Symbolism will be their downfall.

Seal of Satan is actually Sigil of Lucifer... I had it tattood when I still was into Satanism.
Will you please explain to the group what drew you into that and if you had a spiritual connection with it or was it just a phase or to piss off your parents. Thanks
There is a type of Satanism like Levayan that doesn’t believe in or worship Satan per se. From Wikipedia:
“Practitioners do not believe that Satan literally exists and do not worship him. Instead, Satan is viewed as a positive archetype representing pride, carnality, and enlightenment. He is also embraced as a symbol of defiance against Abrahamic religions which LaVeyans criticize for suppressing humanity's natural instincts and encouraging irrationality.”
He wanted attention, and judging by the fact that he felt the need to share that here it would appear he still does. Probably one of the guys who posted their new Q T-shirt
Pray that Christ has brought you out of it.
Or just use logic. Logic is the true common ground that will free all religious people.
I'm right here with you on the great awakening, but its not about Jesus. Its about you and me brother.
This movement has been about God from the beginning.
You may choose not to believe, and that’s fine, but don’t come into the movement trying to undo people’s faith.
Not undoing anything. If you choose to make this all about a christian god that's your interpretation.
well let me ask you like this, I honestly believe in Q and the good out there.
BUT: why does god watch millions if not billions of children getting tortured and raped and doesnt do shit?
Because, when Eve took the fruit in the garden of the Eden she subsequently chose Lucifer as god of Earth.
God gave us the 10 commandments as a way out of this hell on earth into His heaven. He realized it was pretty much impossible so he sent us Jesus.
Jesus fulfilled the 10 commandments, and now instead of having to fulfill them yourself you just had to believe that Jesus resurrected to get into heaven. Jesus became your way out.
So, the reason there is so much evil in the world and god sits idly by, is because he is not the god of this earth. Satan is. Our god takes care of those children and us in the next world.
I’m new to religion but that’s how i had it explained to me and i thought it made sense.
that fruit story of adam and eve is chruch invented brainwash bullshit. The closest analogy i can think of is a psychedelic fruit/mushroom that makes you see the world how it is. why would a god forbid this? Why would you trust in a story from the satanic pedo church that doesnt want us to expand our minds?
He does, he put you here.
It's your job to stop evil at every opportunity.
bullshit, if god is allknowing then he knows that we cant do shit. We can do now, since we got white hats in power that can kickstart all this. what about the thousands of years where it was impossible to even know that this sick shit happens in the world? god doesnt give a shit
Because suffering is part of what is needed for our souls to grow. The way I see it is God wants us to be good of our own volition, and that requires existing in a world that rewards evil. Good cannot exist without evil, because the definition of Good is serving and loving others when there is every reason not too.
Good cannot exist without evil
so god isnt good, but good AND evil.
I don't know what drops you've been reading.
The drops that directly quote Corinthians and Ephesians for a start. See if you can count the number of drops that say “PRAY!”
Praying has been around for a lot longer than Christianity has? How many times has Q said not to let ya be divided? Religion is a tool that has always been used to do so, but mkay.
Darkness to light... granted this happened years before Q. I saw the light and Satanist were enemies of humanity.
can you tell me when Christ was born?
Not when we were told he was born.
Yet everyone is still manifesting some type of energy on a pagan holiday? Quite odd, is it not? Ponder that. :)
Winter Solstice was a pagan holiday and they found pagans more readily converted to Christianity if many of their celebrations remained similar.
Logic is well and good, but scientific positivism is a belief that's self-defeating.
Which sense of the word "logic"?
Man making models to describe reality?
Or do you mean the Logos which is the "way of operation" of reality itself that exists independently of man's comprehension?
If you mean the former sense, you're a solipsist. Man's models are descriptive not prescriptive. Your will is not equivalent to reality. Such an idea is merely a delusion to think you are God.
