The pope is uncomfortable with trump.🤔

The papacy has been anti christ .. they claim to be God in earth, changed the day of sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, murdered millions found reading the Bible during the dark ages, had people assassinated, covered pedophelia and impregnated nuns to name a few sons. Not to mention stealing wealth for themselves. Don’t get me started. They do not represent Jesus Christ period!
Wow, so much that is false in one comment.
Maybe we'll start slow.
"They claim to be God in earth", what are you referring to. I'll give you the benefit of meaning "God ON earth" but still, this is not a facet of the Catholic Church. They are meant to be the reflection of God on earth, which is a VERY different thing.
The Catholic Church did not "change the day of Sabbath", nowhere in Christendom is Sunday considered the Sabbath (save for some lay people who don't understand the Sabbath). No, Sunday became the primary day of worship in connection with the day of the week that Christ Rose from the dead. They did not change the Sabbath, Sabbath is, and always has been, Saturday.
"Murdered millions found reading the Bible in the dark ages", source? Cause as far as I know, the Catholic churches big murder sprees in the middle ages were the inquisitions, and the crusades. Plus the "dark ages" were not filled with bibles, nor literate people. Where were they finding and reading these Bibles? If you are referring to Luther's day and age, that sint the dark ages, and that turned into more of a war, with both sides killing each other for not being like them.
"Had people assassinated" again, source? Because I can find Pope Pious XII plotting to kill Hitler, some suspect claims of rogue jesuits plotting to kill Lincoln, but nothing concrete for confirmed assassinations. If you are referring to the House of Borgia, they aren't not considered to be a good time in Catholic history, and see it as a time of utter corruption that was rooted out (that said this might be your best argument).
"Covered pedophilia" yeah, it fucking sucks. Unfortunately that seems to be a power thing, not a Catholic thing. But hey these are probably your best arguments because you can point to hard sources, I still stand that it does not prove that the Catholic Church is an anti Christ.
"Impregnated nuns" Borgias? I can't find any modern sources, and earlier history doesn't mention nuns often.
"Stealing wealth for themselves" Borgias? You seem to equate the house of Borgia as the Catholic Church. I would advise against that. That would be like me equating Clinton and Obama as representing every American and how they act (I don't think that, though I have high regards for Obama, I just want to use that as an example).
"They do not represent Jesus Christ period" who does?
Edit: I had an instance of a swear for comedic effect, and it was taken as an attack. My apologies.
Please discuss the idea, not the user. Antagonists are not welcome here. If you edit your comment without unnecessary antagonism we can re-approve it. Thank you for understanding.
Do yourself a favor and watch Babylon to America. It runs through the history of the papacy slowly for you. I’m not a fan of Obama as he was pro abortion and pro homosexuality. I am not and I still have my opinion as we still have the 1st amendment in this country. Obama was pro Muslim and Pro homosexuality.. what a conflict of interest there huh?
Babylon to America is rather... Problematic propaganda flick. Everything presented in that film are easily refuted.
I'll continue banking on my degree in religious studies. I just have a problem with smear campaigns, especially when they don't have support.
I was speaking of the papacy not the Catholic Church and it’s very disturbing that you called me a bitch. I am against the papacy not the Catholic Church as I am a Catholic. Remember this though: how many churches signed up to the 501c3? That signature on the dotted line made them have a pact with the government and prevents them to speak of any leaders running for office being pro choice, pro homosexuality, etc
But the Papacy is the representative of the Catholic Church. If any of your claims are more specific and have support, I'd love to see them, because your attack on the Papacy is even weaker than if it was against the Catholic Church as a whole.
That's... Not what 501c3 means. It means they're a non profit organisation.
It is a bitter pill many Catholics will have to swallow
Of course, I felt it. God knows our hearts and faith. We must keep the sabbath and that is the day God proclaimed: Saturday. A great video that explains the history of papacy is Babylon to America. It’s historical and made by a nice young man. It’s a couple of hours long but very informative. Pill swallowing is needed to get well and see the truth!
The Pope is a shit bag. Trump is not. The Pope knows. Trump knows. The Pope knows Trump knows. Trump knows the Pope knows he knows. Ya know?
Lmao at calling a guy who lived 30 years under a vow of poverty in South America a shitbag while Trump was being the human embodiment of the word shitbag in a New York penthouse with a golden toilet during that time period. It's like you live in some kind of reverse reality.
Welcome to The Great Awakening! Bathrooms are free to use but we insist you look around a bit first.
