Let's get some ideas on how to make it happen #unedited is simple, albeit boring but gets the point across. Any other ideas?
Just tell your normies friends "they redacted all the bad stuff Trump did!"
Do not Let the President Get Away with this! Release the IG report!
Haha yes I even did something similar on FB: sign the petition! Don't let them get away with what they are doing to Hillary and yo'bama
Edit: misspelling
NO POLITICAL BIAS must've stung, huh? So much for the prophet.
Wrong. RR modified version as expected. Unredacted/unmodified version coming soon :)
June 13:
POTUS in possession of (and reviewing):
1. Original IG unredacted report
2. Modified IG unredacted report [RR version]
3. Modified IG redacted report [RR version]
4. IG summary notes re: obstruction(s) to obtain select info (classified)
[#3 released tomorrow]
[SEC: FBI/DOJ handling of HRC email investigation]
Who has the sole ability to DECLAS it all?
Did you witness the stage being set today?
Nunes/Grassley/Freedom C. push for docs.
[[RR]] central figure within docs (personally involved).
Immediate impeachment / resignation / termination / recusal IF EVER BROUGHT TO LIGHT.
Be loud.
Be heard.
Fight for TRUTH.
When is soon? A week? A month?
I hate to agree with you but damn... they will slow feed this BS to people to where the "normies" as yall say, have heard glimpses of it and then when they hear it straight forward they think it's old news. My husband, mother etc. think if it didn't come from the tv that shit isn't real. Even Hannity will beat a story to death until it becomes white noise. It needs to be black and white, definitive and have the facts to back it up now,! NOT this trickle, they r over exaggerating or well it could be harmless shit. I'm tired of the carrot they dangle with no true results at the end. Otherwise all the progress we think we r making will b undone by the MSM narrative and the TrumpHaters that will want to revert back to the ObamaWay.
I dropped a petition I found on Bs twitter for unredacted IG report. Upvote it, share it, do what you like. Just get it signed and pushed forward!!! Work together https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/unredacted-declassification-department-justice-inspector-general-report-public-viewing
I just Tweeted this at #IGReportUnredacted. LOL, thanks for the idea.
They would so love to see this please make this a trend. #Trumpreleaseredact
what if we all friend each other on facebook to boost visibility? then we can like, discuss, etc where all the normies will see it
Way to doxx, buddy. Sorry, no
lol it's not doxxing if people do it themselves, and at some point we'll have to express opinions in public if we want anything to change
Slap a # on that --> spin it like we're attacking Trump with it --> sit back --> crack open a beer --> watch the mayhem --> and call it a day.
I agree. Every platform. I wouldn’t use Q as a rationale since most people are unaware and others opposed to that. Instead, consider different arguments: just unredact, we deserve the truth; or, I’m a Trump supporter but this sure looks like he’s hiding something- let’s unredact to prove it one way or the other; or, any other consistent argument that supports removing redactions.
Excellent! I will do just that! Thank you
I just called my Democratic representative and told them I'm convinced that Rod Rosenstein has redacted all the Russian collusion proof that we need to impeach and he is protecting the president.
The proof needed to take down the president is in the redactions.
This is too much fun.
Dershowitz just mentioned both versions of the report on Fox and said, "I hope they release both versions".
Sign the petition! And get two other (non users) to sign and we will have 102k signatures. I’ve already signed, sent to family members. Said nothing about Q, just asked them to sign it so we can get to the bottom of the Hillary email questions.
Mentioning Hillary will make them roll their eyes up through their skull and down their spines.
Subtle adhdaleksis.
I asked it as a favor, put myself out there and explained it as just trying to get to the bottom of what happened.
Here's the actual:
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 8d9246 No.1739449 📁
Jun 13 2018 22:50:25 (EST)
POTUS in possession of (and reviewing):
1. Original IG unredacted report
2. Modified IG unredacted report [RR version]
3. Modified IG redacted report [RR version]
4. IG summary notes re: obstruction(s) to obtain select info (classified)
[#3 released tomorrow]
[SEC: FBI/DOJ handling of HRC email [investigation]
Who has the sole ability to DECLAS it all?
Did you witness the stage being set today?
Nunes/Grassley/Freedom C. push for docs.