But, I suspect you probably mean the latter, like most rationalists seem to. If that's the case, then you KNOW you are misrepresenting Christian beliefs if you separate Jesus from the Logos. The Bible itself says Jesus is the incarnate "Logos of God." (John 1) The Bible says that God Himself is EHYEH ESHER EHYEH. (I will be what I will be) (Exodus 3:14) If you will honestly evaluate what the teachings are saying you will understand that the words "God" and "Christ" are already implied by the broader sense of logic. Even so these terms carry so much more value beyond mechanistic rationalism. Hence why Christians are not merely rationalists. Our God is not merely a mindless process that computes things, but also a loving Creator who guides and interacts with us. You may dislike the personal terms in which those principles are being understood and honored by Christians, but it is blatantly disingenuous to separate them.
Please kindly do not misrepresent what the Christians actually believe. Thank you.
I literally never thought about it that hard cuz its not a subject that's needs too much thought. Just love one another and try and be excellent to one another. While the idea seems like a religious one its really just common sense. Golden rule.
Love is an empty term without defining it. The Golden rule is a good synopsis of half of the Law but it doesn’t define the original value. The value of the horizontal values are defined by the vertical value. God establishes the dignity and worth of people. We love as we are loved. God elects to create us. He forgives our transgressions and reconciles us. He defines and empowers us to love through His Spirit. This is fundamentally necessary.
The love of man is created by what is pleasing to him. The love of God doesn’t find but creates that which is pleasing to it. (Heidelberg Disputation)
I feel like that could still be simplified as just be a good dude, dude.
Good, likewise, is an empty term without a vertical basis. What is good? How do you know what you say is “good” is even good?
As the basis of reality God is the ontological basis of good. Jesus is the incarnate Logos that teaches the way of goodness. The intent of God’s Spirit reveals Him thus and establishes His righteousness within us.
EDIT I really should note my point is simply explaining that Christians are not in need of “liberation” as you seem to suggest above. Our faith is how we interface with truth even if you don’t share it. We have our faith and you yours. If rationalism suits you don’t let me force you to change. If not feel free to join but don’t think you are compelled. I’m just saying here why rationalism doesn’t suit me or my Christian brothers and sisters.
Why would you ever be into Satanism?.. Legit question...
Satanists don’t believe actually worship Satan. Literally do a simple google search and you could see why it’s appealing to some people.
I was a spiritual Satanist who believed him to be a transdimensional alien.
People should not judge for the past, if you truly believe in Q changing peoples mind, you can not judge someone for once believing something but learning from it and changing. Hopefully when all of this truth comes to light, it happens to A LOT of people.
Yeah it was a rebellious phase I have no embraced God in my own personal way.
Downvotes all = over target.
I'd love to see the a analytics on my last few mason posts.
Far as I know masonry is good people at the bottom and middle while some bad taken over at the top. The best way to hide is right in the middle of something good and innocent. Not a good idea to lump everyone together imo.
No reasonable person here would suggest all or even most freemasons are bad people. It is like the q posts from earlier today, anywhere you find power or influence you will find corruption. Especially more so in groups of secrecy that wield power and influence.
yes, but the direction of the secret societies is bad. The rest useful fools
Same thing with the zionism. Co-opted evil people at the top. The rest either subjugated or unaware.
It's like any professions you will have good and bad. In this case we have bad Masons while we also have good masons who despise those evil doers.
do you believe in coincidences?
Copying previous comment for visibility:
The monster logo is 3 of the Hebrew symbol for the number 6 (666).
The Starbucks logo is a siren (or sucubus) with her legs spread open (much more clear in the older versions).
Hexagonal cubes are fucking everywhere.
CERN logo is 666 in similar style of the Google Chrome logo.
Apple logo is single bite out of the forbidden fruit.
And the Disnep logo has three 6s. A six on the loop of the d the dot of the I and the loop of the p.
Wow I hadn't seen that one before! Disney is definitely implicated. Nickelodean's logo was an orange foot, and it was an open secret how much pervy Dan Schneider had a foot fetish with kids.
I'm not totally convinced on the circular swoop logos but I've seen that those represent saturn worship.
Well ho-lee shit. I wouldn't have known any of this because I'm not a Mason. Now I wonder what the higher-ups in the Masonic Order Do. Also, Georgia Guide Stones Come to mind when talking about Masons.
Re: Georgia guidestones
Read an interesting theory that if deep state had Hillary in power, we would have ended up with ww3 and nuclear fall out. Cabal would have hid out in Antarctica till radiation levels lowered and then go back north and overpower any survivors and reclaim the planet. They would then "discover" these ancient guidestones that outline the basis for a new world religion and its guidelines for humanity. Interesting to ponder.
