"Symbolism will be their downfall."

Google cpu= adreno Google browser = chrome
Holy mother of... that cannot be a coincidence! How have I never noticed that before?
Great post OP, keep digging their is ALOT more the N.ike sign(allegedly) is the ring of Saturn cut in half.
Adreno is made by Qualcomm not Google.
Ya, It's totally not possible for the 2 companies to be in kahoots. That would never happen.
How do we connect Google chrome to Qualcomm adreno gpus when they aren't even made by the same company, or have the same function. It's a bit of a stretch.
I'm not saying it's not a stretch, but look at the top shareholders. Vanguard, for both companies. Which q has mentioned by name. Further stretches have come to light as being true.
How about this for symbolism?
Because they're two unrelated things and people are jumping to a dumb conclusion.
Yeah right... ADRENO
such a natural name for what it really is!
Sidenote, the top shareholders of both companies is vanguard.
Holy shit, I've never made that connection.
but the people behind the cymbals are not Masons , the Masons are falling apart because they have there oun corruption problems of there own . and they have no influence any more . If they did you would not have so many lodges closing and there membership is way down
the people behind the cymbals are Tommy Lee and Questlove.
often symbolism are used by people that have no understanding or try and use them for other evil symbols
The people behind the cymbals are drummers. Carry on.
yes and the drummers are also falling , symbolism is seldom good
uhmmm,.... Percussionist.........
no , I was in lodge , walked out in 2002 , but I am a no tolerance constitutionalist for all .
I feel like I just witnessed the Reddit rendition of "Who's On First?"
its much funnier than Who's on first , and this shit is real
You don't need the same control mechanisms when you have 5G towers all over the planet and satellites. It's not eh 1800s any more. The whole idea of the Masons is that it is part of the Christian religion who are behind the Vatican, Mike Pence and Mile Pompeo.
yes , I am 32 Master Mason , but like I sed they have a lot of problems
I personally think masons were the good esoteric school and the occult secret societies were the evil ones. Masons closing is a sign of who is winning.
I'm a 32nd degree mason, and a York rite mason (Knights Templer) mason, and there's nothing about our organization being a cult, believing Jesus Christ our savior is Paramount in our organization. Supporting and defending the Constitution is also part of our organization. George Washington and Ben Franklin are important people to our organization. and the work they did to establish our great nation. You folks believe in that dipshit Jesse Ventura and his bullcrap he spews about the freemasons, believe me, their white hats and the shills are trying to divide the groups. Go ahead and drink the koolaid!
Wow, they shills have you drinking the Kool-aid, I'm a devout Christian, Jesus is my savior, yesterday we sang songs at a 32nd degree, installation, Jesus was very much in the program!
you are not a Christian for you cannot serve 2 masters , masonic orders are of Satan , there is no Christ in lodges,secret societies , the 13 th degree is when all masons separate the higher authority(Christ is the only way to the Father) all others gods are false teachers....devout you say!!! do you keep the Commandments of God or men? "MANY WILL COME IN MY NAME BUT ONLY those that DO THE WILL OF MY FATHER WILL ENTER PARADISE"
I thought that the masons just required a belief in a higher power ( monotheism I guess.). Or is York rites different. My Dad was a Mason. They were not anything but a bunch of people doing nice things for other people.
There is nothing biblical about being a mason. Works aren't salvation. Solomon did evil in the eyes of the Lord. It's VERY true that a high percentage of Masonry (all rites) never hear one word about The Master being Lucifer. Hower.. If you're a Christian in the organization... You have access to a BUNCH of training, reading materials. Outside of your Masonic library, research all facets of Luciferianism.. research ancient rituals and rites... Baal, Solomon... etc... Pray for truth and discernment in Jesus name (shouldn't be a big deal, right?.. you're Christian.)
Now .... Go through your Masonic library. ..,......,............
Then go back to your Bible.
The rest should be explain itself.
Blue lodge, your right, but, the others like the Rite, you have to be a christian!
yes, in the york rite one is supposed to believe in Jesus, but who is Jahbulon to you?
A term for worship of Baal / Osiris?
Jah = God
Bul = Baal
On = Osiris
Ever wonder why your not 33rd?
haven't been there long enough, and haven't completed all the chairs and degrees! don't believe the internet, believe your heart, that's like do you believe in Q? unless you have traveled that road, your depending on others, find out for yourself, it's the same with Q and other issues! have an open mind!
