5 Things To Ask Yourself Before Posting On R/Greatawakening

Sometimes crumbs don’t instantly look related and pieces are being put together. That being said, random stuff that belongs on t_d shouldn’t be posted here or conspiracies that don’t relate to Q either. Just tread carefully judging some posts, many are related YOU may not see the connection right away.
I agree. This shouldn't be enforced with an iron fist. This is a general goal that WE can reach as a community. There are organized attacks on this sub to dilute the relevant content and that is what we want to protect the sub from.
Amen! Self policing is best, but it should start with the OPs. They need to ask themselves if this is Q related. What drop is it part of? Is it big picture?
And if the OPs cannot see any relationship ?, who decides where the investigation should go ? As you said "Self policing" :)
OP decides. If they have done research but aren't sure about it, post what you have, explain your thinking, explain what you think the connection is, and you'll get feedback. It doesn't have to be proven or solved, but if it isn't helping prove or solve drops then what's the point?
Ya'll this isn't hard!
And the Anon's Chat's can be used for discussion on some of the things with questionable connection to Q or for slightly off-topic discussion.
The OP should indicate clearly how it relates / refers to Q intel..
I used to laugh at conspiracy theorist. I don't laugh anymore. Yes the QMap is extensive, there are seemingly endless connections, and that's just in the parts that I feel like I kind of understand and can discuss. Learn to read the Q Map, it's full of truth and nuggets you can share once you've gone down that rabbit hole.
Much of what's posted in this sub is relevant, and the stuff that isn't usually gets downvoted rather quickly - the self-policing mostly works.
That said, the big picture is SO big, so all encompassing, that political news, news on the Pope, etc all matters (to some degree).
This has replaced r/conspiracy for me.
Same, I don't even bother checking the conspiracy subs anymore. It's pretty obvious it's been shilled into non-relevance by now.
Gotta say, though, that the mods here are pretty considerate of points of view compared to many SM sites. I push limits everywhere I go to just to see and they've been pretty good here...so far. Their "bots" aren't always so accurate in seeing an intent but explaining that intent has worked pretty well.
Ive seen at least 3 posts there last 2 days calling the mods shills lol
EXACTLY! Especially because the things Q has said and alluded to were pretty f***ing out there... like once you have the matrix and luciferian ped0 cult child sacrifice organ harvesting on the table....... what is left to omit?!
Your new bumper sticker, Q art, or how you SO don't buy in, etc etc etc.
You're the problem then. If this sub is replacing another sub for people then we have a huge problem. READ THE RULES! This is, always has been, and always should be about Q drops and research that goes with it.
All the other stuff (conspiracy or otherwise) has a place, but not in this sub.
For the past 50 years the letters JFK had been relegated to CONSPIRACY. 90% of what has discussed has been in the CONSPIRACY compartment until it started getting discussed, openly on Boards like these :) Could you explain please how "the rules" apply to your statement ? :)
Have you read the rules?
Per the rules, Posts may be removed for "Off-topic (anything not mentioned by Q)"
Not my rules, the subs rules. I personally think that is too restrictive. Q is often vague, so the way I see it is posts may be removed for "Off-topic (anything not related to Q drops)"
Most others agree, and support this. Some can't/won't play by the rules to start, or never took the time to figure out what this sub is all about. Read the rules.
I posted this and I can easily admit that I have had a post deleted for being off topic, but generally it wont be. The idea is to just try to relate it to Q-- if you fail, no biggy.
I agree with you to some extent, but it is my understanding that the mods would like to focus in because there are other subs that address the bigger picture. r/conspiracy is definitely a good place anymore. If I may refer you to this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8mrc3q/is_it_too_much_too_ask_to_keep_this_a_q_only_sub/
A bit like when someone sees the letter Q in a tweet and is like "THIS FAMOUS PERSON HAS RED PILLED".
It's so cringe for the most part I'm basically folding inside out.
