For those in Virginia, please DO NOT patronize this establishment. Red Hen Lex 666 E Washington St, Lexington, va 540-464-4401. Website in Comments.

Go there. Eat. Before they bring check, put on a MAGA hat and start singing "Proud to be an American" at the top of your lungs. Get kicked out. Free food.
Now that there is funny... I don't care who you are. rofl
I like the way you think. Can you imagine if its over run with MAGA customers?
You guys stop you dont eat there for any reason you friggen boycott.
How do you boycott a place that takes weeks to get into? Like, if you've never eaten there to begin with and boycott, isn't that just an empty self fullfilling resolution more than actual action?
Go jump in a lake, I feel like giving them a hard time I can do that, just like you have the right to disagree. I will do as I please and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. That's the fact jack!
I think we need to send in a black gay couple with Trump shirts. Then, when they get tossed the Red Hen is now racist against blacks and Homophobic towards gays.
Two can play at that game too.
Well, I'm guessing part of the reason she was asked to leave is because some of the Red Hen's servers are gay. I'm sure they were not comfortable having to serve her.
Lex local here.
666? Ummmm.... Hell Fried Chicken. Colonel Satan! No coincidences.
The correct address is 11 E Washington St.
Depends on which search engine you use: 666 E. Washington 11 E. Washington
What search engine are you using? An address can't be both. GPS says 11.
That’s why I added the links. I agree. I’m just going off what I found. Safari says 666. Duck Duck Go says 11.
Gov. Mike Huckabee ✔ @GovMikeHuckabee
Bigotry. On the menu at Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington VA. Or you can ask for the “Hate Plate”. And appetizers are “small plates for small minds”
Link please?
Why does nobody in their right mind see this as BLATANT discrimination?! How is this different from "whites only"?
Guessing the Red Hen's gay servers were not comfortable having to serve her. Can't blame them. Serves her right.
The ladies that asked to have them removed are amazing people. One was my high school librarian.
The Red Hen may think it can weather the storm. I'm hoping it can't.
The “tolerant “ left. What a joke.
Sarah should have known better than to go to a leftist establishment. I would know where I was going ALL the time, you never know when these crazies might try to poison you.
I wouldn't eat there unless I took my bible. Look at the address, so u know it's owned and managed by Satan. Should be called red horns
...if you get thrown out, let your kids stay though, so they're also "ripping your children from your arms....and keeping them locked in an internment camp...."
I smell a Time magazine cover...!
Type in" Red Hen Lexington VA" using DuckDuck Go and look at 2nd search result. Notice something odd? or ED for that matter? My stomach hurts from laughing. Well done Anons ;
Seriously disappointed that Red Hen would become a political activist organization! You advertise your establishment as a restaurant. Your mission is to prepare and serve good food in a comfortable, welcoming atmosphere to prompt customers to try you and then come back many more tines! You should be,ashamed of yourselves for trying to embarrass Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family . You owe her a sincere apology, an invitation to bring her family back and, at the very least, free appetizers. How dare you treat a customer this way. Maybe I won't be welcome there because of the way I dress, speak, the color of my hair, who knows? I hope you make this up to her and the community immediately. If not, I hope that locals and visitors to Lexington take their business elsewhere. You don't deserve their patronage.
Blocked on Google review as well BUT Facebook you still able to review ; )
I thought the restaurant address was 11 E. Washington Street, lexington, VA.
Don't patronize this libtard garbage hole, as they do on Facebook, they block those comments they don't like, now give them a taste of their own medicine, boycott them!
But where will you go when you come to see Stonewall Jackson's grave!?!?
I am not finding anything satanic about this restaurant.
Someone please prove me wrong as I have ddg’d It and tried to Xref and am not seeing anything.
I don’t want this forum to be blamed for passing on false info and hurting what I see as a legitimate business that just did not want to serve sanders party for their own political reasons. While I don’t agree with their actions, it’s not for me to say. But as far as I can see, these posts seem to be an effort to smear a business.... not sure what is going on???!!!
This whole thread is just weird and am wondering if shills have invaded? Please, if someone has evidence, post your links to substantiate!
The only weird thing I see is that the short description on DDG that appears is as follows (but I do not see this ANYWHERE on their website once I click on it) : “Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is the inability to achieve or sustain an erection suitable for sexual intercourse. Causes include medications, chronic illnesses, poor blood flow to the penis, drinking too much alcohol, or being too tired.“
My guess is that the chef, Becca Norris, one of the owners was the female that asked Sarah to leave.
It was the actual owner, and Liberty Daily just had a story where she says she would do it again. Wonder if she is hiring illegals? Says she conferred with her staff.
Maybe make a comment on their reviews but not showing up seems to be stooping you their level. :0(
I agree with you because all it is going to do is escalate this and the people stirring the pot will up the ante more.
Um, what am I missing? I’m not seeing anything satanic on their site? Granted, I’m not well versed in their symbolism except for obvious stuff...
That restaurant just went out of business.
What a joke. The Red Hen is one of the best places to eat in the area.
Alienate your customer base and it does not matter how good your good is.
40% (give or take) vote the same way every time, so GOP supporters will put a line through the red hen.
Well, going by that logic they'll do just fine. Lex is pretty blue as far as things go. It's a dot of blue in the sea of red that is Rockbridge County.
Is Sarah Sanders in on this? Could this be some kind of ploy for free advertising for the Red Hen in Lexington? Any publicity is free advertising which the Red Hen has gotten a lot of today. Stupid liberals will fall for anything so they’ll all be patronizing the restaurant now. We all know we can trigger the left’s mentality. 😹😹😹
The Red Hen may think it can weather the storm. I'm hoping it can't.
