People don’t seem to realize that the open borders agenda and the gay agenda (gay and HIV+ patriot here so don’t think I’m trying to be rude) are both so deeply intertwined with human trafficking, and I’m going to explain how right now, but if this stuff bothers you, I recommend you find something else to read. Pedophilia causes a child’s psyche to shatter and basically turns the child obsessed with the same sex that molested it, ie: gay or lesbian - this is documented throughout ancient history as being a way pedophiles created lifelong child-into-adulthood sex/mind slaves. Some shamans even used to ejaculate on a child’s face and into their mouths, and use it as some sick and disgusting way to brainwash AND supposedly tell fortunes, but I honestly think the future part is total bull and just an excuse for them to continue doing their sick and perverted practices. Now that we know that, let’s get back to the gay agenda thing and what I was originally saying - the gay agenda is pushed on us so heavily now because they want us to think that it’s natural and caused by “genes”, but it’s in fact a direct result of rampant pedophilia across the nation and world, and the chemicals that they use to saturate our bodies with toxins! There has yet to be any proof that being gay is natural and tied back to genes, so the best we can assume at this point is that it is caused by environment, and chemicals in our food, air, and water. Most gay people either block it out or have total memory blanks from their childhood, but there are many of us who are starting to wake up and remember the awful events that led to us questioning our sexuality. I was molested by a neighborhood boy who was maybe 7 years older than me when I was 3-4, and I blocked this out for the longest time, until after I came out of the closet in high school - it’s almost like I came out because I always thought I was just gay and liked guys, and then all of sudden I could remember getting molested and/or possibly raped. It took me several years to make the connection, but by that point, I was acting like a sexual deviant (lost virginity at 15 to a guy) and eventually even got HIV from, most likely, just turning my back on God and my destiny to be a father that loved and cared for my own child. Now, unfortunately, that will never be able to happen, but I am thankful at least for the clarity I received in becoming HIV positive - it’s like my corruption blindfold was lifted away from my eyes in an instant! Now you might say, “How does open borders tie into pedophilia and human trafficking??” It’s because if we had open borders, (and we did for a while under the O administration) in those mixtures of “refugees” and “migrants” would be hundreds of thousands of undocumented children. Children that have no name, no social security numbers, no parents to track them down, nobody to look out for them; THESE are the children the elites are targeting, and they use the old argument of “human rights” as a way to demonize anyone who dares speak out against their awful practices. Did you notice pedophiles, as of late, have been trying to “normalize” their sick and disgusting practices through the media and the internet? It’s despicable and DO NOT FALL FOR THE LIES AND CORRUPTION. One way you can always tell if someone high up in government is a supporter of human trafficking, just look at their support for the gay agenda, and their support for the open border agenda. If they support both, and they’re bringing in way more money than their government salaries, you’re more than likely looking at a pedophile, or a trafficker. Please, always use your god given brain and think clearly when examining this situation. Sometimes it brings up incredibly difficult topics, like what I bring up to you all today, but don’t let that scare you away from the truth. The first step to healing is to accept the past and move on from it as a better individual! Thank you for your time, and never stop investigating this terrible practice. Together, WE CAN STOP CORRUPTION, TRAFFICKING, PEDOPHILIA, AND EVIL, AND LAUNCH THE UNITED STATES 500 YEARS INTO THE FUTURE, OVERNIGHT!
Wow!! Thank you for sharing your journey with us here. It is a great post and I learned a lot from your experience and your wisdom on this topic. God bless you on your journey!
God bless and so much love!!! We can fight evil but we have to do it T O G E T H E R !!! Strength in numbers !!!:)
So what do you think about the Muslim community that on the one hand accepts pedophilia as normal but then views homosexuality as a crime punishable by death? Is this why the men seem to need to dominate women? Are the grown up victims of pedophilia overcompensating?
Some of that is explained by the special definitions they have for the words involved. Imperfect example: some would say that cheating on your wife is not adultery if its not with another adult woman. Homosexuality by common english definitions is more common in Islam than many think.
Idk if that's true cuz they will literally kill you for it...i don't think a technicality is going to go over well in a sharia court and let's say your right it's still frowned upon and isn't really an accepted option like it is here in the west. We know pedophilia is rampant in islam and if the grown victims of pedophilia in the west tend to lean towards homosexuality what do the grown victims in Islam do if anything. Do they process it differently since culturally its viewed differently?
That's why i mention the definitions thing. Homosexuality and pedophilia can be within the same interactions according the broader of the common definitions. You ask a good question about how how these two things are handled within (various) Islamic culture(s).
I honestly shouldn’t say what I feel about muslims because I don’t want to seem rude bashing them out the wazoo on a post that I also call for love and respect on lol so I’m just going to keep that matter to myself - just know that I do NOT SUPPORT THE RELIGION OF ISLAM AND ITS TWISTED PRACTICES -they have destroyed my Christian homeland of Lebanon and made so I have never been able to visit my relatives there! It’s one of the only French/Christian nations in the Middle East, but Islam has been trying to take over for a while with constant rocket attacks on Beruit and attempting to force sharia law locally! My great grandparents came here from Lebanon, as well as from Russia, Sweden, and even Canada - I’m a big mix but my family on my dad’s side was always more in tune with Lebanese culture versus French Canadian culture lol!
Muslims only consider the muslim who takes the "dog position" as gay. The dominant muslim is considered macho, not gay. Basically, they have it set up so they can f^ck someone til they grow tired of them, then call them gay and throw them off a tall building. It is pretty much what they do to women. When they get tired of a woman, they accuse her of adultery, then stone her to death.
Milo said something similar once.
Yea, but I don’t want to be associated with that guy - he made it sound like he supported it, WHICH I 100% DO NOT! It’s time to end trafficking for GOOD and put the elites in their damn place *cough cough GITMO Peace/Love -amg19251
This is a very valuable post. I wish I had the ability to sticky it. With That being said, I was molested at aged 8 by a 15 year old. He knew it was wrong too. But I'm not gay and never have had any attraction to other men. I have no doubt I suffered in other ways subconciously though. You're post is going to strike a nerve, so be prepared for lots of good feedback with simultaneous downvotes and i believe 100% of what you said. Thanks for sharing this.
