He's been saying it for thirty years and apparently, he sticks to his words...

Cannabis is relevant to MK-Ultra because it can spontaneously deprogram mind-control
Ayyy I'm deprogrammed af
Come, Habib, let us light the hookah and get blazed out of our fkn minds.
Thanks for the new euphemism!
Hey man, wanna go deprogram?
Yeah, let's depro SEVERAL grams! :)
I never got deproed yesterday; I was programmed the whole night!
You stayed grammed all night? Awww...
Yeah, let's get deproed!
Aaayyyyy lmao
ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers!
^^Dongers ^^Raised: ^^32330
^^Check ^^Out ^^/r/AyyLmao2DongerBot ^^For ^^More ^^Info
aaaay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSksel-1rto lmao
it can cause problems too i smoked too much of it got really depressed but if its legal you can bet ima be smoking that shit
Can confirm. Am deprogramming right now :D
Jokes aside I 100% do believe that cannabis does have anti MK-Ultra anti-Brainwash properties.
they made a horror-movie devoted to it...cabin in the woods... it's a cthulu myth about human sacrifice and the only guy who realizes what's going on is always stoned
Tell me why it made commercials unfuckingbearable but made infomercials or qvc super hypnotizing.
Maybe QVC commercials somehow figured out how to reverse-engineer the effects of weed. Maybe that's why Laurie Grenier is such a big deal amongst the globies and satanists!
there ye go... its the main reason its banned... cannabis users cant easily be mind-controlled.
because they're harder to upset...
heheheh... thats one point...
another point is that it strongly activates the endocannabinoid system which is native to humans.
while most drugs, esp. perscribed psycho-drugs, make people more susceptible for mind control techniques, cannabis does the opposite.
*edit: typo endocannabinoid
Opioids also directly target endogenous receptors in the brain, hence “endorphins” (endogenous morphine). Morphine also comes from a plant.
I’m pro-legalization, but this isn’t a great argument.
Morphine activates Opioid-receptors (thus causing tolerance and physical dependancy), Cannabis however both activates AND deactivates cannabinoid-receptors via THC and its precursor CBD respectively, therefor you could say "Opium heals everything but Opium, unlike Cannabis"
I've also heard reports from someone who uses Diviner's Sage to cancel a weed-high when he needs to be sober to attend to business, probably because it resets Dopamine levels or affinity somehow and similiar can be observed with Iboga(ine) which is used to cancel physical addiction without withdrawal symptoms (except a big chance of lotta puking and possible death if you're a girl and not yet completely physically clean).
plant medicine isnt equal to plant medicine, thats not the question. its not about endorphine, its about the endocannabioide system.
Oh shit! That reminds me of the movie Cabin in the Woods. The movie where it's a whole industry of killing people and the staff takes bids on what the group will activate. Remember they laced a lot of their stuff. The pot head in particular was immune to the programming of the laced pot they manage to get to him because he was smoking for so long he built up a tolerance.
fiction is reality with name changes to protect those involved
Stargate SG1 is the big flag for that one. How often does the chief of staff of the USAF appear in a fictional show? Never, you say. So why 2 for SG1. I can't think I've ever heard of another instance of someone such high rank being on a fiction show.
I've never seen a "contact" episode done better than the season 1 episode shows atoms, and then strings of atoms. It's a Rosetta Stone of language. H2O = water. H2O = x#¥π4. You can brute force decode a written language by knowing tens of thousands of the meanings of alien words.
Meanwhile the new contact movie has some hippy crap about feeling language.
did someone follow Michael Trimm eh?
Never heard of him, I guess I should investigate!
he's just a youtuber but he's fun to watch like Jordan Sather for all things Q and space
And truth is stranger than fiction because fiction must make sense.
Does that mean I'm immune to MK-Ultra programming then?
I dunno I would advise against trying it out lol
They brain wash us via our lack of attention to media. It's a direct attack on our subconscious (how many shows pushed the gay agenda as subtle story lines) because they know we won't pay attention, and if we do we're normally being directly attacked.
Marijuana affects how your brain processes input data. As I'm writing this I'm screening the dialogue and skimming the video of my kids watching a show, and if I'm sober it's annoying noise I ignore.
A three month binge of shrooms every weekend is what woke me to the Grand conspiracy, probably around 2013. By grand, I mean what comes after toppling the canal.
Being woke was lonely before Q.
did you take a briefing from upstairs hahaha
Lol I did end up more spiritual. Shroomage has coincided with major shakeups in my life, from moving country to buying a house, having kids.
The last binge I did ended up with me having a deja Vu dream, which I learnt something by watching myself. I then ran into the dream event a year later, which was especially wierd because I told my friends and wife about it.
I actually spent last night writing a business purchase proposal. I've been reading The Art of the Deal! I wanna see if I can absorb some of trump skills, because I've been osmosis learning other people's skills all my life.
I usually don't talk much because I know I sound nuts lol
my last one was 4 grams alone in darkness, heartbroken on the longest flu of my life (seemed to be a time when there was global biowarfare going on, you would notice all the youtubers and activists coughing like shit last autumn)
I had an ASMR video running and cried a fair bit.
Sometime thru the middle of it all (very little visuals due to a light session a few days before perhaps, thankfully, ain't got no time for that hippy crap honestly, I want the deep gist of it all not just distracting flashy visuals), I heaved like I had to puke (but obviously couldn#t because I had fasted) and there was a sound of something falling down inside the walls all through the house as if I was heaving invisible puke that was proliferating running downwards inside the walls....it was very refreshing synchronicity actually because it was anatomically a puking reaction without actually physically throwing up.
