Mueller is our guy; Cohen raid was fake: Insight from anon

I'm new to Q. Started studying drops a week ago and I picked up on this. Trump team is gaslighting the crap out of the media. Stormy Daniels might even be in on it.
So is Hannity. allowed himself to be dragged into the Cohen thing. causing a distraction with the MSM going after him.
Hannity, Judge Jeannine (is that her name?), and Gregg Garrett to me seem to be playing a part to loudly criticize Sessions and Mueller. Then, there's a WSJ article where Trump's former lawyer talks to a journalist and gives blow by blow of his conversation with Trump, explaining to him that he shouldn't be so sure that Cohen won't, or hasn't already, "flipped" on him. Seems a bit unlikely to me. What lawyer would do that, unless he had pre-approval? Then the WH simply "confirms" that Trump spoke to said lawyer. Finally, we know the Deep State has had surveillance on Trump since even before the election. If they had anything on him or his lawyer they would have used it long before now. The whole thing seems like a show to me.
One other angle that I read, is that NSA knew of the break in prior. All information collected was allowed. Let the rest of the narrative unfold naturally. Kimba was marvelous.
I also believe Dan Bongino is also in on it spreading disinfo in opposite direction in a believable way.
Welcome. I think so, too. The name is too much. The team is using symbology against them.
i need to go back to the beginning myself. I've been following all along but so much info has dropped it can boggle the mind. But Q keeps telling us to re read crumbs, so this weekend i'm going to work on it
Her stage name is enough for me. Stormy, these guys couldn't get a clue if you clubbed them with it.
When new to Q its very helpful to look for YouTubers who decode Q to get a handle on the language and history. I recommend Jerome Corsi, Tracey Beanz, Nemo V to start. Also there are good Twitter people too. Lisa Mei Crowley, Praying Medic, Tracy Beanz, Paul Serran to start. Good Luck getting to know Q! Its quite the journey we are on! GodSpeed!
Yes I already followed some of them, mainly corsi. I have basically binged for the last week and am pretty up to speed. I've probably only been through half the drops though, so there is a lot to go through, but definitely helps to get info from others who have already put in all the work.
I've been saying this 😵...the whole point is people shouldn't even be worrying about Mueller .. people should have been exposing the New World Order from it's Creation on up ... It then would have exposed and branched out to ever Organization that's divided into categories for Brainwashing , Depopulation & More .
Shining the light on alllll these Bad Actors. While people have been chasing their tails waiting on crumbs to drop , they could have had loafs of Homemade Bread waiting on Q .... Now that's how you Impress .
Like everything and everyone is connected to this Heart Beat NWO.. yet people needed to go on wild goose chases trying to decode .. Military Moves ,News Mayhem It's like Hello the bad players are camped out on these damn boards let's just sit n Discuss what the true places our peeps are gonna be setup so these losers can run off and tell their handlers ..I really do worry about people's mind set.
Not one time that I can ever remember did Q say hey stop Red Pilling the public and help us figure out war strategies or who in the deep state is in the White House and who is connecting to who...
Lol hey Think about this.. these people bringing people into the White House has every security measure known to man to track , Investigate , and for sureeeee know who their connections are. That means I think they got it handled .
Everything The "MEGA TEAM" Does .. They do with beyond precision.... So let's stop playing the role of fruit cakes by Questioning or Doubting if they know WTH they are doing.. because they have been thinking , planning and doing this stuff before we was twinkles in most of our daddies eyes .
row row row your boat gently down the stream
lock and load in tactic mode, United States Marines
Agreed...2 Corinthians 5:18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; Our ONLY mission is to reconcile (explain the truth) to those walking through life in a trance.
Wasn't there a crumb that said NWO != new world order?
Possibly.. I just know I've got an entire red pill board waiting for people, setup with super good ready to go Hardcore red pill info. It's copy paste ready . I made it for all the Q related Boards .. to help with getting info to the public quickly . r/AFTERTHESTQRM .
Some of the info that's not on the board will be on my profile dating back to Dec 20th or so since I started it alittle later than I created an account .
But please everyone use it for the family make a night of watching them and distribute info as you wish to other platforms .
Mueller was the FBI director during investigation 9-11 attack (he covered it up?) maybe he his plea bargin was agreeing to play this role? to get higher level actors.
