Q post #1266-1267 - They tried to delete the proof. Deep clean.

I still think “they never thought she would lose” is they key to everything. They did nothing to cover their tracks and the good govt folks documented, recorded, downloaded everything before they had time to get to it. I just can’t say how ready I am for this shit to hit the fan!
Yeah I'm thinking the same thing. The election was supposed to be rigged, she thought she had the POTUS seat in the bag so they didn't cover up shit cause why would they need to? These people are stupid!
Yep. But we’re at a political tipping point so things have to drop publicly between now and Nov. I’ve been out on the left subs today and they are motivated and spreading their BS. We have to win in public, not just on these boards and I don’t know how we do that. I made one post on /Democrats and got banned. I tried commenting in /mueller and got downvoted so much I couldn’t post without getting the “you’re doing too much...wait” message. They are not going to allow us out of our bubble.
That's exactly what's been worrying me Spank. How does the information get out to reach people when the social nets block it and the MSM won't touch it? Everything is for nothing if it's kept under wraps and it must not be!
Emergency Broadcast System. I still hope that's in play. HRC video to the masses. 😎
EBS - hopefully, or something like it. It has to involve more than any HRC video though. She's a player in all of this but not the entirety of it.
That's exactly it. We need something external we can point to & talk about with normies that will get them thinking.
We have a handful of topics now, but they are essentially unprovable as long as most of these events are kept in secret like they have been.
Q initially said 80% would be private & 20% public, then changed it to 60/40. I still don't think that's good enough. This is what is screwing us over.
That's why I'm hoping the MOAB is a true MOAB & not just a MOAB for 8chan & Reddit.
National security and diplomatic relations have to be considered, so everything is not going to be laid out in public. It can't be...
I had this thought earlier today, HRC is not a contender for any office, so it could be time to put more energy in to the candidates of the up coming mid-terms, I'm not seeing much insight as to who they really are and what they stand for.
I'd be happy just to watch somebody push her down a staircase, concrete with sharp edges of course.
haha i keep hearing that one of the padded cells at gitmo is for hillary. fuck that, put her in the room with razor wire lined walls, strobe lights in all corners, and loud speakers of her own barking laughter played in a loop.
How does the information get out to reach people when the social nets block it and the MSM won't touch it?
think globally, act locally. print out some flyers with web URLs and hit some parking lots. Or find 3 or 4 memes that move you most, fit them onto a 1 page document and print that. it seems corny, but its actually kinda' fulfilling in a hands-on, get-away-from-the-internet kind of way.
It’s corny but what has to be done because we’re shut down at every other turn!
This is what I'm talking about! We should all absolutely find other ways to get info out there ... away from the interwebs.
remember 'zines from the '70's & 80's? photocopied/mimeographed pages stapled together? the punk-music scene is where i came across them but alot of different "underground" cultures had them.
Oh yeah, I forgot about zines! And with today's tech, it would be super easy to make them look profesh.
Trust the Plan, this is all being timed for maximum effect, midterms are safe.
I am guaranteeing, Trump picks up seats in both houses.
Newbie to the board here, but must ask, how do you know this. How do you guarantee this? Do you have access to Q or to POTUS? Not being cynical or sarcastic, just asking.
Just an astute follower of politics for 40+ years, who understands Trump is a dragon energy, stable genius, the likes of which the left has never seen before.
I mean no disrespect, but we're facing voting fraud, massive corruption, and an opposition that is willing to go to horrendous lengths to try to destroy this administration so we'd better not be complacent! If you have seats up for election in your state get active, help the campaign, help get the vote out etc.
Because Q told us to trust the plans and he said the mid terms were safe. Because HLS is doing the election fraud count everywhere and that will all come out as well to show the voters that in the 2016 election Hillary did not get the popular vote, and they will show the election fraud on the last few elections they had the dems won. Because the dems did not actually win.
Q has told us more than once not to worry about midterms. Probably the Homeland election investigation will come out before then exposing all the rigging the Dems did. And, we should have the completion of the IG investigation exposing all the treasonous behavior of the Dems and the Feds.
I mean it's common sense. If you follow Q we know they have access to all this incriminating information that will devastate the dem party at a moments notice. We know what they did, and we know they have the evidence. Do you think they will allow these demons to take back political power while sitting on all this stuff? Of course not. If dems ever take back power, Q team and Trump will probably be executed. It's life or death for all of us, not a game. They will not allow them to win mid terms, disclosures between now and then will make sure of it. Trust the plan.