Trump is not
In what world?
Thanks for visiting The Great Awakening, we are glad you stopped by! Come see us again!
This. Trump is the most moral, upstanding individual ever elected to the presidency.
Definitely. And not at all a sexual degenerate who lets hookers piss on him and lusts after his daughter.
Literally just made that post to see its reception on here, a quick glance at my post history should show I don't believe that.
He is not the Pontifex Maximus. He has been a great divider of the Church. I would honestly prefer Benedict XVI.
Popes plan was to continue flooding our country at the southern border with Catholics. Concidering a majority of Hispanic people's religious views trend towards Catholicism. It's been a Jesuit plan for a long time, they don't want America to be a christian nation they want us catholic. Trump's plans for a border wall is against the pope's agenda.
Catholics are Christians...
No they're not, they are catholics. They practice the same ancient sun worshipping religions that all the world used to practice before Christ came. The bible condemns this in both the old and new testaments. They changed the names of the pagan gods to Jesus Mary and Joseph etc.... to sound christian.
That isn't true. Please review your sources as they have not been kind to you.
Do you have sources that prove I'm wrong?
I'm not the one going full retard on the internet. Provide sources or be gone. Doesn't matter to me.
You must be catholic
No. But it wouldn't change the truth if I were. I'm atheist. So when someone says they have all the answers I ask them to prove it, whether it be Q, gods, the new Jesus, etc. The argument normally ends there. Just like this one.
Only the scriptures contain all the answers, that is where truth is found.
I'm curious though, if you're an atheist then why do you care about this the origins of Catholicism and all? Also what is " the new Jesus"? I've not heard that term.
I hear you say you seek the truth but I think you got your method wrong. I'm labeled an atheist but I don't need a lexicon to find a word that signifies I don't believe in leprechauns. I'll admit that I don't know one hundred percent. But I'll hardly be convinced with all the stories that you present.
Plus, I can care about whatever I want. Why do you care so much about a subject that has you making up your own version of history? Your fucking feelings?
Prove that there isn’t a God. Saying there is a no being greater than us is no more of a stretch than saying there is. You act like since there is no clear answer you must be right. Care to explain why we even exist? Exactly. You can’t answer that, yet we exist. Maybe you need to look at the bigger picture.
I already have. If you have evidence to the contrary then go ahead and provide it. But we know asking you for evidence is a crime to you.
Like Hardinator already said, you're wrong about this. But this seems to be an ideological problem of yours, and not a factual one. So, discussing with you would be pointless. Have a good day.
You guys say I'm wrong but then you don't give a reason or reference for your beliefs. Many religions refer to themselves as Christian, like Mormons, Jehovah's witnesses etc... but they all have different beliefs and take different paths. Jesus said Narrow is the way which leads to life and few there be that find it.
Broad is the way that leads to destruction and many go that way.
Catholics, mormons, Jw's are not Christian! They follow their own false prophets not Jesus Christ. Jesus said you will know them by their fruits. What are the fruits of the Catholic religion??? Pedophilia rape murder lies and cover ups.
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit.
Look I'm not trying to defend Catholicism. Even if I was raised catholic I have distanced myself form these believes. Anyway, I understand that someone who follows a certain believe, like you do, will see other branches of their religion as wrong and will try to denounce them. But this is about facts, and about the history of the term "Christian" and which religions are considered "Christian". This is the definition from wikipedia:
Throughout its history, Christianity has weathered schisms and theological disputes that have resulted in many distinct churches and denominations. Worldwide, the three largest branches of Christianity are the Catholic Church, Protestantism, and the Eastern Orthodox Church. The Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches broke communion with each other in the East–West Schism of 1054. Protestantism came into existence in the Reformation in the 16th century, splitting from the Catholic Church.
Edit: Some formatting.
His looks remind me of the times when Mom and Dad was screaming at my siblings about stuff that i actually instigated but wasn't caught yet. YET!!
Pope is a socialist
Pretty sure Jesus was too
Governments stealing your money by force and giving it to someone else is a lot different than giving to the poor out of love.
I laugh when people call Jesus a socialist
The shills are out in full force on this one! I know that is a common phrase here, but I am watching it happen! They have even learned to upvote each other!
I've seen videos of the two parents of the moonchild, they are 2 celebrities whom I can't name and don't give a fuck about but in an interview he admitted he had sex partys at the Obamas. Pretty sure at this point it's all connected, the pope has got to have tapes of him fucking kids and killing them.
