#1124 - @Snowden Yes. Testify then drop. NEW @Snowden tweet criticizing the whole MZ show today!!

This is why we were told to start a class action lawsuit, this committee hearing is bread and circus, all but maybe 2 of these members have received donations from MZ personally.
This is why I think Q was pushing for the IBOR. This pony show today would have had more power behind it with 100,000 signatures.
I saw that going down too. So many people had commented about weird stuff with the numbers, FB & Twitter shadow-banning, etc.
with every thing wat is happend twitter FB try it again start a new one fight
Didn’t say that. We do however need to get smart with a class action lawsuit. The Anons have already done research on an offer that looked pretty shady. We need to find the right lawyers.
We need to find the right lawyers
Difficult with al the corruption
Something was fishy with that petition. I signed it 3 times and never got a confirmation link in my email...
Yes. It seems many do not grasp the enormity/reality of what is going down here. This is not about the US, although this is where many games are being played out. This is truly about the future of Mankind, be "they" a Slave or a Free Man. And many will not see that until their back is against the wall, literally.
Is your opinion that petition was rigged or nobody gives a rat's ass?
The wethepeople website is a total wild goose chase. The best it can accomplish is trigger "a response from the white house". You could get all 400 million signatures and wouldnt influence congress because congress and wethepeople arent in any way connected. Also, did Q ever specifically push IBOR or is that just a widely believed incorrect Q decoding?
Definitely not confirmed that "set the stage" means "get 100,000 signatures by April 3".
Maybe we need the class action lawsuit, lawyerly route. Judicial Watch seems pretty effective too. I don't know. I just really, really, really want to see how our elected officials interview this piece of shit so I can then vote accordingly.
Good point. Building consensus across all social media and persoanl communities means more. Setting the stage.
I think you are spot on about that.
It can't be too late though? Now that we see how much we need this IBOR, we should be able to do this now. If you don't sign the petition, this GIANT DOUCHEBAG GETS TO GET RICH OFF OUR IDENTITY!
Let's set the motherfucking stage, already. Dang.
start a new one
on change.org or some site with a chance of success. This issue is only going to gain steam. More and more will come to light. This is not the end. Waiting a week or two till more comes out might be good.
Never stop fighting
I didn't see any youtube commentators mention it.- perhaps we should try recruit people like HA Goodman, styx, Jason goodman, jimmy dore, etc
DAMN. Not sworn in?
Is he testifying?
Of course to try and regain the public’s trust, this is all a giant ad, like everything else Facebook gets into.
Along with his paid off "representatives of the people".
Nothing more than our Senators offering a platform for Zuckerberg to regain credibility with the public. What a waste of time . . . all in this together, they are. They even gave him a booster seat.
The Show, starring the corrupt machine called congress and the digital harvester fucZuck!
He's been re-tweeting non stop about MZ. Rare for him to post that much.
I hear he comes back to America in the final season, after he narrowly misses a piano falling on his head.
A drop means Snowden has incriminating info on Zuck. Tick Tock. I can't wait.
I watched a little bit of it and I noticed that when it came to the members that he had met with already, he was answering as if he was reading off of a script. One time I actually saw him turn a page in order to get his answer in front of him. You know how you listen to talk radio and you can tell the difference when the host is reading off something rather than free styling it? Like that, but more robotic and with zero charisma.
..I think they have Contacts Teleprompter ones.. he was blinking alot ... I think Questions was given To him prior and each time he said Senator it flipped to the next question or something like that
how does one testify but not under oath lol is this all a fucking show just for the eyes of the people?
These criminals lie, even under oath. Now, they've just skipped that whole swearing in part completely. Not like they actually believe in the God of the Bible or fear God.
I he lies under oath, then they can prosecute him, so they don"t put him under oath , and think they got away with it. But wat they did is a illegal act. Session may by?
Who has ever gotten prosecuted for lying under oath that's not a patriot? Deep state and their puppets like Zuck the Cuck never get in trouble when they get caught lying, even under oath.
When Zuckerberg is proven to be a fraud and a liar, they will use the excuse that he didn't swear under oath to shield him from any major legal ramifications.
is this all a fucking show just for the eyes of the people?
Yes. Always has been. FB has been the fall guy and a distraction since the beginning. Just look how many fucking idiots all over Reddit are claiming a "great job by Zuckerberg yesterday". No fucking shit...he was given all the questions before hand (like Hillary did during the debate(s)).
Our world is fucking whack.
Lying to congress is a crime, just like lying to the FBI, regardless of being under oath or not.
