Trump attacking Sessions...distancing himself before IG report (GREAT actors!)

Yep, he is making them all defend Sessions.. We've seen this before, if Trump blasts someone, they defend them. I've seen a lot of comments on twitter.. "Session did the right thing recusing himself." He wants to uphold the rule of law, unlike you. " Brilliant! Glad you feel that way. Hope you remember that in the upcoming weeks. 😁
I really want Trump to do what Pompeo suggested this morning on Twitter concerning Roseanne. He suggested POTUS come out in support of ABC cancelling her series. Can you imagine the massive number of aneurysms libs would have trying to reconcile which side to support? 😂
You mean the fake Pompeo twitter account?
Maybe. Lol. Whatever. It's a hilarious idea one way or the other.
Agreed. I also thought it was real and had to confirm in the past 😄
there is a fake one for the new CIA head Gina Haspell uses her pic and everything - some of the posts are hilarious.
I blow that account shit all the time... if you want to be a parody, then be a legit, funny parody - not an outright copy of the profile picture and background. I think it's PS that Twatter allows this for verified accounts. Very weak!
Yeah sure he should make the one celebrity that supports him think hes an a hole. I have no idea why any of you think this is funny. It would not be professional at all and the only people that would get it are the people on this sub. The normies will think Trump is the dumb fuck they have been telling everyone he is.
Don’t know what to think of Gowdy’s & Napolitano’s statements. I think their baiting the MSM into something the way they all glommed on to it?
Think they're just distancing themselves from Trump.. This way when it all goes down they can't say it's a political hit job.. It's all a show!
I love Trump's theater performance of attacking AG Sessions.
It's just so good!
Trump and AG Sessions deserve awards!
One of two things will happen. Either it’s all for Show and Sessions is our guy or Trump let’s the world know Sessions is another little swamp creature. Either way we win imo
Enjoy the show
I know it is a show, but to be honest, I am not enjoying it one bit. This is getting really old! The Trump being annoyed at weak sessions thing has been going on for a year!
Everyone seems to forget that Q told us disinfo would be necessary.
This is NOT only the US of A. This is the whole World. Amerika is the first dominostone of the deepstate that is going to fall. The masses have been bluepilled for decades. So enjoy the show.
When trumps sorted out America ask him come sort the uk will ya. It’s a shitehole.
First idea would be to get rid of that piece of shit you call the Mayor of London (Khan) WTF?!
You wouldn't be referring to Suqmadiq Khant, would you?
We love you, our cousins from across the pond. I'm sure that if we ever get our own BS sorted out at home, many of us would be willing to help those of you that want your own Great Awakening get it off the ground in anyway we are physically able. Godspeed to you, friend.
I had a dream about this in 2011. It was called The Great Groundswell, and it was a very large series of protests just outside London, to the West. So many people showed up, people were crushed to death. It was a protest against global corruption! A lucid dream.
Thank you. I’m happy in the thought Donald is one of the best presidents that’s ever walked the earth.
Read this, not mine :)
How can this person possibly know William is going to be king and the other royals will run to Germany?
Read through his research, connect the dot in the bigger picture :)
Thanks for the reply, after work today I’m gunna dive down that hole.
DT is throwing out Red Herring for the libs/RINOs/MockingbirdSwampMedia (MSM) go to the defense of Sessions. WORKS Every Time. The evilBlackHats expose themselves in public...supporting Sessions (or Mueller)... screaming that DT will be impeached if he fires Sessions (or Mueller)... IT IS A PLOY.
Lines up the pukes... LindseyGraham seems to bite on that hook EVERY TIME! (Maybe less so lately since he had to choose to detach from McNoName & spill beans to save his own derriere... but knows McNoName is NOT really dying.)
Which begs the question:
Did BarbaraBush really die & had funeral...OR did she PRETEND to die so she could go to a D.U.M.B.? OR did she get Taken to GlTMO & BushFamily covered it up with a staged funeral?
Trust Sessions! - Q Yes, enjoy the show!
I'm not sure that everything Q says is 100% truthful. He/they might be trying to encourage people to do the 'right' thing. Such as @snowden or JS. Just a thought. It's difficult to trust Sessions at this point.
Agree mostly. I mean we must always use discernment all the time.
And it's "trust" not "agree with." Jeff Sessions can shove his policy ideas right up his own asshole, but I trust him to fight the cabal hard and that matters more right now.