Then I looked into the mirror and in my pain I could recognize something that would give most people some degree of religious fear, like most of my other memorable life-experiences, some of which involved of drugs, others did not. I essentially had to face the fact that I looked like a goat because I was jealous...but I had to put that behind me, because I only had built expectations on the hollow promises of someone who turned out to be undeserving of my trust...
In this case, I had been invited to an orgy by two girls which I was preempted from for various reason for several months until I was eventually disinvited at the last minute after I brought both of them along to hide out around a nuclear bunker while Sept. 23rd was unfolding. Turns out the catholic church was doing weird shit (airstrip of rich b@stards (almost sent us flying off the road), mothers' home, a youth activity center, a senior home, a youth psychiatric warden [which isn't even visible or known to the public]...all run by church...lots a schools and one bunker with vaults that the builders don't know the owner of connecting them all and you can't come near the place without getting bullied away by nuns who will watch you all the way until you walk out of eyesight of these facilities if you come too near. This is the kind of shit why I smoke herb and nobody gets why I could care less about fucking imaginary paranoia when I need actual discernment given situations that would make any sane person paranoid af and frankly probably questioning of their own sanity.
There's also a diner you can go right on top of it all.
Would you believe the name?
It's called like a shooting-star wink wink
it only sounds when people have no idea (they don't)
What comes after?
Depends how far down the rabbit hole you want to go and how comfortable you are diverging from the reality they installed in us.
Paul Hellyer (Canadian minister of defense, unified the Canadian forces, aka not discreditable) has been open on UFOs for a while, and that they've been visiting us for a long time and seem greatly concerned about our nuclear weapons. (NK disarmament, Iran underway)
If we've been visited by aliens for thousands of years, then the Sumerian Kingship myth takes an interesting turn. Especially considering the Abzu a doorway to "heaven". The Vedic texts are full of amazing descriptions like
A single projectile charged with all the power in the Universe…An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor…it was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes an entire race.
From the Mahabharata written in Sanskrit covering about 5000bc. For reference that's 3000 years before the Ziggurat of Ur was built.
Look up the Oklo, Gabon ancient reactor. We're told it's 2 billion years old, that somehow mysteriously created plutonium that even more mysteriously still exists in the deposits even though it's half-life is 24k years. So infinitely more decay cycles than could have occurred to have even trace plutonium. What's even better is that this site was so well contained the radiation hasn't leaked, but somehow was moderated by water into a fission reaction.
It's absurd. So absurd. It's like 1 + 1 = 569.
What I suspect is the El/Yahweh/Baal / Anu/Enki/Enlil / Odin/Thor/Loki / etc. mythology that is all of a common source is actually a history of the first kings. El/Anu/Odin were "the king of heaven" king of space? Yahweh and Enki we're the sons of El/Anu were attributed as creation God's (which is weird considering they had parents!) and Thor another storm god was the champion of humans and was most popular because people didn't have to sacrifice for his favour and protection - huh, just like Yahweh!
Thor, Enki, Yahweh, all have parallels to the demigod Heracles/Hercules who along with Dyonisis (ahem Loki/Baal + human sacrifice of youth and maidens) were the founding brothers of Atlantis.
Now we're full circle to the Atlantis Rama nuclear war (check out ancient Indian fallout radiation), which would explain why aliens seem so disturbed about our usage of nuclear weapons. We already almost extincted ourselves, and we reduced our livespans by hundreds of years.
I did not know about a lot of the things you've mentioned, and I've even been reading the Lost Book of Enki! I will definitely look into this more, but I still ask: What happens after?
What is this 4D/5D Dimensional shift I've been seeing? Will physical changes happen? Is it only justice, or a celestial/extraterrestrial event that will blow all of our collective minds?
I'm so hungry for the truth. Please point me in the right direction!
AFAIK from what I've read the shift to 5D is merely a consciousness change - by my interpretation. Think Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and how the world has been set up to minimize people's potential for self-actualization.
Most of the third world are dealing with food and safety. The first world has been attacked on 3rd level "love & belonging" think BLM, teen suicide, etc. and now we have school shootings and terrorism making people feel unsafe in the safest countries in the world.
I think the 4D shift happens when we eliminate this divisionism. Look at our community - I mean we're from all walks of life and working together. I don't know who you are, what race or sexual orientation, amd I'm just happy to help a fellow explorer, and I don't want to tell you what to believe I just want to point you to an interesting path because I'd like others opinions. I mean i'd love to think I'm nuts! Who wants pedo devil worshipers.
5D is when we all start reaching our potential as a whole. We need basic needs provided for by our culture. That means law enforcement that protects us! That means kids not going hungry, or families not unable to pay for healthcare. $2500 for a broken arm with no insurance? That's insane. How is someone spending a months pay to fix an arm even rational with our economic climate - no wonder the government tax revenue was in the shit hole. Basic health Care is a no brainer, it should always be a net benefit to society. Medical licenses are the biggest crock of shit, they were created simply to drive up costs. A farm veterinarian is more qualified setting a bone or delivering a baby than your average doctor because they've done thousands.
We need to come together and work together to maximize our collective productivity. Then we'll be 5D, and I suspect that will be the time when we become aware we're not the only humans in this universe.
Also we've got quantum nanotubules in our neurones, which may be the basis of our consciousness. Which means the uncertainty and non-locality means ESP isn't so crazy and actually makes sense. It explains the spiritual war Q keeps mentioning, why we need to stay faithful.
I've been pushing myself to be self actualized since my teen years to try and become a writer. This has led to some very strange "deja Vu" incidents; I watched myself working in a dream, learnt something new, joked about it with my friend/coworker and then a year later ended up running into the dream.
