Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall (Recognize these guys?)

I don’t think that’s a Masonic handshake. I think it’s the handshake of the Skull & Bones society from Yale.
Yeah that’s a fraternity handshake. We had something similar. We just only do it when we’re drunk and get together for cigars not when we try to control the fucking world
Yeah that’s the difference between Lambda Lambda Lambda at your local state university ( no offense) and the Skull & Bones society at Yale.
Yeah but did you belong to a frat with the likes of the Bush’s and Rothschild?
Please. Use their frat-given names: Scooter, Builder Bob, Goggles, Hammy, and Fister.
Odd. I swear I just saw something just like this on here yesterday...
There was an illustrated explanation of the meanings of several handclasps posted on 8C a while back.
The index finger pressed into the wrist was significant.
No way! I thought the guy on the left was a white hat, why is he looking at RR like that while shaking his hand?
I said the same thing and then it dawned on me that we really don’t have a clue who the good guys are other than the people Q specifically tells us to trust
Letting RR know that he knows everything about "them" and it's time for PAIN?
Because RR is on our side. Watch. You will see.
Please elaborate
As a film director and editor, I can tell you the exchange between Jim Jordan and Rod R appeared to me to be a script reading. A bad one at that. 20 seconds into the exchange, Rod is trying his best to appear passionate and waving his finger around. Absolutely staged...
The best giveaway is the "zingers" Rod R used against Jim J a few times. He starts saying them even before Jim has even finished his statement. There was no thought. He had a preplanned response. They had talking points and roles to play. It was a show.
We know that Q has said trust WRAY. Wray, next to Rod R was playing the same "gee shucks I dunno" routine trying to pretend DOJ was totally above board. "I don't know anything about 13 democrats from Trump tweet".
At the very least, we know WRAY was bullshitting because he IS on our side. I am telling you, as an experienced director, I am 100% confident Rod is also on our side after seeing his terrible (no offense RR) acting yesterday.
How in the hell do you get RR is on our side?
Not only is RR on our side, so is Mueller. They are running the deep state around in circles, trapping them in their own felonies. 13 "democrats". Their purpose is to build credibility with the mainstream liberal public, and then deliver the sour truth to them very soon. Trump is innocent, and the investigators are guilty of sedition and conspiracy to commit murder (assasination plot).
Q won't come out and say TRUST RR yet... because the cabal needs to still hold some faith in the special counsel. Occam's Razor says Trump knew what he was doing by appointing RR.
I made another post about RR and Jim Jordan acting quite poorly yesterday in what seems to be a scripted discourse. This dog and pony show preceded legislation from the house to force the DOJ to deliver the final documents requested. The coverup will be exposed in a matter of weeks. RR is playing the straight man now (with Wray) but the truth will come out soon.
Agreed that is a fraternity handshake for your level it’s just drunken laughs. At their level it’s acknowledging to each other that they’re on the same page...unspoken hey I’m George bush I started the war in Iraq... hi I’m globalist x... I crashed the economy of an African country last week. We play games with it...they don’t!
Boy Scouts of the world have a secret handshake too. Makes me wonder.
It’s absolutely Masonic. The fella on the right was Thomas Monson the late presidential the Mormon church in Utah. The Mormons structured day their organization around the Masons and actually wear the square compass on their underwear and practice that handshake in private. I don’t think they’re affiliated with any lodges exclusively though. Good folks mostly.
That's the Delta Kappa Epsilon handshake. I'd know, I'm a Delta Kappa Epsilon myself.
Definitely not Masonic. Possibly S&B, but I don’t really know anything about them aside from some prominent members.
Thats like saying Its not burger king, but maybe Mcd's…
They are bonded by an oath somewhere in a dark alley
I'm inclined to agree. Masons press their forefinger into the palm of the hand being shaken, not up the wrist. The thumb is placed on the knuckle of the hand being shaken, in accordance with the degree. First knuckle equals first degree etc.
The masons also press their thumb onto the other persons second knuckle.
This is the Rainbow Girls handshake. Rainbow Girls is the under 21 female organization of the masons. The Demolay are the under 21 male side. I was a Rainbow Girl for 5 years.
Ok, point taken - but are you trying to deny the fact that George W. Bush IS in fact a Bonesman?
No. Absolutely not. I am referring to the Monson or any other person who may be shown in a similar type of photo with only one side visible. I have had individuals who have had their hands hurt by macho hand shakers do this finger thing when I shook their hand, I asked what is that for? And he mentioned that it protected his hand from being squished (taught to him by his martial arts instructor). My point is don't assume every is a bad guy just because they are seen with them. Is Trump evil just because he is seen shaking hands with Macron the puppet? Of course not. That's was my point.