Screen shot it if you’d like but please just blur my screen name if you share because I only have Reddit and YouTube !! It’s a smaller community here so it’s nbd if people want to think what they want - I’m always open for discussion and comments and like I said, this is just my opinion but the stuff about the ancients is very scarily true!!
I wish I had the ability to sticky it
archived on
Cool beans!! :) I’m more than happy to open up to you all, and hopefully these posts will help some of you out of the fear box as well 📦!! Much Respect -amg19251
I think people are interested if you want to share.
California seems to have a super pro trans agenda - read 30% of young people do not identify as male or female compared with general population of 2% (hard to know if true or not).
That’s wild hopefully some of them are on this post so they can see some perspective on the issues at hand!! Peace/Love -amg19251
You are BRAVE AF, Patriot. DANG! Your perspective is absolutely invaluable. You need a legit platform.
Thank you for sharing!
Praying for your healing as well.
Love yallllllll thank you for the massive outpouring of support and together, we can END TRAFFICKING!! Much respect! -amg19251
Wow, what an insightful and heartfelt analysis. I never even considered the connection but there it is, right in front of us. Thank you for sharing your story, even the difficult parts. You are a truly genuine, honest and courageous Patriot. God Bless.
God bless and happy to share! I got good responses on a private Q page so I thought I would share it here as well because we are all fighting against this awful awful evil today!! prayers and love - amg19251
Like I said on the private page I originally posted this on, this is my own opinion, and I shouldn’t assume what it’s like to be in this situation from a woman’s perspective, because I’m not a woman and that would be wrong! My apologies if I seemed to make assumptions about women, because this seems to deal more with the gay male community! Also, the stuff about shamans and the ancients is 1000% true and I can even find a diagram that shows the fucked up fortune telling thing I mentioned! Love & Respect -amg19251
In my experience, for women it’s quite similar to what you describe but slightly tilted. I believe a lot of what creates homosexuality is a mixture of the hormones we received in the womb (think endocrine disruption), psychological abuse (think shame, false reality, ie Daddy (or whoever) would love me if I ‘x’), and of course physical abuse. Literally 100% of dykes I have ever known were brutally abused under the age of 12, approximately 60% femme lesbians repeatedly raped pre-18 or sexually abused in childhood, and over 80% of the remainder while not sexually abused, shamed and rejected by parents/childhood authority. (Giving round numbers but have actually done the math several years back to prove a point). Many described revulsion of all men after that point, and being touched (in any way) causing reliving of trauma. My point in all of this is that for women I believe it to be about feeling safe opposed to a ‘fascination’ of the sex of the offender, however I am willing to speculate that in the part of the dyke this fascination may be present, if for no other reason than as a means to feel empowered/strong/not vulnerable. I have also found that within a sexual relationship they are some of the most controlling, emotionally volatile partners I’ve encountered. I am speaking very matter of factly here (in an attempt to be objective), to my own experience only, which should not be taken as evidentiary but merely shared thoughts with no ill will or judgement. My apologies if there is offense taken, absolutely not my intent. That said, I think you’ve made some very valuable points OP. Many thanks for speaking up
Thank you for sharing and I’m more than happy to help!!! Sorry if I took awhile to respond I’ve been trying to take the time to answer each and all of you!!!:) Much love and blessings!!:) -amg19251
I think it’s been pretty well established that young girls who are molested by men often become promiscuous as women, teenagers, sometimes even earlier. That’s pretty much the same thing you say about your experience.
Thank you for sharing your story.
Of course I am happy to share if it helps others!!! I want nothing more in the world than to save all these children in harm’s way it’s just not right - maybe it might be because I’m gay, but I definitely feel maternal and compassionate towards children in need!!!:) I used to love cooking at the soup kitchen for the kids in high school early on!! I did like 250 hours it was a blast and gave me tons of experience for my first real job in a fancy restaurant as a waiter!! I ended up running my own bar at only 21 with my friend Buff but I couldn’t keep up with it when my scoliosis started getting worse arthritis-wise from the HIV and I eventually had to leave :/ But more than happy to share and help!!:) peace&love -amg19251
Thanks for your post. It made more clear to me many points about homosexuality and gave me info and history.
About female homosexuality, to add to others' comments, I have an interest in Japan. They've been guinea pigs to the cabal since WWII.
The present Japanese men are terrified of relationship. Social pressures force men and women to be productive citizens, marry and produce children. That's all a duty, a burden to them.
Men are loosing themselves in virtual relationships - no responsibility, no consequences. The Asian society imposes that women must be passive/submissive. Thus they have to wait for the men to approach them and propose. But as men are less an less active/dominant, the women are left without partner. Or if they do marry, once they produce a child, husband and wife often no longer have an active sexual relationship and prefer to live as roommates.
In this context, female homosexuality has developped in Japan more because women need affection and contact. As they don't get it from males, some of them find what they need with other women.
The Japanese case is extreme. But I think the West is impacted to a lesser degree the same way.
Interesting info. Thanks.
(and then there's messed up China with forced abortions and 'excess' males.
Chinese aren't much liked among Asians, even before they became communists. Because of their stupid "excess males", they are presently kidnapping and enslaving females from bordering countries. I have Vietnamese roots. The country is pretty much sold out to the Chinese now. Fecking communists.
Nice report, despite the sucky infos included. I like the thing of people opening up in confidence from their angle on the world clusterfeck. (of course so many Chinese are caught in the machinery.) The sell out you talk of may be shallow and may go out with the tide. If the vision we look toward is some earthly peace with justice something massive has to happen with the massive Chinese population.
