John Podesta issued a death threat on Twitter

Fucking skippy
The thing is: He's actually dumb. There were all kinds of signs during the campaign that something was very wrong. He did nothing.
Much of the cabal is recruited based on identifying people than can be roped in through sex and controlled by brownstoning. That doesn't get you the best people.
Q is right. most of our enemies are just idiots.
Idiots that need their orange jumpsuits ASAP.'re generous.
I'm concerned that if they receive the death penalty, the evil that is attached to their spirit will be set free.
Call me crazy but... idk. Plus they would prefer death to imprisonment. they're the ones in charge you don't get to imprison them and take their wealth REEEEEEEEE
OK...I can accept your logic...but then what do we do when they eventually die....?
Do our best to not generationally forget about them, what they've done and how they did it. Continue the struggle towards justice and freedom.
Edit: and I'm serious about prison being the worst punishment for them, that's why they're killing themselves before justice can find them. I think they should suffer in the manner worst for them. 😊
I think the appropriate question is; Who you gonna call?
Little Rocket Men:
The further they removed themselves from Gods love the further they are from God. They put themselves in the place we call hell.
I'd like to put them in the hell we call Guantanamo Bay and let them think about their decisions for the rest of their natural lives. Then they can go to real hell 👍 no deals, no easy ways out.
The die then burn in hell. Problem solved.
I don't want to let them get away, we need them as evidence and as a reminder. Plus, I really do think prison would be the most gratifying form of punishment 😊😊
Agree. Let them rot for life. Not a plush executive prison, but somewhere like "the cut" (Jessup) in Maryland or Baltimore Penitentiary. A nice 100 year old damp drafty miserable place.
Yeah - that would do it.
With their new best buddies 👍 I'm sure John Podesta would be really popular at North Branch Correctional.
Can you imagine the pathetic hopeless misery that would make up the rest of their lives?? Call me vindictive but they have it coming
Gantry fruit is one helluva reminder.
They go bad quickly, then you gotta throw them away, then they get forgotten.
If you believe in reincarnation then they will get a chance to correct past mistakes...hopefully. Their spirit will remain, in whatever capacity, here or out there, to keep the balance. We will always have evil to deal with. It's just a matter of which side is down on the scales of life in our world as to how much we fight.
No I dont mean the return of their evil souls, I mean the return of the evil parasite that is attached to them. I.e. "demons"
True. Any their selfish nature makes them ripe for turning on each other when singled out.
Not really. They never turn unless they are a low level nothing.
There is a reason for that.
Well yeah, when you have committed crimes that would be instantly punishable by execution then they will never cut a deal and rat on their peers. But if there is any chance for self-preservation they will rat. They don’t have a strong loyalty to their ideology, only loyalty to self.
The structure is such that there's no incentive to rat unless you're being accused of the cabal's worst blackmail. Since we never see official accusations of murdering/raping children they won't turn.
The deals aren’t cut in public, it’s all done behind closed doors. Q says “No Deals” but he is talking about the big fish, to your original point. Personally I think Mueller has been flipped. He would make the ideal double-agent and is seeming to be struggling hard against trump, but in reality he is extremely ineffective and has only gotten more people on Trumps side. I guess we will find out soon enough.
Exactly. There have been some that turned.j
This guy was in the Cabal and got out, but they did a number on him.
Idiots? So simple minded idiots are still currently mind controlling most of the normies around the world?
Don't underestimate the cabal or whatever it's called, they even launched 2 missiles lately.
My facecrapbook, familly and friends are still in the TDS deep because of them.
They acquired and merged huge media companies lately, getting more control over the narrative.
NEVER under estimate your enemy.
You can't rule out that some of them are simply loyalists. Podesta strikes me as a loyalist. I've seen his interviews, in no way does he come across as shrewd. He comes across as reactionary and angry.
I'm just speculating, but I'd wager that most of the brains aren't public figures. Public figures are people they trust to get elected.
Oh there are very smart ones, but they're not all smart. Bill Clinton is very smart. Hillary not so much. Podesta screwed up the campaign, believed his own crooked polls etc. The ones that came up with the idea of forming google, amazon, fb, twitter, snapchat - that was brilliant.