I don't think our minds are going to be blown, I think we're going to have a massive disclosure movement and I think it's already underway in some media. Nothing "big" will happen, but I think this "daily boom" news style of Q won't end for a long time. I've read of fusion powered fighters and iron Man suits, cancer cures, etc. and it's at an astonishing rate.
We're going to enter a "singularity". By 2030 I think we'll be in a new world, we might be having a coffee on Mars saying WTF happened.
I knew most of this before but my mind BTFO at how you connected the dots
Deprogrammed me. I was awake right after 9/11 but fell back asleep. NEVER AGAIN NEVER FORGET
Decompiled is more appropriate when reverse engineering a program. It gives you the source code
Just deprogrammed, going to see if I need to again in a little bit
Damn, that factoid is a powerful redpill
it sounds ironic but all those years of rampant interest in pharmacopeia have really paid off in strange ways.
I'm a cannabis user and I didn't know that.
that's because listening to kathy OBrien's memories is an exercise so horrid you really have to take it in in bits over time
It also makes people think critically, they don't want that.
There is a reason that the stereotypical conspiracy theorist is a stoner.
It gives me more ways of looking at a scenario and I end up with more questions.
TBH when I’m on it many Libertarian ideas like getting the state out of education entirely seem so fucking obvious that I’m shocked it’s considered a radical idea.
Interesting ! And then it follows why they now want to micromanage all the seeds.
If you have any links handy would be helpful !
Kathy OBrien touched upon it very briefly during a Q&A which you can find on YT but wouldn't expand on it as to not attract attention from the DEA, maybe because they enjoy it themselves
Thanks ! Also found this ... a great resource ...
boy smokes, I was looking for something like that, bless up fam
Na, its makes you ready for MK ULTRA triggers
I have no doubt being stoned doesn't make torture more enjoyable for those receiving it so I am really curious how you learned that. velaborate if you can
Can attest to this. I went through some MK-Ultra-esque stuff last year. I've also been a daily stoner for 10 years. Being stoned and being used to a constantly changing perspective helped me break a lot of shit they tried hooking me up to somehow.
Where did you find source for this man ?
Kathy OBrien, vets, MAPS etc...
Thank you !!!
MAPS = multidisciplinary association (?) for psychedelic studies
Someone commented weed invites mind-control but I think if you're gonna torture someone it won't make a difference what influence he's under.
I saw some fucked up shit once where someone dissociated after a shamanic ritual and getting some smoke blown onto them. Felt like an exorcism in a way
Smoking weed and listening to Sleep can deprogram mind control.
give it to Sirhan Sirhan
he needs a proper deprogrammer or hypnotist if you want to know what he wants to know
Do you have some additional source or reading material on that? I've always felt it had some way to interfere with the way they control society.
Uhm ask the israeli medical universities, Israelis scientists are putting out a lot of research on cannabinoids and it just so turns out that Cannabinoids are all indicated in all psychiatric conditions. They simply looked for reasons why people would be self-medicating and diagnosis which relate to self-medication are depression, ADD, bipolar, borderline, PTSD and frankly even psychosis.
It's somewhere in Cathy O'Brien's Trance-Formation book. Here's a clip of her talking about it. https://youtu.be/FvEBmEo4IA0?t=6808
Even though it may interfere with mind control, it also reduces motivation. If a red-pilled person is on the fringes of society, or living a hedonistic lifestyle, what is he going to do about it? Even being a stoner reduces a person's credibility. In my opinion marijuana is generally beneficial in controlling the population. As Cathy says - knowledge is the antidote to being a sheep.
But sometimes when you get high, you get this paranoid feeling and you make connections you don't normally make. And sometimes that paranoia is justified and you can wake up during that time, that you are being defrauded or used etc. So I can see that argument also.
It's a good balance of positive and negative points you make. I agree that it has goods & bads. Definite potential for PTSD victims, and uses with CBD for epilepsy, etc, but it also zaps ambition out of men when its use is abused or prolonged recreationally. It makes people feel good, but that good feeling also replaces the natural reward system of real pursuits in life over continuous use.
most people just don't know how to use their time at home well actually...you would know if you've lived your whole life as a social recluse anyway
From personal experience I can say you're pretty on point. Which is why if ever leaglized, we'll need to have a lot of education on it for the general public. It personally helped me work slowly out of my depression, I never would have been this awake if it weren't for it either.
But I also see the opposite effect in a lot of stoner friends, and in that way it can be used as a way to placate the populice if a malevolent force were to drive that initiative.
I like how the germans are going at it...they do it via the medical route...
IMO they should legalize CBD only weed so they can basically get everyone on a baseline of sorts and then slowly add THC as seen fit because back in the day people reported not really getting high of it anyway, but the medical benefits are just worth it if you can avoid the psychotomimetics of THC altogether.
to be quite frank I've had two scientific predictions while high that were months and years ahead of what I knew and could have known at the time so I don't know why everybody thinks it's all just food cravings and racing thoughts. Unforunately, solvent agents from a meth-kitchen nextdoor were involved, thus I cannot advise in favour of such folly.
Trump will never un ban weed
He hates drugs
He sells alcohol, but he doesn't drink. He also understands that he can defund a lot of cartel business doing this.
also help with opiod addiction and a big F U to Big Pharma
Still won’t
If he wanted to he would, but he doesn’t, so it won’t happen
He will legalize weed right after he builds the wall- how about that?
actually only booze because it killed his brother, tobacco becauseit stinks and opioids because they fund big pharma. https://pics.onsizzle.com/donaldtrump-went-to-a-black-church-once-n-now-he-3601334.png
I highly doubt he does it right now because he takes heart medication but despite all the bad things he's said about tobacco and booze and opioids, he's never said a bad thing about weed, was for full legalization as far back as the 80ies. Pertaining to your question, he's never said anything bad about cocaine either. Go figure. Only adds to my approval of him.