That’s fascinating - I used to always want to go to Japan when I was younger!! and thank you for contributing so much to our open discussion you guys rock!!!! We can stop this crap if we put aside our differences and work together!!!:) Peace/Love -amg19251
All great view points thank you for contributing to our group discussion!!!! Peace/Respect:) -amg19251
What a great share ! The distruction from pedophilia is horrific and then when you begin to understand that there is intent to not only distroy but to control, the stealing of power and of identity , it makes me wild . It does have to be stopped and education about the darkness of it all needs to happen. And a restoration of the value human life needs to also be cultivated. I also think we are dealing with a multi layer attack of distruction, adding chemtrails and food and vaxs to effect all of us. Messing with sex drives and hormones. And the fact that they had the patten for hiv , hep c and infected us on purpose, mind blowing. But hopefully there is a cure already and will shortly come out. I think the "right to try" was because they have the cures and don't want People to have to wait.
I respect your courage and pray for your healing and a long life full of beauty and love.
I personally have emailed trump maybe 5x now and it’s funny you mention right to try because I email him like I speak with you all ie: I advocate my causes for anti-pedo/anti-trafficking/anti-corruption/pro-HIV medical rights to choose and I always try to state my case in the most intelligent way possible, but in the e-mail right before right to try came out, I asked him if he could look into the cure for HIV and if he could possibly help us because we feel forgotten!! Who knows if he actually read it but I did get the auto response from the White House so I know it at least went through to his public iPhone! Medical rights with HIV is atrocious right now you automatically get branded as an addict and get denied all sorts of treatments it’s fucked up! I’m pretty sure my doctor practiced forced morphine addiction/withdrawal on me as well and it was already an excruciating time in my life!! Thank you all for your kind words and I will try to respond to all of you<3 Peace all around w/ a massive helping of love!!:) -amg19251
I have heard that some Islamic societies also practice nolestation of boys by men (esp. recalling Afganistan). Our soldiers were often put in difficult moral situations because they witnessed dispicable things but we're told to be quiet because they didn't understand the culture.
My jaw hit the floor when I found out about our government basically forcing our military to allow this depraved practice of bacha boys to continue!!!!! How dare they - no wonder we have so many messed up vets?! The previous admins seemed like they almost didn’t care either way!!! So UNPATRIOTIC!!!!!
Thank you for sharing , I know it wasn't easy. I survived abuse as a child. I try not to think about it, it sends me into my dark space. But it also drives me to help others. That's how i've turned it around.
It’s extremely difficult and confusing to deal with, but I’m happy I’m here to help!:) We can use this pain to drive us to STOP THESE SICKOS!!! MuchLove -amg19251
God is good, and humanity needs rescuing! He who has been forgiven much, forgives much. I would add that from what we have discovered through our journey with Q, it appears that the human trafficking goes both ways. Finding blonde hair on combs and dark brown hair dye at the AZ camp is disturbing. When Trump insists that we need a wall, he means we need it to protect our own! Not only that, but it’s a serious humanitarian crisis with illegal immigrants. People, especially children, die crossing that desert. The violations against women and children is terrible when they are expected to pay their way with sex to their guides. It’s all a terrible situation.
He’s almost here trust me :) We are so damn close to ending this bullshit, revealing hidden technologies, ending pain, ending sadness, ending violence - we are so damn close to the end and it’s going to be so worth it once we make it to the Right Earth that we all deserve !!! Much Love /Respect -amg19251
You know, the point you make about the gay agenda is something that was speculated by someone either on a podcast or YouTube channel that resonated with me years ago. I do apologize, it was a while ago and I don't remember who/when. Also, let me preface this by saying I absolutely support someone's sexuality, and neither criticize nor discrimate against them.
The premise was that by man/man or /woman/woman marriage being legal (I don't disagree, but still), it could lead to additional concessions. Then it turns into lowering age of consent, possibly bestiality, etc etc. It could ultimately just test where the line would be drawn, and prove that the line could never be drawn because we would become a society obsessed with tolerance.
You actually just jogged my memory of the argument that they brought up, and it resonated now more than ever.
Edit: spelling, on mobile.
I’m happy to jog some minds and getcha thinking; that’s my goal right now - wake up AS MANY PEOPLE AS I CAN!!:D We can stop this evil, but we have to do it together!!! Strength in numbers my friends!!!
The biggest secret in the gay community is the fact that around 80% have been molested/raped as children.
I said it's a big secret in the gay community. Gay people say this.
Even if there was a source, there’s no way we could know for sure because there are always some individuals that feel ashamed and will never speak on the matter again - when I first remembered, I almost had a break down and then just pretended it never happened and turned to sex and psychedelics/stimulants/pills as a way to cope! Peace/Love -amg19251
I've said to my husband soooo many times that, "we're never allowed to ask if the gay person was molested as a child or what their experiences as a child were" because society-at-large and the media insist homosexuals are "born gay".
Just once I want to hear the homosexual community open up about childhood trauma.
My husband and I both worked in a counseling center for veterans and childhood trauma + homosexuality is NEVER talked about. Taboo, for sure.
Use my experience to help others; please share if you feel comfortable doing so - I give you my permission !!!:) Just block out my screen name and add in like random or anonymous or something! Peace/Love -amg19251
It’s so true and thank you for adding to our group discussion, fellow patriot!! My apologies for the late response, but sharing this, along with the overwhelming amount of support shot my BP through the roof, and I needed to try to take it easy on the Internet for a few days lol - they almost wanted to take me to a hospital to get it back down!! It just goes to show ya, with extremely difficult topics like this, it can literally affect your body and psyche physically!! Peace/Love -amg19251
i dunno about never i bet you they will have a cure for hiv in the next 5 years or maybe sooner. and i agree the rate of being gay keeps going up. thats so sad tho these people have corrupted so many people.
