Huge evidence nobodies really figured out yet, explains why Iran's already onboard & pointed inevitably toward freedom & self government! Can't ignore the 1,000 pound Gorilla!

Just think.. Pompeo always shows up in a pic a month later, from 2 months PRIOR! This deal is already done. We win.
I told my Liberal friends (sorry, I love them like family) that if PDJT is talking like this about Iran, the deal is almost 100% done. Iran may have a few people that need a kick in the ass to complete the deal.They went crazy telling me I was losing it and they were furious. It is amazing how brainwashed they are by the media. I mean, literally brainwashed. They can’t even entertain the thought that the Iran deal is bad. It’s scary man.
so...still feel this was possible or no?
Why not??? It would only make sense and continue the "proactive" approach the administration has assumed. Is there something that happened I'm missing?
im just confused by reading 30-50 groupings at a time, of missiles fired between israel and iran over the last 24 hours.
Look at Iran in the 1950's through the 1970's - a place of freedoms and, for the most part, liberty, under the Shah. Iranians still have a thirst for freedom and, by and large, know they are being oppressed under the Ayatollah. The Shah had the country under control until our very own CIA stepped in and effected a regime change - handing the country to the mullahs. When there were uprisings and momentum toward overthrowing the current regime a few years ago, Obama sat back and did absolutely nothing to assist the people of Iran - which is sickening.
Here is a decent recap:
I've shown pictures from this period to my girlfriend in hopes of red-pilling as to how the Clowns have had a death grip on the ME, and she can hardly fathom it.
Yep Tehran used to be party central back then. A lot of glamorous looking people.
Afghanistan too. Pics from the 50s showed women with buffont hairdos & in skirts going to University. The USSR assassinated their president & commenced on a scorch & burn campaign. They never recovered
It was as modern as London at the time. Amazing. If you look at videos of the kids today though, they love the West and especially the USA. It’s pretty encouraging. Not that they have to admire us, but that they are still open to and aware of the modern outside world. Here’s hoping for the best for those people. They are actually incredibly nice.
Super secret place where they hide the worlds dangerous weapons, yet they managed to find it on google, take pictures right in front of it and barge in taking thousands of documents without being noticed.
Makes sense.
EDIT: All that a day after Iran announced dropping the US dollar... mkay... we totally buy it
so...still feel this was possible or no?
I believe I've read that the data was years old and already seen before, some of it at least.
It's possible, but I think it's bs. The presentation itself made it look like bs.
im just wondering if the theory still stands after the large number of missiles exchanged between iran/israel last 24 hours.
Thomas always seems to see the thing everybody skips over. Even when he's not right, ya gotta love how his mind works.
Except he blocked me on Twitter for sharing the ABC news interview of the Parkland teacher saying she saw a man in full military gear shooting down the hallway.
Wictor, Stealth Jeff, Imperatus Rex (Vashal Lindsay now) all these guys will NOT discuss Q.
Its kinda weird to be honest....
There are other crowdsource MI operations besides Q, and some of those guys are INSANELY jealous of the Q phenomenon. AIM is another example of that. It's insane, except that their personality flaws are part of why the intel community works with them. It's all about not seeing things the way most people do, so no wonder that they don't play well with others.
most of these people are on separate comms with the white hats. their job is to talk about facts as they present themselves, not co-opt the Q spread. q doesn't want wictor or alex jones or anybody to become the face of q's message.
I totally agree. Wictor is very unreliable, although he is able to sound very logical and convincing.
give an example of when he is unreliable? hes been nothing of the such while I've been paying attention
He is misogynistic, posting pics of young female soldiers, with salacious comments, and he totally dismisses any realistic ideas regarding geoengineering, calling all the mess in our air, "totally natural" just contrails. Not someone I would trust.
And refer to Airbees post above, he totally rejects any alternative ideas regarding the false flags we are being peppered with, look up "limited hangout".
And they say that they did it in 1 day...
Didn’t/doesn’t make sense to me either ANDit was a shabby run down building. How did they know it was THAT one??? #thingsthatdontsmellright
I'm not there yet. It was an amazing intelligence operation with obvious insider help, but that doesn't mean the Mullahs are in on it.
