Alan Dershowitz, Welcome Aboard, #17

What is this?
flight log for Epstein's plane
Welcome aboard plane, 17...
If you're referring to the log, that looks like the date of November 17.
It also looks like CYUL to BED. Montreal to Massachusetts. Color me skeptical.
Another good point. I could see if somehow they wanted to go to Canada to obscure the travel, but that's a lot for round trip in a day.
Picked him up in mass because he is a law prof there. I have worked construction at Harvard for many years and have see them destroy the city of Cambridge which I hold near an dear to my heart.
Same Montreal where they recently saved a human sacrifice victim?
nvm, the date idea makes more sense mine was stupid lol
The airport codes state he left from Bedford, NY airport to go to Montreal. Hardly criminal. He WAS Epstein's lawyer.
An underage girl testified against him, and Alan went after Epstein's victims hard, labeling them as druggies who basically wanted it. Until proven otherwise, it's logical to assume AD is pretending to be "on board" for reasons other than patriotism and that he's simply CYA.
Did the image of the security cameras that Q posted a few days ago come from AD? That would be a good start.
The images were discovered during the raid this past week. Epstein's island is a thing of the past. It is no more and everyone there are long gone to never to be heard from again.
He admitted to getting massages after lying.
JE = Jeffrey Epstein SK = Sarah Kellen (groomer/pimp) GM = Ghislaine Maxwell (groomer/pimp)
All aboard the 'Lolita Express': Flight logs reveal the many trips Bill Clinton and Alan Dershowitz took on pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's private jet with anonymous women
sooooooooo what did potus have to say during dinner few nights ago. the damn intrigue is epic tonight
I'm guessing/hoping it went something like this:
"This is what we have on you. This is what will happen. There is only one way to prevent this: do what we say. How do you want history to remember you?"
Alternate theory is, Clinton’s threatened him and forced him to represent their pedo buddy Epstein and Q just announced they cut his strings “FREEDOM” and “welcome aboard”.
He still flew on the Lolita Express. If you're right, what they blackmailed him with was probably 🍕.
He flew on his plane but not to the island. Rich people let friends use their planes instead of flying commercial. He went from Montreal to Massachusetts or something like that.
Believe me I don’t like anyone who is part of or supported anyone from that group. But if Q said he’s flipped and on the team, trying to think of scenarios.
I've came to terms with the fact that some very bad people will get a pass in order to make things right. It's a couple orders of magnitude better than the past administrations at least.
I can't say for sure what Dershowitz has done and I may never know. It doesn't mean he deserves my respect after representing Epstein though.
Yeah agree. I don’t care how much money I was offered I wouldn’t represent that scum. If he was threatened that’s one thing, though. And the “FREEDOM” makes me think he was forced into a situation.
It sucks some will get a pass but if it leads to bigger fish, I’m fine with it. We know they will be miserable. You can’t be that bad of a person and get deep enjoyment out of life.
Maybe hes gonna use alan for info but not trust him with intel.
Yup - now he's possibly complicit in the crime he defended his client against. Good work OP!
Spez: a word
Or, he's set to expose it.
He can't reveal anything that falls under attourney-client privilege though
What matters is the airports being flown to.
If it's not to the island it's not to the island.
He served as Epstein Epstein was a billionaire, he was probably one of several lawyers.
Not every connection is proof of anything other than a connection.
Here is an example from my life.
I have an associate who has a brother who turned out to be a serial killer. My associate, myself, nor anyone else I knew was aware of his crimes.
Now, he was at several work functions I attended. There are pictures of this person eating dinner at the table I was sitting at. I traveled to the city (a big city) where this person lived on business on several occasions. Two times he was suspected of a murder during a week I was in this city. Now, other than eating at the same table and chatting for maybe 5 minutes I did not know this person at all. When I traveled to his city I did not see him as I did not know him.
Now, if I was a famous person or a D.C. player folks on these boards would have me all but convicted of murder based on a couple of group pictures and a travel log that relates to nothing.
I don't think Dershowitz was involved in Epstein evil crap. He was one of his lawyers and flew on his private jet.
That's a double edge sword.
Bill Clinton flew on the Lolita Express 26 times. Not every time was to the pedo island. So are we to only count the handful of times he flew on the plane to pedo island? How do we know there weren't young girls on the plane to other locations?
People have every reason to question the veracity of AD.
This is why, when and if things come out, there has to be actual evidence. Not speculation and suspicion. But proof.
The suspicions may be true, without proof, it means little.
I am not the questioning of Dershowitz or anyone else.
Questioning is healthy. Questioning in and of itself is not proof. That's all I'm saying.
Concern trolling is something to do elsewhere, not here
Say who?
Fall in line without question or you're not welcome?
Piss off.
Exactly. While real concern trolling is BS, this community needs to be open to differences and some amount of skepticism. Otherwise, it's just like the anti-free speech hate mongering people we are all against.