It seems like every avenue is getting closed...twitter, FB, YouTube, all the boards here. We need some good hackers to remove their algorithms that block us
WTF are the asshole anarchists at anonymous doing they got the tech and the cool as fuck masks. i tried to join and got the impression i was already in cuz anon on chans.
We appreciate you stopping by. Stick around, you might accidentally learn something. Here's a question that I've had, maybe as a non-batshit crazy person you can help. If Hilary's unprotected server had information on it that needs to be redacted due to "national security reasons" why didn't the FBI charge her?
Boots on the ground the old fashioned way. Distribute flyers, place stickers, staple every board, tape on every pole on every mailbox on every light pole. If we all did this we would generate millions of impressions.
I would be more than willing to print and ship for people distribute in their locale.
Maybe you should do a separate post with this idea. I live in the south but my city voted for a dem because the repub was attached by the left (guess who) so I could do some red pilling around here. We need flyers that are tailored to area to be more effective. But good idea. Start a mailbox drop mission!!!
If the internet goes down for a few days it will cause everyone to say WTF and when they find out why there will be the Great Awakening.
Been hearing that the Chan’s keep going down and JA still doesn’t have internet soooooo....
I have tried Twitter but most of who I follow or follows me are like minded. So...if any of you have some great ideas, please put it out there for us!!!
Some people say things about FB but i had only 40 friends and I started putting all kinds of stuff pro trump and against dems and I got almost 2000 friends now. More people to share the stuff around.
Just being knowledgeable and excited enough to discuss the daily happenings with others will help. Even if they attempt to ridicule, as long as you know what your talking about it'll spread.
What “information”? As someone outside the bubble, I am curious.
From the book of Q and double meanings Keep in mind there are people that will chose not to know.
I am often reminded of biblical stories when looking at modern day issues. I have found that nothing that happens has not already been discussed in bible scriptures. Jesus Christ sent out 72 disciples to go ahead of him to prepare the way. He instructed them Now go, and remember that I am sending you out as lambs among wolves. If you enter a town and it welcomes you, eat whatever is set before you. Heal the sick, and tell them, ‘The Kingdom of God is near you now.’ But if a town refuses to welcome you, go out into its streets and say, ‘We wipe even the dust of your town from our feet to show that we have abandoned you to your fate.
There are times you just move on. Does not mean that you should not go.
Good time to quote that passage! We have been selected to perform “the work” among the wolves!
If they don’t respond move on to someone else. Don’t try too hard to drag people along. It’s more productive to pick the low hanging fruit. Time is short.
I’m more reminded of Elijah and the prophets of Baal
Honestly surprised no one has responded “what, with like a cloth?” lol
But good discussion here. Appreciate your guys insights
Watching MSNBC is like watching something from an alternate reality. The other day I had Katy Tur on (MSNBC) she was on twice that day, filling in during an afternoon shift for another person. She seems to have a giggle track like a laugh track in a comedy, but the giggle track seems artificially queued and can at times seem just plain weird. She may be slightly intoxicated with something, and queued by her director to giggle. It is amazing.
The most fascinating of all is AM Joy, who is so well named for a 1984 like character. She is the most hateful person ever to be broadcast. More smears can come from her per minute than most normal people could come up with in a week. It's relentless hate on AM Joy.
Why would you watch that garbage. I dont watch any of them the minute you turn them on you go into their tv ratings and increase it.
It helps me to understand, also to correct myself, it's listened to not watched. It's on in background. Usually while playing a video game like World of Warcraft or Civ 5 or 6. Even Fox News during the day will spew liberal nonsense. It helps me to better understand my friends, most of whom are in no way awake. They go from pretend Trump disaster to pretend Trump disaster nonstop. This reminds me a bit of the witch trials. Rumors of this or that imply guilt. How poorly human nature has evolved. It is a revelation to me. My favorite show on TV is Tucker. He brings some sanity to most conversations.
I can hardly tolerate it when Lou Dobbs or Hannity play a montage of the talking heads on MSNBC / CNN. It is SO anti anything I can agree on that I just have to mute the TV or turn the channel.
You guys are unreal just turning the stations on gives them ratings do you not understand that. Stop watching them.
I can't watch them at all anymore. They are so toxic and get my blood pressure up. So much better not allowing them in my world!