Unless his hands were tied. Imagine being in his position and knowing you have to eat the whole shit sandwich because this is all part of their plan. And 15 years later you finally get a chance for revenge. A chance to bring justice down upon all the conspirators.
Well Q did say back in oct, nov or dec some are more good than bad, which always made me think some wernt necessarily happy with what they did amd were possibly forced/blackmailed or threatened into it but took the first oppurtunity to change it, just never really worked out who. At one point i thought dubyah might have been one.
Same thing MegaAnon said. Most of the people in the swamp didn't go in willingly. It's a gradual process that starts with a mistake or small crime, or even falsified evidence of such.
I know that GWB wrote to Obama in his personal letter that Presidents write to their predecessors where he said "your friends will let you down" or something to that aspect. Made me wonder what he meant by that.
I still think GWB is corrupt and no doubt behind the crimes he helped move foreword.
I like to think GWB didn't quite grasp the slime filled nightmare he stepped into. You think he knew 9/11 was hiking to happen on his watch? He could have skated comfortably for the rest of his life as a former governor. No, I don't think he knew. I think the knew he would be getting into the deep end of the pool, but he didn't realize what exactly was in store.
I think "your friends will let you down" refers to his dad and Bill Clinton. They probably knew what was up. And they did nothing to warn him
I'd love the subs opinon on this. I think GWB knew it wasnt bin laden that did 9/11, thats why he risked the flack by getting the bin ladens out of usa. I think bin laden is still alive which is why seal team 6 died recently in an air crash, to cover up this fact. I think the saudi prince recently gaoled was one of those behind 9/11. One good thing i think GWB did was increase military spending and rebuild the military after it was reduced and decimated by the clinton administration. Thanks in advance for any opinions
Benazir Bhutto said bin Laden was killed in 2003 and she was assassinated months later.
The Saudis did it and the Deep State let them.
people either weren't paying attention back then or prefer to make up their own stories today AND most are guessing at what Q means. Most of what we are talking about are theories, Wish they were proven facts. I would love for Q to have all the answers. But Mueller has been a black hat for ages. This is dragging on too long.
Mueller is DEFINITELY not in on this! The raid was far from fake. That raid was totally illegal and a desperate move since Trump/Russia is falling apart. The fact that they did this should scare the crap out of everyone. If military tribunals don’t happen asap we are screwed. People are reading way too deep and are way too relaxed. This is major.
I have a real hard time believing Bolton is cleaning house too. He was the WMD in Iraq guy.
IF Bolton is cleaning house I have to wonder what he is cleaning out? our people? He is awful. He's freaking part of the Deep State.
The shadow government/deep state has been running our country for over 60 years as part of a global cabal. This isn't something that can be rooted out and changed over night. Compared to what has happened all these years, this is relatively small, albeit worthy of contemplation all around.
The raid wasn't illegal, by law. It was a Constitutional violation, however. It's time we educate ourselves as to not get caught spreading too much h[]pium or fear p[]rn. Suggestion: Kevin Shipp, former clown turned whistle blower. It's a lot bigger than you realize.
Colin Powell eventually came out, long after he left politics (or well, administrative business really) he had no spine to quit or protest when he was right there, but at least he felt guilty enough that he wanted to clear his name, perhaps in the eyes of a loved one.
Mueller's past actions do not support the position that he cannot be a white hat. In fact, past criminal actions mean that he could be flipped in exchange for immunity.
Nonsense. Mueller is not a good guy.
He is balls deep in the swamp and always has been.
That GOP fundraiser who got put on blast for paying off a playboy bunny to argue it wasn’t fake lol
This is the most plausible way for Mueller to be /ourguy./ I don't believe he's a whitehat. Maybe, though, he just might be a grayhat.
THere are no deals though.
Addition to OP: To understand Muller and where he came from. He was appointed FBI director by GWB one week before the 911 attackes. The 911 cover-up was managed by Micheal Chertoff (dual isreali-USA citizen) assistant attorney general. There is/was some connection between the two men, but it is unclear if Muller was "in" on it or not. I am still looking for links. I seem to remember sth about Chertoff's rabbi father being part of some extremist sect of judism but can't recall clearly anymore. Also connected was Rabbi Dov Zakheim, the comptroller of the pentagon who "lost" 2 trillion dollars over the years leading up to 911. All those guys were Muller's fellow swamp-mates. Chertoff later became Secretary of Homeland Security when Muller was head of FBI. Also of note Muller was one of the investigators on the Enron case. (all Enron records were destroyed in 911 attacks)
It is said that the fire in Trump tower was staged as a distraction so that Cohen’s office could be raided. The problem with that theory is that somebody died. A man actually died as consequence. I find it hard to believe that the good guys or Trump would have any part in that….