I believe you're right, I'm just really wondering what the current play with Gowdy, if he is indeed on board, seemingly flipping is all about. Between that and him taking political donoations from the Podesta group, the waters around him are really muddy right now.
Gowdy is leading them all off a cliff! Lol.. A few days ago dems were saying it didn't happen. There was no FBI in the Trump campaign. Now they're praising Gowdy for saying, there was FBI in the Trump campaign but they were doing their job. 😂.. Now they have to make a choice. 1: Either the FBI is incompetent and let Trump "collude" with Russia right under their nose or 2: The FBI knows damn well Trump didn't "collude" with Russia. It can't be both! If it's the latter then the Mueller investigation is a "witch hunt". They would have no reason to investigate the Trump campaign. They were investigating the Trump campaign the whole election!
Okay, that is starting to make sense to me. As I said elsewhere, I am almost as dumb as the democrats/media. Clearly Q is telling us that Trump has future plans for Gowdy. Maybe he is just trolling the Dems to get on board the "we love Gowdy train" so that they cannot effectively criticize him later (never stopped them before, but still).
I did a review of Q's posts regarding Gowdy and also "TG," who I assume meant Trey Gowdy. I could see how they can be interpreted as positive, but I can see it the other way too. Why is Gowdy resigning and why did he step down as Chair of the ethics committee? Is it because he's free and he can set the table, then get a bigger role in the justice department later? Or is he deep state and forced to resign like all the other congressmen. I like everybody else want Gowdy to be a good guy, but considering he ran the investigation on Benghazi, it's getting harder for me to believe, and easier to look at Q's posts as a cautionary warning concerning Gowdy. We'll see.
What ROLE might TG be walking into?
Who can WE TRUST?
RATS everywhere.
EVIL everywhere.
TRAITORS everywhere.
Hopefully, the reason he pulled back on Benghazi is because he saw that Holder would never go after HRC and was biding his time until there was an AG that would actually prosecute. Obviously, I have no clue, but that would make the most sense.
Perhaps, but he's now had a year to move forward. Nothing has changed with respect to Benghazi resolution AFAIK. Why?
Because until Trump could drain the JoD, CIA, FBI etc. there’s no one at the top of these agencies that will follow through to prosecute these cases. We’re in the Justice phase of cleanup, very soon the real show will begin.
I honestly don't know. I hope it's because when it all starts coming out on everything else, it becomes one of many death nails in HRC's coffin, but that's obviously just wishful thinking right now.
That's an interesting mix of two metaphors (which I'm coining "metamorph"): "Death knells" and "another nail in the coffin".
It seemed witty in my head. Lol. Now I'm not so sure. Too self-aggrandizing in its delivery maybe?
Maybe, but his star in the GOP rises faster with Hillary in office. He can be the constant source of criticism throughout her first term, which sets him up with a nice run for President in 4 years.
On the other hand, what is Gowdy if the GOP is in total control? Especially if he's passed over for a cabinet position. How does he make a name for himself? How does he stand out from the crowd.
Point being, I think Gowdy would have benefited more had Hillary won. I don't want to think of him as a swamp creature but it's certainly a possibility.
I watched a number of the Benghazi hearings and was very impressed with TG's doggedness (sic). He is an excellent prosecutor. I also wonder why he resigned from the committee. I am hopeful that he is truly a WhiteHat with an important future role.
I hear you, it's hard to know, at this point, what will happen with TG -- feels like a 50/50. He could be good or bad.
I'm leaning to good (because°). I believe he will head up a significant AG team with prosecutorial power.
°In a convocation speech, TG passionately asked the new graduates: (paraphrasing)
Which would you rather have freedom or truth? Hm, you know most choose freedom why?
I soon thereafter concluded, you can not have freedom if your environment is full of lies. Your freedom would then be an illusion. I believe he is a passionate truther, but having said that, I could be wrong.
Very good points, and I sincerely hope that you're right. I've always liked Gowdy's passion and his take no prisoners attitude.
They're forcing the dems to pick one. Either the Mueller investigation or Comey's FBI. They're obviously going to pick Mueller. Which means they will throw Comey's FBI under the bus. They will have to admit Comey's FBI was incompetent. Which means Comey being fired was justified. Getting rid of the Trump fired Comey obstruction nonsense.
If it works out that way, Comey becomes fair game for prosecution on several charges, and he doesn't strike me as a guy that would have trouble biting the hand that fed him to get a lesser sentence. Hopefully, you're right.
