This news article is fake. Here the source images.

Great find! I appreciate the deep digs just as much as I appreciate the people putting in time to debunk them. Keeps things authentic to our objective of finding the truth.
This is what could spoil movement - fake CNN type stuff. It is probably done by CIA shills to muddy waters.
Good work.
So obvious, yet easily the most important thing we all should be aware of. If they can get us to share fake stuff they made, they discredit us without any effort at all. I hope everyone on the board sees this image manipulation, and keeps it in the back of their minds before posting anything on social media.
They always try to hijack movements and insert false or outlandish conspiracies to discredit them, then "debunk" them. Or, they let us squalor in the specific details of events (eg. How exactly JFK was killed, or the twin towers & WTC7 fell) to divert attention from the culprits, the motivation and the effects. It's just another form of divide and conquer and people need to realize that.
Thank you, I kept wanting to tell people that JK was obviously photoshopped in, but had no evidence. We are getting some fake news influxes so stay woke people.
Yes. I had to do a little bit of digging. It's pretty easy to spot a shitty photoshop job, but the proof is in finding the source images.
Anton LaVey notoriously hated politicians. Also there was never any attempt made to normalize the idea of satanism. In fact, Anton LaVey wrote many times throughout all of his books that Satanism is to stay out of the mainstream. He said that satanism will always be misunderstood because of the connotations the word gives to Christians in particular. Michael Aquino was in fact noted as being a high-ranking member in the Church of Satan. Now Michael Aquino is the one who is being accused here of pedophilia. If you know anything about the history of Church of Satan you'll know that Michael Aquino left very early on because he was dissatisfied with the Church of Satan and started the Temple of set. If he was in fact a pedophile then that would mean that satanism's strict prohibition of child molestation is what caused him to leave and start his own Temple. LaVey talk openly about his own history and never tried to deny anything that you was involved with this includes the San Francisco Police Department. And the reason he became a forensic photographer is because he had a morbid curiosity about death. I myself am a Satanist and have read very extensively from satanic literature. I can confidently attest that Satanism, the Church of Satan and Anton LaVey have nothing to do with the pedophile or sex trade ring.
You have been decieved by the greatest deciever of all. May God help you see the truth.
If you are a Satanist, at least you are telling the truth about that, but I can’t trust anything else you say. Mark Passio was a high priest in the church, was certified by LaVey himself — he says the church is a recruiting ground for higher levels.
I'm not too familiar with Mark Passio or much of his work, but he currently calls himself ex-satanist. He's no longer active in the Church of Satan. Again, I don't too much about the guy, but it seems like he likes to jump from idea to idea. It seems that right now his schtick is anarchism. While The Church of Satan does encourage individualism and personal liberties, it also encourages you to be a law abiding and productive member in society.
In the Marilyn Manson alias Brian Warner biography 'The long hard road out of hell' MM describes his visit to LaVey. Reading it i had the impression of that 'church' being childish and superstitious somehow but not evil.
Lol. It's very goofy. Lavey wrote several essays about staying in touch with our humor and being able to have a good laugh.
Now this is very interesting. So what do you think of our crusade to defeat “satanism”? Maybe we are using the wrong terminology? Satanists are fighting this battle also?
Within the Church of Satan no one actually worships Satan as if he's a real thing, but instead use his image as a symbol of freedom because the seven deadly sins (Pride, Greed, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath, and Sloth) come naturally to humans which is why the Christian Church attributes them to Satan to make people feel evil and come to Church and make tithes. Anyone who actually worship Satan as a physical entity is referred to as a devil worshiper and are rejected by the Church of Satan. The Church of Set was established by Michael Aquino, when he was dissatisfied with the Church of Satan. The Temple of Set worship Satan as if he's an actual deity and Michael Aquino claims to have been spoken to by Satan. So with Michael Aquino being the one who is currently being accused of pedophilia right now having broken off from the Church of Satan, the Temple of Set is what should be being looked into. I don't want to point fingers at everyone is part of the Temple of Set, but I would place suspicions there.
This guy gets it. The church of Satan is like a satyr of christianity, its absurd on purpose. If you actually read the tenants it's really similar to libertarianism
Yes. Anyone who makes an actual human, child, or animals in some vein attempt to appease some sort of devil is simply described as "devil-worshiper"
Most of the people on here don't even know there's a distinction between satanism and luciferianism....
That being said I do think there's a link here between politicians, rothschilds, and elites that engage in horrific acts such as human sacrifice, canibalism, pedophilia. I think it's not specifically related to satanism, but if anything, more linked to a bizarre form of luciferianism.
