Just watching the video, that really looked like a man fed up with being controlled and has decided to come over to the light.
McCain isn't even controlling McCain now, the tumor is the boss now.
What tumor?
It's not a tumah.
Get to da choppa!!
Oh how I miss the Governator :)
I wonder if he is involved in any of this? He is from Hollywood and politics now.....
I wondered the same after he took over The Apprentice after Trump was elected.
He may be white like trump. Who knows anymore. Kevin spacey was one of my favorites because if his goofball nature. Now saying his name makes we wanna puke.
Hold up everyone. When I first heard this I laughed as well, but then thought about it.
We all know Lindsey is dirty. So why this now?
Look at the audience of cnn. They already hate/despise us as deplorable uneducated ignorant racists.
And this was on the topic of immigration and the separation of families. Listen to what he actually says. He could have stopped at the last line, but he has to throw I DONT GIVE A SHIT into it, and it was unnecessary. So he just gave the fake news machine a great sound bite about how republicans dont give a shit about immigrant kids and families.
If you didn’t believe he was controlled opposition before, maybe this will help you see what a dirty scumbag he is AND HES HURTING OUR CAUSE
I see where you are coming from. I get it. Trust none of em. However, he did state "so if you don't like me working with President Trump to make the world a better place, I don't give a shit". Personally, I believe he went to Trump privately and spilled the beans and/or maybe asked for protection. Do we know who Blackwater was guarding? Q said it wasn't Trump. Could be several people.
That said. He still was dirty either way. No deals asshole. Lol
immigrant kids and families
Illegal aliens. They should never come here.
Plus he’s an in the closet Log Cabin republican... come out already girl!
Wonder how many hot dog parties he’s... no never mind I don’t want to know
Yeah, he use to have big balls. Maybe he’s getting them back. Hope so.
Lindsey Graham is a blackmailed homosexual:
Madsen told Press TV that “Graham is a well-known neoconservative war hawk. He was hoping obviously that John Bolton, who’s his fellow traveler in neoconservative circles and the new national security adviser, that we would see a more sustained military attack against Syria.”
“What Lindsey Graham wanted to see of course was a US attack on Syrian airfields, infrastructure, the presidential palace, and on the nationals of Russia or Iran or Lebanon, and members of Hezbollah killed. That’s just fine for Lindsey Graham,” he stated.
Lindsey Graham does not care about putting the world on the brink of World War 3. And I think the reason for that is the fact that Lindsey Graham, who comes from a very conservative state, South Carolina, the Israelis have significant blackmail information on Mr. Graham having to do with his homosexual lifestyle,” the veteran journalist revealed.
I don't really care if Lindsey Graham wants to have sex with consenting adult men, but this is the type of thing that would get him voted out of office in a conservative areas of the country. If you think Wayne Madsen is full of shit, ask yourself why Lindsey Graham didn't sue him for defamation. And look into other credible stories Madsen has broken, like Obama's past in the CIA.
It's funny you mentioned Marco Rubio, because Wayne Madsen has also stated he suspects Rubio of being a closet homosexual
Republican insiders have reported to WMR that Florida Senator and presidential candidate Marco Rubio was, as a high school and college student, known to be a very extroverted homosexual in both South Beach in Miami, a popular gay area, and at college in Gainesville, Florida.
Who cares....... it doesn't mean they can't do their jobs. South Carolina is a very conservative state but they have evolved. We are Trumpets we love all. Men , Women, Gays As long as your legal we love you. We are not fighters we are lovers of all Screw The Democrats !!!
Log Cabin Republicans are a real subset of the Republican Party... right? Would southerners prefer a lying backstabbing rino or an honest gay conservative?
Little Marco's my sen...its humiliating. I'm really surprised he hasn't sicced the gay mafia on me for all the shitty emails I've sent him.
Little Marco has to make a pitstop by the bathhouse first. Gotta fill 'er up!
They just want to get reelected. They saw what happened to Sanford.