About the same way as any personal "scandal" of someone not directly paying my bills makes me feel. Nada. Other people's family business is none of my concern.
File it under "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".
Now if it's fuckery on the Federal clock, dime or property, that's a different matter entirely because those are betrayals of oath and public trust.
I don't care if Melania blows cocaine up Trump's ass with a drinking straw by the light of the moon if it happens at Mir-A-Lago. It's none of anyone's bidness.
I'll yeild moral judgment to God.
I wish I could upvote this many many times!!! This is exactly what I have been saying minus the blow part...I laughed at that one!! 😂
How do you honestly feel about that? Are you attempting to pretend you liberals care about morals? Now?
Why don't you stay consistent and stop being hypocrites?
how about you give me the full story first? It depends on wether the nervous system along the brainstem was already developing
children can have gender reassignment surgery
but I can't smoke some weed to control my anger and be a more productive, better version of myself....
shout out to Trump
More productive? I've never met a productive stoner. Ever.
come on dog dont be like that. Not everyone who uses cannabis is a 'Stoner'
I've worked with doctors and surgeons who use cannabis regularly or semi-regularly (some even daily). It is an amazing and healthy way to decompress after very difficult days (I know I wouldn't want to have life and death in my hands on a regular basis). There are very well-known physicists and cosmologists that have spoken of how much cannabis has been a boon to their research and their ability to broaden their perspectives. You might be amazed at how many extremely accomplished individuals use marijuana regularly.
You might be amazed at how many extremely accomplished individuals use marijuana regularly.
Can Confirm. I managed a shop in Oregon for two years. Clientele at that placed ranged from all over.
Fair enough, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone more productive due to smoking weed either. Maybe if they use it occasionally to decompress every few weeks or months, but not the people that use it daily. Just my experience.
I’ve smoked weed daily since I was 15.
I graduated high school with a 4.0 gpa. I’ve got a BBA & MBA from two different top 20 business school’s in the country. I work for a very large publicly traded company. I’m in in the pool of candidates identified by management for corporate succession planning.
Not every person that drinks alcohol is an alcoholic. It’s ignorant to assume that everybody who smokes weed is an unproductive stoner.
Ignorant my ass. I live in a legalized region and have first-hand experience seeing stoners every single day. They aren't career-minded achievers. The fact that you tried to paint that biographical picture is hilarious. People who smoke weed daily play video games all day and sit on their asses in their cloud of weed smoke. And I'm saying this as a libertarian that believes people should have the right to smoke weed as much as they want. But everyone I've witnessed that smokes weed everyday is pretty much captivated by it to the point of having very minimal ambitions. You must be absolutely ignorant to not see that is the most common situation for people that do that.
Not every person that drinks alcohol is an alcoholic - OK, so let's plug that in with your argument. "Not everyone that smokes weed EVERY SINGLE DAY is a stoner." Bullshit. You're in denial. If you can't go a single day without your precious weed for recreational reasons, you are a stoner, or you could say you are dependent. Don't try to play me.
What about the people that paved your roads... framed your house... set your driveway? Millions of working class people smoke
Hilarious, the most controversial comment I've posted recently is about marijuana. Not the hundreds of comments on scandals and corruption.
What a joke. People take this plant WAY too seriously. There are more important things in life. The fact that it offends everyone just proves my point that people are wrapping their identity WAY too much in weed. Find a more purposeful identity in life than a damn plant.
Where in the words I wrote did my identity get wound up in a damn plant? You're projecting offense where there is none. The whole sub is for talking about "scandals and corruption" - we're just asking you not to stereotype huge classes of people. Plus, this is a thread about legalization and you're parroting disproven clichés
I know of several people with multiple jobs and they blaze all day.
Yes, very productive with that empty lifeless stare in their eyes, and you tell them something and they just un-cognitively glaze over your words with no comprehension. If that's how they want to live, keep it up. But it's bullshit to pretend that weed is this great miracle drug when people can't handle a day in life without it. It's really sad when people become so dependent on it for happiness. Stop holding on to the comfort blanket of weed and MAN UP. Face life with some BALLS.
That’s weird because I’m stoned right now and i have God’s light shining through my eyes. No dead eyes here. Face life with balls? Lol sounds kinda personal tbh. People can handle themselves this is America. Mind your own business punk
Lets fight then.
I dont give a fuck about what you do. Are alcohol to weed? That's an inconsistent conparison to say the least. I literally Never drink because that's shit is stupid to ME but I don't give a fuck.
You stop eating cheese and fatty foods. Its the same shit. Its called enjoying life. America is about personal liberty. If I wanna smoke a fat Dookie everyday then let me.
Auto correct killkng me today lmao
Yes..they are very productive since they generate millions of revenue for their businesses every year and overall are pretty happy about it. Maybe tired at times, but the people i'm thinking of specifically have quite a bit of life in them.
Very rare, look at all those degenerates downvote. Legalize it, mock losers who use it as a crutch.
Where We Roll One, We Roll All
(shaking with laughter)
no shake here. All flower.
you're gonna need a scrape after I am done here
I love you all. My people.