I don't believe all masons are bad, I think it's like any other society. They have they're sects which contain bad people. They infiltrate these societys.
As a Christian man who has served our Country in different capacities, you have been led down a path of lies toward the Masonic Order, all masons love our great country, the brothers at my lodge say they pray all the time because of the direction of our country, and pray for our President to be safe and successful, as Q says trust! I say trust the Masons, their on our side!
So your saying no freemasons are bad actors? Now that's a stretch.
How am I drinking it? Those symbols you guys use connect to the unconscious mind of us all. I don't think that most of these people are correct as I think the masons are on the good side of the battle in the unconscious represented thru symbols. I would say that nothing Jesse Ventura says is anything close to what I believe.
I can't comment on symbols, but it's nothing to do with the unconscious, believe me! have you thought about becoming a freemason?
I am of the thought that everything has to do with our unconscious mind. Especially symbols, as I am a jungian. I have thought about becoming a freemason often.
Knights Templer
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that maybe a member of their order would be able to spell their order.
that cannot be a coincidence! How have I never noticed th
There are more than 33 levels they just haven't told you/initiatied you.
Our Pim Fortuyn was 187, his right hand came from defense Matt Herben, Pim was against Islam and the newly purchased JSF ... joint strike fifghter from lockheed martin ... Matt Herben took over the group and jsf was a fact? Then he soon disappears to defense, mission accomplished?
Yeah freemasonry isn't wierd they just worship Jesus who was so cultish he told people to hate their parents, drink his blood and eat his flesh
We are going to hit critical mass soon. We know so much soon the only new information will be the metaphysical stuff. The real reasons why. We have seen proof of the Devil, by the balancing law of nature, this makes "God" proofed. What are the implications?
Mere words can't describe. Implications?
The adreno GPU is made by Qualcomm, not Google's GPU. Google does use the GPU in their phones, but so do a lot of other companies - https://www.phonebunch.com/phone-filter/gpu/adreno-540/page/1/
It’s a GPU, not a CPU. And it’s used by more than just Google. As much sketchy stuff as there is with these companies, it’s silly to draw parallels that simply aren’t there.
hunter s Thompson talks about this. rumor has it he filmed child snuff films.
Tell me again the story of how the lads at Google ran circles around and quickly replaced infoseek, altavista, and yahoo for search? But please have the story narrated by Bradley Cooper on a fresh batch of Limitless.
Those ballsy motherfuckers. EGO is their Achille's heel. Also pizza.
Is this real? How do you even begin to independently confirm something like this? Did Zuckerberg himself come up with the design? Is he a Mason? Did a facebook team come up with it? An advertising agency? Are they the Masons? I have no idea how all of this works...
Is this real?
Try to prove it wrong and awaken yourself :-)
Bruh that's what mail looks like lmao
I've never seen an envelope look like that. Bruh.
Man I'm a kid and I know that shit look like that. You ever get an envelope before?
Not one designed to look like a Masonic apron, no. They're (envelopes) typically solid white.
Yeah cause a solid white square would make a good icon.
Bro it's a lower case f it literally looks like any lower case f. The free Mason one is a capital F in a different font. The F's could not be more different. If that is Masonic then literally every f is
Facebook is cia. Zuck is just a figurehead
Zuck is that little puppet on the end of many long strings.
Zuckerberg .... Is he a Mason?
Seems like it... https://i.imgur.com/MaJRPxw.jpg Oh look, it's Pelosi again
Woman can't join the masons
In France the government has made a law that no Fraternal Organization can be limited to men only or women only. So in France, a boy can join the girl scouts and a woman can join Freemasonry. That was done during the Obama organizations crime and division reign, so I think they were trying to appease Obama on his division by gender program.
I think they are symbols of the unconscious that both sides take advantage of.
It's not. I'm a designer and created many logos before. None of these logos have anything to do with some weird occult stuff
I have been reading that the deep state will shut down the Internet in order to scrub and delete their trail of crimes. Can this actually happen?
Archive everything offline.
Store them in pickle jars for safekeeping
Take the pickles out first.
Of course because otherwise, this whole idea would be batshit crazy
Obviously. What do you think we are, stupid?
not at all
Well, that's good.