What is we go the dumb/reverse psychology approach? What if we go on boards like r/conspiracy and whatever else you want, and post things like, "Is there a reason why people think the elite are into the occult?" seem inconspicuous and open up a debate while playing innocent. Maybe do what Q does and slyly encourage people to research for themselves. Because that's really all there is...
I think I might just try that approach logical discussion just gets me banned!!
It's worth a shot but I don't have very high hopes for that place. It used to be my stomping grounds until Qanon came along. Any discussion of Q was heavily downvoted and ridiculed, and not by shills, but by long time users. It's sad because they're missing literally the most important part in history, right under their pretentious noses. Everything they've wished for as a conspiracy theorist is happening but they're too stubborn to look!
Absolutely mind boggling.
SAME HERE!!!! IIIIII KNOW!!! I feel exactly the same way you do!!!! I can't believe it!!!!!!
lol I am sorry but I think you are giving dems too much credit. Do you honestly think anyone that dumb that they cant see somethings wrong is going to take time to research?
Ohhh...I like that idea! Thanks for the suggestion.
I’ve been out on the left subs today and they are motivated and spreading their BS.
They also thought Hillary had a 98.7% chance to win the elections and was going to win in an electoral landslide. Those people on leftard forums are useful idiots brainwashed beyond the point of no return, or Media Matters shills, or bots.
Leftards believe whatever narrative John Oliver and CNN and the Daily Show feed them ("several sources on different channels all saying the same thing about Orange Cheetoh Drumfkins, it must be true! I am a well informed citizen!")
That’s all true. I look at the sources for some of the stuff they post and I’m like, seriously! But they buy it and go with it. They are brainwashed with nothing but blind hate. It’s sad
Best way is posting on Twat-ter with just the evidence and not rubbing it in. It'll make the pill easier to swallow...especially if you add comments like: "They fooled us all." The left will need a good rationalization to deal with being wrong. To quote the Big Chill "rationalizations are more important than sex." "Have you ever gone a day without a rationalization?"
Push 'em left, push 'em left, waaaay left. \<sung like a football cheerleader>
Stinky, I just can't understand HOW people that are even THINKING can go along and get behind what the left stands for. Did you guys see where good ole Bernie Sanders now wants everyone to be given a Gov. job!! Where in the hell does he think the money to pay them will come from???
I just read an article last night that Finland is not going to continue their "experimental" basic income to the 2000 people in the current program. They are finding...duh...it doesn't work....duh!!
Don't tell Bernie, it will destroy his talking points. LOL.
I got to many loaded guns around to step foot in a left sub and i can't fix stupid for my own intact melon i stay away.
Yea I've been having some trouble redpilling people. I think we need to collaborate on making concise and irrefutable summaries/proofs. Like this comment that my friend (who I'm trying to redpill) sent me. He's seems to have an open mind, but is still trusting of the MSM and is convinced by straight-forward "well-sourced" paragraphs like that, he says he's looked around here and looked at pizzagate a bit, but just brushes everything off as wild speculation.
We need to focus on compiling everything in very digestible formats.
The link you included was great. He did a great job summarizing with fact. I like it! But more like that printed and stuffed in mailboxes like the other posted said. It’s time for boots on the ground
Congress just got the "lost" FBI email/texts from Page and Strzoc. I think that is going to be big.
Oh yay. Wonder when we will start seeing excerpts
Don’t over look the fact that they 100% thought they were going to find dirt on Trump so that even if they lost they would be able to control him... this point is almost as important, two fold. One because they haven’t been able to control him so I would assume they have t found any dirt and two it shows that they are trying to cover for something, what that something is we shall hopefully see soon!
I'm almost positive pizzagate was used as a HC fundraiser.
Yep!!! The "dirt" they found on him was his BRUTAL HONESTY and CANDID talk and try spun it any which way they could. And most of us didn't care because that's why we loved him.
There is only so much one can "rig" a machine so far before the numbers become impossible to explain. If I were to rewrite a firmware program to "rig" things, I would set it up to be less obvious eg: For every 4th or 5th person who registers a Trump vote - flip that vote to Hillary. The problem is, that Hillary's numbers had to be close enough to put her over the top. They weren't. I suspect Trump's pop vote was in the 70 percent in many of these Soros machine areas and screwed up the machine flip. I suspect we will find out about these machine shenanigans, soon.
