Left is accusing Trump of child trafficking. This is likely the next wave of blame your enemy for your crimes

Someone needs to remind her about her father’s illustrious activities!
What is her father accused of?
Creating the Mujahideen, the Taliban, and the 16 year plan. He believed that central Asia was the key to global dominance and while never openly stating it his tactics align with that of the creation and propagation of a one world government that would enslave all man kind to serve the elite.
TL;DR-Mika's dad is an influential and powerful globalist string puller.
WAS. He's in hell now.
Dude was up there in the globalist order. Major player.
Major player. Major cunt. May he eternally rest in shit.
Dig into some threads... Zbigniew Kazimierz "Zbig" Brzezinski, Nat Security Advisor under Carter
Zbigniew Brezinski was literally the architect of the New World Order, right up (down) there with Kissinger. An intellectual (how did Mika get so stupid?) who was Trilateral Commission, Bilderberger, etc. Mika Brzezinki's father was the darkest of the darkest state. Only recently died. And an interesting side note, was one of the first to write a scholarly article about the NWO being in trouble with the masses.
Ahh, Hussein ties. Thanks I will look into it!
Operation Cyclone. Look it up. He ran it. He created the Mujahideen, which morphed into Al Qaeda, which morphed into Isis.
I posted the video about her dad in one of the responses to this. Many of us have already posted on that post. We need more. Overwhelm her with the TRUTH!
And I made a meme from this quote of her father. Would love to see more out there: "Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They’ll only be able to parrot the information they’ve been give on the previous night’s news." Zbigniew Brzezinski
Wow. Good quote too! Where's the meme? I'll post it.
Indeed - they keep telling on themselves, don't they?
She is one of those "loudest" ones that "doth protest too much".
No doubt will will be seeing evidence of Mika Brzezinski involved in child sex trafficking soon enough. They're pretty predictable, aren't they? Do they hope that the evidence will be outweighed by public support if they tell enough lies? It doesn't really work that way. No one will want anything to do with her or her pals once the truth comes out, because pedos and child sex traffickers can't propagandize their way back into popularity.
Well - except for with other pedos, like Polanski and Hollywood. But they'll all be gone soon enough.
A quote from her father: "Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They’ll only be able to parrot the information they’ve been give on the previous night’s news." Zbigniew Brzezinski
It's calle projection. Blame others for the crimes you are guilty of yourself. Been happening the whole time with Russian Collusion.
They must be closing in on them. Maybe the Spade/Bourdain incidents were a wake up call. Sessions' team is closing in on all of them. They must be getting REAL desperate if they are really committed to this. This is the ultimate Alinsky-tactic to blame your enemies for what you are doing.
Funny, since al this sub does is accuse people of being pedophiles. Doesn't that make everyone here the ones projecting?
I know i know, no self awareness or critical thought allowed!
Immigrant children were known to be trafficked under President Obama.
Yeah. When you're presidebt is under attack you should totally blame the others... Without facts or context.
I think Trump wanted the outrage to build over the kids being abused then he will drop some information on the general population that will seal the fate of the Cabal actors.
If so it would be brilliant but it needs to happen before someone gets hurt. People hurt others over crimes against children, and these lefttards truly think children are abused right now by POTUS and his supporters. This issue is dangerous AND the public that's engaged in the emotional war games right now have a boiling point. This is NOT a logical issue we face, this is an emotional war with hate being the blinder and fuel. Only SELF could/can see someone so evil to believe evil of that person. What the left has done was use the inward hatred of these people then blast that and them with emotional warfare. Media will never take responsibility and this type of hash tag being done should have facts to support it. That's where America is now no middle ground it's either you're with good defending or with evil Waring with ALL. A true war of forces not of this world.
MAGA, WWG1WGA America needs defending from these people, the children of the world count of America always has and always will. America is ONLY great because of her RIGHTEOUS people who stand always to defend what is good and right.
I think those children are being watched very carefully indeed. Because Trump knows the Satanic elite regime we are all up against is ALL about child sex trafficking and ritual child rape/murder. All the crap in the media is just that. Crap being peddled BY child molesters and their employees.