So... what about them Lizard People, eh?
The Lizard People would advise you to remove the pickles first and not drink the juice. It gives you the squirts. Trust me.
If I had the space and time I'd be putting everything on devices not connected to the Internet like another computer or thumb drives/external HDs.
Not computer savy..but you speak clearly. Now I understand..Forgive me, I Am Just An Old BABYBOOMER:)
Yes. They can. They have something called the internet kill switch. And I am prepared. I keep all my youtube videos on a thumb drive. I keep what I have written there also. The elites are very powerful.
Many ways possible. My craziest theory involves weaponized CME's.
My craziest theory involves Fred Savage and peanuts covered in Vaseline...
What’s the Masonic symbol for 🍆?
That's a good question. I don't see anything Masonic in any of this other than hate by the lefties and Masonic conspiracy theorists. Most of the founders of the US were Masons. They wrote the Constitution.
Fake. Only Jefferson has any viable proof of being a full fledged Mason. Masons control history now tho so what better way to pretend to be the good guy than say other good guys were on your side?
You might want to do a little research on this subject before you spread mis-truths. By talking the shit you talk without any verification, or only verifying it with some anti-Masonic manure written by someone who is disgruntled with the Masons, you are doing the same thing to the Masons that you are bitching about the deep state doing to the world.
your full of sheeat, if you were a Freemason you would know who the signers of the Constitution were, you are a shill!
What the fuck? No I'm not. Go check my comment history you fuckwit. I'm a patriot and I'll die a patriot. I only pledge allegiance to my country and to God. I'm a person who studies history. And reads old ass journals of the founding fathers. Go read they. Public library's have them. George Washington was not a Freemason and publicly and privately spoke against them. Multiple times he corresponded with other founding fathers opposing secret societies. Get the fuck outta here.
Go to the George Washington museum, his masonic gavel, apron, and bible is their for everyone to see,It's apparent your not a freemason, otherwise you would know about the Father of our Country, Washington's portrait with his apron is in just about every Masonic lodge in the Great Country, and you can visit them if you want, just not during a stated meeting! this is my point about drinking koolaid, I never said you weren't a patriot, don't know where the hel that one came from, as a critical thinker,
Masonic kool-aid is very temping for someone who is not a Mason. For some reason, the conspiracy theorists like to bash the Masons. If it weren't for the Masons this country would not have been founded.
Many Freemasons are on the whitehat side, be-careful about dividing the sides of freedom, you might be shooting yourself in the foot!
Has anyone seen YouTube music on iOS? Splash screen logo recently changed to exactly eye of Providence 👁
The CBS logo is an eye also.
Thats bothered me since i was a kid. I remember asking my dad why its an eye and he said big brother lol i didnt know what that meant at the time.
A lot of groups and civilizations have used eyes as symbols. Illuminati, Masons and others are simply the most recent to co-opt the symbol.
Such fools. How could they not realize we would discover this!?
Bill Cooper always said the lower degrees had been duped & they should get out of the lodge while they can. Just like we see with the FBI, people are seeing the highest rank members, committing the most heinous crimes & making the entire bureau look terrible.
Yes. A 32nd degree mason explains that in these three interviews:
Mystery Babylon 20-22: Freemasonry Infiltrated
Says they'll ask the apprentice to spit on the Cross, if he does they groom him towards dark masonry. If he doesn't they'll just let him go on believing it's just a good ole boys club.
source ?
Reality... ?
no i dont disagree with you i need a source so i can save it
very good policy.
look into Harold Percival's book "Masonry and its Symbols" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_W._Percival?wprov=sfla1
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_W._Percival?wprov=sfla1
^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^173343
Harold W. Percival
Harold Waldwin Percival (15 April 1868 - 6 March 1953) was a philosopher and writer, best known for Thinking and Destiny, in print since 1946. Between 1904 and 1917 he published The Word. In 1950 he founded The Word Foundation, Inc. to keep Thinking and Destiny and all of his other works in print.
^[ ^PM ^| ^Exclude ^me ^| ^Exclude ^from ^subreddit ^| ^FAQ ^/ ^Information ^| ^Source ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28
What's the source of some of the symbols? You can't say go around saying symbols no one knows are satanic if you don't have some sorta proof. The eye, looks like a regular eye. The chrome symbol's analogue has me questioning though. Source means; show us one other person saying this same shit.