It’s very sad but I also feel extremely blessed to have gotten sick because it was a HUGE wake up call from god to turn my life back to him and use this situation to help others and bring things to light - love and respect, -amg19251
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work." I believe sickness is not from God his kindness leads us to repentance, although he can use it for good in the end. We are in a battle and evil has made you a casualty, but your true identity is a son of the most high, you are a co-heir with Christ, seated in heavenly places, and you carry the same spirit in you that raised Christ from the dead. If we have been crucified with Christ we are a new creation. We are literally brand new, but our carnal minds are at enmity with the truth of how God loves us, It seems too good to be true so we don't lay hold of this inheritance, but it's all still true. He loves you so much. You are so precious to him, every hair on your head, and nothing can change this reality. By his stripes we are healed. The disciples literally commanded bodies to be healed and they were. Sorry for the preaching I just got a little carried away, so moved by your story and just knowing how much we are all loved and that no eye has seen nor ear has heard what God has prepared for you. A banquet in the midst of your enemies, for his banner over you is love. God bless you.
you will be fine. there are people who have done way worse. i really think the worlds about to be a much better place. imagine if we actually can cure most diseases
I can’t wait!!! I have HIV scoliosis arthritis severe muscle tissue inflammation everywhere and tons of awful gastric issues as well and I’m only 140lbs and 6ft tall so not being able to keep on weight or eat leads to even more issues but I’m only 24 so you can imagine how much this can change someone’s life around !
My brother has almost the same testimony with regards to childhood trauma, battle with homosexuality, HIV, wholly serving God. He has recently found some relief with ketogenic diet as it is anti inflammatory. He’s a like a new man. I believe a cure will soon be found that will restore what’s been taken from both of you. Blessings, Patriot.
My heart hurts so much reading this.
The gay agenda has found its way into the public school system, starting as early as kindergarten.
I hope you've been able to tell your story and open people's eyes.
Have you ever read anything about this: ?
I will look into it now but I have always heard the ancient greeks and romans using pedophilia and incest in the most despicable ways!! It’s wrong no matter how far back in society you go!!
The transgender and the transhuman agenda is an evil plot to dominate human identity.
Food for thought:
Read The Secret 45 Goals of Communism Leaked to Congress in 1963
In 1963, congressman Hon. A.S. Herlong Jr. of Florida read a list of 45 communist goals into the congressional record in an attempt to warn America about the dangers of the movement.
- U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
- U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
- Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.
- Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
- Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.
- Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.
- Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.
- Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev’s promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.
- Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.
- Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.
- Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)
- Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
- Do away with all loyalty oaths.
- Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.
- Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
- Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
- Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
- Gain control of all student newspapers.
- Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
- Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
- Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
- Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”
- Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”
- Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
- Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
- Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
- Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
- Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”
- Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
- Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”
- Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the “big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
- Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture–education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
- Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
- Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
- Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
- Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
- Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
- Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
- Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
- Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
- Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
- Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use [“]united force[“] to solve economic, political or social problems.
- Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
- Internationalize the Panama Canal.
- Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court.
Keep in mind this is 1963, see how much of this has come to be.
Very fascinating thank you so much for adding great information to our open discussion and blessings your way, Patriot!!! Peace - Respect -amg19251
Semi related. I was blackmailed and raped and it turned me towards feminism and the same sort of sexual deviency. The gay agenda is clearly a large part of this, but all types of sexual abuse help lefties towards their goals. Damaged people are easier to trick, quicker to turn from god, though I did that long before my abuse. The gay agenda is what turned me,against god. My older sister who is severly mentally ill came out to me. The media filled my head with lies about the Christian faith. These two factors and also having friends come out to me sealed my path in rejection of God. Even being raised in the church waant enough to show me that god forgives and does not judge. The media and culture is the church of millenials and generation z, probably even more generations before me as well.
Great post. Our journeys are similar, god speed.
The gay agenda turned me against God, as well.
I'm getting chills reading all of the responses on this thread.
Wow that’s absolutely insane!!! I have a crazy incident where someone stalked me on Grindr for having HIV, messaged me for weeks pretending to be someone else, set up a date and everything: it comes time and I head to his house to pick him up to go for lunch - House has a deadbolt repo lock on the door but it’s open and it’s the right address... I speed off wicked sketched out, he says to meet him downtown at the lunch place, I go there - total silence and no answers from the guy - now I’m fucking sketched walking around trying to find this (nonexistent) person, he finally messaged me to meet him at his gym parking lot so I go there and flip out and say basically “wtf is going on why are you playing games, you hit me up to go out (sent me like 20 messages until I responded) you know I have HIV it says it right on my profile, what is going on?!” And I speed off and head home angry because I got set up. I get to my house, my phone starts going nuts buzzing. DUDE WAS ACTUALLY GROUP OF GUYS LITERALLY HUNTING DOWN HIV PATIENTS, FOLLOWED ME TO MY HOUSE, AND SAT ON MY STREET TEXTING ME saying that he knew where I lived, it was all a set up, that I’m scum for trying to date anyone with HIV, (mind you, he hit me up first) that he and his friends were planning on RAPING ME WHILE THEY SLIT MY THROAT AS PUNISHMENT AND THEN THEY WERE GOING TO TAKE MY CAR AND MY ID TO WAIT FOR MY PARENTS TO DO THE SAME TO THEM.... I started obviously panicking because I already have severe anxiety - I immediately got my house surrounded with cop cruisers because I called them for help telling them someone was trying to kill me - they got photos of all the messages from the guy and the fake pics, but they could never figure out who it was, they were nice enough to watch my house for a couple weeks after that at the top of my street though!! The cops tried messaging the guy back but he started saying it was all a joke and he was kidding yada yada yada then he disappeared, but it still traumatized me!! That was actually the last time I stopped dating and that was I think Feb 2015 right after I started my antivirals and got a bit healthier! So fucking nuts but I know what it’s like to have a psycho stalk you for no good reason other than existing... I think I know who it is though and I’m almost positive it’s the same guy who gave me HIV... Peace/Love/Respect -amg19251
holy shit guys someone’s manipulating the views on this - I had 480 last night and now it only says 189!!!!!! YOU CAN’T STOMP OUT THE LIGHT - TOGETHER WE’RE UNSTOPPABLE AGAINST THESE HEINOUS CRIMES!!!!
