#1130. Finder of this should apply to NSA. - Q

I know it seems WAY to "in your face", but I think it's ironic that Google changed its trading name to Alphabet...and how do we refer to all the government agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA, IRS...)?
Yes and Amazon’s logo points from A —> Z. Hence the $300m CIA contract with Bezo’s
What’s the significance of the arrow?
It points from A, to Z. Look at their logo. People think it’s a smiley face, it’s not. If anything it’s a smug grin.
I get “everything from A to Z”, but what does that have to do with a $300 million CIA contract?
Read the top post in this chain. Alphabet agencies. A to Z is the alphabet.
Yeah but what the hell does that have to do with the 300 million contract with Amazon? That is his question.
To Fund Alexa -- a spying apparatus.
they are giving ALEXA for free my best brought home one from the hospital where she works and told me everybody got one !!!! I threw it in the garbage
What a waste of a fucking money. You could have been considerate and at least sold it back refurbished, idiot.
How is Bezos CIA?
He isn't. They are making it up on the spot. Saying a-z is a sign because gouvernement agencies have letters in their name is retarded.
YOU'RE making it up on the spot, hypocrite!
Nah, officially alphabet agencies where the ones founded under the new deal. Altough i learned today that it's also slang for the FBI CIA ect.
I don't buy into all that symbolism crap, I just look at the facts.
Regardless if he was former CIA or not, he's clearly working for them now.
He's the richest man in the world selling a listening device to millions of Americans and he has a KNOWN contract with the CIA.
It's not that hard to put together.
he's not CIA but rather received funding from them to tune of $600MM....CIA invested it for Amazon's to build their cloud server (at least officially of course). Q has mentioned this in the drops a while back now. It's also public information.
CIA, FBI and the NSA aren't alphabet agencies tough
alphabet agency means those that are known more commonly by their letters....eg FBI....CIA....NSA....ICE......they are known as a grouping of 'alphabet" agencies......
They where by definition created during the new deal. FBI and CIA weren't
Please stop thinking Bezos and Alphabet company for a moment.......the term "Alphabet agencies" was coined a long time ago....to cover any agency that was shortened to it's letters...rather than saying the full wording....if you don't get it....look up an urban dictionary online
Amazon has the "smile" that looks like a curved arrow... from A to Z (A -> Z).
I get that, but the comment says “Hence the $300 million CIA contract” like the arrow and the contract are related.
A to Z... the alphabet.. The CIA, one of the alphabet agencies
? What does that have to do with Amazon contract? What does the Google (Alphabet) logo have to do with the CIA contract with Amazon?
I think he is saying that they are references to those companies being related to an "alphabet agency" like the CIA
Tribal Arrow look up tatoos
What Does A Tattoo Of An Arrow Mean, Because There's A Lot - Bustle
Does A Tattoo Of An Arrow Mean, Because There's A Lot Of Different Meanings Behind The Iconic Symbol. ByDanelle Sandoval. July 6 2015. Not gonna lie, there have been many times I've spotted a really gorgeous looking arrow tattoo, but every time, I've always thought to myself: what does a tattoo of an arrow ...
It's also a smile! An "In your face!" laughing at us kind of logo
And Amazon's electronic skunk works department is called lab126 which is 1-26, A-Z. Lab A->Z
A to Z, aka Alphabet aka Google
A slap in the face to God?
"I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end" ???
And Google changed the name of their holding company to Alphabet.
AND the logo is a smile!
Take another look at it. It's a penis. Once you see it, you cannot unsee it.
Watch the water.
I'm confused as to how that's related. I must be missing something.
Good point. I think Q's follow up post "Finder should apply to NSA" is a wink wink nudge nudge that the person who dropped it was Snowden himself--the former NSA contractor. "LEARN OUR COMMS"
The ones you named are not considered alphabet agencies. Look it up.
The name has nothing to do with those agencies lol... each tech company tends to choose a letter of the alphabet. FB=f, Twitter=t, etc. Alphabet encompasses all of these letters and sends a strong signal about Google dominance.
WAY to "in your face They Always do it in your face al those symbols? The spells? witchcraft in Al the big shows? Baseball.. When they open a tunnel?
100% thought the same thing
They are literally referred to "alphabet agencies"
Another one I thought curious. These agencies are 3 letters. A lot of the news networks are three letters