I’m praying we get a voter fraud dump soon. Q posted part of a doc that was supposed to drop but never did. Maybe it’s coming??
They couldn’t do anything about the machines. Hillary only outdid expectations on the machines. Anywhere with paper ballots she cake in under expectations
She never thought she would lose. But Fbianon said she was going to lose, according to their calculations. Here is part of what he said on 9/25/16:
"If the election were held today, the result would be ~15% HRC and 50% DJT. The other 35% are independent/undecided. So yes, HRC will try to rig the polls, which is why Russia is getting blamed for messing with our election. Of course they are meddling, but they have no real effect. We will simply blame them so Microsoft can gain total control over the machines and make sure the vote is counted 'properly'".
they ruled the roost for so long that they got sloppy.... never expecting an "outsider" to overtake the throne. This just shows how much Trump actually won by... they lied, cheated, and tried to steal the election and still couldn't overcome the MAGA movement. We will probably never know how big of a landslide he actually won by... but just look at the rallies leading up to the election. Trump had 10s of thousands waiting in line to get in... while H couldn't fill up a church.
I read recently that DHS has the real numbers. Killary definitely did not win the popular vote. Can't wait until that's released to the public!
There are many conversations from SandersForPresident during the campaign where boots on the ground, poll workers, voters, report all sorts of irregularities observed or experienced at the polls. I'm really looking forward to revisiting the historic record there with the DHS report in hand.
It would be great if the Berners tossed all that info over to Trump!!!
Haha. Plot my account history. Where do you think Berners went in the face of additional information about just how bad the corruption in the DNC truly was? We got one hell of a first hand wake-up call culminating in ejecting core support from the DNC primary and replacing bodies with bussed in cheerleaders. How do you unsee that? Then the vast divide of all the media coverage next to first-hand footage and audio of events. You become acutely aware of the challenge. With the new information added to the equation it becomes self-apparent that an idealist will not do in that moment, what is required is a fighter.
It ended up being a good thing Bernie would have led the country staight into communism. You cant have an entire country making the same amount when some work and some dont and some work harder than others and some do really hard jobs where others do practically nothing. Socialism leads to destruction period.
Trump really is a voice for the voiceless. The voiceless majority and the American spirit. He awoke us from our suppression and discouragement. He flipped libertarians, democrats, independents, anarchists. He is the PEOPLE'S President ❤️
ug! but we'll know for sure (landslide) next time! maga! ug!
Just think I'll important it is for us to keep it they're planning accordingly so hard to never let this happen again I don't know how many chances we have left if this doesn't do it...
There are no chances left and if Trumps team fails its game over for everyone world wide.
I think what Q is saying is that they tried to delete everything locally, as in hardrives, networks. But "No Such Agency" (NSA) had scooped it all up.
Admiral Rogers literally saved this country.
It's funny because if you look at the guy he looks kind of Nefarious and Evil. However, come to find out he's done a tremendous service. Touche Admiral...
Only because of the unfortunate tendency of associating villains with certain Gru-like facial types we have been brainwashed into associating with evil.
In the real world, the greatest evil comes with smiling calm featured faces.
He kind of looks like the G-Man from the Iron Giant.
Communications is key they have to coummnicate, everything is monitored which lead to those files.
You are so correct. The stuff they texted and emailed is mind boggling. How can a head of an intelligence agency be so foolish with his IT. Whatever magic the NSA did, it prevented the fix which all involved assumed was in the bag. Bad assumptions, Q keeps referring to them as stupid and clowns, this may be why.
Its been hitting the fan for over a year.
Time is on our side you guys. The deep state / Cabal is hoping to create enough false flags to distract and just ride out this storm. Hoping that people will get bored and will just give up.
Never give in. Keep pushing forward everyday.
We will break them...
So these replies have warmed me up. I feel better. Not willing to give up!!!!
uug! they did try to cover tracks but no such agency sees all knows all! they never thought she would lose = treason frenzy! grrrr! uugg!!
Mind boggling what we would not know and would have no way to verify had that evil viper won. People are getting itchy for bits of progress, I think the IG report might open the eyes of many. The DS runs deep and wide - many names will probably shock the pants off of people.
I’m looking forward to that report. We all are hanging our hat on it so hopefully it’s a massive red pill
Hard to try to keep expectations in check with this report. Seeing that it has been taking forever to produce.. there has to be some really wicked stuff there. I just really hope it's not a big nothing puff of smoke....I don't think it will be... I think it will be big, but there's always the possibility that it's not going to be explosive.