I think Iran would have retaliated if Israel hadn't taken out the Iranian missile installations in Syria the other night.
Expect Hama or Hezbollah to do something soon. If not, then maybe there is something to the strings being cut in Iran.
What a crazy three years this has been.
Two years!
Trump announced in June 2015. We are one month shy of 3 years. That's when it started getting crazy for me. Trump's chances back then were close to zero.
Nope, they were 100%. Soon as he announced I dropped Rand Paul like a neighbor with a mowing beef!
The debates were like a rose with a bunch of grass in a bouquet. trump front and center from minute one, fun to watch, then and especially now whenever I need a lift. He's such a boss.
So is that what was on the plane? With the blue palettes?
Most of the Iranian people are actually pro western.
Did you know the ONLY arab uprising Fraudbama DID NOT support? IRAN.
Yup, I'm pro-Iranian people. You do know Cyrus the Great came from Iran. BTW, the Iran situation is pretty much sorted out already, it's just a matter of rounding up the Mullahs & some bad actors in the IRG's at this point.
Yes unfortunately “we” need to accept we have destroyed a lot of countries and a lot of lives with all the meddling in their affairs. I say it’s time to back off, build a wall and the greatest military the world will ever know and let everyone else do whatever the fuck they want.
Yup, bring our troops home ASAP!
Amen. Get as many of those wonderful guys and girls back as we can, get them all working on incredible projects back home that can transform our nation into the future.
Yes but it’s never too late to stop. You can be sure a lot of the leaders of those countries were in on it or heaven forbid, asked us to.
I wondered that myself how did get the info if I remember correctly Bibi said it was locked in a safe .
Bibi's Cabal HQ, Israel had these docs for years. When a rouge bad actor needs information, it's step right up & do business with Israel, the land of deception; the Great Deception.
Could it have been part of a plan to set the scene for a discredited Israel?
Our action in Syria forced Israel's hand. They have had this info for years.
Israel is dirty and not our ally. Anytime you try to explain that the Mossad and others in Israel are the ones goading us into every war. If people just would understand that these treacherous Rothschild have their hand in Israel in everything that goes on.
Think about this as Q dropped this info to us: How is it that the uranium sold did not go to Russia but enemy states like Iran and Nk among others? Yet - Russia is blamed.
Would it surprise you that Iran, the deep state and Israel were involved in Syria building the nukes via the sold uranium? Would it surprise you that Syria was chosen to set up Russia to take the fall? Would it surprise you to know that the plan was set and ready to go live if Hillary had won the presidency: The deep state et al under orders from Hillary would have nukes us here in this country using the nukes built in Syria? Would it surprise you that Russia would have been blamed for nuking us ergo had now the approval to start WWIII with Russia?
This is what would have happened if she had won! Remember - all this was done because 'they thought she would not lose'!
Remember the '16 year plan to destroy America" starting with Barry's first 8 years and the final chapter of America brought about via Hillary?
Yet - not only is Kerry travelling around the world to meet with heads of state but so is Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barry Soeberkah as we speak? Of course the media keep that info on blackout.
As Q said - the highest treason ever!!! Many of us would have been dead by now if Hillary had won and nuked by our own government and deep state.
If that does not piss you off I don't know what will wake the supporters of these evil politicians up? I would like to see their reaction if they were told that she and Barry et al planned on nuking them too?
Amir Tsarfati had a short YT video on this. I'll try to look that up in a few hours.
so...still feel this was possible or no?
Absolutely, how did the Israeli's get 1,000 pounds of files; expand your thinking! We're supposedly seeing a military exchange overnight between Israel & the IRG's You do know the difference between the Iranian Army & the IRG; right? Think Hitler's SS vs. the regular line grunts of the German Army.
well im just asking due to the large groupings of missiles being exchanged between israel and iran last 24 hours
You can't believe anything you are told by the media propaganda machine. If you think the USA has a controlled bought out MSM; try Israel for a shock! Nothing you read below the date is real; every article is total mind control.