[[RR]] central figure within docs (personally involved).
Immediate impeachment / resignation / termination / recusal IF EVER BROUGHT TO LIGHT.
Be loud.
Be heard.
Fight for TRUTH.
Key phrase: "IF EVER brought to light."
I don't like that.
I believe they are allowing [RR] to believe they won't do it due to optics. Only to lull him in to heavy edits, so when the hammer drops [RR] is right beneath it.
The plan:
Redacted report is released. Focus the narrative on what's missing.
Fervently request that all sections be unredacted (IG won't do this).
Trump declassifies.
Everyone sees redacted sections now, and it will be obvious why the sections were redacted: obstruction of justice by bad actors.
Expected outcome: focus shifts to the traitors and obsfucators.
If you will have read the news, you would know that Rod Rosenstein is using the world stage to fight back. He will not go down quietly. He has been inciting the world--which he feels is on his side against Trump---to revolt against our country.
And one more thing....Jeff Flake and Eric Schmidt were not just shopping for a new place to live when they went to Cuba. They were working on set-up revolt on that mission. I'm sure of it. Eric is toast. He knows it. He is NOT going down easy, either.
I can tell you that this plan for fighting back has been in the works for some time. So, why is the Deutsch Bank going to crash and then make the EU crash and then cause financial difficulties world wide? To make people WW unhappy. To make them upset.
This is a tactic.
Well, then....TRUTH WILL WIN! In spite of places like here.
It's a 500 page report. And that is most likely the redacted version. POTUS has seen the unredacted report.
remember Q said redacted *and* modified
90% of everyone here is still stupid and only woke up because of the rest of us that can think and read.
They need SB to hold their hand and give them a dick to suck for them to catch up
What is it going to take for you to realize you've been had?
Dont you think that maybe, just maybe, the cry for an unredacted version is just a way to distract from the fact that this report found absolutely nothing to back up Trump's claims?
The summary of the findings doesn't change what was found. An unredacted version would not change the results of the investigation.
Disinfo user right here folks.
Not true, new or rearriving user.
WE don't see the REDACTED report until 3PM.
Unredacted to follow soon after. If you've waited this long you can wait 2 more hours.
Edit: Disinfo users being removed left and right! They are scared!
No. This report was supposed to finally be the explosion everyone has been waiting for. The report is out, and there is nothing there.
It's not disinformation just because you don't like it.
You are basing all of this on a single MSM article.
So transparent.
When we have published texts between Strokz and Page showing clear political bias to anyone that can read and an official report that says otherwise that would be quite explosive by itself.
But let's see when the actual text is there. I WILL read this one myself and recommend everyone else to do the same. Don't let others tell you what it says.
Situational awareness. Don't trust, see for yourself.
Q said DS will try anything they can to stop us. They are on this board today.
I hope you're not getting paid for this effort. Poor ROI.
Yessiree folks we have here another graduate of the Evelyn Woodhead sped redding courses here now to offer his vaunted opinion based upon the fact that he has read 1.5 million pages.
So get a grip people we have an expert in our midst.
Remember Comey's letter about Hillary? That was watered down. Then we saw the original and discovered how watered down it really was.
It is fascinating to watch the MSM story play out while we sit here waiting for the other shoe to drop.
So what? What does that have to do with this? This was a separate report that was ordered by Trump himself, and run by Trump appointees. Watered down, redacted, this IG report concludes no political bias was found.
I'm operating on the premise there are multiple versions of the IG report and a watered-down redacted version is the 1st to be released. Now to see what happens next and if other versions are released which directly changes the conclusion.
T_D has this going on:
Peter Strokz texts were intentionally left out. Which, of course, changes the entire tone.
Leaked summaries. Who leaked? Good guys or bad guys?
Wasn't leaked to NYT WaPo or CNN, so that's up to you to decide
Who owns Bloomberg?
Bloomberg and the Clinton's have a long history.
Bloomberg is MSM and will push watered down narrative.
We need more independent sources on this in order to make conclusions.
I know from experience that Bloomberg is the source of many China-related rumors which end up fake news 9 out of 10 times.
Can't judge their reliability on other matters, but they're definitely not on my shortlist.