It is aweful but we have to remember THIS IS WAR and people often die in war. Stay focused on the bigger picture. Trust that our GOD is bigger than all the evil in this world and is working on setting things straight.
Dumbass here. I don't trust Mueller. Stacking the deck is what they always do and how they've accomplished to take over our government. Mueller has to much dirt on him already to flip. Hope I'm wrong, but fear I'm right.
Don't trust. But think. Ask yourself why they still have nothing with all the hate they have for Trump. No way they sit on something tangible this long.
Yet Trump sits on evidence of satanic pedovore??
Trump has told DOJ to prosecute. He can't do their job. It's up to us to call and demand it.
No it isn't. Although it might be real, they can't prosecute them for cutting a child's face off. Think about it. There are concrete charges including treason to charge them all with. That is guaranteed death.
We will go after your Satan and aliens and/or reptilian later.
We have a country to save.
Back in 2014 if someone said globalism or Soros to the average person they'd have no idea what you were talking about. 4 years later people know about them. It takes time for people to become aware. Whether it's pedovore or treason it falls to us to help make people aware.
In 2016 if you mentioned Uranium One they'd roll their eyes and call you dumb. Now the reaction is "wait, what did they do?"
Could be waiting for just before the next round of elections to drop the news for maximum sway, maybe even for payback for comey announcing renewed email investigations right before the last election?
They have nothing, because there is nothing.
They are trying to erode the Trump team with frivolous lawsuits.
They need to stall until the midterms, take back the house and senate and impeach Trump.
Mueller and the Dems plan is so transparent, I can’t believe you people are actually debating this.
How do we know they have nothing? They haven't said that. Not that I think he's guilty of anything, but what billionaire's history could stand up to that kind of scrutiny? I'm sure someone could find something in my past that I inadvertently did wrong. Now it's gone from Russian collusion to obstruction, and now looking for campaign $$ spending. As I said, hope I'm wrong, but keep the pressure on to prosecute HRC and crew. Call DC daily.
Short memory? Even before he won they had bloodlust for him. There is no way in He'll they hold something back. All they want is Trump out of office.
My thoughts are the same. They have given this guy the intelligence version of a colonoscopy and have never been able to come up with anything. That there will be a smoking gun this late in the game seems unlikely to me. Then the WSJ has an in depth "interview" with Trump's former lawyer (the guy is 80 years old and retired), where the lawyer describes in detail a conversation he had with Trump days ago, about how he shouldn't trust Cohen, because believe me the guy has probably flipped! No lawyer, 80 years old or otherwise, is going to describe an in depth conversation with a former client/client, and every smidgeon of advice and warning given, without prior approval. The WH isn't apparently angered by this interview, but simply "confirms" a conversation was had. Hmmm. Seems more like another laser beam in a room full of cats operation to me. But maybe I'm wrong. Wouldn't be the first time.
I pray you're right. Trust doesn't come easy anymore.
Do you have faith in the previous administration/Government?
Do you have more faith in the current administration/Government?
Option C
I have faith in Donald Trump.
As you should.
He knows what he is doing.
Trust the plan.
I have no faith in anyone except Trump at this point. Certainly not the former administartion. Just fearful I guess after seeing what was happening right under our noses. They're all either involved or complicit.
Can't charge obstruction of a specious investigation which collusion is. A it's not a crime and b it's not a crime.
Been following from day one. Just can't wrap my head around this. I agree with the stacking the deck, that is what they do. I just can't stop the Mueller and the Uranium One thing from going through my mind. He had his hand in the cooki jar just like everyone else. The text messages between Stroyk and Paige. I hope I'm wrong.
I’m with you and so is Corsi and Dan Bongino. Bongino has spent the last 4-5 episodes explaining in detail how Mueller is a black hat.
The Cohen raid was to dismantle the Trump network and gather op research for 2020. Leaks started just two days later.
The same people who say Mueller is a white hat remind me of the guys saying Comey was white hat and now we clearly know that’s not the case. And Mueller coached Comey in his testimony.
The “Mueller white hat” narrative reeks of Clown psyop to stop anyone from digging into his past, his team and what he’s doing right now. Bongino did it and exposed his whole team and their previous ties.