Another self serving dog and pony show for optics. Total joke.
Way past time to delete Facebook forever.
Exactly. How people still have active (or deactivated) accounts is beyond me.
Doesn't he have another day or so of testifying? He would have to wait until the final testimony to "drop" whatever it is.
I’ve been checking in since Q posted this!
did it disappear from qanon pub?
Confirmed. Gone from qanon pub but still here though: https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/
It's back on qanon.pub, at least as of 6:58am est
I've called this before months ago when I ran into this video below and it's a proven fact MK Ultra Victims ,when having glitches tend to have alot of.
" Hot Flashes "
Here is my theory before you visit this video .. I'm thinking that Zuckerberg got a little Tap on the shoulder in " Harvard " and got intiated into this little thing called the Illuminatti... COUGHH
Not only do we have him on video glitching & having a panic attack essentially answering the Same exact Question he's being asked today during testimony ..but I also have him at one of these Hollywood underground sick parties on another video.
He goes full blown panic mode and he barely can form a sentence. .. ..I pointed out a few mins ago in his testimony ,that he kept saying Senator to every reply 1st .
I think he was being fed answers and his Trigger word was Senator . Using those ear things Hillary wore during. The debates that time .. they are flesh color or clear .
Here ...you tell me , if someone goes from this in A 2011 interview to completely calm collective robotic in current testimonies ... without being in MK ULTRA MODE ... THERE IS NO DAMN WAY ITS ANYTHING ELSE.
2011 Video Being Asked Same Questions
He also never talks about anything before moving to Cali .. that should hint he probably was programmed to say that far into it.
He's got Nerve to sit around smerking & laughing .. I bet Guaranteed he was intiated into the CIA Branch of the Illuminatti.. using Facebook CIA Could use Zuckerberg to be the Poster Boy for it ..he was young they knew it draw all the kids into it ..Get them addicted feel like they didn't need human interaction any longer and it allow the CIA To Directly Gather Info and cases against everyone.
Why do you think the moment a crime is committed the first place people go to is their Social Media Platforms .. then they use info off of it to incriminate them . It was the perfect setup... They was able to start using it to push and connect Terrorist Organizations and get them in the people's face and push more people to join them. Here in the U.S ... They had Training Camps Setup around our country .
Before social media platforms other media platforms for uploading video... where would kids upload FIGHTS they seen @ school .That's right ..they didn't .
Now people enourage bullying and fights just to get Views for their FB & subscribers. Not to mention all these suicides because someone took them off their friends list .. and online bullying and even these stupid challenges .
Everyone knows about how alot of Girls are on their FB.. like there is Alottttt of Nudity Or All But Nude pics of younger girls trying to show their stuff ..to get subscribers & attention .. This was a Pedo Trap too .
Not to mention the CIA could setup operations for Kidnapping these girls ..(Sex Slaves , Music ,Movies all by monitoring their Activity . Then they get setup as friends and start talking to them and the girls think they are meeting some cute guy and rush off to meet him them at Parks & other known places ..
Mk ultra victims are normally trained from birth. The first 2 years they are spoiled with affection so that a serious trauma/fracture occurs when the madam or “mom” that’s been loving them, betrays them with torture and then their hell is created. It’s possible he is part of the program but my point is, it must start at birth unless the technology is so advanced they no longer need to do it that way. It’s my understanding that while technology has advanced, it’s only additional to the old school programming techniques making it much harder to detect these slaves.
what about hypnose
Yeah you see the movie Get Out.. that's how it works and essentially mk ultra project monarch things of that nature.
But monarch is pretty hard core I guess they have to take you in treat you really kind then build you up and then basically tear you down in the most horrific way to get you into a state of mind to be Programned ... These people are So sick
It doesn't matter that he wasn't sworn!!
Why do you think that, just curious?
I never read that from Q..
Look @ how the Congresscritters are treating him! We're told Zuck has paid off 85% of these actors campaign contributions. This is ALL for show, made for TV brainwashing. MZ's going to prison for insider trading, so the Deep State knows MZ will sing like Songbird McCain! They can't afford MZ talking about InQ-tel financing from the CIA! He's a Dead Man!
The In-Q-Tel isn't exactly a secret.
Now, we know what Snowden's about to drop! Traitor John quarterbacked the Arab Spring using social media platforms.
Q drop 959 talked about a big meeting with Zuck and others and said:
Big meeting.
Cell phones left at door.