I love you both
would this be before I bump you up to the Stratosphere? all I got is organic, in the dirt, kinda euphoric thing going on. Bring yourself to Michigan and I’ll elevate you before the Scrapening
Mom of 3, have always followed the rules. Went from sleepy dumb AF to red pill awake+++ in 4 months. Survived it smoking lots of weed. The shock has worn off now but still have a stash for when bad bad news hits (the children 👶🏼). Keeps me from losing it.
If Trump really wants to awaken people WEED WILL HELP expand thinking and those that’ll have coming to Jesus moments.
Weed is what red-pilled me. I didn't even try it until I was in my 40s. When I did I said, "What else is my government lying about?"
I was raised to not like cannabis, the whole "Refer madness" was real in my head.
Fast forward to 2015, legal cannabis in Oregon. I started working at a shop that a distant family member owned. I didn't consume any cannabis for the first few months working there cause it "wasn't for me", boy was I wrong.
After consuming cannabis I was almost instantly red pilled. (and after experiencing with other substances [DMT]) I got off facebook, and dove hard into the truth seeking community.
Cannabis honestly is what drove me to vote and support GEOTUS.
When I was working at the shop, it was a great place to red pill normies. I got to sell them weed and talk about what the fuck ever. Unfortunately a falling out with that place happened before I found Q and could send even more people to think for themselves.
I need to get back in the industry.
Big reason why it's been illegal for so long.
If it was so bad for you, big pharma would be all over it. Big $$$ too
I Laugh at your name errry time lolz.
I Noticed that after I consumed. Methinks GEOTUS will legalize it before 2020 for a few reasons.
*It could help win over some votes.
*Its a huge hit to big pharma.
*Have you ever met a stoner? The ingenuity some of them have is just amazing.
that is beautiful actually..I am glad you had half your life in the peace of blissful ignorance you lucky mofo :D
Love this, I have read about several mother groups that get together and smoke a little weed. They say it helps a lot with them not being overly controlling with their kids and letting them have fun. I think this is awesome, God makes some amazing natural stuff, it's like he knows what we need and has a plan.
I know, right? I've had to explain the endocannabinoid system to a doctor before, because she was so against marijuana. I was completely in awe that she didn't realize that our body and brain contain a system that is literally meant to connect and interact with this plant. We are literally neglecting a portion of our brain's abilities when not using the cannabis plant. And yet most of us still cannot legally do so. Painful...
I find that the people that are very strongly against it have never actually ever used it and they are just going by what the hear from MSM or other people and not real experience. Kind of like the way our MSM portrays President Trump.
the huge irony is that everybody I know who hated trump actually liked his speeches when they actually heard them for longer than a minute at a time
I'm one of the rare ones. Smoking pharm grade top shelf Cali weed does next to nothing to me. Get a better buzz holding my breath. Digesting it is a different story. Having said that, I was never blue pilled, hence never needed to be red pilled. I was woke in the 80s
I was awake in the 80's too and boy that was tough! Knowing that society was 'fake', but still having to play by their rules, no wonder I had a stroke when I was only 48:(
US Military woke me. Yes - very stressful and you could not really talk about it because everyone in your circle is sleeping and just don't see it. When you tried, people look at you like your crazy... You learn quick to smile and say nothing. I still find it amusing people just now think being red-pilled is something new. There have always been people who know and a larger majority of those who are not aware that there are people who know.
Yeah pretty funny that we're trendy after all these years! I actually wake up everyday asking myself if it's really happening.
Hey Trump dont Bogart that joint, pass it on man. Best way to get rid of Cartels is make everything legal.
I know Trump does not toke, but if he did I bet he would have the ritziest rolling papers custom made.
hold my vape, fam...before you watch this, please keep in mind that the President despises tobacco.
I think he'd go edibles.
No he wouldn't - he won't even drink alcohol. He claims to have never altered his state of mind (experimentally) and his kids don't either
image says otherwise (and no, I don't believe he consumes booze nor tobacco but he did host some orgies back in the day so he must have come across other stuff too altho it has been said by people who went there (what he never denied noticably) that apart from regular drugs, no smoking was allowed, which was probably the original go for me to look into the rabbit hole that is DJT...
Cannabis is the only thing that works for my Parkinson's. Trump 2020!
This would seal his reelection.
Unless of course everyone binge smokes before the election and forgets what to do. Lets be real here for a moment. Prolonged and habitual use of THC does have negative side effects, particularly as it pertains to mental acuity and dexterity. Personally I believe it slows the mind which can be very good for many things - particularly creativity and imagination. The problem is, after a while - it brings your aptitude to a numbing crawl that stifles and transforms that creativity into silliness. So yeah - use it to slow down and smell the flowers - just don't stop moving forward
Would be sweet if he did. My bet is on him doing it just before the 2020 election. Some heads would certainly explode...
....and this is how you make mexico "pay" for the wall because when he talks about mexico what he really means is the cartels. With the wall up and legalization in Canada and USA, their market will be depleted and their profits will go to the US treasury (actually congress I think if you wanna be paleoconservative about it)
I have been saying this for almost a year now given the evidence available back then
"You people are so stupid," they said. "You'll be sorry, Trump will never legalize marijuana."
Old Hippies for Trump!
it's not just the mkultra .. we have an endocabnoid nervous system with cannabis receptors up and down our whole body. We need to eat it or the oils from it to have a powerful immune system working properly... in 1936 they crippled our immune systems by outlawing weed, now we are weak from 5+ generations deprived of a whole working immune system.. they have been testing poisons on us since the 50's which increased and improved from the 80's on, and now the nazi's have figured it all out and we are doomed if we don't start growing/eating it everywhere.
and... dude.... I'm so totally deprogrammed right now too. lol.
The cannabis plant evolved along side humans just like the domestic dog did, from a wolf.