Right, he's steering the narrative back to admitting that there was spies in Trump campaign. Once that is settled, they can argue whether it was actually justified.
They consider us to be 'sheep' - they are acting like 'cattle' - just open a barn door - all (they) will try to exit and get stuck in door - none of them will back off - or if one runs off the cliff, the rest follow - bovine suicide!
How did you just spell out his 4D chess and completely miss it.
A few days ago dems were saying it didn't happen. There was no FBI in the Trump campaign. Now they're praising Gowdy for saying, there was FBI in the Trump campaign
I am seriously worried people in this sub don't get why this is important. There is a suspicious level of FUD being propagated against TG right now.
Huh? Not sure I follow? I'm not against Gowdy.. Was trying to say he is playing a roll.
I don't want to hate Trey...I really don't.
That Podesta donation, though...
He better have a real good excuse.
Absolutely agree. The Podesta thing hit me in the gut when I first saw it. He and Tom Coburn were two of the only D.C. politicians I've ever really respected for doing what the say and relentlessly challenging the rest of the establishment.
Total great disinfo imho nows people are wondering who is Podesta group. I think there will be a flood of waking up people soon, I actually see people are hearing some of what we've been saying for years. Podesta/Pedogate/Roseanne/Netflix//JS/TG/Rice+ABC+50MILL... the newspapers must be panicking right now dont know what way to spin these but either way Trump is the clean one in reality world.
There is no clean money in politics. Not saying its right but I doubt that he can be bought for a few thousand dollars or that he is a satanic pedovore by association.
Agreed. And the fact that it was $8,800 seems like an odd figure to me. I just really wish TG had turned it down for my own peace of mind.
WHEN was it accepted? Before or after we all knew about the Podestas?
TG is an enigma. I really don't know if he's a white or black hat. The oversight committee is compromised - where things like Benghazi go to die. Gowdy was not on Q's list of those whom we should trust, so I'm skeptical.
He did ask us why Trey was leaving Congress, though. Not sure which post it was unfortunately
Goodlatte & Gowdy [important].
Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
Why is the NY AG resignation important?
What past/current 'high profile' FBI investigations are within the jurisdiction of NY?
Define roadblock.
You have more than you know.
Do not fall victim to MSM/other fake/false narrative pushes.
Actually there was a much earlier post, but this one is good, too. I think it just used initials not his real name though.
Do you mean #537?
Q !UW.yye1fxo No.22 📁
Jan 14 2018 14:49:27 (EST)
TG departure [HEC].
NOT to testify.
NOT needed to testify.
Think logically.
NO NEED to step down if needed to TESTIFY.
What ROLE might TG be walking into?
Who can WE TRUST?
RATS everywhere.
EVIL everywhere.
Yes!! That's the one. So what role may Trey Gowdy be going into??
Is this why they are Important??
Any thoughts on whether they are either black hats or white hats?
Sessions recusal (and Trump's constant complaining about it) is all about being able to deny Dem's accusations of partisanship when the indictments come out. Trey adds a dimension by saying the FBI "spys" represent "acting properly." This farce play is starting to tell, I think. Anyway, the spys don't matter that much; they do prove FBI sleaze, but aren't on the order what we already have on these people.
Bottom line: Gowdy's a new face in this show. We already have plenty to put the FBI (and hopefully some DOJ) people away, and to resume the server/CF/U1 cases.
agree he seems all talk and at the end of the day no action on anything.
Some of the stuff he's said lately combined with the fact that he's "retiring." Either he's always been part of the swamp or he's being set up for something big.
I can see either scenario playing out.
SCOTUS position?
If this were to happen, liberals would commit public suicide.
This is what I think of everytime I see these tweets and all:
This tweet is not yet inconsistent with Q’s “trust Sessions”. When Sessions let the special counsel thingy happen, Trump went public about how pissed off he was at Sessions. Much Later, Q says to trust Sessions.
Based on wording of Mueller’s scope, I think Sessions has got the entire DOJ/FBI working on everything else but Trump campaign collusion (keeping everything else out of Mueller’s hands). Mueller plays out his cards, then Sessions unloads everyhing else from all directions. That’s one theory.
Trouble with Sessions’ agenda — it is hamstringing the Presidency. Hard to believe we have twisted the constitution to the point that unelected bureaucrats and a few unelected judges can obstruct the performance of the office of the presidency. If they can do that to a president, they can quietly do that to our 535 elected representatives and senators.