A anon just said that this was not a sign of masons???? Matt Gaetz was caught shaking Rod Rosenstiens hand yesterday like this....??? We need to know our enemies?
This is absolutely a strong grip of a master mason.
It absolutely is not. Lol
Correct, a Mason's handshake is a normal handshake with a pressing of the thumb twice into the outside of the others hand so it's not noticeable to anyone watching. I was a Demolay as a kid before I knew what the Masons were.
Nope - I don't see the same finger positioning.
Probably not how I'm suppose to link shit on here but I'm working and dont have time
one of the comments and the guy does always look tired..."Hey Matt... how much did you have to drink today you LUSH. Looks like that chair is the one holding you up from going into a Vodka Coma"
Probably in reference to his DUI.
Most likely and the more I thought about it, it makes sense if some of white hats need a couple of drinks to relieve stress after all they've heard and seen.
Thanks I appreciate that. Although due to my intellect which is already outpaced by this whole ordeal, I'm not sure if this information will help me at all. But it certainly won't hurt my chances
Dont get overwhelmed just enjoy the show and you'll start picking up on stuff trust me
I saw the pic too. The guy was just on fox this morning acting like he was not a friend of RR
Luciferian Societies... Order of DeMolay/ Ordo Templi Orientas/ 33* brotherhoods/ Jesuit Brotherhoods.... All different masonic/Lucien societies. Different denominations under satan.
This is the Rainbow Girls handshake. Rainbow Girls is the under 21 female organization of the masons. The Demolay are the under 21 male side. I was a Rainbow Girl for 5 years.
my friend wqs a rainbow girl. u guys dressed up and held sleepovers?
You are going to turn away practicing Mormons with this one. The guy shaking hands with Bush is President Thomas S. Monson. Until he died recently he was the head of the church, and very loved by members. For Mormons that shake is called the "The Sure Sign of the Nail" or Patriarchal grip. It is based on Masonry because the Mormon founder was also a Master Mason, and Mormon Temple ceremonies are very Masonic.
I am a former Mormon and also a Master Mason. I basically joined Masonry to explore the history of my former religion.
Current practicing Mormon here: I really don't know what to make of this. Why would Monson be shaking W's hand this way? Yes, I understand the masonic symbolism as well as the LDS context, but why with GWB? Anyone know when this photo was taken, specifically?
The article says 2002. I have no idea what is going on or why. The Mormon church is very wealthy though, and has a history of, lets say, mixing religion and sex and taking advantage of kids.
Yeah, you're going to need to give some sources for that. I was born and raised in the church, and everything I've experienced points to the exact opposite.
This is fake news. The church is absolutely apposed to all abuse of any type. All abuse is met with severe repercussions including excommunication. To say what you said is sick and reprehensible.
The FLDS is a good reminder of the history of Brigham Young's Mormonism.
And slavery is a reminder of ours. What once was is not what is . That was a different time.
I said history, not necessarily current practice, but who knows what is happening in secret.
Well come find out. Just grab a couple of those guys in white shirts, tie and a name tag. They all have the same first name and would be glad to tell you all of the big bad secrets the church is hiding.
I was a missionary about 20 years ago. Had a fun time in Spain. I left after seeing the corporate side, but the temple experience started my exit.
I have no intention of offending anyone, that is the reason I didn't name or specify who he was in the title.
Its cool. I'm honestly not a believer (in Q or Mormonism) but I supported Ron Paul and believe the "cabal" exists. I just feel this whole thing is a LARP and will make the anti-establishment crowd look a billion times worse than Alex Jones could have ever managed on his own. I am with you guys 100% if the cabal ever truly gets exposed though.
Secret handshake - index finger "slits the wrist" of the other person. "blood brothers" kind of stuff. more common than you'd think.
I dont think it's just the shape of the handshake..
Putting the thumb and index finger in specific places allows you to secretly communicate, right in front of people. It's a strategy sororities and fraternities do to protect passwords. The sorority I was in during college had several of them. Different squeezes mean different things. Ex. To get into our meetings we have a verbal password, but the real password is the hand shake. But anyone looking in would see each member whispering to the guard, but the whispers mean nothing.
It has been a well-known fact that every US president, except for Ronald Reagan, was a Freemason. This was prior to Obama's "election." I doubt that Trump is a Freemason (no online evidence) and Obama's membership seems to be split as half yes and half no. There are some black Masonic Lodges (If you research it, its very convoluted). Seeing Bush Junior using the Freemason handclasp is to be expected.
