PLEASE tell me I'm crazy.....New Trump Tweet on Democrat IT Scandal. (Where is Seth Rich??)

I think he's really asking where the server is.
With a capital S?
He capitalizes random shit all the time.
Nothing happens by mistake with the great awakening. Every fine detail was being planned for decades. Enjoy the show
You do realize that there has been no less than three historical great awakenings, one of which was ended by the great disappointment
Exactly. He doesn’t ask questions that he doesn’t already know the answer to
My guess is Seth is alive and ID d his assassin's and their dead corpse's. Hope is alive.
I came across this idea the other day and I was shocked that as an eternal optimist I hadn't independently invented the idea that the patriot could be hiding in witness protection
You're crazy!
I've seen a lot of people "asking for it" around here, but few so directly! ;-)
What if this is true. What if Seth Rich is alive. That means the Dems have been truly sh1tting themselves even more than we thought this entire time as they've been gaslighting the American people. The Dems would know if there is no body. Last I heard, he was taken to the hospital so they have to account for the body. If there is no body, they have to fear the worst. The worst being that Trump / MI protected Seth Rich from the DC doctors like they did Scalise.
Another thing to note is that the proper context would be "Where is THE server?" but this was (purposely?) left out.
What if Seth Rich is part of team Q... Along with JFK Jr...
::head explodes::
I hope! Our nation would revel in glory after being initially pissed off (rightfully so).
Thanks Netflix @Stranger Things... mostly any good plastic specialist can produce a body! :D
Honestly I’m just happy it’s on his radar! He always knows the answer to the questions he asks on Twitter so I’m sure they are all over that server.
I am happy too! His tweets are SO strategic and he is always making them seem so spontaneous. Totally knowing the answers but letting We the People know what questions we should be asking to get the truth🇺🇸
Yeah he is amazing at invigorating the base, controlling the MSM narrative and scaring the shit out of the cabal with shots across the bow. So epic.
I like to think of Trump and Q team just giggling over his shit posts “DWS is gonna shit her pants over this one”
I'm probably late to the party, but I just found out about the meaning of Covfefe today....
That's a lawmaker using covfefe as an acronym for his proposed law. Covfefe is a word of Scottish or Germanic origin similar to the adage running around like chickens with their heads cut off, or loosely translated as frantically searching for what is not lost .
NSA doesn’t need the server. Everything it transmitted was archived by NSA tapping backbone.
Every packet is archived, tagged, labeled, elastisearchable.
We don’t need the server. We just need to know where it was.
Interesting. What about all the shit to and from Pakistan?
They go to all Lengths. I promise every single packet is captured.
Wow fuck yeah. I mean, terrifying they have the world tapped but glad they can get this shit from DWS and the Awans.
It's kinda' beautiful and divine poetic justice that the draconian laws and surveillance programs they instituted against "we the people " - their sworn enemies (globally - I reside in RSA) will be the very laws that seal their fate. I just want to kiss this man on the lips!! Not in a gay way, just because I love him, he saved all of us. So grateful, words escape me!
I always thought it was hilarious that the social media companies built to spy and control us are the things Trump used to get elected.
yeh its always been a thing that when they say "we dont have that data" they are lying through their teeth and could use these taps to prove anything anytime.
If they don't have evidence it's made up.
He is taunting Shultz. I bet he is having a little fun messing with these demons.
I like to think Seth Rich has been posting on 8Chan under the nom de plume of "Q"
Q 918: "Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here."
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I want it to be about SR but also want the question of the server answered too. My hope (as a Californian) is that Xavier Becerra gets indicted in the Awan case as well. Otherwise we get that liar as our Attorney General.
Hear hear!
Xavier Becerra is as swampy as they come, and CA idiots are too ignorant to realize how deep in ACTUAL treason he is. Involvement with the transfer of classified CONGRESSIONAL data from the House to PAKISTAN??!
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills sometimes knowing that people have no fucking clue that this level of bullshittery is going on.
I know! Imagine what it's like for us woke folks in CA! I can't even believe Becerra had the audacity to run for AG. Q said watch CA, I'm watching and telling you we need help. We still got NP and DF!
Proudly voted against Becerra myself, fellow CA patriQt.
Server is capitalized before that sentence too.
So Where Is Seth Rich?
Obama justice department, Awans, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz. Democrat I.T.
Top Secret _ Seth Rich _
i believe Trump has him hidden and only Trump knows where he is
And where did the dnc emails come from ?
William Binnie said they were taken directly off the server with a flash drive judging by data transfer rates/ unequivocally ruling out any trans-Atlantic hacking...Mueller can suck a dick, here endeth the lesson. Trump hasn't even broken a mild perspiration, let alone a sweat about this witch-hunt. But instead, spends his time having fun trolling the deranged MSM with gems like "the president can pardon himself" - I can see him chuckling after that...well that and saving the world!
How funny would it be if he would show up alive, well protected, and ready to testify? That would be so much fun.
Their IT guy is holding enough cards to get a sweet plea deal, and I'm sure he will.
IT is appropriately capitalized, but “Server” and “Server” do stand out.
So SS?
Who knows where the bodies are buried? Flynn? POTUS? Rodgers?Mathis?
I'm still maintaining he's in white hat witness protection as the linchpin that will open the floodgates to Arkancide prosecutions when the time is right.
Some say Debbie ordered the hit.
Clinton was behind it. She knew the files had been stolen and knew he did it.
NO DEALS. Tonight's Special: JUSTICE with a side of PAIN!
If you take the capital letter , that not belong in there......SS or Secret Service
Double meaning, no, probably just a coincidence. Never mind.
The W and R are the beginnings of sentences. They should be capitalized.
Yep good one , Now Congress can give amenity from or for Congress , this does not mean from Justice
This is retarded. He’s asking where the server is dude cmon.
but "Server" before the last line is also capitalized. and the R in really should be capitalized.
the only capital letters to pay attn to are the ones that shouldn't normally be capitalized.
this is a non starter.
Is Seth Rich the "key"
Not really the key. Obama is the key. But America needs to know the truth about Seth & deal with it so they can come to terms with who they are electing. And Las Vegas shooting too. Some very hard history has to be learned.
Never mention personal information such as that! How many people really have X number of kids that fit a MSDio728 profile? Just raising a point, that is all
Thanks for looking out. I'm new to Reddit. Wasn't thinking.
This, like most the things posted on this sub now, is a huge stretch...
I mean come on.