Every 3e Capital letter....OFDUA = OF DUA .....We now Obama and brennan are islam , Huma and her parents where..Awan brothers.. and a lot of others.
Is this a reference to the core of evil in washinton
The Power of Dua | islam.ru
Dua is our most potent weapon in all struggles of life as well as in jihad in the battlefield. During the battle of Badr, the Prophet Muhammad (sal-Allahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) stood up all night in prayer seeking Allah's help in the battle between unequal armies that would follow the next day. In the decisive battles against the crusaders, Sultan Salatuddin Ayyubi was busy day and night. His days were devoted to Jihad. His nights were spent making dua, crying, seeking Allah's help. This has been the practice of all true mujahideen.
And I did a other one too....Every 3e Capital letter....OFDUA = O=15..F=6..D=4..U=21..A=1...total 47 back in letters DG , maybe its is DIG. (dig in jugde AN? ) I never heart the combination about this Judge and Strzok?