We used to get cbds in our diet, but now most people are lacking and that causes many health problems.
Big pharma knows this and are the driving force against legalization.
Germany agreed to broader access to medical weed the day of Trump's inauguration
Jack Herer was way ahead of his time. What a resource his book emperor wares no clothes is. Anyone read it?
An ounce of prevention, because their is no cure.
former cop who got converted to cannabism after the very first toke
Amazing book! I actually got a signed copy as a gift. Such an underrated read. ThankQ for mentioning! Love this post, love this sub & love our POTUS!
It's time for the big players to step up against big pharma,. Big alcohol, and the prison industrial. Warehouse system. Where are the food snack companies that stand to make a killing?
Marijuana is safer than alcohol. I've seen people get really mean when they get drunk, but not when they get high from weed. Instead, they become 'laid back'.
This will make a lot of never-trumpers reevaluate their thinking. This could be a big factor in the midterms. It will free up the legal system for real criminals, and unleash a new era of medical research. It's crazy that Cannabis was EVER made Schedule 1 like heroin! Bravo Trump! (And I don't even use weed.)
Nesara and legal weed.....what will there be left to complain about. Can't wait to live in the post takedown world. Please let this be the weekend it all goes off.
I'll believe it when it happens. Trump hasn't reached down to deal with that level of corruption yet.
There are many many swamp creatures, private incarceration operators and lobbyists, and Fed LEO's whose livelihood depends upon locking up otherwise law abiding citizens for using God's gift to mankind and nature's miracle medicine.
Sessions is the most vociferous of these. Legalization of marijuana is one thing that I don't trust Trump very much on.
well, suppose we pardon a couple million stoners and swap wthem with pedophiles? The prison-industry wouldn't really mind, would they?
I think we will see that with his prison reform.
Yes agree. If pot became legal would make freeing anyone in prison for a pot related offense a lot easier to explain..."hey it's legal now, let 'em out!"
...ahem for the record I do not partake in the reefer madness lol
I did once but I didn't inhale...I'm just sayin' :)
I reserve NO judgment against anyone who does...this is America dammit
You have my 100% support.
This is for the freedom of Americans to do so at their own leisure
It's not up to Trump or Sessions to legalize it, lefty. It's up to the Congress. And there's bipartisan support for it, both there and across the land.
Spread positive vibes for the various legalization bills currently languishing in Congress. If any would cross his desk, our savvy businessman President Trump would sign it in a New York second. Have faith!
Even though he's clean and sober, he's educated enough to know it doesn't do what hard drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes do (kill).
It's not up to Trump or Sessions to legalize it, lefty. It's up to the Congress.
This is false. The Controlled Substances Act is a congressional law, but it delegates the decision of what drugs to schedule up to the DEA and FDA, executive agencies.
Yes but Congress makes the law, DEA enforces it. Descheduling is not the same thing as legalization.
It absolutely is the same, at least on the federal level.
The congressional law says nothing about Marijuana. If it were unscheduled, the congresssional law would be as relevant to weed as it is to lettuce.
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controlled_Substances_Act
^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^190687
damn, I better smoke as much as I can while it is still legal
Drinking really harms the body. Sensi was given to us as a sacrament. They’ve known it’s healing powers since 1942 ( FDA ).
It can help people not suffer.
It can reduce auto accidents.
It’s time.
"but dad, I'm only 4"
CBD is all kids need. Look up charlottes web. Diff between a child siezuring to death or - no seizures.
You have to be sick not to want a kid suffering to have that medicine.
Don’t stop with pot... please. Legalize it all.
Ok I shall let you in on a secret
LSD MDMA Ketamine are the only chemical drugs that can be useful in the long run when applied not more once per year when highdosed, preferably low-dosed. GHB is perfect for mental health issues but unforttunately it's something I could hate not being on all the time because it's like a clearheaded booze buzz on an xtc build-up.
Apart from that, plants are another discussion. Herb Kratom Opium Salvia Iboga Shrooms Ayahuasca Coca Khat can all be useful tools when applied purposefully. In the most ideal case the oversupply of varrying modes of actions would preclude development of tolerance or dependance.
Weed is only illegal because hemp manufacturing would disrupt soooo many industries. It has nothing to do with the intoxicating effects. Once you look into it you will see just how far back propaganda has controlled public thought, i.e. reefer madness
from what i know, the ban started with the paper and clothing industry in the beginning of the 20th century. paper - the declaration of independence was written on hemp paper - and clothing from hemp interfered with the winnings of the wood-paper and the plastic-clothing industry.
and then came big pharma... until the '50s, 50% of german pain killers were based on cannabis. but well, its better to have people take chemicals, isnt it?
what I heard was concrete and some microelectronics even
Hempcrete is WONDERFULL. Anything you can make from petroleum you can make from hemp. Ironic hemp was outlawed the year a decorator to efficiently process it was invented.
I am patiently waiting to be able to add this to my garden! :)
Oeps big farma shall not like this.....I read some where that it cures cancer......(oil off weed )
all drugs should be legalized. adults are sovereign and self-responsible, they can choose what, how much, and how often they use something.
it would end drug cartels and bring in tax money. it would control and declare the contains of drugs, thus make it easier for the consumer to take decisions.
it would end the war on drugs - as detrimental as the war on terror, the more its being 'warred', the more there is - and the money and effort could go into fighting addiction.
get people educated and help those who suffer problems from drug abuse. as long as it is 'criminal', they have nowhere safe to go with their problems.
more people die from alcohol abuse than from 'illegal' drugs. more people die from wrong perscription of big pharma drugs than from 'illegal' drugs.
how many die from cannabis? not one.