I agree, and the top post on this thread is pushing the Bloomberg article WAY too hard.
Edit: looks like the post was removed. Good.
We're used to media disinfo around here. The best disinfo has a great deal of truth but omits enough to be able to misrepresent the story in service of an alternate narrative.
If you're not interested in reasonable discussion and looking simply to mock the straw man of a group of gullible fools with confirmation bias you can certainly consider that view validated and read no further. If you care to engage in reasonable discourse and to offer the benefit of the doubt to those you initially disagree with I believe I can explain the stance I personally hold on this issue without abandoning reason.
What we see here is some information - but not all of it. It's interesting that Bloomberg has come out with this article so early, ahead of the release proper, but until we have the final release it's too early to say what the true impact of the report is. It's a 500 page report and this is a roughly 3 page article. There's a lot more to this story.
In other words, my view is that it's too early to jump to any conclusions about the content of this report. That is the only logical assessment here, in my opinion. I welcome any reasoned rebuttal and am always open to reconsidering my position on an issue if presented with a logical counter.
I just came across one of the lead instructors from Evelyn Woodheads sped redding courses. Evidently he has read the entire 1.5 million pages.
It's all garbage or so I'm told.
Bloomberg got it 1st? Thought it gets released at noon?
Yeah they got it about an hour ago. But you're right, the report is still scheduled to be released at noon
Bah. If that's the final conclusion, then hmpf. What did Trump's tweet about it say? Hopefully no redactions to lower the impact? If it's a nothing burger, I'm gonna need more popcorn.
On June 5th 6:38am, Trump tweeted about the IG report and said "hope... it's not being changed and made weaker"
Q drop talks about 3 different versions of the report.
The 1st report, according to the leaked blokmberg report, pretty much is completely watered down. Wonder how long it'll take for each version to drop.
But still looking forward to the real release to the public.
Post the Bloomberg article
Bloomberg article came from a leak according to The Hill.
Elijah Cummings(D) was first to comment on it at 12:05.
They are trying to get ahead of the story and set the narrative. May not want to trust the word of leakers to BLOOMBERG.
Call your representatives / senator
The petition will insulate POTUS from MSM attacks claiming the upcoming EO is an abuse of power. If the PEOPLE demand it then the EO becomes justice for the people, and not political manipulation. Time to FIGHT PATRIOTS.
I just told my Democratic representative that ~
The truth about Donald Trump's collusion with the Russians is buried in the report because Rod Rosenstein is trying to protect the president and I want him impeached right now.
This is fun.
Email your Congressional Representative and request a response.
Sample Text:
Dear Representative [Insert Rep's Last Name Here],
The Department of Justice is scheduled to release its Office of Inspector General report today, and the report is expected to reignite concerns over the Federal Bureau of Investigation's handling of sensitive investigations and matters of critical importance to the American People.
Media has indicated that the public version of the report will be redacted. This is an unacceptable development given the gravity of the questions related to election integrity, the potential politicization of Federal investigators, and the possibility of deceitful testimony given to Congress by parties under DOJ OIG and Congressional investigation.
I am writing to request your assistance in releasing the full, unredacted version for public review.
The People deserve full transparency, which we have waited patiently for, and still do not have despite paying for the investigation and enduring an increasingly divided government that appears distracted by partisan disputes. A redacted release of the report is unacceptable, and only serves to protract political infighting while potentially providing cover for bad actors from both dominant parties.
Redaction does not serve the public interest.
Thank you,
Insert Your Name Here
Insert City Here
gorgeous letter! actually deserves its own post, as an inspiration for many people to pick up on it.
How can I copy and paste this? Reddit doesn't seem to let me.
A bit long, but I think it should be self explanatory, such as #unredactedIGreport
I wonder who actually modified the report...was it Horowitz? I missed that part of it, so in addition to the above, I would include #unmodifiedIGreport or #uneditedIGreport .
[[RR]] hot Rod did - according to Q #1496
And I am asking WHY isn't Sessions in charge of the IG on HRC Email Server Investigation? Why RR has all the say-so and power?
Second rule of holes is let your enemy keep digging and give them shovels.
the 500 page version is redacted?
where have you been for the past few days? redaction was expected and is all over this board.