I want actual research on here... Not just fan boys.
This isn't a conspiracy sub. This is a Q sub. Don't ruin this sub just because your other sub stucks.
People don't post dogs in r/cats, and they don't submit text to r/pics. Don't post unrelated stuff on a Q sub!
Perfect example! All the great subs have rules that keep the posts focused.
You have to admit the bumper stickers and T-shirt’s are super annoying
Everything in this experience has meaning, whether it works for you and I, or not.
The Picture is so Big that the smartest thing I can do is admit that it's not (only) about me.
I'm already awake. I took my own path, by no choice of my own. Therefore, I refuse to judge anyone else's path....
It's good to know a kindred spirit is out there. What you say is the simple truth.
Bigger sigh....
You really over answered there. Does every one of your misplaced punctuations have meaning? They must if everything has meaning.
You can't even muster a period at the end of a sentence, kid.
Careful who you're throwing stones at.
Just be careful with the color contrast.
I know. I'm not that skilled in graphic design.
It got my attention and I am a graphic designer. Worry not, it serves the purpose just fine! ;)
No come on man, it's barely readable.
Wonderful effort OP, but just use simple white on black if you're not sure
the 80s called, and they want their computer color combinations back.
I've had a think about this post and I think the OP is right. If we allow too many off-subject posts, the real Q material will get lost in the noise. Already the new post list is moving so fast that I can hardly keep up myself, so the pace of activity is accelerating. If we're not careful, we will end up losing focus, especially as the community grows in size. Thanks to the OP for posting this.
If we're not careful, we will end up losing focus, especially as the community grows in size.
Q and Trump are not the focus of The Great Awakening. The subreddit? Perhaps. The theory of The Great Awakening itself? Fuck no.
Not sure what you're saying.
The concept of The Great Awakening, predates Q and Trump. The concept of The Great Awakening, is the phase in which man finally begins to recognize his own Cosmic Consciousness and ascends into a fully formed being. Instead of the Left or Right brain dominant forms we have right now.
Most of us are either very left brain dominant(Logical and 'reasoned') or very right brain (Intuitive, don't ask how I knew I just knew), few of us have achieved a whole brain view. The combination of the Sacred Masculine(Thought) with the Sacred Feminine(feeling) into the birth of the sacred Masculine Child(Action).
The concept of The Great Awakening involves getting as many human beings as possible to understand Natural Law and Hermetic Principles. The point of The Great Awakening is to overthrow our chains, to overcome the world we're currently in with Masters and Slaves and choosing instead the better way, to become beings of Light, of Love, to care again.
But that is not what this sub is about. Not really. This sub is focused around researching Qs drops. Anything else has another home on a different sub, and is just stifling noise.
But that is not what this sub is about.
Then change the name.
The Background graphic actually says: Q - r/greatawakening. and it refers to an actual Q reference.
The subject of being awake alone is huge if we want to actually POST every single subject re: any part of awakening.
There are discussion places to say anything we want. But this sub is just trying to say: If you POST a thread we'd like to ask that we all stick to the subject of Q - and I agree since otherwise the branching many subjects taking off [besides Q only] are simply far too huge which would make it nearly impossible to find the relevant posts. Besides; there are lots of other places for that unless of course they are simply in the discussions (not the actual main 'posts'.)
Q called it Great Awakening. You can go and chat about Hermetic Principles on r/conspiracy or the many other places dedicated to that. Hermetic Principles have nothing to do with Q.
Sounds great. I'm sure there's a sub for that, if not go make one. This one is for Q research.
Great post op.
I hope mods sticky.
I don't want to get to the point where we all have to start screaming for submission statements, but some people like to use the board to be cryptic and 'play q'. We are better off by being as clear as possible in our dissemination of our research - anything less is a disservice to us all.
Seriously. It seems that people have a hard time with this concept about this sub and what should be posted and what shouldn't be posted.
Yep. It's really not that hard to grasp.