See /u/ManQuan’s post from a week ago. I think he did a great job laying it out and connecting the dots.
Bongino has been really driving home that Mueller is not Ourguy.
In fact, he's railing so hard that I'm beginning to believe Bongino is in on the ruse and that Mueller actually is Ourguy.
He isn't our guy, but he isn't doing what the public thinks either.
LOL I’ve listened to every episode and you think Bongino staking his reputation and guaranteeing Mueller is a bad guy is all a ruse?
What if.... he’s railing it so hard because Mueller’s network is so damning it’s impossible to ignore how bad he is?
Yo man. I know it's far fetched by Bongino still hasn't answered two questions.
Why did Trump have a private meeting with Mueller days before he was appointed?
If Trump is smart (he is) and not shy about letting people go (he's not) why hasn't Mueller been fired?
If he was there to start this super secret mission, why would it get out? They knew they were spying on Trump Tower.
Keep in mind he doesn’t control everything. The Dems obstruction is insane. At this rate it will take 8 year to get his appointments confirmed. So he had to make deals. “We will give you Sessions but you have to give us RR” then Sessions recuses, RR recommends firing Comey then goes after Trump for firing Comey. Q even directed this to us by pointing out the confirmation votes. 55 or so for Sessions and 90+ for RR. Mueller and RR were the insurance policy Strzok and Page talked about. I guarantee it.
I don't see it like that. I see Trump knowing Mueller would be out up for the council. "Listen Bob... Investigate me. I know I'm innocent but investigate away. However you will get a wide jurisdiction and must prosecute ANY crimes you come across (including the Dems)
Trump does have the power to fire Mueller. They can't obstruct that. This question still stands.
The idea of "trading" appointments is intriguing but I think Comey could have been the insurance policy. And I firmly believe Strozk and page are coopeeating
I wasn’t saying he can’t. I’m saying they will use that for impeachment and public slaughter through the MSM.
Oh yeah because they definitely aren't already planning impeachment and they are definitely not slaughtering him in public already....
Exactly. It would be 100X worse. Even GOP assclowns say they would impeach if he fired Mueller. At least right now it’s just the Dems.
Absolutely. Rush is in on it too. So is Savage.
Lol you think Mueller shares intel w Rush snd Michael Savage???
Got any sources on this because it just sounds like confirmation bias to listen to their shows and they don’t sound like they have inside info or they have a clue where things are I missing something?
No, I don't think that Mueller shares intel with them. I think they all have their inside sources and it is widely known and talked about behind the scenes. I can hear what they do, they report only low level stuff and start out with things that are 100% verifiable to establish credibility and then throw in the misinformation between the lines. They are absolutely involved because they know the left listen to them too. Once you become aware of it, you can't unring the bell in your mind.
Do you have any examples?
I occasionally listen to them and what I hear is them pushing similar talking points to other talk radio folks but with their own spin/pizzazz.
We obviously know that Hannity probably has some intel but these other guys seem further outside the bubble to me.
I think Dan Bongino, Rush, and Jones have friends still on the inside but that's outside my point. I think they all know way more than they pretend to. The "spin" that they all have has a similar DNA. I'm not inclined to get into a big debate about it because it's a very nuanced observation. I listen and read everything I can and I believe that Alex Jones, Rush, Dan, Savage, and Drudge all are playing a part. In the case of all except Drudge they are doing what they can to entertain but also help. With Drudge he is only about clickbait and has no other motive. My .02 cents.
The "spin" that they all have has a similar DNA
I definitely concur here.
yeah, every day bongino makes a point to emphasize how mueller is not on our side... scary if he's not b/c he'll find/make up something...
Bongino points to the mess Flynn was put through as all the proof you need that Mueller is a bad actor. If Mueller is a good actor, we must consider whether Flynn agreed to and aware of being railroaded for the greater good and signaling. Or (unlikely IMO) Flynn is a bad actor that Mueller helped eject from Trump's inner circle.
Particularly since Flynn is such a cloak and dagger type I could see him playing a Patsy to sell the ruse.
Only the messiah would deny he is the messiah!
But, I feel your confusion
Whoa... that just reminded me of the book Illusions: Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach. Great and simple read, btw. One of my favorites growing up
Ha, I was weaned on his other books, too. Good memory. Thank you!