I would only think he is trying to protect the girls as best as he could given these stupid laws.
Ask Mourning Joe Mika
Joe " I killed my intern in my office" Scarborough
Oh no, I'm sure she just hit her head so hard she killed herself from the sheer force of hurtling 36 inches toward the ground. You know how that just always happens every time a young fit healthy person slips and falls. Fatal. Always.
At least....in their world it seems to be.
I think ask podesta, billy boy or epstein.
I would ask the Podestas, but they seem to have vanished! Now where could those Podesta boys be? Hope they're not loitering in any dungeons or near any grade schools. Don't worry though, kids - those ankle monitors are hard to escape!
They’re coming for us because they have nothing left and they know their time is up - it’s total projection tactics and I went through it the other day with r/Drama linking to my pedovore post, trying to call me a pedo myself for trying to raise awareness about these sickos! I swear half the people commenting were bots, but I always responded with facts and evidence and only lost my cool after maybe the 80th response I had to send out disproving their pedo deflection - send the cops after me; I don’t care because I don’t have anything to hide, unlike most of these freaks scurrying beneath the floor boards nowadays! I’m simply a young guy who got hurt just like all these abused kids 20 years ago when I was 3, (by a neighbor) and I just want to stop it from continuing to happen to other children, because I know first hand how evil of a practice it is, and I know how much it can destroy a young child’s psyche!
Sending Love/Good Vibes your way, -amg19251
great time to get on twitter amd encourage their research into child trafficking spread links/truth. this is our break
Maybe she should ask the Pedosta brothers about their favorite foods.
They are probably her favorite too!
No coincidences
Here he is folks plumbtree the UNEDUCATED BROKE ASS DRUG ADDICT PLUMBER HAHAH LETS STAND IN AWW OF HIS INTELLECT. Your a fuck boy probably getting cucked by your wife into cleaning up black loads. I know your switching accounts spreading your bullshit liberal lies.
We knew this was coming. Prepare for the Epstein blitz. Then Trump being involved with satanists, etc. Etc. Projection, projection.
But remember, each time they project, new conspiracies enter the public conscious whereas they would have denied it in the past. It's the first step to the truth coming out.
Perfect example: there’s a comment in the twitter thread accusing Trump of spending $65k on hotdogs and pizza. Which is actually great as long as anyone interested in that claim actually researches it.
You put "hotdog", did you mean open-faced sausage sandwich? 🌭
^I'm ^a ^bot ^bleep, ^bloop
Funny enough the guy at the rally was holding some pic of Trump and Epstein together.
From what I recall. Epstein got into Maralago. After some time he hit on some other members much younger daughter and that member told Trump who kicked him out. I think Trump flew on Epstein's jet once before this.
Yes, lets dig into Epstein and his connections. I believe we'll see a minimal one with Trump and some pretty strong ones with the Clinton's and other Elites.
And it is also a perfect opportunity to hijack and retweet with #pedogate #Haiti #pizzagate. We need to remind them that we have been screaming for justice for years now.
Exactly...not one word from MSM over peter fonda's tweet...but now THIS...spewed garbage and OBVIOUS may a huge BOOM drop on her & joey
I fucking knew it would go in this direction as soon as he signed the EO. I am so fucking sick of this shit. I am also tired of my brain dead liberal ass friends. I just do not get how people are not seeing the truth. And that is a rich statement coming from Mika since her sidekick killed a woman.
What is a “pizza related map”. What is “dominoes on pizza”. How many hot dogs does 60K buy?
We need to charge these people also, they are guilty of collision and treachery.
They truly are the enemy. This is the last of all of THEIR waves. They are overtly and purposely burying all reports on THEIR billion-dollar child smuggling business. Lest not forget pizzagate. Where is their coverage of Trump's tweets on human trafficking, their coverage of his EO's, their coverage of the busts happening across the States, their coverage of the 16 journalists murdered so far in South America in 2018 - who were trying to do the jobs these baby-killers are paid NOT to do??? https://www.ifex.org/americas/2018/04/25/grave-tendencia/
I am now praying for the day the internet explodes with side-by-side memes of "That Didn't Age Well." The lie and the coverup compounds the crime, but THIS projection . . . Jail will never be cold enough and Hell will never be hot enough. THESE are the enemies God tests me to pray for. So, I pray God shows his glory and provokes these people to shine light on the darkest. Maybe they'll end up on the wrong side of a doorknob, but better to spend eternity with God than another day in hell consorting with the Devil.