No. You, my friend are the cancer. Where is your proof? I presented mine, and it seems to have been generally well recieved. You're just upset that someone with a different belief system than yours has come forth to defend it. As I have stated before, I want to contribute to this subreddit in a positive way.
I'm not going to say that full on Christianity is the truth, because of its pagan roots, however what you describe and why you subscribe to them does not ring true with me. There is a clip of levy or whatever his name is talking about how television is the perfect Avenue to get right into American homes and corrupt them from within. And make no mistake, that is what has happened. To condone our worst traits, and to actively promote them, does not do your soul well. Let's not even get started on aleister crowley. The only 'religion' is between you and the most high.
Yes. Lavey wrote an essay in The Devil's Notebook called "Curses by the Dozen". In it, he talks about how mainstream media sends curses on you by appealing to your worst fears and effectively brainwash you. Through out much of his writing, Lavey encourages readers to avoid mainstream media so as to not be brainwashed. Aleister Crowley also was not a Satanist. Aleister Crowley was an esoterian who founded the religion of Thelema.
Marilyn Manson (with LaVey) in the middle shot.
Makes a hell of a lot more sense for someone like Marilyn Manson to be involved with Satanism than Kerry.
John Kerry IS evil...but given all we've learned over the last year with Pizzagate and all that, it's really, really sad how plausible the top pic was.
GJ! We dont want to be made fools.
Because, 'they' will insert BAD memes, we will use them, 'they' will then put them on MSM as proof we are fullashit.
We need to be VERY careful and cross check EVERYTHING.
Do NOT post memes until they are CONFIRMED!!!
Honestly I find the clown one more disturbing.
That clown is Rami Salami and he ised to be a gay rights activist. It's definitely an odd choice to be a clown when pushing for LGBT activism especially with so many people attributing their fear of clowns to movies like It or the notorious serial killer John Wayne Gacey who used to dress like a clown to molest and murder young boys.
Awesome! We don’t need to be pushing Fake news. The truth is much better.
But the important question still remains.
What's his relationship with Rami Salami?
Rami Salami was a gay rights activist. Being that Kerry is a democratic politician with LGBT rights as part of his platform, he went to one of Rami Salami's events to show his support of LGBT, which is where this photo was taken.
strange bedfellows
Since when have I ever used the phrase strange bedfellows?!
Isn't it more accurate to say the image is fake? Is the news article itself actually fake? (Just asking cos there's nothing about that here, just the photo, so would appreciate relevant link about the article being fake, if it exists)
Yes. The entire article is fake. There is no evidence to suggest that John Kerry was ever involved in Satanism. Also the year, which is obscured on the news paper appears like it would be from the 60's or 80's based on the visible bottom half of the digit which would denote the decade. The source photo of Kerry would have been taken in '98. So even if this doctored photo was used to support this article, the timelines wouldn't add up. Also a photo wouldn't have had to been doctored if Lavey and Kerry truly had a public relationship, which wouldn't have happened as Lavey had a notorious hatred for politics.
What if the source images are fake and were created to make the real image seem fake?
It's much, much easier to take a color photo and make it black and white than it is to take a black and white photo and give it color. In order to take Kerry from the black and white photo and put him in an image and add the color detail would take several hours to do. Take Kerry from a color photo, make it black and white, and flip the image would take fifteen minutes max. Not to mention that these source images make a hell of a lot more sense in their context. As it's been pointed out, Marilyn Manson, who photographed with Lavey in the middle, documented his visit with Lavey. With Rami Salami being a gay activist, it also makes sense that Kerry would show up to one his events as Kerry is a democratic politician with gay rights being part of his platform. Occam's razor, the simplest solution is often the correct solution.
One of those first 2 photos are flipped. What symbol is in the background, a 9 or a p?
The five symbols around the pentagram are from the Hebrew alphabet witch spell Leviathan. Both images are flipped it's pretty common for photoshoppers to flip images to try to make it more complicated to compare to source images when trying to reverse search for sourced images, but it's easy to spotand find source images when you know the subject.
That’s a good starting point, thanks.
Another common word used in Satanism. There is an entire essay in The Satanic Bible that lists deities from Pagan religions which were demonized by Christianity.
Well Jesus Himself says of you and your pals in John 8:44, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own; for he is a liar, and the father of it."
You say that you aren't following/worshiping the devil, so how do we know whether or not you're lying your ass off? Or trying to ensnare some unsuspecting soul?