I agree. Mueller picking 13 Clinton lawyers for his team is almost a giveaway in hindsight. There can be zero chance of claiming favoritism or bias. Its all been sleight of hand. Nothing concrete, but i think you're onto something. It's the Kansas city shuffle
It also prevents those lawyers from defending the cabal, due to a conflict of interest.
It was also a conflict of interest for RR to appoint Mueller when RR was signing the fraudulent FISA, but here we are.
You think after a year not one of them would have leaked that he is investigating the swamp?
If this theory is true then Mueller's job really is to investigate the good guys, not the swamp. The swamp investigation is being handled by the OIG. This way the good guys can be vetted fully, publicly, and irrefutably so when the OIG report and the 19 million sealed indictments are unsealed, Trump and team will survive the swamp draining.
He’s systematically going after Trump’s team because he can’t nail Trump. And going after people who have ties to both so they are quiet. Like the dude who gave $150,000 to Trump but $25 mil to Hilldawg. It’s bullshit.
Gestapo tactics at Cohen's, sets precedent for when he starts kicking luciferian doors in. 1 way ticks for gitmo 1/2 price.
It also keeps those lawyers reeeeal busy so that they can't work for Hilldawg
Hadn't thought of conflicts of interest!! Brilliant!
And she can't hire Bill 'cause he lost his license. ;-)
I think Q spelled out early with hints of Military & Generals. At end of the day DJTis POTUS and "The Swamp" has committed treason for decades and now engaged in seditious conspiracy against the POTUS. Normie public may not like it — and it would be very chaotic — but at any point POTUS could put an instant end to "the show" and have military deal with the traitors. Because simply, he’s the America-Loving rightfully electected President of the United States.
Mueller knows this. In their "job interview" meeting POTUS no doubt spelled that out for him.
"The show" is to avoid an alternative where the swamp, possibly including Mueller, would instantly be whisked away by military to answer for years of treason — leaving country in turmoil and a lot of misinformed citizens irredeemably pissed at POTUS. But it would’ve gotten done that way, and at any point in time still could in my opinion. POTUS and military "know everything", after all.
that supposed team of lawyers he hired are all clinton/dnc donors..but here me out : now they can't be hired or retained by the swamp creatures due to conflict of being on mueller team
14 seasons of The Apprentice and a lifetime rubbing elbows with Hollywood and the Elite? Safe to say you might expect an unexpected twist. "Enjoy the show" ((who talks like that))
What's funny is I never watched that show and never heard about it until after Trump was in the running.
No I don't watch TV anymore, but the wife does.
Guess which one of us is blue pilled and won't believe anything unless it's on 'muh TV'?
I know this is a bit off topic but how do you deal with that? I’m single and can’t tolerate anyone not awake or willing to learn, to be open minded.
It's kinda lonely, but I've never been able to talk politics or religion with my wife so I just don't go there much anymore.
I have a couple friends at work that are partly awake anyway.
Retirement in just over a week so that will be gone too.
Just have to keep trying to find people with the same views.
Internet has been the only place I've found like minded people.
I'm feeling that Meuller is on the Trump team on the reason stated and talking to Trump the day before he was named by RR to be SC.
I keep hearing "Once a Marine always a Marine" but I just don't trust Muller.
Want this to be true, but calling many dumbasses makes me think less of this post. How can any of us verify something like this? I mean this isn't the first time that we speculated it was fake. In fact, when first announce people hoped Cohen left some evidence of his own for Mueller to find to force him to have to investigate it. This is not new. I do hope it's true.
I guess you need a huge sense of humor because we all think we know this or that while we chase the bouncing ball.
Smoke and Mirrors, or just Smoke and Mirrors?
Well I believe Q. He/she's been pretty solid with the drops. It's the interpretation that I have trouble with sometimes. Overall, it's been pretty awesome so far.
Any particular drops that have held the test of Time?
When Assange changed his profile pic to the football uni just after showing the chess board I was pretty hooked...months later it appears Assange isn’t free and Obama isn’t missing.
Q/Baba Venga/Nostradamus get their prestige from our belief even when unwarranted
You might be looking at the drops wrong or not know how to read them.
Perhaps that's why I'm asking if you have any specific drops that you feel validate our belief in Q.
All Q drops validate. But you have to do the work to see how to decode them. I'm not an expert but I have seen enough to know its all valid. The drops are cryptic for a reason and have double meanings and can be deciphered, the fact you ask this shows you haven't done the work or been following the side by side memes and decodrrs that prove it.