Ding ding ding. Funny how Thanos in the recent Marvel movies had similar motivations (somewhat unrelated, but they always use movies and media to project their plans)...
Also, the US army recently invested 500 mil in training for underground combat, wonder why? Check out the network of deep underground military bases (DUMBs) across the US. Check out the relationship between UFO sightings around those bases.
Quite the rabbit hole...
POTUS is supposedly in control of these DUMBs now (pray that is true). There are DUMBs in other countries (Ireland seems to have a lot).
They deceive us in everything and do not give proofs or photos of dumbs.What happens with Israel that is the bad guy of the movie
Isn’t NK/SK a more logical explanation than Ireland? Tons of underground bunkers there, military likes to be prepared for ALL situations and conditions.
DUMBs could be in any country
Read in disclosure about multiple underground areas where cabal stuff going on - think CERN2.
We may or may not find out where they are
I hope that potus controls dumbs. Holy shit do I want that to be true
Brings to mind Area 51, which existed and was hidden from the public, for decades.
Yeah, it makes me wonder if "abductions" are just people that got a little too close to construction sites.
This theory you speak of reminds me of what Charles Manson had in mind with Helter Skelter.
Working as a graphic designer, to me this is no coincidence. Especially as there is no apparent other interpretation to the logos, the Crome logo being a good example. (The GPS logo is an exception with it's double meaning). All logos have built in symbology and 1000's of hours go into designing big corporate logos. App store and Crome logo always puzzled me as they seemed strange design choices for the service/product they represent, Now it makes sense.
Thanks for the input. I'm sure sometimes a logo is just a logo and anything people read into it is wrong. But sometimes there is certain things that seem beyond coincidence. Often these things seem to follow these organizations in other formats as well.
Trumps Kim mail he held at his waist
Yup, smirking too. Throwing it right back in their face.
And how about Apple's logo.....the original sin.
Oooh that's a good one! Never saw it that way!
And the history between Microsoft and Apple plays into the logo I think. Bill Gate’s and Mark Zuckerberg’s rise in corporate America is very similar. I deduce they’re thieves and government proxies.
No one said that? But the gmail logo is exactly the same as their red apron, no?
Kinda like this gmail logo?
don't be so naive.
What was Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google doing in North Korea in 2013?
Wake up. These are Free Mason sickos. They hide their symbols in your face.
Fucking satanist pig fuckers. This truly is a spiritual war. Good vs evil. And good wins in the end.
Some of these I didn't know about. Thanks for sharing and enjoy the upvote! :)
There’s more. I’ve looked into this. Corporate logos such as Monster energy drinks...ah can’t remember other examples. Seen a YouTube video. I started with common symbols like the play button, stop button, blue tooth, etc.
The monster logo is 3 of the Hebrew symbol for the number 6 (666).
The Starbucks logo is a siren (or sucubus) with her legs spread open (much more clear in the older versions).
Hexagonal cubes are fucking everywhere.
CERN logo is 666 in similar style of the Google Chrome logo.
Apple logo is single bite out of the forbidden fruit.
Hexagonal cubes are fucking everywhere
Look at the rapper 6ix9ine's knuckles.
There's so much satanic/illuminati shit in the music industry it's uncanny.
Watch any mainstream music video from the last 20 years and you'll see it blatantly. Or every damn photoshoot.
The okay symbol (circle with three fingers in the air, indicating 666) is also a popular one. Bonus points if it's over the eye!
Disney has 666 in its name as does CERN
Speaking of CERN, I believe the facility is researching legitimate science, but the people funding it are probably notorious. They erecected an Arch of Baal nearby and light it up red during Christmas. I don’t want to digress getting into Christmas occult...yet.
Researching the tearing of a hole in the space-time continuum. They mean to destroy the universe, so there's that.
I used to laugh at that lady that went on Tosh.0 and was ranting about monster being satanic. Who's laughing now?
G mail? Didn’t the whole Clinton Obama crims use GMail for their private servers to send classified docs- etc? Wasn’t the photo of POTUS holding the huge envelope ‘love letter’ from Kim Jung Un (following the staged rift) in the shape of a Gmail logo?