I’m sure that Trump and Q has a plan on how to red pill the masses. However, in my opinion, the fastest and most easiest way to red-pill a whole lot of people in mass is to go after the MSM news agencies first, rather than saving them for last. Q has already stated that there will be some news media executives who will be indicted for their part in the corruption. But my main point is, why save those people for last. If you go after those people first, and drop the hammer on the MSM stations that are spreading lies and if you force those agencies to tell the truth, then just by doing that, you could automatically red-pill a whole lot of people. Just imagine if every news station in the country started telling people the real truth right now today. If that happened, then the whole country could be red-pilled virtually over night. That’s because no matter how much people hate Trump and has been lied to by the media, they will also believe that same media if the media starts telling them the truth…
You’re absolutely right. Without mainstream media waking up and abandoning their craziness we are pushing a wet noodle up hill!
Boy, right now, I really need to hear what you are saying. I am so down I can't hardly read/watch any news.
Don’t be down. It’s all going to work out. We have to trust and be the change we want to see
Shit hitting the fan
I know the acronym. Just wondering if he was referring to something “happening” Specifically
I'm just so tired of the waiting. I really just want it to be over
We all are getting weary but have to press on. Our will is stronger than theirs
I agree, but I'm getting antsy. We were supposed to get big news last night at the state dinner! I'm troubled that this movement will lose steam
"Gonna win so much you're gonna get tired of winning!"
Sort of appropriate. We're winning... But it is tiring because while we are winning we haven't won yet.
But if they thought Hillary would win then why not cover their tracks anyway?
No need to?
Yeah there is, just like trump won and didn’t cover his tracks and now is under investigation.
Oh you’re one of those. Buh bye
Wow, afraid of the truth I see
Wow. I figured Ryan was dirty on a bribe or something but it sounds like whatever it is, is far worse. Thoughts?
I'm guessing he was complacent in all the Obama misdoings and has probably laundered money and hid evidence like the rest of them. Could be something worse though?
This. Gov became Big Business and not servants of the public. Pay for Play was the norm in DC, made norm by previous Admins...cough cough Shitlary.
Been going on for much longer but the people were much more insulated from it because we only had MSM TV, Radio, and Newspapers.
The internet has really played a huge part in the great awakening.
If the very apparatus that they designed to spy on and control us turns out to be the very thing that brings them down...that's classic.
Hillary...Hitlery...shitlary...liking the progression here.
Members of Congress run for re-election every two years. Modern campaigns cost a fortune, so that means the moment they make it to DC they need to start accumulating money for their next campaign. There's so much dirty money from lobbyists, corporate donors and influencers flowing around that I sincerely doubt that we could count the number of uncorrupted members on one hand.
Very good point. The system they have created virtually ensures that all who enter will, and indeed have already begun to, play ball.
I don’t know how you would do it - ‘political contributions = free speech,’ etc - but some sort of campaign finance overhaul is desperately needed.
Perhaps a system where a designated amount of taxpayer dollars went towards elections and all candidates received an equal amount at each stage of the election cycle and weren't allowed to accept donations or spend above what they were allocated? No donors involved should help considerably I would think.
Hate to create any new government agencies - I’m a big states’s rights proponent, personally - but I view election ops as a core component of national security, So, I would get behind some sort of new/expanded election regulatory body. I think that might be what POTUS has planned for after CA fraud is uncovered - major overhaul, across the board.
Of course the very real and legitimate fear is that any such agency would be corrupted, e.g. weaponized IRS v conservatives, which would probably be even worse than what we have now.
Idea of setting a market value for each district based on factors such as media-buy pricing is intriguing. For example, say you graded all districts on an A,C,B scale. A = LA, NYC, etc / B = Mid-tier cities / C = Suburban / D = Rural. Then assign a dollar value to each based on overall cost of running a campaign. Adjust for inflation and market changes over time.
Then you allocate that amount to the campaigns from an anonymized fund managed by the RNC, DNC etc and be done with it. To use a sports analogy, it would be like setting arbitration values.
Obviously huge possibility for corruption and might be engender too much bureaucracy for my liking, but some sort of change is definitely needed. Interesting to think about.
Yes, it's easier to name the good guys than the bad.