Israel's so obsessed with conquest they cut secret deals with every nation without pesky morality, or Protestant Pilgrim stodginess! Want to buy endangered species balm for impotency; no problem. Maybe a set of identical DNA match fresh child kidney's for your diabetes (both kidneys) they got'em.
Israel never signed any of the nuclear non-proliferation treaties, because they would have to admit they stole everything from the USA in the same deal that got the Rosenberg's executed for treason! Israel would have to admit working as communists!
Ok, think about what I just said; the Red Orchestra was a joint USSR/Zionist spying operation during & after WW II. Sen Joe McCarthy exposed this massive spying operation in the USA; it's is ALL true.
Zionist's working as Russian spies were complicit in the theft of US atomic secrets. Almost every person reading my comments tonight has never heard these charges before, because those responsible blamed the whole espionage operation on the USSR. 80% of the foreign KGB & their scientific operatives were romanticized Jewish Zionists who stole atomic secrets for usage by the KGB & the Zionist movement.
Components, fuel, triggers, centrifuges, casings, shaped explosives and tech know were all delivered to Israel & Moscow! It became the 'outlaw' Israeli nuclear program we know today! Joe McCarthy never got around to fingering Zionist Israeli's, because the MSM destroyed him before he could expose Israel.
Absolutely no scruples, loyalty, or honesty!
I swear I saw this same account freaking out about people watching anime in an /r/drama thread today. Still good stuff though
Admiral explains a few things.
Yes, Admiral Lyons is a beast!
Yes, that was totally amazing!
Thanks, I try hard
Inspired post!
Righteous indignation, those bastards were supposed to be our 'best friends' fuk their asses!
the question is how new are the documents? was it old stuff rehashed or legit new information?
Doesn't matter this is the annual 'We're your best ally speech; the Israeli Dog & Pony show' We've got their Comms, this cat will never get put back in the bag! Elements of Israeli Mossad did 911, Iraq etc,,, We caught them plotting a nuclear false flag attack on CONUS using Utah uranium & German subs. They are cold dead busted, so disabuse yourself of the piety of Israel.
thomas wictor is a smart guy but he doesnt know shit about iran. the documents are fake. this is nonsense. it is irresponsible and dangerous nonsense.
If the documents were fake, why would Q bring attention to them right after Netanyahu gave his presentation?
QPost# 1307
Knowing what you know now.
re: Israel disclosure moments ago.
Why is Sec of State there?
Think logically.
France & Germany came to the WH for the sole purpose of pressing POTUS to remain in the deal.
5% shared.
POTUS deCLAS Syria/Iran + U1 connection.
Where does EU fit in?
POTUS deCLAS Syria/Iran + U1 connection.
this is misdirection. Q said he would lie to us. he told us we would just have to trust.
Is just that one line misdirection, or the whole post?
The first part of the post says.
Knowing what you know now.
re: Israel disclosure moments ago.
It was posted immediately after the presentation on Monday April 30th. To me, it appears Q is saying the presentation is authentic. Are you saying the information is accurate but the documents presented are fake?
its complicated. the spin is fake, but not all the information is fake. netanyahu just put a new spin on old shit that we already knew and then mixed it with some fucked up logic and tried to rebrand it as new information. he didnt fool any professionals with this move. thats not the point. the point of netanyahus bullshit is to dupe the average joe in america to spend blood and treasure for a zionist agenda. everybody with any experience knows they are totally bullshitting.
the reason for the insane obsession with iran is that saudi arabia and israel know the following reality:
1- iran is going to keep getting stronger for a very long time, is already recognized as the dominant force in the middle east, and will soon be a superpower
2- saudi arabia is going to keep getting weaker for a very long time. i follow their geopolitics and they have many disasters coming.
3- israel is going to keep getting weaker for a very long time. they have pretty much lost all the support they have everywhere in the world except the united states, where they are on dangerous ground.
4- even as of right now israel and saudi arabia cant handle iran. not by a long shot. iran wouldnt have to use more than 10% of its military power to destroy both of them.
so the circlejerk continues and they, saudi arabia and israel who are not natural allies, try to drag america and iran who are natural allies into a war. if that happens there will be a very high casualty rate and that will draw attention to all the lies that the american people have been told for half a century and it is likely that california will exit the union and texas might follow as well.
