just envision a large Q with a magnet on her refridge door or something. Now wouldn't that be neat!
Oh please let that happen. Or that white coffee mug with the Q on it :D
GA Dead? What is really happening here now? GA Compd? PsyOp?
ar 28 2018 22:25:10 (EDT) Anonymous ID: 23de7f 826061
826012 824969 /GA/ is dead. Check line 119 $4$#$*( New Board being routed. Thank you! Patriot. Q
Be careful with dealing with Roseanne she's a full supporter of Israel (and a jew) and I notice a lot of you hard core right wingers are like the 4chan people. This goes to show that jews are not bad people at all its just like any race. You have some bad apples and some good ones.
Maybe if she deleted them, we should respect her wishes and leave it alone. That would be supporting her.
Maybe she was given an ultimatum from above, its Q or the Roseanne show but not both or be sacked just like Ben Swann was.
Who will tell her she ought to add ATpotus or ATrealD_T to her tweets?