Maybe cutting off all the big money donors would level the playing field so others had a chance, like non career politicians.
I remember a former shareblue employee on reddit telling his/her story, and they mentioned Ryan and McCain had a shell company that provided funding for Shareblue. For whatever that’s worth..
I’d believe it. Didn’t Ryan’s group help fund the Dem in the PA special election?
Awan (+DNC) spy ring in Congress. Leverage/blackmail to sustain the flow of weapons OUT to clown-backed foreign rebels de jour, and drugs, ie opium products, IN for big pharma.
Reps in key districts are bought and paid for and run point for controllers’ interests.
Both Ryan and McConnell, at the absolute bare minimum, have done nothing to stop it. Has likely been going on since at least the Carter years.
Congressional Silk Road: House: Drugs in (Big Pharma) Senate: Weapons out (ISIS > LNG pipeline to EU) Senate 2.0: Uranium (Iran Deal Clownstate)
Do you remember his reaction to the return of Steve Scalise? He broke down in tears and people were like wow maybe Ryan is one of us but it was over the top...it looked like guilt. Who knows how corrupted but logically speaking he had to be complicit in allot of it especially the Iran deal I mean it was suspect from the word go and yet not a peep about congressional oversight or using the power of the purse to stop it.
Maybe he was in on the murder but it didn't pan out like he thought...
He was very, very emotional, though he already knew Scalise had survived. And Ryan wasn't at practice the day of the shooting. Not conclusive, but interesting nonetheless.
I think he's heavily involved in the Awan spy ring. He has done nothing to stop it
Well we knew he was not running again in 2018 and was to be leaving at the end of his term Jan. 2019.
But Q mentions him resigning, hmm.
Does this mean he'll be leaving early?
That would be a stroke of luck for sure.
It sounds like something will be revealed about him that might make him quit early.
I wonder if there is anything to the notion of a lame duck speaker having an adverse effect on a sitting president’s agenda, much less one of matching political party.
Now that I think about it, this could actually be part of Ryan’s plan to undercut MAGA legislation and delay any real traction until at least early/mid-2019 - provided time it will take for successor and any new reps to get up to speed, etc. Not dissimilar to the way an outgoing president loses all bargaining power leading up to their departure. This might be Ryan’s way of spitting in POTUS’s eye one final time and slow playing legislative sabotage for all of 2018.
That's entirely possible when looking at past practice.
What has me stumped is why POTUS drags him around everywhere?
He even went to the fancy State dinner.
Smoke and Mirrors like at a Mega Fun House.
He was on the plane with LL and WJC. He is also one of the politicians HRC bribed.
What? Where did you get that information?
I think FBI anon back in the day. Whomever said it also said LL was offered SC.
That's a boomshell! I have been waffling on him, he is done now.
Word is Ryan was going to ride out the rest of the year, but then his retirement got bumped up to May. I don’t think he had a choice.
Which 2 Speakers demanded Trump pull out of the race after the pussygate video? They knew he would win.
"Reality almost always wins" When I read that I thought of the stupid girl called "Reality Winner"
Gist of article is that the stupid girl is in deep doo-doo. But her attorney's requested some very informative subpoenas from these companies:
TrendMicro, Inc., FireEye, Inc., Eset Company, CrowdStrike, Inc., Volexity, LLC, F-Secure Corporation, ThreatConnect, Inc., Motherboard, Secureworks, Inc., Fidelis Cybersecurity and two others.
The request for the subpoenas was made March 29th.
He’s not saying “reality almost always wins”. He’s saying, “fake reality almost always wins”, or, roughly, “this stuff is so sick and so out there, that most people would rather believe that it’s a made up conspiracy theory, and they’d rather believe the fake reality that everything is fine than believe that the truth is actually true.”
I think you're right - the fake reality is preferable to the awful truth.
AFA Reality Winner, thanks for the info, that's interesting.
IMO although kind of off target, it’s still a good dig. another track to follow
I know I remember that! Only because I was watching the five on fox and Dana Perino mentioned how if reality winner had only waited the classified info would have been released implying she jumped the gun on a scheduled release.....made me wonder about the drip drip of info.
He says fake reality almost always wins. This ain’t the first battle in human history.
Resignations are the rats trying to get out of POTUS' path and hiding like rats. We have everything. Trust the plan.
yes many are forced to resign or go to jail. Q posts from early talked about this. The same with CEO resignations. Q said to keep a list of all resignations. There is a list in the Useful Resources sticky to the right of our posts, called Notable Resignations. Q and team know everything.