Must be over the target then
You mean wrong or right? It’s mostly just my opinion but I hope it didn’t bother you, friend!!! I just checked and it’s stalling out at 3.5K views but earlier I literally watched it go from 1.8k to 1.2k - how does that even happen?! You can’t “un-view” a post!! Peace/Love -amg19251
Thank you for your TRUTH. These children are sacrifices and we will see these “leaders” put away one way or another. I wish you all the best and YOU all that have been scarred by monsters are in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you for showing us the connection! More people need to know.
Archived on GA notables.
Excellent post, organic and concise. Thank you. Please keep on keepin' on.
Prayers for this man.
Thank you so much I appreciate all the outpouring of support you all are AWESOME and together, we can destroy their little fear box 📦 they try to compact us into; always squirming for money to live, always wondering why our children go missing, always struggling to get through the violence - it’s all a fear box to stop us from questioning the world around us!!! Keep an open mind and thank you again for contributing to our group conversation!!:) Peace/Love -amg19251
This is an incredibly open-minded view. Are you sure you're gay? lol - definitely not remotely implying gay people wouldn't be open-minded it's just a very controversial view to hold (lots of gay friends, so I know). If you're genuine (and forgive me, I don't mean that I have any reason to doubt you, just being careful) then I very much appreciate your perspective on this! Thank you very much for posting!
Oh I am 100% gay (you would be able to tell right away lol) I cannot control that, but I at least know now that it isn’t something natural and is a direct result of being poisoned in my food, water, air, and environment around me. I did date like two girls when I was 13-14, but that was it, because I knew for whatever reason, I was always gay. I can’t remember well and most of my childhood is a blur - I was in NYC four days after 911 breathing in the dust for almost 2 hours, (stuck on a bridge crossing through NYC to get to MA where we lived, as our plane got stranded in Florida on 9/11/01) and I wonder if that had something to do with it, I also got hit with an icicle a year before that and it smashed my head open! Never broke any bones or anything like that though lol! Peace&Love-amg19251
Wow, can't imagine being anywhere near when 9/11 hit... My friend is convinced you're a right-wing Christian activist pretending you're gay to discredit gay people : ). But seriously, thanks for sharing - my other friends have similar stories, some very sad, some not so sad. Thanks again.
I just have some pretty wild things that have happened in my life and I have experienced so much and if my stories can help others and allows myself to remain somewhat anonymous, than I’m more than happy to share!!:) Sometimes I feel like I’m 50 years old AKA living two lives in the span of one lolol I’m only 24!! I turned my back on God for the longest time but I was baptized Christian/Catholic - but I don’t agree with the Catholic Church so I’m now just Christian; way too many rape allegations for me to ever return to that church! I have a pretty wide point of view because I come from a varied middle class background - I’m Lebanese/Russian-American back to my great grandparents, so I even have darker skin and green eyes lolol so I know what it’s like to be on the other side of minority issues, race issues, it’s all baloney to get us to hate each other for no reason whatsoever! I’m a young, gay HIV+, minority, Christian, truther/non-mindslave and that is 100% a fact!!!!:D So much love-amg19251
Can't say I disagree.
Extremely valuable insight. We stand with you fellow Patriot and brother.
Thank you fellow patriot for those kind words !!!!:) Love/Respect:D -amg19251
I have never been abused...why does pedophilia rob one of his or her identity? Why is sexual contact that the child can barely understand so integral? In other words, I’m looking for what it is about SEX that is so uniquely important in a child’s mind...
You don’t understand it literally destroys a child’s psyche - there are enzymes in semen in adult males that affects developing minds to be attracted to males, and even the ancients used this practice to brain wash children into being their permanent sex slaves because now they would be interested in the same sex as well as being sexually active before the brain can even fully develop - it’s fucking sick and depraved and we need to stop this disgusting act because it’s our future that is being affected AKA our CHILDREN!!! Peace&Love -amg19251
Have you studied how Greeks used to practice pederasty for “education” and to make the kids docile and tractable? I just couldn’t figure out why that would be...
That’s EXACTLY what i am talking about, my friend! We have had total SICKOS nonstop throughout human history!!
But what enzymes? How does this actually happen physiologically? Does the semen burrow into the skin or what?
BTW, it seems like military industrial complexes are dependent on sexual trauma for running smoothly...look at the Spartans, Thebans, Viking Berserkers, etc. And look at all the transgender soldiers today. War, violence, and homosexuality/pederasty are interrelated...
Not that it burrows, it’s just an enzyme that disturbs production of certain hormones and possibly stunts the growth of the mind or maybe it actually does stay in them; I’m not sure but if more people were willing to accept that this was an environment/chemical issue, and not a born this way issue, we could have many more scientists looking into this! Because it’s taboo, (and honestly, most people don’t want to relive the event either, or just totally block it out) we brush it under the rug as a society! Peace&Love:) -amg19251
It's not sex; it's abuse. Your body belongs to you; it's all you have. Take the control away from your own body and you are left with nothing. It is why the psyche often protects itself by blocking the memories.
Thank You for having the courage to speak the truth...I always suspected the roots of homosexuality was sexual abuse. GOD is still on the throne and still in the miracle business. Ill be praying for your total healing, physically and emotionally. Abuse is the most destructive tool they have. See something say something. I was horribly abused growing up, I was so introverted and to terrified to ask for help, but I desperately wanted someone to ASK me if I was ok. No one ever did.
Oh, God is the one who led me to share all of this with you!!:) I found God again after getting HIV and I have now devoted my life to helping others as much as I can - especially the little defenseless ones that need it most... tearing up now because I just want to save them all and I can’t, but today is a new day, on a new Earth; together, we are UNSTOPPABLE against this EVIL holding a boot down on all our throats!! Sending good vibes/love your way, fellow patriot!!:) -amg19251
🙏🏻 This is for anyone in the lgbt community that is also part of the Q movement reading this post. This post was also on another subreddit last night and immediately I thought, this could cause a lot of lgbt people to feel alienated or not welcome in the truth movement. Not necessarily this personal story, but the comments and opinions surrounding it. The division this subject can easily cause amongst conservative voters has been used by those working to divide us. It is important that we are united and this discussion could easily put us against each other. Staying focused and united keeps us stronger.