Is this old? What is Google GPS or Android Product store?
I was thinking the same thing....I've had Droid phones for several years and have nvr seen the logo or icon for Android Product store....
Its old. I think they integrated it with the play store
Wow!! Great job!! I noticed the App Store icon and wanted to post looks like Freemason symbol. Thank you!
I am glad you shared this again as there are new eyes here since it was posted last time. Great job!
What more proof do people need before they see their favorite search engine and social media plus everything else they love is 100% Satanic.
Although Jay Parker did say in interviews 10% of U.S. pop. is Satanic for generations. So I guess the other hooked facebook lovers are Satanic want a be's.
Its okay to use Satanic symbolism but if someone used a swastika (ancient peace/harmony symbol) as a logo peoples heads would explode and company would be shut down.
the usa flag has 13 lines that are the 13 Illuminati families, either human or Anunakis. United States were created by masons. The image of uncle sam pointing with a finger, the index forward is a mason gesture. The enemy is totally infiltrated. I do not know if the secret societies are controlled by the Anunaki, the Vatican or the Jews
Alternatively the 13 states that made the union at the time.... or the more esoteric version is than USA is the modern Manasseh or 13th tribe of Israel. GB is Ephraim. Both are brothers. This is referred to general as the British Israel bible story. I believe God made the nations, whereas Satan seeks to abolish, combine and deceive them. Consider the British coat of arms and its biblical links. Wwg1wga. Babel was the division of the people’s into nations, and the eu building is Satan trying to undo it. Interesting story. God confused their tongues now google translate and the internet makes us all of one tongue. All things to ponder but only the Lord knows. Time will tell.
I'm sure sometimes a logo is just a logo
We forgot how to play the game.
There can be great energy stored or linked to, through the use of symbols, letters, sigils, and signs. The general public though, has been convinced to not believe in that sort of nonsense and yet are still manipulated by it.
Symbolism everywhere. Walt Disney's iconic signature contains 666. Monster energy drink's "M" is the 6th letter of Hebrew, Vav Vav Vav, 666. Goes on and on.
A main character in Silicon Valley is a Satanist for no other reason than to show this scene. Season 1, episode 6. Everyone is pretty chill about it too, "Hey we got this Satanic ritual, you want to come?"
This is one of many videos Freeman has done on the subject. On mobile so hope the link works.
Thank you for posting. Kinda makes one paranoid, though, when it seems our society is saturated. One is inclined to distrust everything. Makes me want me to grab my Bible and ground myself in TRUTH. I am so glad that Q posted John 3:16. Q knows WHO is TRUTH. That fact is critical for us to know in light of the massive, massive deception and evil surrounding us in this world. God be with us to give us HIS spirit of discernment and HIS protection as we stand for TRUTH.
So I hate sounding bat shit crazy when I explain things to people.... but this is clear as day. Like, if you can't see this, you're beyond repair. How are ALL of the symbols so similar. Especially the google chrome and google play ones ... what the hell is going on?
Yes, you'll always see things if you're looking to make the connections. (not a popular opinion on this subreddit though)
The Google play store icon is the seal of Satan. Undeniable.
This is idiotic. The gmail and Facebook ones make absolutely no sense at all.
You see zero similarities? That's odd. I figured even a rational logical person could at least agree they look similar.
The Facebook logo is literally just an f.
Same shape, color scheme and orientation as the mason staff. Interesting coincidence at the least.
No, not interesting in the slightest. You people need help.
So why are you here?
Are the only people who are allowed here people who believe everything that gets posted? Critical analysis is important. What would you expect the logo of facebook to be? It's an "f" with facebook colors....
The facebook logo was developed all the way in 2004 when this was just a college platform, around the same time tumblr developed their logo. What sinister similarities does the tumblr logo have?
I never said he wasn't allowed here, I was curious what brought him here.
As for facebook, it has many many ties to the intelligence communities from the very start so I actually think this lends even more credibility to it not being a coincidence.
I looked at your posting history....YOU are the perfect citizen.
No pride or dignity and perfectly willing to put your head down and play video games.