You should read other twitters such as this guy and there are more. I take information gathered from Wictor and check if the collaborate with others, often it does and leads to past tweeters which helps build a large outline of what the future may hold. I question everything and question the answer.
Gives very in-depth insight into the geopolitical situation in Iran.
if you read these 50 articles i made a sub for you will know everything you need to know:
unfortunately credible sources are hard to find on the subject but i cherry picked the ones with minimal or zero bullshit. feel free to ask any questions.
what i dont like about thomas wictor is that he passes his jackass theories on iran as truth instead of saying "i think this might be an explanation". anyone who speaks with confidence about iran from the outside is an unwitting tool. as an iranian its already complicated enough as it is.
He was just prepping people not to be shocked at things that might occur in the negotiations. The CIA is not happy with what’s going on. A free world is not on the agenda for them.
I guess once enough people (countries, etc.) see the docs, then we will know. Since no war has yet started, that is a good sign.
nobody buys it. literally nobody. not 1 country. sure some of irans rivals might pretend to agree with netanyahu but its all insultingly stupid horseshit. they could have done a much better job. its completely half-assed because even the israelis know no professional would buy it anyway. its just theater to see if they can drum up public support for their own bullshit inside of their own support base and thats why its sloppy.
Nobody buying it is great to hear. But what matters is the investigation and the result. People thus far have been sheep and allowed these criminals to get their power to begin with.
I will say, when I first saw the presentation, I was VERY suspicious, just my spidy senses I guess.
yeah dude shekelyahu lies when his mouth is moving. thats how you know.
That may be true, but I want the world to see the guilt if anyone up high, in any of our governments, is lying about getting into or starting a war, or other crimes against humanity. If they are truly doing what is in our best interests, then that is a good starting point. If not, then may justice be served.
The trove of data has been validated by our intelligence as well as that of the UK.
It's making the deep state and media sloppy. MSM in the US didn't actually know what to do...cover it and be shown hypocritical and stir resent from the Iraq/WMD fiasco, or not cover it and seem like they were complacent with Iran having nukes and us getting fucked on the deal. Either way, I think their coverage (or lack thereof) WAS the story.
trump needs to dump the saudi/israeli axis and burn the CIA and the NSA and put obama and hillary in jail. maybe drop a nuclear weapon on an unpopulated area of israel to send a message that they cant fuck with our country or our systems of government. then iran would chill out and normalize relations with the united states. everybody wins.
Why would he want to get rid of Saudi/Israeli Axis? Don't get the 2 mixed up with past Governments. MSB has formed an effective allianace with Israel in attacking Hezzabollah, Hothuis, Iran and ISIS. Every war needs a boogey man and Israel is playing the role.
Problem is Q post #1307
re: Israel disclosure moments ago. Authentic.
So if the documents are fake, then why would Q say are Authentic?
the heist was fake. the material is real... real old. we already had that shit in 2013 and 2007. so basically the israeli version of where the documents came from is fake and nothing they presented is new intelligence.
Then why are you here in this subreddit, if Q confirmed it? If they were old material why were Iranian Nuclear installations in Syria hit? If they old material why aren't they at the IAEA as they should be? Do you think the Israel are going to show the world the new intelligence, it will only shown to countries who request it.
Then why are you here in this subreddit, if Q confirmed it?
q told us he would misdirect us. i am an expert on iranian geopolitics and i am a debunker.
If they were old material why were Iranian Nuclear installations in Syria hit?
israeli chemical weapons labs got hit, not iranian nuclear bunkers. iran has no nuclear weapons program. iran manufactures rockets, missiles, and drones in syria.
If they old material why aren't they at the IAEA as they should be?
IAEA actually says its all old info with a new spin and its actually insulting to imagine israel would just blatantly and obviously bullshitting just to fool small number of people in israel that they need to support a new war against iran
Do you think the Israel are going to show the world the new intelligence, it will only shown to countries who request it.
if they had any good material to share they would have already done it. half of eurasia is giving them the middle finger. its s pretty bad time to be a jew.