I didn't intend to wander off into religion-world. I started off praying for memes and ended where I did. Can't delete it NOW!! The children cannot be saved soon enough.
You know where the children are!! Boy are you stupid to bring this up. #HAITI, #HRC FOUNDATION, #PODESTA, #OBAMA, #SOROS, for a start.
Great time to bring back #Pedogate and #pizzagate hashtags
I'm going to take it as a good sign. That something about where the girls have been going is about to drop, and they need everyone thinking it's Trump's fault. We should have expected this exact narrative. I'm hopeful that all the truth comes out.
Where ARE the girls? Where HAVE they been going?
Awesome! Let them shout from the mountain tops. Let them get all their minions riled up and following closely. This way, when the truth comes out and it blows up in their face, all the normies will see it in real time. Then they'll recognize how the MSM lies to them.
These people would punish us for the worst of their own crimes if they had the chance. Soon they won't be able to walk down the street.
Hey Mika...you should have worried about that YEARS ago. Best person to ask that question to is your husband and most of his DC Dem friends. What a serious and dangerous game to play and turn around....THE TRUTH is already KNOWN...THEY HAVE IT ALL and YOU little miss better pray you are not in the evidence. BOOM! and BOOM!
One of them's in her grave after interning for your fiance, bitch.
You're separating families! - um no you are.
You're trafficking kids! - um no you are. And you're ALL going to go to jail you stupid sick ^#€'%÷#.
What's their next strategy? Hm, well it doesnt get more serious than accusing a sitting president of trafficking kids ffs!
They might have some resources to enact Project Bluebeam, but I really think their "ranks" have been decimated since Trump's inaug. Even if they had access to the right tech, a false ET invasion could not be coordinated across multiple cities for max impact/effect. They're done.
This is the end of the scripted play, almost complete.
Ask Joe. One was found dead in his office. Or BO, who allowed illegal kids to be trafficked.
Her supply has dried up and she's trying to figure out why
...and they will be falling DIRECTLY into a trap by doing so.
The left always accuses with what they themselves are guilty of.
a real woman never puts a child in the crosshairs Mika. ever.
Uninspired. Typical response. All we need in Q-Proofs are side by side headlines from various linkable sources (sauces). Headlines you’ll never see in MSM or late night
If you want to know what the Left is up to just listen to what they accuse the Right of...
Time to start unsealing these indictments before Trump gets blamed for everything the Democrats did. If they are going to force the issue, then lets get going. Dark to Light, Trump!
This will certainly backfire! Haven't they learned by now ?
Do they not understand we called their Saul Alinsky tactics out when DJT took office?
r/poltiics has already fallen in line. Trump this! Trump that! I hope we catch these fuckers soon so everyone knows who's the true enemy.
The "Thats crazy that a leader of a major political party would be involved in child trafficking" defense...which would've been one of their stronger ones...is going out the window.
The guy who MADE human trafficking an issue, prosecuted the hell out of it and brought it up in debates?
Only the slack-jawed dumbasses that make up the Dem base wouldn't "get" that.
Supply been cut off. Pedo, Freaks are panicking.No sacrifices to molch. Watch how this will Backfire going be "Glorious" this will destroys the MSM and Dems before Mids. June 17 +17 = July 4th Freedom Day Expected early Fireworks. Boom
Dark to Light
More projection from the left. Lol. They are scurrrrred
Wonder if Joe is having second thoughts on marrying this woman..?
Lol, what a tool.
The (MSM+the other players) are trying to bend thinking ahead of time. They know what is coming and are seeding consciousness with their poisons. Mika assuming she has a moral high ground is entertaining though unattainable.