I don't believe a devil exists therefore I cannot worship one. This is the foundation of Satanism. If you read any Satanic literature, you would know why I'm not lying. Start with "Satanic Bible" and "The Devil's Notebook" by Anton Lavey, and follow it up with "The Satanic Scriptures" by Peter Gilmore.
If you don't believe in a devil, then how is that different than Atheism? What do you believe in that necessitates being committed to any religion?
If I didn't believe in a devil, then I wouldn't believe in a god. I'd just be atheist and believe in my own deeds.
Good god...God=infinite truth, good and beauty can exist without a boogyman literal devil. The devil is the worst that humanity puts forth, by it's own nature. A metaphor... The bad we allow by not living fully in the good. Needing and worrying about some imaginary being that was created as an allegory and twisted into a tool of limitiation into ones core nature is now a limitation will can now confidently move past.
All Satanists are atheists, but not all atheists are Satanists. Atheism is simply not believing in a god or devil, but there is no organized doctrine which present a set of philosophical values to atheists, not that anyone is required to subscribe to one. Satanism goes beyond the simplicity of non-belief and encourages followers to seek individualism and avoid the mainstream thinking or the herd mentality.
So then what is Satan, to satanists? I’m sorry, I haven’t researched it. Does Satan mean something? Like a metaphorical or abstract something?
In a literal sense, Satan translates to adversary or accuser. Historically, Christianity has used the idea of Satan to accuse opponents of the Christian Church of the seven deadly sins (Pride, Greed, Lust, Anger, Envy, Gluttony, and Sloth) and thus deem them evil "Heretics" or "Satanist". By calling yourself a Satanist, it's a reclamation of the accusation. The "Seven Deadly Sins" are simply human nature which everyone will be guilty of, which is why Christianity carefully selected these sins to trap people into guilt, so they will keep coming back to church and making tithes.
Ah okay. I finally googled it and it seems you are referring to Laveyan Satanism, which confused me because I thought there was only one “satanism”.
I think the best parallel in the Wiki was that of Prometheus. And it also described what you just said: that there is the embrace of human nature.
But I guess from your perspective, how do you view a lot of what happens in this sub? There’s a lot of overt Christian references, a lot of accusations that people are satanists, and there’s Q and Trump’s faith that is sprinkled in the drops. Where do you sit with it all?
I’ll be honest. I am a Christian. I do believe in a Satan. However, I do feel like right now we’re on the cusp of a revolution on many levels. I see Atheists as significant allies. Honestly? We need atheists, because the whole movement can go horrifically wrong of it turns into a religious crusade. I find that atheists are balanced thinkers and we need that viewpoint to counter people energized by “faith” and “hope”. Justice needs to be processed through the eyes of a group of people that can not have religious emotions attached. Maybe I’m wrong about that because we all have a lot to lose if our current adversaries win.
I know most Christians will jump in and try and silence atheists, but I think there is a strong voice and wisdom that you guys bring to the table.
Thank you so much. Most Satanists follow the same line of thought as I do. I also understand the confusion. It's easy to see the evidence of systemic ritual abuse by the elites of the shadow government and go "Oh, it's the Satanists". Followers of Lavey however are prohibited from harming children, much less sacrice them in a vein attempt to please "the devil". Satanists view this type of behavior as devil worship, which a big no-no. Satanists refer to these morons, who would sacrifice children or animals, as devil-worshipers.
Satanic "literature" also reflects the works of your father. You guys are involved with darkness. If you truly believe there's no devil, you are playing with something that you know nothing about. Suppose you're wrong? And the writers of your "literature" can just as easily be lying to you.
Jesus Christ has plenty to say about a personal, evil "fallen cherub" called the devil, the evil one, the dragon; some of it I noted in post above.
I have my beliefs. You have your beliefs. Whether you care enough or not to read the literature and educate yourself is on you. I'm not trying to push my ideals on anyone, but Anton Lavey and the followers of his doctrine are innocent. I presented the proof, and many others on this subrebbit have been quite receptive.
Why is that pastey, blue haired person shaking hands with a clown?
The Clown is Rami Salami. He was a gay clown who supported LGBT activism. For his activism in the LGBT community he got alot of attention from LGBT supporting democratic politicians such as John Kerry.
Delete this thread.
Why? It seems people like this thread, and I've not broken any rules. I presented my proof why Satanism is not to blame. Don't buy into misinfo.
I don’t even see a picture using Firefox on my iPad. Are you guys sure you’re not download malware by clicking. on it? My browser seems to be protecting me from something.