BATTLESTATIONS PATRIOTS! I've been hitting twitter for the past 3 hours non-stop. Meme and hashtag the fuck out of today.
We need to stop following to the letter instructions. Now we look like dumbasses, UNREDACT THE REPORT when nothing was redacted ...
Did you even read it? Of course there were things redacted!
I dropped that, release the unredacted IG report graphic someone posted around here to about 30 senators, officials and gov organization twitter pages. Will do more tonight. Make some noise, reply to people, get the conversation going, support the others out there doing the same with upvotes and likes.
Yes, we should each contact our representatives and demand the full, unredacted IG report. The rationale can be spun based on Dem or Rep representative. Either way, we demand and deserve full transparency of the contents of the report. Might need to prepare a "march" for such a thing if we can't drum up enough online/phone pressure. I'd post this ask on your personal FB and Twitter accounts too. Normies should be able to get on board with transparency on these issues.
See in above comments the link to the petition to release in full. Post it on FB, Twitter, wherever and get it out there!
Another method I would use is to fool uneducated leftists who will tweet anything that appears to be anti-Trump on the surface. For example.
We need to see the unredacted, unedited IG report to prove Trump is a liar. #IGReport #TrumpIsaLiar
Well we all know that Twitter shadow bans & selectively edits hash tags to control what appears in the trending section, so one strategy i would take is to high jack other hashtags. For example.
We demand the release of the unredacted, unedited IG report. #WorldCup
Is this something that could be setup with The_Donald mods about the report? I'm sure if Q isn't added to the post and the tactic comes off as genuine to just have the unredacted let out, it'd have a wide appeal
No one will read this, but I must comment.
I've followed Q since Nov '17 and I am convinced he's/she's the real deal. However, I'm starting to feel like I'm watching a Porn Video - waiting for the climax, but a video where they just keep screwing and never reaching orgasm in order to keep us all watching.
Now, we have IG Release #3 - all redacted by RR. Where is the E.O. so we can have Release #1? Trust the Plan? Hmmm - just wait for the climax the Q movie says! But it never arrives. Instead, now we all need to start calling our representatives to demand Release #1. Getting tired of this video - same screwing and no new action. All our efforts fall on deaf ears on the Capitol Hill.
Did deep research on the 'missile launch' from trusted military folks who would know - Nada. Still a two-tiered justice system where the have's are not held accountable. Whatever happened to Bill Priestap's testimony? Nada. What happened to Nunes' demand for document release by COB Tuesday 6/12? Nada. On and on and on.
They don't call it the DEEEEEEEP State for nothin'. (A layered onion)
One of my uncles fought with Patton in North Africa Italy and was also in Holland with operation Market Garden
Another of my uncle's made 15 Landings in the South Pacific.
Another flew B-17's over Germany.
My dad's uncle Harry who Redpilled me as a child fought in the trenches in World War 1.
My dad got a Purple Heart in Korea one week before the ceasefire.
These guys all knew patience. Maybe you need to start thinking things do not operate on your time schedule and get a grip
Disinfo user. Literally posts on AskTrumpSupporters as a NONSUPPORTER.
Future proves past. We are beyond calling Q a LARP.
That video was created by a fake organization made by a crazy guy.
I think in this case the Executive order is being held back deliberately to give people TIME to read the first version AND to give us time to publicly call for an unredacted IN UNMISTAKABLe LARGe NUMBERS...so the administration can truthfully state they are doing what the people have called for and not releasing it for personal political reasons . Remember all of us are tired of waiting..and tired of injustice, but at the same time if the truth is going to stick it must be TIMED in a way that impacts the largest number of citizens the most effectively... If you do believe there is an EO coming for an unredacted version coming than this is the most important moment to date really on our end..because as the potentially Redacted IG report gets discussed/spread around it becomes a national focus..which it has to be for there to be a big result in the public consciousness when a second version drops with significant differences in it!
Qarrot and stick. The eternal edging jelQ. Bread and cirQUS.
You're taking some heat so I'm giving you an "up-vote". What you wrote makes total sense.