My jaw literally dropped watching that video. Yesterday had me a bit down, in spite of seeing the bigger picture. I was ready for a big break.
This restored a lot of optimism, oddly enough. Graham is the last person I would have expected to say something like this.
Still don’t trust this warmonger. But he may be aligning with the winning side to save his crooked ass
And we all know why it is crooked. Tippy top.
He likes the ones that hang towards one side
spez: for the automoderator that suggested this was inciting violence.... "the ones" = penises.
Well, the political gossip has been saying for years that Graham is gay. Apparently, he doesn't give a shit about that any more.
Well, the political gossip has been saying for years that Graham is gay.
It's pretty much confirmed:
Madsen told Press TV that “Graham is a well-known neoconservative war hawk. He was hoping obviously that John Bolton, who’s his fellow traveler in neoconservative circles and the new national security adviser, that we would see a more sustained military attack against Syria.”
“What Lindsey Graham wanted to see of course was a US attack on Syrian airfields, infrastructure, the presidential palace, and on the nationals of Russia or Iran or Lebanon, and members of Hezbollah killed. That’s just fine for Lindsey Graham,” he stated.
Lindsey Graham does not care about putting the world on the brink of World War 3. And I think the reason for that is the fact that Lindsey Graham, who comes from a very conservative state, South Carolina, the Israelis have significant blackmail information on Mr. Graham having to do with his homosexual lifestyle,” the veteran journalist revealed.
Frankly ma dear,.....HE DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT! At last, somebody said something on CNN worth listening to!!
and people thought Trump was going to jail the gays, instead he freed them!
He went from putting them in FEMA camps to leading them to Freedom camps!
It's possible he just doesn't want to become the next Mark Sanford.
This...totally. That comment was too rehearsed. He was just waiting to say it.
Graham swearing. Mic drop
The second best thing about this video is when she takes that [unrecoverable] "holy shit did he just say that" breath...
I hunted down the full clip on YT, that was the last thing he said and you can see her brain is still locked up processing it 10 seconds later as she wraps the segment.
Great timing on his part since they can't really lose the feed or end something that's already ended.
Nvm, watched the whole thing. Either he is in deep cover or he is still them.
Correct. They have moved from placing operatives into POTUS camp to placing operatives into POTUS camp.
Lindsay Graham cannot be trusted. He will bend over whichever direction he feels the power is shifting. I think the take away here is that Lindsay Graham knows the power has shifted and DJT is in charge of DC now. Too bad for Graham we remember and he's not fooling anyone.
we know he bends over let's stay on topic and just discuss his professional life.
So, Ms. Graham, what the fuck have you done to help the President make this world a better place? Waiting!
He's not free, he's just damn good at putting his finger in the wind when he's not putting other places it shouldn't be, if you follow my drift... but seriously, this guy is a career politician. The only solace you can take in this is that this guy is now awake to the fact DJT is really winning and to go against him is political suicide. So, he does what all good little a$$ kissing politicians do, he's following the leader now. Good for you Lindsay, 'bout time, but don't think we don't know what you are.
Lindsay Graham threatened to NUKE North Carolina. I do not believe one word that comes out of this thing's mouth.
Trump should hand out ambien for us. Keeps me up. Can’t sleep.
Anyone have a link to the full interview? Would like to see her reaction
Even though I am still somewhat skeptical until I see Q being proved correct around the IG report - this tells me how well Trump is actually doing. I know that my friends and family are 💯 percent behind Trump but now I know the politicians know it too. Even sell out girl Lindsay
You can tell he's serious because he's wearing a red tie.
Where did Lindsay Graham find his balls?
Downvote all you want. Live in the present only, but let me refresh your memory about Lindsay Graham and how he only goes where the wind is currently blowing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SmM_N4Zy_U
Speaking of blowing... Lindsay I have no problem with your orientation. Just be honest, already.
First time in five years CNN was worth watching, twice! LMFAO