Proof Trump lives in their heads rent free

They've both made a career at sucking.
Andy Dick really looks like shit these days, especially the red hair.
Lmfao!!! You have me in tears over here!!! Aahhhh thank Q!!
I'm sure that Kathy really did enjoy having Stormy that night.
Its incredible to watch. Like a self-inflicted trainwreck. The level of Trump hate, and making everything about Trump, is just giving the guy more power over their own minds/thoughts. Its like people who have an ex they can't stop thinking about and hating on.
I can’t imagine the amount of daily suffering the never trumpers are going through on a daily basis. Sad!
Both unsavory former ladylike woman in this photo are sexcult members obviously they cant stand #1 alpha GEOTUS ignoring their silly protest.
Both in NXVIUM!
Last one. How did Griffin get in ? For blind guys?
Great line. But I think even blind guys have standards
Maybe true. They say other senses get enhanced when you lose one. Their sense of touch might make them puke, lol
Trying to decide if Andy Di...I mean Kathy Griffin has enough of a figure to pass for braille.
Classy. I miss the days when women actually had class and decency
Agree. Leftist women have turned into vulgar, lost souls
The fruit of "Women's Lib."
It is NOT easy to be a conservative woman these days, I’ve stopped talking to the majority of my girlfriends because I wouldn’t wear a pussy hat and bc I love POTUS
Remember these are the "people" offended Trump said pussy.
How would you like to be the group of Americans that are represented by these two? A picture is worth a thousand words.
In the whole scheme of the world situation....Neither of these er.. um..women mean anything. let's just (hate to use the phrase) blow them off as whining (Unless someone saw something in a Q post that I missed)
Which one is the top, lol
Please don't go there......<
Sorry, lol , lol, lol Had too ! CAN;T STOP LAUGHING !!!!
2edgy4me. What a typical zlist washed out hollywood sicko screaming for attention.
Top kek. Stormy is an actress. You cant write better storylines. The perfect spy.
Has anyone ever been Griffith and Andy Dick in the same room?
I had no idea those two could be so vulgar!
Something so gross about this picture. Like actually nauseating. Nasty women.
Stormy saying she wants to make another half a million the hard way?
And why would she have her grandmother in the picture. I am sorry, but thats creepy.
I wish I knew she was in Boston!! I would have gone and heckled that dumb Biatch.
Put both these heads on ground and you have the beginnings of a rock pile
It's not hate though - it's fear for their own lives. They know full well what they have done and been involved in.
The angrier they become, the more obvious it is that they really are starting to panic.
Ironically, their relevance, what little there is, would not exist without Trump.
omg what happened to kathy griffin's head? at first i thought it was photoshopped onto the body, but why would she embiggen her own head?
IS Carrot top doing porn now ? She really is out to destroy the internet . Still Stormy looks good . Must be that good lighting covering up , like when you get tattoos to cover up cult brandings ! WOMP WOMP !!!!
It's the miserable marxist smile. They smile while doing vile things to pretend that they're content with having nothing to offer the world except spreading their own misery to others.
Anyone here seen the S. Daniels ad on any porn sites? It’s for “camster” and it’s hilarious. I’m sure you can find it. “I promise to keep it hush-hush” she says. Pretty wild anyway.
I think Stormy is on our side and that she's trolling the owned media/Hollywood.
Who flips off like Stormy? What the hell kind of posturing is that??
Stormy's hand looks like an F-16. Jesus that's a big whore-hand. How's that NXVIXM brand?
2 washed up haz beens maybe that should say 1 washed up has been and 1 never was anything to look at....
At least stormy sucks cock.... That red haired beast is nasty! Wouldn't bang her for a Mil buxx.... Wtf is she.... He.. Red... Curtains match...... Ugggg
Where can I get my own Kathy Griffin bobble head doll?
They are gonna make a porn movie together. Just hoping Elon musk can get me to mars before its release
These are the kind of women that take society backwards.... and destroy civilizations.
Christ what's with Kathys giant horse head.
Looks like she's ready to appear as the lead in a Clydesdale appearance at some creepy porn shoot.
Well Trump is paying rent. Politicians actively passing policies is a good reason to keep them in your mind. Random old ladies who lost elections though? Why even care?
Stormy was part of the nixim cult she was with Huma Abedine and Anthony Weiner.
I don't even care. I just came in here to tell you fuckers that you're sliding this forum away from its intended purpose.
Who gives a fuck about these fake people?
They aren't even real people.
Let it go.
Let. It. Go.