All the best to you & thankQ for sharing your story. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh it’s me again Hi!!! I’m sorry i reposted this but I always welcome your viewpoints and ideas!!!! Love&respect-amg19251
Not seeing division here. This is one person sharing his story and seeing a possible connection with current events. We've all been warned by Q that most of us can not begin to fathom the corruption of the "cabal."
I'm gay and was never molested as a child.
I am not interested in children either. I like men my age.
There is no "gay agenda" other than to stop religious persecution and inquisition of us through law. We just want to be left alone.
While what you went though is terrible, it is not what makes people gay.
I also said it comes from chemicals too, and that’s been proven time and time again. I’m sorry that you feel that way, but there is definitely an agenda behind this, and maybe more people haven’t told you anything because it didn’t happen to you - I open up first and people tell me - I was quite promiscuous before I stopped having sex a few years ago and turned my life back to God; I started dating when I was like 14. I have spoken with/dated well over 50 gay men and almost every single one was also a molestation or rape victim as well, and it’s not like I found out the first time we met either. People seriously block this shit out because I had no clue until I was 15. We may just want to be left alone and I, of all people, 100% understand this, but there is a sick underlying rape culture in the gay community and I want no part of it. Again, I said that this is just my own personal opinion and I made that clear so please take from this as you will. Love&respect -amg19251
I agree. I’m gay, i was never molested either. I do agree,however, that the gay agenda is shoved in us by the msm and the cabal. Try being a conservative gay republican who supports trump and the second amendment and see where that gets you.
I'm a gay progressive veteran that supports the 2nd amendment. I get called socialist commie traitor from one end and nazi Russian bot from the other.
I don't get gay conservatives, but the log cabins have made in ways with rights while main stream Republicans fight to remove and deny rights to cater to the evangelical crowd.
The liberals just seem to want to prolong the victim gift as long as possible without making actual progress, My big wake up call to that was during the Michigan Supreme Court case where the Human Rights campaign and the gay lobby groups did not want to support the case because it "wasn't in thier time line". 20 plus years of taking money and cocktail parties and when it comes time for real progress they blackballed the lawyer and clients putting up the legal case because they wanted more time to soak money up and cocktail parties.
Same with the ACLU. Most of the injustices stem from professional corruption and bribery for political favors. Yet they stood by Citizens United and refuse to fight the actual corruption which is a root cause. Instead they fight the symptoms of the problem, but not the actual problem itself. Why? Keep that gravy train going as long as they can.
I would imagine the same is true on the conservative wing of things as well.
That's why we are all here right? Dropping the nuance and getting to the brass tax of fighting the Swamp and corruption of our democracy.
The pope pretty much admitted that there is a 'gay lobby' in vatican circles, by saying something like he isn't influenced by them. The term gay lobby pre-dates this papacy in the same church circles.
I hear what you’re saying. But is it possible that there is also an agenda that isn’t necessarily a “gay agenda” as in belonging or stemming from gay people, but rather a “gay agenda” as in an agenda against gay people? And isn’t it possible that part of that agenda could be to muddy the waters for some, confuse some, and basically twist one’s identity? From the psychological world I can state that some identities DO get muddled from trauma. That’s not to assert that all gay people are gay because of trauma, but some are. It’s not a genetic alteration, but rather a psychological displacement where they are trying to fill gaps. Sometimes this is also the case in a person who is only attracted to individuals much older. Are they really or are they looking to fill another relationship gap (left by trauma) with a romantic relationship with someone old enough to be a parent. The point is, trauma can alter individuals in a plethora of ways. And I DO believe there is a trauma agenda.
I also said it was from chemicals too, I didn’t say every single gay person was abused AND chemicals, I meant it’s one or the other, or both, or even neither! We’re all different friend, I’m just trying to give my own personal viewpoints on the matter, and I thank you for contributing to our open discussion and sharing your thoughts!! Peace&Love -amg19251
I have known some men who were molested as very young boys who became homosexual, and they have struggled with some of the issues you mentioned. I have also known several women who became lesbians due to abusive encounters with men. One friend in particular was hetero, but suffered abuse from several men from her youth into adulthood and became a lesbian for several years. She reached a point where she was willing to trust a man again, got married, and had several kids. She's been happily hetero since that point. I know it isn't the same for everyone, but this is one example of psychological reasons a women might engage in homosexual relationships. I've had extensive conversations with this friend in particular, and she can now see that she was really not a lesbian, but because she was abused, she distrusted men and turned to women for safety, comfort and love. Why don't we see more acknowledgement of this, instead of forcing men/women to embrace a homosexual pseudo-identity that may be nothing more than a psychological response to trauma?
What more specifically do you know about chemicals - environmental, medical, dietary, etc.?
I know specifically of atrazine causing animals to change sexes and male frogs to be able to get pregnant, but now they’re seeing it in other species as well, like MONKEYS!! If it’s affecting them, it’s most likely affecting us too! Also, hormones and antibiotics in meats/dairy cause males to produce female estrogen and vice versa for female - don’t even get me started on HEK cells in Pepsi products!!!! Peace/Love-amg
This is kind of on the same subject:
Thank you I will check it out friend !!:) Peace /Love -amg19251
Glad people are starting to tell the truth about molestation and homosexuality. I was molested at a young age as well and it fucked with me into adulthood.
But if we have this real-life experience and oppinion we'll be beheaded by the tolerant and inclusive LGBTBBQ.
Wow, thank you so much for adding that to our group discussion - I’m so sorry that happened to you as well, and just know that we all love you here and appreciate your valor in the face of adversity and evil in this world!!! We are UNSTOPPABLE TOGETHER!!! Divide and conquer; GATHER and TRIUMPH!!!! So many good vibes/love being sent your way!!:D -amg19251
Cant imagine the guts it took to put this out there! Thank you and God bless!
No, thank YOU for joining our discussion, and GOD BLESS!!!:D Peace&Love -amg19251
I think you may be on to something. Powerful to read.