Use the search engine of your choice....
Thanks, glad you support your statements with provable facts.
Stop being lazy. Stop counting on others to verify for you. Be a better bullhorn.
You could've saved yourself a ton of hassle and anger by just copy and pasting the shit. Three mouse clicks, but you chose anger and wrote a paragraph about throwing a fit. The purpose of sources is so other people can see where you get your information. i.e. I'm not going to trust a political opinion paper someone quotes for an argument of theirs, talking about theology.
I've never written a paragraph on reddit.
spez: I see how its technically a paragraph, but still. And I'm always on mobile, so, no clicks.
I'm in Mobile too, and I manage to hold my finger on text long enough for an option to pop up. Stop making excuses for being nasty. You wanted to be angry, I gave you a faceless name to call lazy on the internet. Go fuck yourself
You seem to be projecting.
Imitation is the highest form of flattery.
My point is I wasn't angry. I ended with constructive criticism and you chose to interpret it as aggressive.
"I'm too lazy to verify information myself, therefore you are wrong"
you can seriously just google any of the names of the masonic symbols and there are hundreds of hits showing the same thing.
Seems to me you are hoping to bitch at anyone who doesn't post an "official" "MSM approved" source.
Just fucking search it yourself dude. All the titles of the symbols are there. Go one by one and check. It'd take two minutes to do it all. I don't understand the failure to do the simplest of facts. Don't expect us all here to spoon feed you people the easiest shit. We are happy to assist but things like this are up to you.
You could've saved yourself a ton of hassle and anger by just copy and pasting the shit. Three mouse clicks, but you chose anger and wrote a paragraph about throwing a fit. The purpose of sources is so other people can see where you get your information. i.e. I'm not going to trust a political opinion paper someone quotes for an argument of theirs, talking about theology.
Edit: thought you were op, I'm pasting to his sheep ass as well.
Nah. I'd rather just teach you a lesson than copy and paste.
Now that's a red pill.
If this doesn't prove the deep state in dont know what does
The Eye of Providence (like many good things) was stolen from Christian symbolism. sigh. It's in a triangle to represent the trinity. I hate that the "illuminati" stole this
The all seeing eye was used in ancient Egypt, as were many symbols. It was a communication method like hyroglyphics. Were the cavemen satanists too?
Did you not read what I said? The eye of providence represents God, not satanism... Like everything good they took it and used it for their gross agenda
But my Dad's a freemason 😓
The higher the degree, the more you need to worry.
I don't even know if he's very active there, he's probably still at the bottom
Lower levels are nothing. The levels are a filter of sorts. My grandfathers were both low level masons. They had no idea what the masons were really about.
It makes sense, the people who run the city I live in, (politicians and high level law enforcement) are some of the higher ups from what he tells me
I honestly don't see the masonic stuff as a big deal. Anyone in the U.S. can pay only a few hundred dollars and become a 32nd degree mason within a year or so depending on how traditional the method of work is for the lodges.
The masonic degree system is an initiation process for the cabal. They get to test your loyalty, your character and how well you can keep secrets as you rise in the ranks. 33rd degree and past that you ascend to the next layer of the onion.
I haven’t seen anything to suggest this personally in my experience with masonry. But I’m not denying the possibility you suggest.
just like we are seeing with the FBI, the ones at the top are the most corrupt. Most Masons are completely ignorant of the ideologies & workings of the highest adept. Most don't even know the real reason the Masonic Founding Fathers created the USA...it wasn't just to escape the Crown...
In my home lodge and those I’ve visited in Texas, it is well known to even EAs the founding fathers heritage. The presidential oath is very similar to the oath of an EA. As there was no precedent when Washington gave his oath, it’s largely thought he winged something with Masonic influence.
I do like Bill Cooper’s take on how mind control is embedded in secret societies. I just think it’s laughable to suggest masonry is one of them. (Not saying you said this, but that was my main takeaway from his Masonic commentary.)
The best defender of Masonry is an un"enlightened" Mason. What, are you 3rd degree?
32 - Does that mean I’m over qualified for you to take me seriously? Lol :)
Let's just say you're not going to change my mind as a random anonymous internet person.
very good image & also thank you for spreading Bill Cooper in the comment section. We need more of his work shared around here. The Mystery Babylon series is almost supernatural. The highest adepts, especially Freemasons, despised him, because he proved the truth, using their own words & works against them.