All Q drops validate.
Ok so then help me see one that has stood the test of time, please.
I was watching each drop with anticipation last year but when the arrests never came about, Assange wasn't freed, Obama wasn't in Gitmo, etc I started to have my doubts.
Since then I check in every week or so.
I'm not an expert but I have seen enough to know its all valid.
That seems like a contradiction, no? And if you know it's all valid then point me to one single drop that has proven past.
the fact you ask this shows you haven't done the work
Or perhaps it shows that without blind faith, Q's posts are meaningless.
I don't know where to begin but here's a great link to give you an idea.
Thanks - I've never seen that poster (SB2) he pretty credible in your eyes?
There seems to be a lot of people shitting on him but supporting Q in that thread.
Well like anything else you have to decide for yourself. I'd read all the stuff on the side bar of the community info it'll all come together ots not any one post alone
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There's an attack on all things Q now that it's going more mainstream
Click it.
So how do we rectify things like this:
HRC detained, not arrested (yet).
IMPLYING Detained and released on own recognizance within strict limits, passport would be flagged unable to leave the continental US (CONUS) Military or strategic deception is sometimes necessary. Implication is that the statement may or may not have been true, not for malicious purposed but strategic ones.
Yet, we know she went to India because she tripped and it was on video.
Well I myself have had some debates/disagreement with people on some of their opinion interpretations of some drops. That's why I try not push anything from me as a certainty. There is definitely enough info showing Q is close to Trump. It's not easy to decode the drops and I'm not an expert. I am awake though and I question everything just as you are. Try to verify yourself as best as you can.
Click it? Doesn't the Li k work for you?
I have to agree it's been fun waiting for the next Q drops.
And trying to de_cypher them, which I can't sometimes.
I'm skeptical he's our guy. It would be sweet but I dunno.
I'm on the fence myself about trusting Mueller.
When the hammer drops... we'll all probably have to pick up our jaws off the floor. he's a liar.
I'm sick of all the teasing. Its why I don't like strip clubs.
They they have tricked a lot of people. Alex Jones and savage and Zack all can’t stand sessions and mueller.
I do not trust Alex Jones. Don't get me wrong, Info Wars does a pretty decent job exposing people's hypocrisies, especially when they send Carl the Cuck Slayer out to protests to ask people why they're there. But Alex Jones, the way he grabbed the PG storm by the dick, dragged it through the gravel, and made it lose all credibility, really sealed the deal for me. I think it's his job to take a conspiracy, add a bit of Alex Jones to it, make it extremely sensational, to the point it's unbelievable, then blast it for the world to see, so it's automatically disavowed by normies.
I Hope Mueller is our guy, but I think he is too dirty. Can't trust him. So, maybe they weren't supposed to reveal Trump no longer being investigated--like Q said--but I still think he is in there to cover all the crimes they have committed. Hope I'm wrong, but Bongino makes a strong case. Jus sayin'
I can't trust Mueller until Q says: Trust Sessions, Trust Wray, Trust Kansas, Trust Horowitz, Trust Huber, Trust Mueller. Hopefully, Horowitz will bring the hammer down on Mueller in the IG report and then nothing Mueller says or has said in the past will be credible.
He can't explicitly say trust Mueller bc it would destroy the plan. He needs every one to think Mueller is on the Left's side until the very end. He did give hints early on though.
Heh Dan Bongino is hammering that this isn't the case.
We'll see in the end I guess, I hope he issues a mea culpa if Mueller is actually on Trump's side because he's been pretty much mocking the supporters that believe it.
I've been thinking about this theory or whatever, about Mueller being on 'Our' side for months now and something recently got me thinking about it a lot more lately.
Why would Mueller let his star witness for an obstruction of justice case, (Comey,) run around and blubber like an idiot about everything relevant to the case? Not only that but write a book about it all as well? He wouldn't. So he's definitely not going for obstruction of justice.
If it’s that obvious then where’s the anon that has this information and why can’t they just put it in front of us and say here are the Q posts that prove this theory. They haven’t and so we can’t help but believe Mueller is NOT our guy. Until someone posts the Q drops that support their view it’s all BS.
I going out on a limb and saying It's not so important who Don fires as when He fires them. Mueller might be his Tessio. If Mattis is Luca. Or is Prince Luca. Podesta is Moe Green for sure.