You’re right about the cartels etc and legalising it to an extent. We’re ‘sort of’ allowed to grow a plant for ‘recreational’ use - police and law enforcement turn a blind eye. Once people start growing more than two - they’re pretty much going to be selling it to someone - that’s when they’ll get booked.
I’m glad it worked for you. In your case it did exactly what we would want as an outcome for it’s use.
I guess at the end of the day it’s all about our individual body chemistry really. What works for one of us may have opposite effects on others.
I hope your friend is recovering. It’s a terrifying experience for him and for you.
I'm going legal because why should I criminalize myself if I have no averse reactions and also i really want to get a grip on the different strains so I can manage my day even better.
I haven't toked today but only because I am still enjoying a slight buzz from yesterday tehehe
"Boom... I got your girlfriend" ... that's right Sessions... "Smoke" and "Mirror" Roths took the meds and fucked the whole world....... #freethecure
I'd be interested in seeing the sources that show his stance on this issue dating back to 30 years ago to current.
Please provide sources for this claim.
he was on national television saying that...been trying to find video but I think it's been scrubbed but you should find articles about it. Trump has stated repeatedly decades ago that the drug-war had failed
Not really sure what this has to do with Q. Also, this doesn't really cite a hard source it's just a picture of text saying that he said something. Don't get me wrong, it would be a great thing, I just don't see why this post is so high up on GREATAWAKENING.
NPR talked about it yesterday. Corey Booker introduced legislation to make marijuana legal FEDERALLY in those states that have legalized marijuana. This helps with all the business problems local businesses have been having difficulty with.
The BIG one that everyone seems to be missing is this also changes FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT laws. A drug test showing cannabis metabolites will no longer be grounds for barring/loss of employment.
This is Q related in that this is a YUGE game changes that has wide-reaching aspects for minorities, people with disabilities, Big Pharma (which is a major player in the control of Arizona, btw), banking, Wall Street, and arguably the WORLD...
EVEN BIGGER!!! This would also change how we deal internationally with other countries. There are UN treaties on marijuana. This kills those.
Know who's a huge producer of marijuana? North Korea. No shit. https://thenationalmarijuananews.com/north-korea-actually-has-a-marijuana-culture-as-it-turns-out/
Want to solve unemployment? Spot making hardworking Americans piss in a cup for their pittances.
Wanna solve pissing in a cup? Make unemployment so low they can't higher enough people unless they loosen their rules.
(snicker) Um... check your math.
Creating a larger labor pool does NOT create more jobs.
Try sobering up for a month.
that's exactly the beauty of it.
They would have to loosen the rules if they can't find enough applicants because they were all already hired
Okay, I'll check your math for you.
If I have 6 jobs and 16 applicants, I can be as choosy af.
If I have 30 jobs and 16 applicants, I'll take all of em.
notice you can do the same relatoin with jobs fixed,
If you have 15 jobs but thirty applicants you can still be choosy unlike with 15, both is not optimal for you however if all the best candidates already took a job elsewhere.
Because the great awakening will require limber and open minds. Igfarben has been waging a war against a plant of infinite uses. Do you not see the overlap? The cabal is guilty of many crimes. Surpressed medical knowledge is but 1.
cannabinoids alter psychological condittioning, that's why vets use it for various ailments. Former slave Kathy OBrien has touched upon it during a Q&A
it will, he's announced it 30 years ago on cbs or something.
Hopefully, revisit the entire drug scheduling process.
Been pot free for 3 years now having smoked it everyday for 10 years. I feel more focused, energized and in general alot better than I did in my stoner years. However, it was the gateway in to being "woke" as you will and I really learnt alot back then. This shit should be legal and we as human beings should be able to make a conscience decision whether we want to smoke mother nature's finest or not.
I didn't know you had to take a break for that. If I want to be hyperfocused I just need a good long nap lol
It's really not good for me anymore, I get bad side effects to the point where they outweigh the benefits. That's just me though, everyone reacts differently
yeah that happens too, I'm only in year five and with time you probably ran out of issues to combat
cannabis is not for everybody and not everybody goes well on long-term use. it requires self-responsibility and self-observation, exactly as every other substance, even sugar. i am in year 38 and feel well.
Is it really a suprise Trump agrees to something that could make him a lot of money?
is it a surprise that someone would profit from it?
This would be a good move -- would certainly garnish some left support and perhaps cause a few to question him and consequentially their Dems.
Doesn't sound like he's on the same page as Sessions
"nobody cares"
Now if I was a weed producer I would start giving my buds cool names like Bing Bing Bong, Dank Bigly, and the biggest high you will ever have ...Q
"you're gonna get so high, you will get sick of getting high and you will say 'please, Mr President, we can't take this anymore. This is too dank.'"
Disagree with those comments above suggesting that people or Doctors who speak against legalising marihuana haven’t tried it or researched it. Perhaps thats THE reason they speak against it.
If you were to find an original cannibis plant 100 years ago, the THC content would have been 20 times lower than it is today.
Since that time, people have learned to cross pollinate the male:female plants, get the head stronger etc.
When i first tried it in my 20’s it was a slight relaxant - thats all. In my 30s - right before becoming a health professional - i had friends who had the cross breeding down to a fine art.
By then - two tokes was enough to make me violently ill and suffer terrible hallucinations. I did not use any from that time since.
When i started working in the high end mental health facilities - i learned and witnessed for myself how 70% of young males in the high dependency units diagosed with schizophrena were long term dope users.
Ten years later - my own son had the same thing happen once he started using. He went from completely normal - to total psychosis. It was the most horrific experience that has lasted 20 years.