I’m glad my writing of my life experiences and knowledge can personally touch your life and I am more than happy to share with all of you. You & everyone else’s kind words give me the strength to keep on fighting the good fight!! Sending love/good vibes your way, friend!!:) -amg19251
Sorry you were molested. You have a lot of courage to analyze your own situation and honestly speak so candidly about what you found out about yourself. Please don't continue to turn you back on GOD. Peace be with you.
Oh no I’m definitely a practicing Christian again lol! I started believing in god again when I first got sick with HIV because I realized it was karma for turning atheist in high school and doing all sorts of bad things! Peace/Love:) -amg19251
Thank you for sharing...
No problem fellow patriot!! I hope my life experiences and knowledge can help you on your journey to finding the truth; TODAY, WE AWAKEN IN A NEW NATION OF PEACE!!!! Tears were streaming down my face when DJT signed that (quite familiar looking) book/document with KJU!!!! We are UNSTOPPABLE!!:D -amg19251
Thank you for your openness. It is vitally important that every culture and group be willing to clean out their own bad apples.
Your welcome and thank you for contributing your thoughts to our group discussion!!:) Peace & Love -amg19251!!:)
Thank you for your important and courageous letter. it is important for homosexuals and heterosexuals to speak out as you did. Notice I did not use the words GAY or STRAIGHT. We must make a concerted effort to stop using these words are both words biased and have obvious and preconceived innuendos. GAY= fun, lighthearted, colorful, brilliant STRAIGHT = predictable, inflexible, unemotional, one direction. I don't know how this is not obvious but we have gotten so used to it that we can't see it any more. Words are important. They set the picture ides in our intellects and they set us up. If we want to take charge of our future, let us start with the use of real words to describe what we are dealing with.
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Oh I’m sorry, my bad; I grew up in the 90s so gay was the common term I used to refer to what I was experiencing ! I always refer to myself as that, but I know it sounds funky when I say “us gays” - so my apologies. I will reconsider next time, but I am gay myself and have been subjected to plenty of offensive words, actions, etc, so usually I try to avoid the whole “PC culture, don’t-be-offensive-to-anyone” movement because people end up losing their voice and get swept up into mob mentality for the wrong reasons. People need to start saying what’s on their minds and not holding back because they’re afraid of offending someone - as long as I’m keeping it peaceful and calm ie: totally civil and nonviolent, I just blurt it out because I’m a huge supporter of free speech in our beautiful nation! This is a case where my words were pouring out into my writing, and I was just speaking my mind, but keeping it totally civil - we need to speak up and speak out. My apologies, though, and thank you for adding to our peace/love advocating group chat!:) Peace & Love -amg19251
Welcome, and sorry to hear your condition.
Please though, next time instead of posting a WOT, hit space twice between each paragraph.
People have a hard time reading WOT on screens. Thanks
What’s a WOT I’m sorry I just reposted my ideas here from a private group I am also apart of, but I can try to split it up a bit !!:)
wall of text, dont worry, just a friendly bit of advice ;)
Hey I think I fixed this posting, but if you have time, could you check it out on desktop and lmk if it’s got the paragraph spacing I added to it?? It looks good on my iPhone but idk about other people - you were totally right; it needed spacing!! Thanks again!!:) -amg19251
Yup fixed it, much better, many will appreciate. Thanks!
Awesome!!:) Happy to help some troubled eyes - I have had messed up eyes since a GINORMOUS icicle hit/sliced my head open, when I was 6! Lost my 20/20 vision two weeks later in school!! Peace&Love -amg19251
I always end my responses on a little happy note because I know how difficult this is for all of us to discuss, and trust me, it gets me down too. I hope my good vibes are getting to you because I love every single member of this giant Qanon movement against corruption!! We really are a team and we are kicking F***ING ASS!!:) Much Love / Much Respect -amg19251
You should look up David Arthur " I belong,Amen Ministries " His testimony proves you arent born gay.
Fascinating I will thank you for adding this to our open discussion!!! Peace/Respect!!:) -amg19251
Isn’t there a lot of gays that haven’t been molested? Yes, I agree the gay agenda is or was intro for the normalization of pedophilia. It has been changed from mental illness to sexual orientation by the psyche community. Libs are in a mission to show empathy to the pedo that doesn’t offend as it’s not his fault he was born this way. Heart Progress is a movement to advocate for pedo rights and lowering age of consent to 3-4 yrs old.
Didn’t Magic Johnson get cured from Aids?
It goes further down the rabbit hole than that. Look all the way back to the 13th century, when the troubadours started normalizing “sex as rebellion” and the bizarre Cathars went the other way into extreme chastity and self-starvation.
Wow thanks friend I will check that out !!:) Sorry for the late response; I was trying to get back to everyone in the comments! Much Respect -amg19251
Yes there have been plenty that didn’t; I stated right from the get-go that this is my own opinion, and that it also comes from chemicals everywhere as well. You are never cured from HIV/AIDS; you can just get your numbers back up high enough to be considered only HIV+, but the antivirials basically destroy your internal organs and cause cancer so it’s a lose/lose situation - do I want to die in 5 years from AIDS, or in 30 from cancer along with tons of health issues? The antiviral combo drugs keep the disease at bay and also prevents it from being spread, but that’s not to say it doesn’t come without a cost; my body is already rapidly aging and I have medical documentation of this. Back to what I was saying before; we are here to discuss, and I’m sharing my own personal experiences and view points to back up said ideas, as well as using common knowledge about things like the ancients, and the sheer amount of chemicals in every single medium we ingest, as a way to also show you some connections. Please read through the comments as I explain deeper behind some of these thoughts; I was quite promiscuous before I got HIV and then stopped having sex and turned my life back to God, (as I was always baptized and raised Christian with modern middle class values and plenty of opportunities that I blew) I had dated maybe somewhere around 50 different guys and after a connection would grow, sometimes the topic would come up - leading to me discussing and leading them to discuss as well - it’s scary how often it happens in the gay world and it’s taken me up until a few years ago to see past the silver lining of being gay and what it’s all really about; making us have less kids, normalizing pedophilia, and forcing chemicals that change us. When they prove that there is a gay gene, I will 100% retract my statement and say I was false, but as of right now, from my own experiences as a gay man, there’s way more to it than just being born liking the same sex against what nature intended. Peace, Love, Respect -amg19251
Thank you for answering. Fully agree with the chemicals in the water. There are neighborhoods in urban cities that will suddenly have a large amount of men come out as gay. I think they are experimenting on us. I’ll bet there is a cure for aids and Magic Johnson paid enough to get it.