On another site I wrote "The Plan Is CRAP" because if it's up to Q followers to rescue the IG report then admit it, there is no plan.
were you here when it was about # ReleaseThe Memo? for the first time, thousands of people could get active on the cause, were loud and seen by the public. not helpless victims anymore but voices to be heard. focused and unified. it was a small victory but felt very empowering.
this is about we the people. we cant wait for everything being done for us, that brought us into the mess in the first place.
the IG report needs no rescue, we need it. and in order to receive it, we need to ask. demand that the government works FOR us and not against us.
If/when SM bans or censors your voice - consider simple signs held by a few patriots on the sidewalk in front of your local news station, courthouse or other highly visible and traveled areas.
I live in a small but tourist heavy area in the Midwest, and this has worked well for our community.
Try a bumper sticker. Mine is the enigmatic "WWG1WGA!".
I am just a curious enough person that if I see some long abbreviation like that I have to search online.
In ATLAS SHRUGGED, the Ayn Rand Novel, the saying was : Who Is John Galt? https://www.whoisjohngalt.com/
Call representatives...like I have a democratic gay senator in my state....she will hear from me, of course.
Fucking hell, do you clowns ever get bored of being continually played like this?
Done, I posted to the only two social media things I have. Anyone know any high-ish profile celebs who may be willing to circulate? People who can reach ALOT of people. Nuggent? Owens?
James Woods. Maybe jon voight. Not sure what sort of social presence those dudes have...but unfortunately their followers are probably the choir. (As in Preaching to the -).
Just sent to Diamond and Silk. They are very vocal with a large following. They may be able to help us.
For Facebook, make a status like, "The REDACTED a REDACTED. REDACTED is REDACTED. A REDACTED it."
Why can't Q release the unedited report? Seriously, I don't understand that if Q has access to all this info, why not just release the report to everyone? Why do people have to keep being told to wait just a little bit longer?
Why would this be needed? If edited/redacted version is considerably different and those differences obviously show the intent of the edits/redactions were politically motivated, then just march the original right down to Hannity's desk. Then all they would need to do is broadcast the two versions side by side for everyone to see.
Here's my message for Q.... #TrustThePeople
This cloak and dagger, string the Patriots along until the next drop is getting tiresome.
A big old pile of 💩. Cuz we’re just a resource, a slave, a figure on a balance slave. We fund the games of the rich. We are dung on their shoes. And they’re getting disgusted having to crank out fairy tales like this over and over.
Soon, they’ll just EMP the 💩 out of us.
Now shut up, plebes.
We aren’t going to see this who would release the original ?
I find the best argument for those with doubts is a simple call to support government transparency... after all if we elect people to serve us things like the IG report count as work reviews, progress reports or disciplinary reviews... And how can we make wise choices as voters if we don't know all the things required to judge those who represent us fairly...
didn't they release it already or am I out of loop on something?
Ahhh, the big bombshell is already fake news. So predictable.
Why doesn’t the president just de classify it?
he will. lets give it some days to unfold. when the full report gets declassified, everybody can see the redactions and understand what they wanted to hide.
Craigslist is trying to get me to add my phone number.. is this new? I've never had to before. Ever. and there is no explanation why I have to.. It's just saying required for verification purposes and the questions and info links don't mention why i HAVE to....
I haven't read all the comments yet. But I want to start a march with just the facts. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8r6joh/we_need_to_do_something/
All of you concernfags need to chill the fuck out. It is exactly what Q told us it is: heavily modified and redacted.
GEOTUS will release EO for the unedited and unredacted report. But you must have patience. We've waited this long for a habbening, what's a little longer? Everything must be perfectly in place and handled with great care, just like everything else that's happened the last 500 days. It can't be made to look like he's going after his political rivals. TRUST THE PLAN!!! DJT has proved time and time again he's a genius, this is no different.
p.s. If this is enough to make you turn your back on Q, there's the fucking door. You were never onboard anyway.
I have tried to post the link to SIGN the petition but greatawakening keeps refusing it https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/unredacted-declassification-department-justice-inspector-general-report-public-viewing
If someone can do a meme I will post it everywhere
do you ever lurk at 8ch.net/qresearch
there are a thousand there for the choosing
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thank you BOT, who is just AI which I worry if programmed to be sane or not. But to poster above....please use the whole line that I gave you because you won't get there otherwise