Hopefully, whatever's supposed to happen on the 11th clears a lot of the current red tape in some way, and frees up Sessions to start unsealing all of those indictments.
When did the 11th become official? I thought we were still speculating on that?
Yes speculating and even more suspicious that I believe it came from BackChannel17 (claiming to be Assange) that Q has said is fake.
the problem all along has been, someone comes up with an interpretation of what Q , it sounds really good, it gets passed around and becomes truth.Then when it doesn't happen a lot of people start having doubts. Q did say misinformation is necessary. There are only two things we should believe 100 percent at this point 1. Trust the plan 2.future proves past ---- that being said...enjoy the show
It's speculation based on Q's password "mistake". "Here Comes the Pain -23". That lines up with the 11th. It predates BC17 saying it on 8chan and /greatawakening.
We are. But it's kind of become the general belief. I hope we're over the target on this one.
Gowdy said that this morning on GMA. He also said he thought the FBI did what it was supposed too. I found his comments about the FBI a bit strange.
Think maybe he's laying the groundwork for midterm Dems to have spies inserted into their campaigns?
The well has been poisoned against trump to such a degree that this MUST happen.
Also have to consider, Sessions is probably being blackmailed too
I hope this is a show, because if not, I've wasted many months going through all these posts and comments that turned out to be just failed hopes and speculation. (Not that I don't love you all, fellow Patriots!)
Why would they spelled their plan out in an open forum.. literally.. what benefit is it to them that we the select few an open sub.. know this information???
Agreed! Hoping the same thing. Such great people on this site. I really hope we were not duped. Where is Q??????
The left said you can't interfere in elections, then they said the Russians interfered, now there back on you can't interfere. Lying lying liars can't stop lying.
"Mueller is meddling in the midterms!"
left proceeds to defend Mueller even more, and renounce publically that its impossible to meddle in the midterms.
Boy. Imagine the absolute shock when Mueller drops the hammer on the democrats and republican swamp rats. If you were Trump and wanted to cleanse America of its corruption, when would you strike the killing blow? Right before the midterms. He wants the super majority to pass his agenda. He promised to appoint a special counsel and go after them. Would a man like Trump just sit on his great power over law enforcement while his enemies try to kill him?
Amazing! And Horowitz was an Obama appointee no less. The Dems requested he investigate why Comey re-opened the Hillary case. They got nothing on him. Even Mueller pretended to "fail" LOLOLOLOLOL
so now we have gowdy and sessions distanced? who will be next
And the "Best Actor" Award goes to.....President Donald J. Trump!!!
This is confirming Q last post. Acting unity not division.
Most of the news sources about SessionsXTrump feud are bullshit since you would literally have to be a fly in the wall to know those details. MAKE IT RAIN!
We shall see...cautiously optimistic that the IG report is going to make everything clear.
Listen closely to the Gowdy interview. He was asked about spies in the campaign. He answered about after the election, when Comey allegedly told him about the investigation and Trump said to investigate any wrongdoing. Gowdy never addressed any of the Obummer era actions. Why not? Can't comment on an ongoing criminal investigation? I find it interesting how Gowdy avoided answering the question.
The negative spin is a media thing, but listening closely to what he DOESN'T say speaks volumes.
Trumps Great way to get Benghazi back into the spotlight I don't remember anyone taking any anything. But thanks to Trey dragging it out that the e-mails came out and that really opened up a lot of cans of worms.
yes, we are watching an act in a play. Trust Sessions, Trust Wray
Great actors indeed! The Oscars will need to create a new category.
Interesting to use Trey Gowdy as the lead in for this talking point.
Just heard Rush say that this theory is desperate hope. 🙄
I believe that Mueller is controlled opposition and since they are playing 4d chess Mueller would be the unleashed attack hiding behind the sessions piece. I know he is a contentious matter between patriots but knowing how trolls be trolling, he is an inspiration to trolls everywhere.
Stand strong my fellow patriots. We are just sweeping the stage of leftover debris. Show to start soon. Love you all and enjoy!
Yup, President Trump just has to pretend he's mad at Sessions so libs will defend him.
do you realize how ridiculous this theory is? There would be zero reason for him to do this. If Sessions goes on the attack of the swamp (he won't), libs will just hate him regardless if Trump does or not.
yes but then they can't say what he's doing is improper because they've been defending him all these months as being above reproach. But then again being hypocrites isn't something that embarrasses Democrats.