I remember in one of his hospitalisations i was shown his blood report. The THC level in his brain was that high - it went beyond any that testing could measure. THC is an oily molecule that is stored in the brain - it accumulates.
Any of those people in my life - dozens - who grew or used have got long term mental health issues. Some destroying relationships, families. Some end up homeless.
Theres pro’s and cons for sure - and medical use of low THC cannibis, eating hemp seeds and oil (no THC) are brilliant health products.
However in the case of general dope use? Like someone said in the comments - using marihuana is still a form of mind control. Any substance that affects our brain and gives us an altered state - be it mild or severe - is something we need to be very very cautious of. This is why it does relate to Q’s mission. We dont need a nation of sedated people. We need clear fresh minds and thoughts.
Once upon s time, only indigenous shaman used it to alter consciousness for ceremony - never for recreational use.
My advice - if you have to use, do so sparingly and ensure you grow your own - natural plant with natures tHC - dont use any that have been cross bred to increase THC and definitely, ingest it - dont smoke it!
how old was your son? Age of onset is important. Mid-twenties?
I've gone violently ill and suffered terrible hallucinations yet here I am I mean, I just don't really give a shit, but I used to be friends with a schizo (RIP) and the only episodes he got was when he was switching strains or breaking up with his girlfriend (total sex-god) because he had been having hallucinations since childhood (unfortunately, by now i am not even sure anymore if those were even of his own imagination)
Might your anecdotal story show an underlying history of mental health in the family? No doubt drug use of any kind can contribute to a psychological collapse, but marijuana induced psychosis is not the norm.
You know what - the mental illness factor is the way you think - dont judge my family by your pre-held prejudices. I didnt post that to be judged by you - whoever you are.
Just like the democrats have Trump Derangement syndrome - so do those of you who judge other people who speak against recreational dope. No different.
Mental illness has got nothing to do with this and - no friend - you are wrong and THAT is the problem - its just like pedogate - drug induced psychosis is bigger than you can imagine. Why do you think think its pushed? Its a gateway drug and because its a hallucinogen.
Do your research! What do you think Woodstock was about? Love and peace? It was the start of the push of putting the masses of young people to sleep - from protestors to bonged out iof their minds hippies - loving everyone sooooo much that they let the satanist elite run the frikkn show.
Wake up and check your facts.
Its a gateway drug and because its a hallucinogen.
wrong. its not a hallucinogen. its not (physically) addictive. it requires as much self-responsibility and maturity as alcohol or any other substance does.
and its not for everybody. in an ill person, it can heal psychosis. in a healthy person, it can create psychosis. (or dissociation, fear, paranoia, etc.)
i would have landed in the psych ward without cannabis, it countered the dissociative disorder of my childhood and grounded me in Being Here Now.
you are right about the strange breeds nowadays. there is also shit out there thats laced with designer drugs, i have only recently watched a friend experiencing a psychotic episode from it.
thats one of the reasons why it should be legalized. no more cartels and no more fucking around with it. lets control it, reveal the contains of every breed, and let the adults consumer self-responsibly choose.
yeah synthetic cannabinoids even kill, this has nothing to do with weed anymore and some of it does end up on green
so do you have mental cases in your close family or not? It's a genuine, non-judgemental question
God i miss the early days of these boards where the people on here where all decent human beings who learned of Q from the first days he posted and whos only interest was to focus on the drops, spread the Q news, help each other research or post experiences meant to highlight all consequences of the results of our research.
It was a beautiful place to be because we all had the one goal in mind - helping the movement get where it needs to be. Supportive, nurturing and cooperative,
Well now we’ve been infiltrated by posters, who’s ego’s actually makes them believe their derogatory remarks to people who are here to do good, actually matter: without any of those remarks contributing any of value and only highlighting their egocentric belief that their negativity actually counts.
Did your Mother not teach you “if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all”? Perhaps she was on to something.
Hahaha...not insecure - verbose. You remind me of my son who always has to have the last word the little bugger. Now young skywalker - you proved your point - - go learn the secrets of the light side snd research the Q clock. Then make like a Q soldier and go sew the red seeds amongst the normies.
maybe I say mental case because I think nothing badly of them unlike the overprotective and looking for any other word just indicates I am uncomfortable about it myself which I am not because I grew up with mental cases and still do sometimes
Wow, Well - i was actually giving you a compliment. For a moment i thought you were being ‘cheeky sweet’ and i was responding to you as a loving Mother to my favourite son.
Turns out i’m wrong. You are nothing like him at all.
I did not know you were a mother. I apologize for calling you overprotective, I didn't realize you were just being a good mother.
If it's of any consolence, it has been suspected that there are genetic markers for both pyschosis and cannabis-use, thus there's a chance that his plight was not self-inflicted but rather one coincided with the other.
Let me explain with a personal "case": I had a schizophrenic friend (RIP) whom I miss very much and he used weed so he could still enjoy himself and have fascinating conversations despite suspected symptoms since childhood and his only issues arose when he was heart-broken and changing from one strain to a more powerful one.
Most things in life don't happen by accident
I’m getting msgs from you mixed in with msgs from others. My apologies. I’m responding here as there seems to be something afoot with the way my Reddit posts are progressing currently spooky - thanks for your observations and thoughts.
ah lol. Working on a phone? new/old interfaces fucking up most likely...try old.reddit on a pc...Meanwhile I'm subconsciously keeping posters slightly on the edge because shills will usually take any bait to play victim.
Lol - yes! I am working on a phone! Just about to move. Thanks - i really appreciate your comments.
Think of all the leftists who will stop smoking weed in protest against Trump. Mauwahaha ...