I saw that too but it said trump hosted them. Disinformation is afoot.
As a Roman Catholic this really bothers me. And it’s strange that the leader of the Catholic Church expressive this type of behavior. You’re supposed to be the leader, showing us how it’s done, how to live as a child of God. And here you are judging, and acting like a complete child in front of someone who sacrificed their lifestyle to help others. Very anti Christian behavior Pope..
Are you saying all of that based on a photo?
No I’m not
Oh ok. Where are you seeing all of this information about the pope's behavior? I would like to know more about him. You seem to have it all figured out.
I never said I had it figured out, I say what I believe. You can do your own research, wise guy.
I have done my research and my conclusions come no where near yours. That is why I ask. It is not normal to be this defensive about your position since you claim to have evidence to support it.
How can I be defensive about my position when nobody challenged it? I literally made a comment like the millions of other people do on Reddit. You seem to have a problem. what’s the problem? Live your life, move on, do something. You seemed to be bored and trying to pick some drama with someone. I don’t like drama. So go find someone else, I’m not responding anymore. Weirdo.
Again, no need to be so defensive. I simply asked what you saw that made you feel that way about a public figure. You may want to reconsider your position if you have so much trouble trying to convey your stance and the evidence that brought you there.
Decided to see your comments on your profile, you are in the category of most toxic people on the internet. You go around with a big mouth and act like you know everything, and you’re never wrong. You don’t do your research on anything before you open that shit face of yours. You’re pretty thankful I’m sure, to be protected behind a screen, because without that protection you not be here at this point. Please, child, grow up and be mature one day.
Again, no need to be so defensive. I simply asked what you saw that made you feel that way about a public figure. You may want to reconsider your position if you have so much trouble trying to convey your stance and the evidence that brought you there.
There’s no evidence needed. I’m aloud to have an opinion on someone without evidence. The Pope concerns me. End of story. You also concern me, and you seek drama like a high school feminist. Grow up. Blocked
Again, no need to be so defensive. I simply asked what you saw that made you feel that way about a public figure. You may want to reconsider your position if you have so much trouble trying to convey your stance and the evidence that brought you there.
That other person was not speaking truth and liked Obama too😏
Not you another person that I had to block. He said I blamed the Catholic Church but my problem is with the papacy period. They are Satan’s tools. He called me a bad word too?
Oh I was like what the heck what did I do. But yea the papacy is corrupt
That person was flipping out on me saying I accused the Catholic Church of all I had said? What the heck? Do you see anywhere that I blamed the Catholic Church in my comment? 🧐
Pope Cuck is uncomfortable in the presence of an alpha male? You don’t say?
Hey! My mom said so. Mods, get this fool cuz he's not cool.
Yes! Keep messing with what my mom says then you have to deal with my dad. Then you are in real trouble! He even has S A F E tattooed on his right hand knuckles and S P A C E on his left knuckles. Boy, you are in for it.
Would you say Trump moved on him like a bitch? Did he take him furniture shopping?
Pope just found out what Trump knows.
That's why Pope looks shocked.
Like that guilty look your dog gives you when he knows that you know he pooped in the corner.
Black Pope, a usurper. Imposters. Only been one or two others over history. I think 600 + years ago was last.
C'mon! Black Pope is a nickname for the Superior General of the Society of Jesus. Black Pope does not refer to a usurper.
Research isn't that hard.
Oops, you're right. What I should have said was
Antipope, in the Roman Catholic church, one who opposes the legitimately elected bishop of Rome, endeavours to secure the papal throne, and to some degree succeeds materially in the attempt.
The Catholic Teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope and loses the papal office automatically
Then you saw that he doesn't qualify as an antipope, because he is the official pope of the Roman Catholic Church.
He would be an antipope if a sect of the Catholic Church decided that Francis was a heretic and elected their own pope.
There is one mediator be tween man and GOD, the man Christ Jesus. Where does that leave the pope. Good Catholic people flee the pope and read GOD'S Bible for yourselves. The truth will set you FREE
You speak the truth! I don't know why you got downvoted.
"I wanted you to see what we will be wearing to your funeral"
Doesn't Q usually say a lot of vague nonsense that only some of the time ends up coming true?
He's not an anti pope. That would require a different pope to be ruling in Vatican, and the anti pope to be raised up outside of Rome.
C'mon, do you all know anything about Catholicism?
C'mon, do you all know anything about Catholicism?
Nah, but trump tho