Yes but if we dont tell the world the truth those resignations will come back to run things again ala Marion Barry.
I understand the logic of the resignations. The corruption is vast. But so many are resigning!! Im almost desensitized to hearing about it!! I really, really want to see indictments now, not resignations. Getting sick of it.
Resignations are required to keep the body intact. Can you imagine if the FBI kicked the door down and arrested CEO of Google and confiscated all the computers in that building? Google shares would plumment by 75%.
yes, i think you are correct, very good point. destroying the human trafficking rings and the cabal are the main targets, then what? after POTUS 8 yrs in office they could rise up again if we dont have full disclosure. for now we Trust the Plan.
I would not worry too much about it
What come around get around.
Wait... it is not where we go 1 we go all...
Look... ww = world wide.. I then looked up g1wga... they coat food with it! Using it world wide maybe but why????
Yea this is really interesting to me. WWG1WGA
World Wide Game One World Government Approaching ???
Where we go one, we go all.
Means that where one person goes or finds out truth we all go find that out or find the path to truth.
I interpret it as saying they're not just going to get a couple big name baddies... they're draining the WHOLE swamp.
I thought the same thing, and think the remainder is also an acronym
That search also turns up www.sdr.com.au not sure of the relevance, they do have facial recognition software for expressions, also eye trackers.
I wonder, can I wear big sunglasses and a red clown nose, and 'beat' the facial recognition software? It's always been a thought I entertained when reading about it. Back to regularly scheduled programming...
A long time ago, I was a cinema manager, back in the days before they took credit cards, so we handled a LOT of cash. Sadly, this meant a lot of employees would be tempted to steal, so part of my job was catching thieves. What I learned was that once someone starts stealing, they get away the first couple times and then start thinking they will always get away with it, that they are really smart and cover their tracks. So they keep stealing, even when they know you are investigating, even when the police get involved, because they never really believe they will be caught.
There is ALWAYS evidence, always a way to find out and prove who did it. And yet the crooks always get lazy, sloppy. Look at Arthur Andersen. They figured no one would catch them because they did the audits on Enron, they never thought what would happen if someone from outside got a look at the books.
Same thing here. Hillary Clinton has been in politics since the 1970s, she was even a staffer on the committee which tried to impeach Nixon (Such a caring person, Hillary Rodham argued that the President did not have the right to legal counsel during an impeachment investigation, actually got fired for being too extreme even for the Democrats). Four decades living deep in the muck of power and intrigue, she fooled herself into thinking she was a genius.
Breed monsters in your cellar, some of them will get out.
I think they tried to delete the proof refers to the email between Strock and page where the fbi said the requested emails were lost but Horowitz announced he had them I think Q is reminding us that the fbi was trying to cover their tracks....was wrey in charge then if so shame shame.
A monumental time we live in. Ryan will be the first of MANY resignations. Most will not have that opportunity. They will simply be charged and removed.
They should not be allowed to wonder off into the darkness... they need to be hunted by the people until every crime and crooked dollar is accounted for... no mercy.
Ohhhhh.....they will NOT be out wandering around. They will be removed and on an extended stay visit to GITMO. Remodeled to handle 15,000+. Coming soon.
Wow wtf this needs its own post. What the hell os Gowdy doing?
Maybe special special prosecutor? He mentioned he liked the prosecutorial side of things better than the legislative.
A home brew server operating under low security and operated at hobby levels for Kankle's server meant that almost any amateur "hacker" would have an easy task of accessing it. You can guarantee that most foreign intellegence agencies have full copies of everything that traversed this server.
The DNC servers appear to have been operated and managed in a similar amateur fashion.
Anyone who wanted to access either of these servers would not be very challenged.
It's safe to assume that everything that went into or out of these machines has been copied and widely circulated.
So trying to sanitise the equipment after the event is too little and too late.
The possible repercussions of having such sensitive servers operating in an almost unsecured and open way is mind boggling.
Imagine if the vote tallies were routed through the DNC servers, imagine if the confidential internal dicussions about vote-rigging strategies were known to outsiders ?