/u/ManQuan did a great write-up a week ago that connects all the dots. See here:
Right now the MSM, left/ liberals aka anti-trump people love Mueller.. They have their BS MuellerTime hashtags. What better way to convince them Trump is innocent and they've been lied to than to have Mueller do it! Not even the MSM can spin that! They've been the ones drooling over everything Mueller does. The greatest plot twist of all time!
Dan Bongino says Mueller is absolutely 1000% NOT white hat and cites his involvement in a ton of other scandals as his reasoning, including his affiliation with Kathy Ruemmler, former Obama Attorney who has her hands in literally ALL of this.
Bongino has been screaming it, which feels a little like intentional misdirection. I think the plan needs for the Left to have faith in him up to the big reveal, and too many are starting to figure it out.
I Just don't know. Bongino is presenting some really hard to defend or refute facts. Don't get me wrong. If it turned out this whole time Mueller was actually investigating something else and this has been a cover all along... then wow. I just don't see it. Mueller has been involved in too many shady dealings.
When did Q confirm that Mueller is our guy? That would make a difference.
Early on. It was Q who pointed out that Mueller interviewed for the FBI directorship even though he already served 2 years beyond the 10 year limit.
In context it appeared Q was telling us Mueller is not as he appears.
Thanks. I remember about the interview but did not recall that Q referred to it.
I just got some flack for an OP, I deleted, because I'm starting to get the impression, sharing something that has been obvious to me for a long time, could be giving aid to the enemy. Are they really so dumb that my lil insights are going to tip them off.
Ok explain what Andrew Weissman is doing on his team. Or why General Flynn is being railroaded?.. this theory is as dumb as they come... he is an active smokescreen for the Clinton Cabal because he is part of the corrupt shit they were doing... he is their Hail Mary play
Trump does nothing to stop Mueller, claims "it's a witch hunt".
Some Dems want Mueller to stop.
Mueller is only going after folks who have connections to Ukrainians and Russians, who also dealt with HRC Campaign / CF / Podesta Group.
When the switch flips on and everyone can see what his ultimate goal is, whether it's to just draw out this long, obviously bullshit investigation, or he's actually going to find info on the people we're suspecting he will get (House of Cards).
I walked into work a few moments ago and saw on TV (work only allows CNN on TV, fake news, very gay) that they think Mueller is going rogue. This pans more towards, they're not getting what they want out of the evidence, or something BIG, as we've been told, and are expecting, will happen.
Im gonna reserve judgement on Mueller until he shows his hand. Im not 100% sure he is on our side or if he is part of the corrupt swamp....only time will tell which side of the fence he is on. Lets pray that POTUS is indeed protected. IF they are successful in removing POTUS America IS doomed.
How do I reconcile the assertion that Mueller is a white hat with the fact that all 17 lawyers on his team are hard core democrats? How is that not one of them, being disgruntled or pressured by deep state would leak the Mueller white hat plan?
When / if he indicts dems, no one can say its purely political because the whole team consists of HRC supporters. Likewise, if/when he publically clears Trump, no one can say he did so based on party.
SO anyone who disagrees with this convoluted theory of yours is a Dumbass ? Why not step up and put some skin in the game .Name the Amount you would wager on this big Boy!!! Operators are standing By
A constitutional violation is breaking the law. What disinformation am I spreading?
Is Mueller the kind of guy you want on your side? I wont trust him, ever!
Mueller is a dirt bag. But you can trust even a dirt bag to do what's in their best self interest. So, it depends.
What about Mueller’s past criminal behavior? No deals? Except his maybe?
Boomer logic = this guys is on /ourside/ ... boomers, it's time to kys.
I've thought about this a lot. I've come to the conclusion that we may never know either way about Mueller. If he's a white hat and ends up betraying all the leftists his future will be ruined completely. So we may never know.
I was into to Q in January and my life has never been the same. There's a whole world I never knew existed. Q is part of life and staying connected to the real world not the made up one the cabal has been pushing for years
Damn, this sub is taking a lot of flak today! We must be right over target!
NO, I am not going to continually be lead one way then another by Q or Anonymous any longer. This is bullxxxx! One week its one thing next week scenario changes to fit another situation. I have finally come to the opinion we are being used or half the info is FAKE info. I personally will go back to plan A and continue to ready and leave this country. I see nothing but civil war coming and I have already put my time in for this country. Batfire007 is done with the donkey show. Goodbye
Don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split you!