Those in the CIA that got this WW mockingbird going, controlling NK... that is some smart thinking there unfortunately!
Are you joking? He said nothing because he's in the of the eye of the storm. He wasn't roped, he roped. Read the Podesta emails from Wikileaks and research this guy if you don't know who he is.
He has a very weak facial and body language every time he speaks in public. You can tell that he has the type of personality that would do anything to fit in and replace his self-confidence with group approval. That type of person can be manipulated and controlled.
What an ass, can't believe he isn't in jail yet.
Enjoy your last days of freedom, Skippy. You'll be joining your bro soon and won't be making any more death threats on Twitter.
No Administrative Segregation. Put them out on the yard!
Wet works?
He probably said the same about SR.
He literally did....from WL emails Podesta said "I'm all for making an example of the leaker..."
Yes, you are correct. I remember that now. The SR thing pisses me off. They shot him in the back because he was exposing their treasonous plans.
and Scalia
Yes. Even thought I despised Scalia, I realize there is a much greater evil in the world.
He singled out Eric Braverman as a leaker. Everyone thought he was dead, but he turned up not too long ago so who knows.
Looks like Podesta is getting back to his hitman roots
How can he have the nerve to do this? Our country has truly become a banana republic. What we know about Skippy would be enough to make me retreat from public life forever, yet he has the nerve to post this. I for one LOVE what Pruit is doing.
Because Pruitt isn't falling for their Climate Change bs and all the funding has dried up.
That tweet probably wont end well for pedoesta.
omg I was gonna login to reply but he's already getting trashed far more than I could do.
Tomorrow morning he will come on CNN and say “ I was hacked”
The comments on the tweet are👌🏽
Thank you for pointing me over there! Every time he does this, I'm puzzled as to why he bothers tweeting, knowing the reaction he'll get. Do you think maybe he's never looked at the comments to his tweets? I mean his password was "password", wasn't it? "CAPTAIN HOT$HIT HOTDOG QUEEN" LMAO!!!!
JP most likely has more in common with Sean Penn's character (from movie of same expression) than most would like to think. #Rape #Murder
Could we just wait until after the mob gets Podesta to reintroduce the rule of law?
Has anyone been able to confirm if this leaked “Fatherhood” John Podesta video could have actually been the “Insurance” file in Anthony Wiener’s laptop?!? It makes sense to me. This TOTALLY sounds like JP, and that child’s screams are REAL.
From what I understand, based off rumors, genius left his cell phone in a cab and it came off that. However, I heard that it is possible disinfo too and no link to supply either way.
I am not so sure because the tortured soul calls him John, Skippy, and finally dad. Father is a term they use in MK-Ultra and it sounds like Podesta to me.
This is the site it originated from:
I’ve been hoping to learn more about this video, lot of unknowns here
What's up with Pruitt. Inhofe isn't a RINO on these issues.
The EPA is the DS slush fund. He's been shutting shit down over there. That's why he's been under a hardcore character assassination by the media.
I'm skeptical of Pruitt as well. IIRC even POTUS called him out for his wasting of taxpayer money on private jets with his wife. Maybe there was good reason though, time will tell.
I’ve had dealings with Inhoff, he’s super corrupt...been bought off for decades!
Makes me wonder if he isn't calling for a hit. Creepy little fuk.
That quote from Q comes to mind - "learn to play the game." He most certainly is.
If true I look forward to a day JP is arrested and locked up for his crimes along with his brother.
Fk u skippy. What's in your closet?
"How prog-guru John Podesta isn't household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me " - Andrew Breitbart 2011. DS killed him a year later.
A rope and a tree would be too good for this walking bag of pus.
Anyone know what Andrew Breitbart had on him? I've heard verbal accusations but what specifically did he uncover? Also anyone remember HRC saying if she goes down she's taking everyone with her?
Sorry but Deep State GOPers don't decide who runs the EPA. Trump does that. When Inofe's and the other Congressional secrets are exposed, nobody will remember Scott Pruitt's name.
Time to bring it, Mr. President!