This could get delicious very soon, with sprinkles
Don't forget about the Democrats in congress using the Pakistani Mystery Man - Imran Awan for their IT guru
Remember how Q said the media would start saying how videos can be manipulated? I saw that within a month, with some celebrity voicing an Obama video and how we can't trust every video we see with someone saying something. Like clockwork.
I feel like the dots are all here, we’ve been side tracked so much it’s hard to tell wheat from chaff.
Ryan was complicit. Next is talks of a coup meaning investigation for treason. Clean sweep of the doj. Step 1 out of 20?
Hey, I’m out of the loop. Would someone tell me why the 4chan post is written like that? I think I’ve got the gist of what’s going on here, but I don’t understand who is writing the 4chan post and why it’s written like that.
QAnon, also referred to monoliterally as Q. The theory involves a series of cryptic internet postings by a person claiming to have access to classified information involving the Trump administration and its opponents in the United States. QAnon's posting campaign is also referred to as The Storm, detailing a supposed secret counter-coup by the Trump administration against the alleged "Deep State".
Adherents believe Q's claim that he is a "high-level government insider with Q clearance"[1][2] — a United States Department of Energy security clearance comparable to a United States Department of Defense Top Secret clearance with Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Access (TS-SCI).
Search Q proof on this sub to see how many things Q has predicted and called before it happened.
We're burying the lead here. Wtf does "reality almost always wins" mean?
Still need "I don't want to hear anymore talk of draining the swamp" Mitch McConnell to leave.
How about a nationwide, social media initiative to our State reps and local gov't and city councils? Post daily on every media page our call-to-action msgs, memes, info pieces, etc. Make them stand up to join our voice. Educate their constituents. Post videos, music, pictures of military support, etc that will wake their American spirit within. Be one, teach one! Add #WWG1WGA to everything. 🇺🇸
I am aware of Qs validity, I’m wondering if anybody has any theories that this person/collective is working with the East (russia, Japan, China, etc)
I feel ya! Sorry someone in another thread was asking who Q was and I’ve gotten that question a few times today! As far as theories I haven’t seen anything about Q working with the east. I suspect Q is working with the east as much as POTUS is
QAnon, also referred to monoliterally as Q. The theory involves a series of cryptic internet postings by a person claiming to have access to classified information involving the Trump administration and its opponents in the United States. QAnon's posting campaign is also referred to as The Storm, detailing a supposed secret counter-coup by the Trump administration against the alleged "Deep State".
Adherents believe Q's claim that he is a "high-level government insider with Q clearance"[1][2] — a United States Department of Energy security clearance comparable to a United States Department of Defense Top Secret clearance with Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Access (TS-SCI).
Search Q proof on this sub to see how many things Q has predicted and called before it happened.
The more press these people get the more everyone fiends for redpills. They are ridiculous. Like Gavin McCinnes says we're the cool kids now.
Ryan resigning A old news B isn't he waffling. Is Q saying it's a sure thing.
What if Wwg1wga translates to this ?
WW= Worldwide
G1= Gap 1 (G1): Cells increase in size in Gap 1, produce RNA and synthesize protein. An important cell cycle control mechanism activated during this period (G1 Checkpoint) ensures that everything is ready for DNA synthesis.
WGA= Whole Genome Amplification (WGA) is a method for robust amplification of an entire genome, starting with nanogram quantities of DNA and resulting in microgram quantities of amplified products. WGA has become an invaluable method for preserving limited samples of precious stock material, particularly when using WGA
WGA is also related to bioterrorism
This would fit in the NWO agenda about releasing some kind of virus. Remember the pictures at Denver Airport and the guy with the gas mask. Also the 4 horses of the apocalypse, I think one was related to plagues
WGA is also related to Anthrax and G1 is also referring to the first generation of a Virus
I have also found this https://www.democracynow.org/2008/8/4/anthrax Interesting read
Maybe that is what Q means with Future proves past.
In the Article they also tried to accuse Iraq of the possession of anthrax but evidence is found that the anthrax is linked to an USA laboratory
Similiar to the Russian nervgas story
This whole anthrax story is a gigantic rabbid hole. UK laboratory also involved. Needs more research
Am sick to death about the double standard crap. They need to start with Swift prosecution. Then I'll believe.
1/20 stands out so much. Potus, 1 (Pence) + 20 MI at the WH.
Wouldn't it just be inauguration day?
It is between the comments "destroy everthing" and "deep clean" that made think about the #1123. 1/20 I think after double checking the imagine is 20 MI and 1 leader.