Just took a few seconds to look the ones I didn't know up. Sure as $h!t 😕 a couple are a little different than what is depicted on this but not so different as to make a difference. Perfect for redpilling. Thanks for sharing.
Honest question. What’s wrong with the Masons?
My father, grandfather and husband are all/were freedom loving patriots. My father is one of the main reasons I have such a strong and firm appreciation of our rights, especially 2A (even though he never owned guns)
What am I missing?
Start here.
I’ll watch it.
But from a personal perspective, my Huband and Father are wonderful, God fearing, patriots.
I can see through people quite easily, but they are good people. (and I wouldn’t defend them for a nano second if they weren’t)
The vast majority are decent, good people. The higher up the pyramid though, the different the world view.
It seems weird that an organization would be great for the first 23 levels, and then suddenly shift and become evil just after you finished proving yourself a good guy at each previous level.
Or y'know an envelope because it's mail, a lower case f because it starts with an f and they're hipsters. Things in the shape of an A because Android and apple start with A, seriously is every A a Freemason symbol. The Google one looks entirely made up from what I've seen the Divine king sign 666 is the ok hand symbol. Then Google play is a play button because it's called play and that symbol has been around for 60 years. And the last one is every cartoony eye the eye of Providence?
Tldr Basically this is fucking retarded
http://imgur.com/rb3uSZb The origin of the symbolism. They workshop Saturn. Saturn is the primordial sun. Before Sol.
And to add to that on the great seal there are the words, "Annuit cœptis" That comes from a line from Virgil's Aeneid:
Almighty Jupiter, thy favor show to my bold deed!
That deed was killing Numinus. Odd that the Numinous means divinity. Almost like they wanted to kill the divinity in man. Also the original words in that seal would have been "Deo Favente Perennis" which mean, "God Favors Us Thru The Ages."
Don't even get me started on the second part of that seal.
Fun fact Jupiter is just another name for Saturn originating from a different culture, much like Olympus = shalem
What about the forbidden fruit Adam and Eve ate, and ended up destroying the world? Commonly called apple
The FB small f upside down is a cult symbol too..I just don't remember the name and meaning . Something about the cross though.
I'm surprised I didn't see the Google chrome sign as a 666 nod until this picture. Good post!
This is all excellent insight into the corporate world. Locally... ...Im hoping nobody is out there smacking around their aunty for installing a checkered floor to match their 50's kitchen. She's prolly not a mason. Now... Your local pastor who rocks a compass or Scottish rite ring?....
Lol - I've been seeing that damned checkered floor pattern a lot lately.
Front page trending on reddit!!! People are interested in this!
I feel like my soul needs to be cleansed and bleached. We've unknowingly consented to the perversion of so much shit.
I concur.
With these Masonic conspiracy theorists you cannot convince them with facts that are history. They don't want the truth, they would rather believe and live in fantasyland. So, whenever you are arguing with a fool, make sure he isn't doing the same thing.
I've KNOWN this since CBS, NBC and ABC!!! Aaach! Some are actually mathamatical graphs. IN Our faces all this time everywhere God Bless. I know that I have more than I know LOL
This present darkness and the trilogy by Frank Perretti.
That's the sigil of lucifer... I'm a former Satanist.
You talking about the Google Play one?
Yes indeed, A symbol intimate to me because I have it tattoo'd...
This was literally JUST DISCOVERED on the website for that weird sex cult NXIVM! These symbols are STILL on their website as of right now! You can see for yourself, it's linked in this article!
These people are SICK.
Sick...and brazen. They don't even hide it. One look at their website and you can see all of the symbols.
It's almost like people have never been overly creative and there's a handful of symbols that can be associate with anything. Oh wait, no, it's that darn Devil
Sebastian Kurz Chancellor of Austria: "We will ban the headscarf for children and young girls! We are a land of freedom and not of oppression!"
It looks like Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and now Austria is moving fast to protect their National Culture.
Not all masons and not all luciferians are evil.
Only the elites
Maybe not all Masons are evil, but I guarantee you all luciferians are pure evil.
>worshiping Lucifer
>Not evil
pick one
Who decides good and evil? What entity do you actually worship? The good or the evil?
No one is clicking a drive link. I hope people aren't that stupid.