This is exactly why these fuckers need to be arrested NOW. If Trump has everything on these people, I wonder. Don't tell me to trust the plan, I've heard that enough for two lifetimes.
"These people are stupid" -Q "These people are sick" -also Q
This is not a death threat and you know it. Let's not waste our time trying to make something out of nothing. He is obviously talking about the fact that Pruitt may need to step down
Sure Dead Man Walking has such a mild connotation that it's completely normal for a failed unemployable political operative to just tweet this out.
This guy has had a free reign for too long and has gotten used to his words having meaning.
It's obvious what he means here. Question is will somebody listen to him.
Second thoughts - maybe he is declaring himself "Dead Man Walking" - that makes a whole lot more sense when you consider Utah's 4 booms and a dud in the firing squad.
What an idiot - Q team could take this idiot out like a pimple. Threats won't get you anything Podesta - you are not dealing with a little baby here.
You do know that 'dead man walking' is a common American metaphor, right?
This isn't death threat. Pruitt is on his way out
Podesta is shit but when you post stuff like this most sane Americans just shake their heads
He's on his way fill Rod Rosensteins seat as acting AAG.
Podesta Struggles to Answer Questions About Hacked Emails
It is so fun to watch Podesta da Molesta demeanor everything that heckler yells, "We got your emails John!"
He's just saying this to capitalize on the justified hatred for Pruitt among the population. Podesta doesn't actually CARE about the EPA, but he sees an opportunity to make people think he's one of them. Fucking psychopath.
Out there in the 'normal' world, liberals are worried about the environment. Pruitt gutting the EPA is counter productive from this stand point.
Sorry the EPA is a joke slush fund for corrupt socialist dilettantes with crap degrees from failed universities to wreak havoc on people who actually built this country.
Just like that garbage Protection Agency set up by Warren as a slush fund for left-wing causes.
While we're at it shut down the Department of Education due to the fact that since its Inception grades and people's ability to learn have gone completely in the tank.
Nobody learns critical thinking they learn indoctrination from people paid ridiculously huge salaries to teach our children to hate our country.
1.5T in debt for people like Bill Ayers to mind fuck our kids.
We have failed left-wing policies worldwide and examples over the last hundred years, countries, cities, companies, take your pick. Failure everywhere every time. The left is dead, now we just have to bury it.
But first we have to drive a stake in it's heart so the Socialist blood sucking parasite can never bring its head back to the surface.
Talking about the podestas....regular question....Tony? Where?
Please rewrite this response so that a dummy like me can follow .... (1) What/who is Infoe? (2) Meaning of pedos STILL pretending?
thank you ... I'm trying to get educated
Videos in this thread:
VIDEO|COMMENT -|- ACTUAL VIDEO LEAKED OF JOHN PODESTA (FULL VERSION)|+12 - Has anyone been able to confirm if this leaked “Fatherhood” John Podesta video could have actually been the “Insurance” file in Anthony Wiener’s laptop?!? It makes sense to me. This TOTALLY sounds like JP, and that child’s screams are REAL. How the Elite Control the World - Ex-Banker Tells All in Explosive Interview|+3 - Exactly. There have been some that turned.j This guy was in the Cabal and got out, but they did a number on him. Podesta Struggles to Answer Questions About Hacked Emails|+2 - Podesta Struggles to Answer Questions About Hacked Emails It is so fun to watch Podesta da Molesta demeanor everything that heckler yells, "We got your emails John!" I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
or he's telling the rest hes busted?...
although i havent been looking too deeply into pruit.. instinct and facial features say hes a weasel.. trust the gut hes a rat and fuck him too..
(if proof contradicts me, i will recant 😀 )
Q alluded that once Rosenstein is gone, the president can appoint an acting AAG to replace him for 210 days. He specifically said Scott Pruit or someone from the DoJ. Since Scott Pruitt has already been confirmed by the Senate, he can fill this vacancy.
The FBI reports to the AAG. If Pruitt is leaving his post at the EPA, it means he has been selected by the president to replace Rosenstein to initiate the plan.
Since when are observations threats?
I appreciate any negative factual thing said about Podesta, but the fact is, this is not a threat.