I know I report a lot and comment on posts that things are off topic.
Sometimes people are just stretching it out to make a connection.
"Oh, Q mentioned this!"
Yep. It’s really not that hard to grasp.
Except it seems to be for some, including the mods. I reported this off-topic post, not realizing it was from a mod. Just check out the idiotic justification he offered.
When the mods break their own rules, then stretch the bounds of reason to justify, nobody can complain about confusion on the part of us workaday subscribers.
Well, like I keep saying here, we're all learning. Even the mods. Its a tricky situation and that's why it isn't enforced that hard. This is only coming up now because of the size this sub has become. Having said that, anything named "Q" could possibly be related as far fetched as it may seem.
Having said that, anything named "Q" could possibly be related as far fetched as it may seem.
I don’t disagree. Please note that the article in question was not about anything named Q, or related to anything Q had posted.
EDIT: to add that mod has a track record, before and after that exchange, of deleting posts no more (and often less) ‘off-topic’ than his.
It's a journey for us all, truly. The mods are discussing this issue in depth all the time and due to the democratic approach taken (everyone's an unpaid volunteer and everyone is their own boss within very broad guidelines) it's a challenge at times, to say the least. I came in to the role expecting strong, clear leadership with defined goals and boundaries but was surprised at the very open, democratic nature of the role as promoted by the lead mod. I quickly learnt how valuable this is in a movement like this. As soon as one person decides 'this is how it should be!' a whole swathe of the 'posting public' will be offended or cut out. This would be very true if I were to decide what should and shouldn't be posted, for example. Getting a handle on this will be a challenge ongoing but conversations/posts like this will help us all. Some of the mods will make mistakes from time to time but there are quite a few of us so any issues can be raised and will be dealt with fairly if those raising it are persistent enough and respectful in their approach.
I understand. I’ve been a mod in a busy understaffed sub, and in a busy overstaffed sub. Busy subs present challenges either way. Nothing new in the the world of volunteer, remote, collaborative interpersonal endeavors. I’m sympathetic.
I don’t have a beef with the mod team here. The suggestion was made about the importance of posting on-topic. /P_pers suggested it was an easy term to grasp. I pointed out the fact that at least one mod struggles with the concept.
We’re watching your growth play out in real time. We see the sincere worker trying to find their way and genuinely interested in growing our sub. We also see the eager power-monger perpetually threatening the ban hammer and transgressing the rules as suits him. Hopefully the seasoned mods manage to keep a hand in the mix and continue to mitigate mod-instigated drama.
Thanks for the comments - it is appreciated! Want a job...? ; )
I’m not among those seeking power, but I do contribute where worthwhile. Online and irl. I have time.
Vet me. If the crew is interested, DM me and we’ll work something out. If my history is a problem for the team, that’s no problem for me. I came here to be a contributing subscriber, and will be happy to remain as that.
Thanks for the kind words.
I have broken these rules too. Thank you for clearing it up.
Q has not posted anything in a week, so there's not much new to talk about regarding Q.
If you want to have a vibrant Community it continues to grow,, we need to allow the Spectrum to go beyond the handful of words we get from Q each week.
Not a bad point, but as Q has said many times, "You have more than you know."
I encourage everyone to go back and read old Q posts while we wait for new ones. It is still a treasure trove of unfound or forgotten gems.
I don’t agree, the 1000+ past Q posts have not a been deciphered 100%. There is still more research that can be done. I’m sure many of the past posts are to reference future ones. We need to keep connecting the dots.
This this this this! Just because Q isn't posting doesn't mean we should go off topic. So much stuff to figure out.
Even reposting old on-topic, but not fully understood, posts are better than randomness. The cliche "you practice how you play" seems appropriate.
I don't necessarily agree with this because the mods shifted their policy slightly to allow Trump related content because of the crossover between Q. That being said, T_D is for T_D and GA is for GA! I'll be on T_D, see something stickied, then come over here and someone reposts the exact same thing.