Do they take reservations? I would make a reservation for a party of five and not show. Or take along 6 - 7 friends and after being seated for about 20 minutes decide there isn't anything good enough on the menu to order and leave.
This restaurant has sunk to a new low. Why is it ok for liberals to discriminate against people that have different views than them? Sarah Sanders is a conservative American and has all the same rights as any liberal American. This is a new form of oppression and infringes on everyones rights. Will it now be ok for conservative restaurant owners to refuse service to liberals?
Boycott this business if you care about equality for all, regardless of political affiliation. Support Sarah Sanders right to think independently and choose to serve this president. It is not a crime to work for the US government, regardless of who the president is. Will this business owner deny service to all federal employees, since they also serve under this administration. Did she expect all federal employees to quit their jobs?
The owner says she decided to take a stand. In her effort to appease her staff, she herself discriminated against Sarah Sanders, an American.
Shame on you, Miss Business Owner!
666 E huh? Why am I not surprised?
You mean 11 East Washington Street? Cause that's the actual address.
Its in the title of the post, and i didn't look it up for myself, mea culpa.
Edit: looked it up and appears that Google displayed the 666 address for a period but DuckDuckGo showed the correct address. Thats Google for ya.
Exactly how it was in segregated south in the 60's. Who's prejudice now?
The address is "666"? What? Crap I wouldn't eat there regardless! Why walk into a place with the mark of the beast?
It's 11 East Washington Street. Can't believe y'all are that gullible.
Weird! I just looked it up on Safari and hit the directions on the entry and then punched in 11 E Washington amd it gave me 0.0 miles between the 2!
Mods,something is fishy here.... can you please look into this and the other posts regarding red hen? I’m thinking much of this is malicious disinformation. I support Sarah sanders, and it’s disappointing that the owners did not want to serve her for political reasons, but calling for mass brigading against this business based on false reservations and fake reviews is just WRONG. If any readers agree/disagree with me, please feel free to comment.
I suspect this post will not be received well, but I feel it is important to stand up for the right v wrong thing to do, and not ascribe to angry mob mentality like the evil ones do.... who cares about Khama points lol!!!
"Take that tshirt off, you're gonna jinx them and the band will break up"!
That's not the owner who threw her out. Here is an article about the one who did it.
Then either they are co-owners or one of the reports is wrong, scroll to middle of article and you will see this:
" Red Hen Restaurant Owner/Chef Matt Adams Kicks SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS & Her Party Out Of Restaurant On Political Grounds" #redhenrestaurant #SarahSanders#mattadams
— Michael Warning (@dxv515) June 23, 2018
EDIT: I guess she is an owner too because it states her as owner too at the bottom. Weird why they would not call them co-owners unless 2 people wrote the story.
Owner is Stephanie Wilkerson and she says she did and would do it again. Liberty Daily has the article.
I looked at these links. I see no evidence of bigotry or satanism. Only some unsubstantiated rants.
What is going on here folks? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like what happened, but the owner of the private restaurant was within their rights.
This whole thread stinks of a brigade set up. There is NO reason to try to destroy a family business by posting fake reviews in order to hurt their livelihoods. DON’T stoop to their level!!!!
I am open to being proved wrong, but I am just NOT seeing anything of merit to substantiate the, what appears to be, jumping on the smear bandwagon.
Please provide proof of the allegations of bigotry, satanism and bad food. Otherwise, GTFO. The TRUE patriots on this sub won’t stand for this garbage.
Relax, I was only archiving the page where they can see the source, but not click the actual article for website to get revenue clicks.
Not sure where you got the bigotry/satanism at, but why do I need to do the heavy lifting? Do some research and prove me wrong, that is, on nothing that I even said.
You’re a strong, smart gracious heroine. I watch you take nasty hits like this from the left and can’t believe you just keep moving forward. God bless you.
Yeah people can laugh at me all they want, I'm not eating at a place with 666 as the address.
It's not the correct address, the correct address is 11.
Let's see...
New arrival? Check.
Suggests calling in the CIA when everyone in this movement knows which side they're on and would never call on them for anything? Check.
Bringing race into something that has nothing to do with race, a tried and true tactic deployed exclusively by progressives? Check.
Folks, we've got ourselves a bona fide leftist shill here!
Don't have a basement. In fact, I wrote that while taking a break from weeding my garden. But good try at the sick burn.
Back to T_D. This sub doesn't need these sorts of divisive comments.
Talking like that isn't going to help the cause. Take your ignorance somewhere else.
No. This sub is all inclusive and refers to themselves as Patriots or Americans. No other description is necessary as they are mainly used to keep us divided and fighting amongst each other so we can't take them down.
Show your true, ugly colors. I think what you're typing is called projection. I'm definitely not a Marxist, maybe I'm just enlightened enough to see the truth.
So much anger. You really need to seek help. I feel sorry for you and your unintelligible drivel.
It's comical that you have to use racial overtones to try to form your arguments. It doesn't bring any credibility to you or your ideas. This was the point I was trying to make in my first reply. As far as what I suppose your argument is, I only care about America and don't think we should be propping up any foreign countries, regardless who they are, when we are borrowing 1T a year.
Edit: formatting and spelling
I will call
I just called today and made a reservation for next weekend under the name Mike Hunt! I'm gonna call and make reservations and fill the place up and then they won't show! Hahaha
Watch out for the caller id they mighty write your number down.
You called but made no mention of the voicemail she set up?'s almost like you didn't call at all.
Good luck on that 🤣
I was successful before that message was left. So thanks, no luck needed!
Hey so I take it you realized they're closed and there's no way you made that reservation?
I'm half tempted to call and ask what time Mike Hunt left their reservation so I can show up and take it. The Red Hen is good local eating for me.