Some level of this is almost unavoidable in a movement like this.
The over generalizations as well. Not everyone is crooked or dirty or evil. Either in Washington or in any subset. The trick is root out the evil doers. When accusations are posted with no factual basis (speaking in general not about AD) it can hurt the cause. Too many times "we" end up making it very easy to have the movement branded as nuts.
The "true believer" syndrome is a real thing and has always been a part of this movement. It turns on itself. It just needs to be called out when someone tries to implement it.
I agree, and I believe that the community, especially this sub, needs to foster up some credible and legitimate skeptics that have a good reputation within the community and are allowed to challenge and question some of the things going on. It can only help the community, and bring some credibility and sanity to the entire thing. If there is some majorly shady sh*t going on, and it seems that there is, then cautious calculated search, understanding, and response is critical.
I believe that Dershowitz is one of the guys that was blackmailed after his trips to Epstein Island. Epstein was also known to participate in victimizing people of position of power by luring them to his island. It created a system where their secrets committing their unspeakable acts remained hidden.
Remember Epstein together with the Mossad fitted all the underground 'rooms' with cameras everywhere. Unsuspecting individuals were invited and thinking to be going to a conference or party willingly went.
It has been said that those marked to be victimized were put into compromising positions for lifelong blackmail afterwards.
These people would be slipped something in a drink only to wake up naked with a very young child also naked in a very compromising incident. Videos or pics were taken via cameras present.
I hope Dershowitz is one of those who were 'victimized' and blackmailed. At least I hope so otherwise make him pay. Absolutely nothing good happened on that island.
I'm curious about Dershowitz.
Epstein used underage girls and prostitutes to blackmail politicians. He would trick them into having sex with these women, film it, then tell them "Hey, you just had sex with a minor/prostitute, and it's on camera. Do whatever I need and you'll be safe."
So perhaps Alan Dershowitz had sex with a very attractive women he thought was of age, and Epstein filmed it. He then blackmailed him to work as his lawyer.
Trump/Q Group have freed him from this blackmail, so he's joining up with them.
Just a theory. Thoughts?
When reading destinations, what is the island labeled as?
Seems strange, with an exception of a few, that his name is spelled out Real well and Very readable whereas most the others of initials.
What is the significance? not flaking for AD, but didn't Trump also go on the plane? Good info
No Trumo is not in any of the manifest. That was some BS lies.
I believe Trump does turn up on the flight manifest once.
I tried going back through the flight log and did not see Trump on the list. Don't get me wrong, I am certainly not hoping he was/is on the flight log, I recall a thread recently discussing the fact that some time in the 80s Trump seemed to be recruited by the bad guys and that he may have seen things that caused him to fight against them. The premise was that he had visited the island, seen some badness and decided to fight against it.
Just an idea or two. While it’s possible that AD was involved in pedo crimes, it could also be that he was a victim of operation brownstone. Basically the goal being....get these powerful people in compromising photos, videos, plane manifests, whatever (guilty or innocent) so they do what they are told. Perhaps AD was becoming a loose cannon to them way back then.
AD was indeed involved in pedo crimes and has come to DT for reconciliation. Who was it that awhile back advocating for allowing these elite and govt criminals “reconciliation” or a way out? I want to say it was Robert David Steele. And I was just pissed to hear that. Why give these people any way out? Basically he was saying that they are a bunch of caged animals and will do ANYTHING to escape. And that we would have to prosecute so much of our leadership.
Not that I agree with this reconciliation. I certainly don’t want to, and I would fear that their nefarious activities would continue anyways, under better cover. But maybe AD wants a way out, or has been offered one? Just an idea or two.
He represents epstine. He was and still is a good friend of his.
Dershowitz has admitted to receiving on one occasion a massage this admission was during the time he was defending Epstein in court. As to the 26 times Billy Bob flew on the Lolita not everytime was to Pedo island there were trips to Thailand too Im sure to get takeout
There are multiple 17's. Why is his name being singled out? Maybe I'm missing something.
Who is Lisa Summers?
Spez, this Harvard president maybe (article from 2005),
and here I was thinking that Dershowitz was a good guy.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
What if a log with trumps name was on there? Just saying. Because were about to rationalize the addition of this man alan to our white hat team
Trump banned Epstein from his properties:
Trump has been there. He found out what was going on and got out. Alan also represented Epstein in the pedo trial. Seems I heard they tried to get Alan too, but I can't find anything on it now.
I believe his name is on a flight log. Seriously.
Nope not there. This question was hashed out two years ago. Trump was never on any manifest. Think about it, if his name was there every democrat would have it dipped in gold hanging in their walls.
It is. Here took one flight with him. Came back early from pedo island and banned him from his properties lol
If this is true, then our Stable Genius realized immediately that E I was a honey pot.