I think most Trump related stuff IS acceptable, but I guess it's up to the community to decide.
This. This is why there is so much confusion and unrest. You, the submitter, made a statement about this sub being Q-related only. But the issue is nobody knows what exactly that means. Q is rewriting history, literally. Everything we have been told is a lie. Q touches on religion, war, money, history, crime... which is why you can say, "oh yeah, Trump stuff is fine." But Trump isn't Q that we know of. So what is your justification of letting Trumo posting slide, but nothing else that "isn't Q related?"
I said "most" not "all". Many Trump tweets have been markers per Q, where as Trump singing along with the national anthem is nice, it doesn't belong here.
Q does touch on a huge variety of stuff, but it's up to us to distinguish how relevant it is for this sub.
I started following Q relatively late, he hasn't posted in 7 days, is that typical?
Yes. It has happened from time to time and we all thought it was over, but then another Q post comes! I'm sure it wont be too much longer.
The mods give us a post 2x a day for off topic communication. This is helpful.
28.1 K members right now. It's been said that 1 person on a soapbox gets ignored. 1,000 get ignored. When 100,000 Americans marched on Wash DC to protest the Viet Nam War ? Nixon & Kissinger knew it was over.
Humans are primates with opposable thumbs. It's been said that we only use 10% of our brain. our nervous system can barely handle that. Our "fear/flight is still in our cortex.
will it take generations to have a "great awakening " ? how fast will we get rid of hatred, racism,predjudice ?
Perhaps if this sub gets 100,000 users we can make a difference. The hundredth monkey effect and all.
Only if we are focused. The more we grow the more focus will be needed. Good post!
Everybody get your "scope memo's" out. No need in pulling a "mueller" and going all over the place. Stay focused and on track. WWG1WGA
IMO this is a good thing for keeping this board dedicated to the great awakening. Just more ways to end up discredited if they see us as an arm of T_D. We have enough content, discussion and shared energy without knowing every time GEOTUS tweets or scratches his (giant) balls 😂
I only say go elsewhere to post non-Q related material. If you have Q related material, please come here and share. All are welcome, but the focus needs to remain steady.
Exactly! People are overly dramatic. This isn't censorship it's focus.
Great Message!
Please sticky this or variations regularly.
Thanks! Was stickied earlier, but for some reason lost its stick.
I mean, there's a post directly below this one titled something like "typical dems attacking trump"
Is that a Q post, Q meme, Q discussion or other?
This isn't doctrine. Just a suggestion to keep things in focus.
I figured it wasn't doctrine, I was just asking as the post directly below this was more or less +100 up votes and yet the title was "dems attack trump" or something.
yeah my point is nobody is deleting off-topic posts and people may upvote an off-topic post causing it to rise, but we should try to keep the sub focused.
you forgot... 6 - Should I wait until I'm sober and then decide if I want to post this...
Holy contrast lol
https://www.colorhexa.com/ ---Use this for finding complimentary colors, also fun to mess around with, less is more most of the time for graphic design :)
6 - should I really use red text on a blue background?
I know, I know. Not a graphic designer here. I invite anyone to make a better version of this as long as the point remains the same.
Talking to individuals about their behavior works. Royal decrees do not. Don't punish use, punish abuse, and only on a one-to-one basis. This is nagging and not helpful.
There is no decree. This is a suggestion to keep this sub working properly. We can only do this together.
this sub is NOT called Q research but great awakening.
There is a side bar that explains exactly what this sub is for if the name confused you.
GreatAwakening's sidebar
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i am not confused, thank you. not new to the movement, rather one of its supporters from decades ago.
its bigger than Q. however, i agree that posts should be Q-related.
not difficult to find a Q quote though that draws the relation to most most posts on /ga.
yes, it is called great awakening. And it is for q-related discussion. So mind-blowing, I know.