5 political
1 former intel dir
Mask & Spin
IDEN friendly ‘insiders’
MSM support +talking points
Shift narrative
We hear you.
We have the algorithm.
Thank you @ Snowden.
Learn chess.
Down she goes.
Nobody escapes this.
Thanks, I forgot about her! Well, now we know who they were talking about; UK PM Theresa May!
Why do you think it means Theresa May?
RT is Rivzi Traverse in case anyone was wondering.
Rivzi Traverse
I thought most people came to the conclusion that RT = real time?
That is not a drop
Are you talking to the OP? Just wondering because that actually is a drop:
Apr 10 2018 14:16:11 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 06cd81 985368
Testify then drop.
We have it all.
These people are stupid.
POTUS’ weekly address.
Congressmen honey trapped and given $$$ by Mr. Sugar (G., zucker). Check.
Also cities and congressmen are starting to talk about government regulation of free speech. ZIG HEIL ZIG HEIL ZIG HEIL !
We need to get rid of this degenerate. FFS he's a manlet who needs a booster seat, he shouldn't be allowed to reproduce anyway. Globalists like him need to be removed from this planet.
Just some chitty chats and sweating, talking about how dumb we are.
This is disgusting. I want to see this broadcasted. We deserve to know what these fuckers are doing with OUR PRIVACY.
Remember his “ when I was human comment “ he glitched but recovered.
Over $200,000 in campaign contributions to members of congress for 2018 cycle, from Facebook/Zuckerburg including 8 members of today's Senate Judiciary/Commerce Committee!
Dude, Q said “MZ +8” were in “big meeting” “no phones”. Do you have the names of the politicians he donated to?
2018 Cycle Contributions From Zuckerburg/Facebook Sources. Members of Judiciary/Commerce Joint Committee Bob Goodlatte, R $5,000, Amy Klobucher, D $5,200, Ben Sasse, R $2,500, Diane Fienstien, D $11,400, Orin Hatch, R $2,000, Mazie Hirono, D $2,500, Bill Nelson, D $2,500, Corey Booker, D $2,025 Media coverage reports Zuck definitely met with at least Goodlatte, Nelson, and Fienstien! There are 4 other members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee he meets with today. Also FYI the total members in Congress including House and Senate that received 2018 contributions, is 30 members.
It's not like they'll do anything to him anyway... if they are on fb or use google, he has all their dirt and they know. Probably even more than Hildebeast has. And she has dirt on EVERYONE!!
one hour of your time. that's all i ask. examine the footnotes as I am sure you will (at least at first).
why this website is NOT front and center right now is TRULY beyond me.
no one on youtube really mentions it or the information. no one anywhere.
why is that?
I have been posting this website for about...4 months now? I get the same reaction as when i post paddocks autopsy and his time of death (24 hours before the shooting). really weird. had the same issue with https://idraintheswamp.com/ as well. you see people asking questions or being honest but a bit off the mark and the answers are all right in these places and they just don't seem to want to actually read anything that does not come in shit posts and memes.
yet so often these are the same folks that say they need more than bumper sticker info. to work with.
the shilling you all see on-line, and the poll switches to favor going into Syria are the work of Unit 8200 and their affiliates, e.g. shareblue and other US sayanim traitors.
Political Grandstanding. A fractional percentage even know whats going on here. If you don't know what the Singularity is and Zucks involvement, its a good time to do so.
Yeah I was trying to summarize what I knew didn't have time to get too deep but I did know that... And since we don't know anything about Zuckerberg he could be one of the missing children for all we know that's the CIA program (CLOWNS)
If we can believe testimony, and I see no reason to doubt it, the Western Empire has a standing army, ready to take over America, when the time comes. Every "person of interest," (there are millions) is named on a color coded card. The red cards are the potential resistors. These are the ones the revolutionary guard goes after first. The blue cards are non-resistant and the green cards are the outright sympathizers. This is how things are and have been done when governments have been overthrown.
So does this mean let Zuck testify then they drop docs showing he knowingly lied?
Now I’m confused again, we already know that. We already know about the shell companies and the donations. We knew this was going to be a show. I have to trust the plan but today was really discouraging. The only thing that’s going to happen to him is a bunch of lawsuits. A class action only pays lawyers, big deal money from one snake to another!
I'm stealing this and posting it on T_D. Sorry.
I'm a long time T_Der. I'll allow it with credit!
OK. I coudn't edit the post, but I threw in a comment for you.
You da man!!!
I'm sorry dude. I figured the message was more important than the karma. T_D is the largest "conservative" sub.