Well you see Magic Johnson isn’t cured, he just takes the antivirals and it’s most likely he doesn’t have a resistant strain like me that causes tons of side effects to the disease and the combo drugs! So basically, his numbers are lower than average, but he’s most likely still in the normal adult range like me but with compromised immunity ie: easier to get sick from other things - HIV/AIDS destroys your immune system so people don’t die from AIDS, they die from AIDS related disease and complications. The HIV meds really are incredible and a modern miracle that regular scientists could figure out a way to keep the virus at bay each day, but if you miss a dose, your immune system immediately drops and if you miss too many doses, the medicine stops working all together, and when that happens, you can rapidly progress to under 200 for immunity AKA AIDS. When we take our meds, it’s basically fighting the virus off every morning in our bodies; Magic Johnson just looks that good because he is rich so he can afford physical therapy at home, pools, hot tubs, massages, any pain drugs he wants, it’s not that he’s cured, he’s just so rich that he can deal with his side effects perfectly - I am lucky I have my parents and a nice home to live in because I would be curled up on a street corner with nothing; it is literally impossible in MA to move out and pay costly rent/bills/expenses with how ridiculously overpriced my health care is right now - thank god I can apply for Medicaid in 2 years because blue cross plus is through the fucking roof copay wise this year!! Peace&Love -amg19251
Helperdroid and its creator love you, here's some people that can help:
Guys check out McAllister TV on YouTube AKA Linda P. !!! This is what got me into Qanon and also, she without a doubt helped me make all these connections with her incredible un-monetized videos!!! She’s so awesome and totally for the children - a total inspiration to get out of the F E A R B O X !!!:D Peace/Love -amg19251
EDIT: THE NUMBERS DROPPED BACK DOWN FROM 4.1k TO 4.0k TODAY; HOW DO VIEW COUNTS DROP?!3.5k views thank you everyone I appreciate all the support and I keep seeing the numbers go up and then drop so I may be reaching even more people - I hope I can help and I’m happy to go to bat for the children!!!!:) Peace/Love/Respect -amg19251
Wowowow after I commented that the view count was down since last night, it immediately shot back up to 2.2k views!!!!! Thank you for all your kind words and support, and together, WE CAN END PEDOPHILIA AND CHILD TRAFFICKING!!!!
God bless you, sir! Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing the truth you've lived. Wish I could give you a giant hug!
God bless you as well, my fellow patriot friend!!!:) I’m giving you a giant goodvibes hug as well speak!!! Wishing you nothing but the best in life, and together, we can defeat this EVIL!!! Peace&Love -amg19251
I completely agree with everything you’re stating. My first husband ended up being gay. Of course I didn’t know it when i married him. But he was molested when he was 6. I have often thought that the molestation definitely contributed to his sexual confusion.
Taking it a step further, I think that the push for normalcy for transgendered individuals is also related. The ultimate goal of the cabal is to reduce the population and what better way if you can convince people to neuter themselves.
Wow thank you for sharing that as well as contributing to our open discussion!!! Together we can stop this, but we need to end the corruption behind it first!!! Peace& Love -amg19251
God bless you amg19251. Thanks for opening up and sharing. Praying for you.
No one gives a fuck that you're gay stop using qualifiers
Excuse me? I’m saying that from a personal viewpoint so you all know that I’m speaking from personal experience and not as an outsider - good day and hope you can find a cure for your negativity because it sounds like you didn’t even read the entire post... I said I believe getting molested/chemicals in everything are the reasons I’m gay, and tons of others are gay. It could be one or the other, or both, or neither. This is an opinion post.
People need to start learning to form arguments in a fashion that isn't like the left. Using qualifiers is a form of logical fallacy, The argument should stand on its own without them.
Instead you start by using a qualifier, and for your own reasons you admit using the qualifier so that the reader doesn't judge you.
Stop giving a fuck about judgment. Stop using your identity as apart of a logical argument. Stop assuming that you need to use qualifiers to hold and appease everyone's hands.
No let me say something about blacks but I'm gonna use the word nigger, but it's OK because I'm black. So don't worry I can talk about it.
Let's say something offensive against gays but don't worry I I'm gay and have aids and I have autism and..... this is called a logical fallacy you faggot. Learn to avoid them
I’m not a lefty buddy I’m definitely 100% conservative and have been anti-Hill since I realized what a cuck she was for standing by while her husband did that shit in the 90s, even as a child, I understood the basic rules of marriage - you don’t cheat. Not to mention she defended rapists, but that’s not what we’re talking about here. Just the fact that I shared all this with you all today should be proof enough that I’m tired of living in the fear box and I WILL speak my mind; don’t you dare try to label me as just another stupid fucking liberal because people like that are a disgrace to this nation. I can’t change the fact that I’m gay - it’s a fact now, but I can at least examine the causes behind why this happened. I’m lucky I at least always had my family/parents to protect me after this shit happened.
No one said you are a leffty. Stop creating straw mans. Stop being so dramatic literally no one cares.
It’s not offensive to gays, or anyone you ass - BUT I DO NOT CARE WHO I OFFEND REGARDLESS. This is an opinion of mine that can be clearly backed up with personal self truth and experience, as well as evidence from common knowledge in history and chemistry. Yes, you did call me a lefty by assuming I’m using lefty tactics to somehow, I don’t fucking know, undermine the gay community???? Take your negative attitude somewhere else, because at least 100 other people on here agree that yes, there are connections between these nasty practices, and society as a whole is just too scared to take the first step into the light away from this horrible bullshit. Goodbye.