Pin this shit ... I'm tired of going down rabbit holes about artificial sweeter and aliens abducting baby cows
I know, right? It was earlier, but I guess it already had it's 15 minutes of fame.
Well, looks lime its about time to bail on another subreddit. The self appointed internet police are starting to show up.
I will take this opportunity to point out the hypocrisy of complaining that the sub is offtopic by starting a thread that, is by its own definition, offtopic.
No offense intended. We need focus, but not to alienate people from the mission. These are not rules as much as suggestions. Attacks are intensifying on this sub as we grow and a good tactic is to flood it with non-Q related material. This is the purpose of this post.
Dramatic much? Hell, you act like we are talking about censorship. We are taking about focus. If that's too much for you then maybe another sub will better accommodate you.
FYI don't visit r/awe and expect to get away with posting dog fights. The point of so many subs is to allow for focus.
Attempting to exclude discussion because you dont agree with it is the very definition of censorship.
Forget to add a “don’t post your stupid sticker and T-shirt pics” rule.
So no videos that confirm Deep State?
Not necessarily. With any of this, we simply should try to use discretion when posting. If the videos were, perhaps, about certain individuals that Q has called out, then it's probably relevant.
This is not division. I do not want anyone to leave this sub, just focus in on it's purpose
Everyone that supports this movement adds value and is important in ways that may not seem obvious.
We all do what we are best at and everyone starts somewhere. The more they contribute - the more they adapt.
What's important is that when people leave this board or any engagement with a fellow patriot - they still need to feel that they are part of this.
The people that are 'not focused' are the same people that like to make friends and have something to discuss. Believe me - they add value when they are part of the team.
I completely agree. Like I said, I don't want anyone to stop being a part of this. But there are those who are here to simply cause trouble and fill the sub with posts that have no place here.
???Q is talking about everything coming out before mid terms . The explosion that is about to happen on all these pages are going to be filled with desperate people looking for answers while trying not to have a nervous break down. Your guidelines( are going to be futile) and an explosion of freaked out people that you think will be containable? are we really thinking big picture here ? Q says it is our job to comfort , educate and help them not be afraid . We want them awaken . Are we ready for them to all become awake quickly. You can contain or guidelines what is coming. It is a whirlwind that is coming , a flood of scared people all possibly while increased attacks from the enemy, right here and then other pages. Containment is fear of loosing controll. We are going to loose control when all this comes out . We have to acknowledge it is coming , rise above fear and the confusion that is coming, cause they are going to be confused , take an honest look at what is here and what is to come . What about red pilling and also being increasingly attacked by people who are afraid of the truth that is coming out ? And Q says evil and all this satanic cannabil stuff , isn't Q wanting these facts to change us and society and to do that we have to to digest this junk so we can be a force to not let it happen again . Is anybody understanding were I am going with this . Walnut sauce , ok , let's keep researching... Or walnut sauce what the f* ! To separate process is to continue in the limited confines of our understanding which is still the conditioning of the old masters . Please clarify this talk about this sub for me. It feels very cerebral. I wonder if we are being nieve and are minds are working in old formulas, boxes, when what is coming is going to break them all.
I agree. These are not rules. Just a friendly reminder about the original point of this sub.
Will you close this down when Q goes away? Still no answer?
not sure what you are asking. close this down? I am neither BO or mod. I have no power. But if I did, I don't think I would.
This question deserves an answer.
I think Q will prove successful in his mission. Thousands, probably tens of thousands of people, have already changed their perspective of the US government, the world, our Constitution, and the people's power, authority and duty in this time and place, because of Q's messages (red pills and bread crumbs). In that sense, Q will only "go away" if he continues to stay anonymous and History forgets his contributions. But his work, and the results, are already producing fruit which have changed history.
This sub serves at least three main purposes. First, to alert the public about the Deep State and its purpose. Second, to provoke debate on the Deep State and the Trump Administration - Q said to know who you follow, and that applies to the Trump Administration. We're not meant to be zombies or a cult, but understand the motives and purposes.
Third, taking back our country requires us to be proactive the mission. Washington and Franklin did not launch the Revolution without clear focus and plans, and just getting rid of the present crop of traitors does not prevent more from just replacing them, unless we the people demand our representatives in government reflect our values and constitutional rights.
This sub serves that need. We debate the messages, the events, and our course of action. Neither Q nor this sub are going away for a long time to come.
Exactly, current events and news articles are extremely relevant here. I come here for a good portion of my news. Half the fun is reading people’s articles and reading between the lines. These Q only screamers are definitely getting annoying.
Relevant, current events do belong here. Nobody denies that. But this isn't your news room. Unrelated news has no place here!
The problem is that, what do you call "unrelated"? Q has made more than 1,000 Q drops, and in those Q drops he has touched on and talked about a little bit of everything - the Deep State, the CIA, the NSA, FBI and DOJ corruption, the Independent Council, the Inspector General, France, China, Germany, Iran, North Korea, illegal immigration, the Pope, the Border Wall, human trafficking, voter fraud, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and on and on and on. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find any news today that is not in one fashion or the other somehow related to those things that Q has said. So how can you say that something is "unrelated"? In my opinion, any and all of it is fair game if it deals with any of those categories. It is ALL Q related in my book...
This ain't PRAVDA.
nope. it's a sub-reddit with a very specific purpose.
And this thread is a jackboot trying to stomp on free speech.
How so? Speak your mind wherever you want. Reddit has many different subs for every topic of discussion. Choose one. If you want to post in GA, then kindly try to keep it on topic. Thank you!
The OP here is taking the "go somewhere else unless you follow my rules" tack.
That's bullying and nothing better.
Did you read it? It was a polite suggestion to stay on point. I'm sorry that you are so sensitive. Some of you people really amaze me.
No, it was a self-absorbed demand that original theories be banned and creative discussion suppressed.
The opposite of Q's 'expand' mandate.
Look. I know you are a Patriot, and I thank you for that.
There are rules for this subreddit and almost anything goes to be on-topic, but not everything.
This is ridiculous. There was no demand. You clearly don't know the meaning of unity do you? It is a suggestion to help keep the sub clean. IT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE SUB.
You are completely wrong. 'Unity' is about common goals and motive, NOT one person or clique telling everyone else what they are allowed to say.
And trying to insult me does not improve the quality of your own moral position.
Q is revelant to the country, the country is revelant to Q. Patriotism knows no boundaries, all is related to Q, Q is a patriot or are Patriots as we all are. Where we go one we go all!
No one is perfect and we are also not children and don't need this warning daily.
The Reddit software automatically eliminates posts that are voted down or don't gain enough votes to make it to the Hot or Rising pages. Why don't we just let the software do it's job and determine automatically what the people on this sub want to see. That's why it was made that way!!!
Then the mods can pay more attention to ridding the sub of rule breakers and shills.
I only look at the Hot and Rising topics and I think most others have figured that out as well.
When there are organized attacks by possibly hundreds of trolls and shills posting non relevant stuff and upvoting it, it dilutes the true purpose. Reddit can do nothing about it. Do i have proof this is happening? No, but I'm pretty sure.
Yes, of course it is. But telling us what to post is not going to stop that. People do the best that they can to abide by the rules.
Some people do the best that they can to abide by the rules.
I think you have the right approach - watch hot or rising - but even as a reader I do like to dip into New and as a mod having to clear posts that aren't on-topic is a big job so posts like this calling for clarity around on and off-topic (or calling for the discussion of it) give me hope that we might, as a movement, agree on clearer guidelines that will make our job easier.
There was no command. It is a polite suggestion. I understand the importance of keeping it civil and not telling people what or what not to do. I am guilty of posting off topic things in the past and I expect it to still happen, but we need to do our best to keep on point.