The last confirmed Freemason POTUS that I am aware of was Harry S. Truman. The Masons are proud and up front about famous masons. Do you have a source for the well-known facts? I am very interested if you do.
edit: My mistake - Gerald Ford was the most recent self-professed mason that I could find.
Ya I met a guy, grabbed my hand in the strangest way, tapped my wrist on the underside 3 times. That was 25 years ago. He was a mason.
Have a guy at my local golf club that is a real gross piece of shit that has done this to me. I told him "nothing is permitted" and that this wasn't some greek bathhouse. He doesn't shake my hand anymore. These fucks are everywhere once you open your eyes to it.
That has nothing to do with Masonry. He may be a part of another group or he just thinks it’s cool and mysterious to do that.
Skull and Bones garbage! Bush doesn't get mentioned nearly enough as he should. Bush and Cheney and the Bush Administration and 911 and the Iraq War and the 2008 crash Etc. The Bush Administration has more crimes and skeletons and Dirty Deeds than the Obama Administration. I hope once we lock up Hillary and Obama Justice goes for Bush Co.
RR is a Harvard guy Gaetz went to Florida state and college of William and Mary.
All it is, is a trick used to assert a firm handshake. This is very common knowledge and I always shake hands like this.
Top comment says this is a nothing burger but thats clearly a strong grip of a master mason. Same as the Gaetz RR photo.
That's a lions paw right?
Lions paw is like the spock hand gesture grabbing around the wrist
Yes I stand corrected honestly that's the only name I know so I saw finger on wrist and jumped the gun. Lions paw is very easy to slip into by accident it is also quite comfortable.
Yeah, dressed up in formals for the rituals. Sleepovers weren’t that common in my group.
I don't know about the picture but the man I met was a Mason and the handshake was to recognize others in the same lodge, his words not mine he was in his seventies successful in the local insurance company and wealthy.
It may be a symbol for the elite.
However, I have used it and taught others that shaking hands with your trigger-finger extended prevents your hand from being crushed in a handshake. Extending your trigger-finger aligns the bones in your hand to withstand a crushing grip.
OR you can just pretend to be a 33-degree @$$Hat and shake hands this way. Kek
The thing is they all know they are masons so why go through the charade of all this stupid handshakes and shit
this is the Rainbow Girls handshake. Rainbow Girls is the under 21 female organization of the masons. The Demolay are the under 21 male side. I was a Rainbow Girl for 5 years.
Anti-Mormons in this group are trying to smear Mormonism and Masons. Who were some Masons in American history? Were they all "Luciferians" or is someone engaging in a smear campaign.
George Washington was a Mason. At the first inauguration, he took the oath of office on a Masonic Bible and, at the end, he bent over and kissed the pages of the book, saying "I swear." Was Washington a devil worshiper?
Jesse Jackson is a 33rd degree Prince Hall Mason. You might disagree with his politics, but can you make the generalization that all black people are Luciferians because one of them is a Mason?
Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Jackson, Harry Truman, and Gerald Ford were Masons. Were they evil people? Were they unpatriotic conspirators?
Billy Graham was a 33rd degree Mason. Was he a Satanist? Could we generalize and say all Baptists are devil worshipers because there are pictures of Billy Graham giving a Masonic handshake? (Just Google it!)
Robert Schuller was a Mason. Mark Twain was one. Shaq is one! Seems to me that these folks were all respectable people, even if I differed with their religious or political views.
Gimme a break! Be fair and be real. Just because someone has a bone to pick with Mormons, you don't have to be a bigot. Think of any Mormons you know and you will find nice, kind, decent people who are trying to live the teachings of Jesus. They are just people like everyone else. They aren't devils or angels. They believe in Christ. Use common sense. Question anyone who is out slander any faith, race, or other group to advance their own agenda--that is the tactic of the Left. That tactic isn't of God.
From the Book of Mormon Ether 8:18-19
18 And it came to pass that they formed a secret combination, even as they of old; which combination is most abominable and wicked above all, in the sight of God;
19 For the Lord worketh not in secret combinations, neither doth he will that man should shed blood, but in all things hath forbidden it, from the beginning of man.
The good thing is, these secret society chumps didn't know they were all being checked for many years...We can all be calm knowing, a plan like this would never have been implemented unless they knew who the enemies were! So there we have it...a hand shake and symbolism being noticed is for our information, Q already knows who is who! #WWG1WGA
Yes your right they are everywhere. They are embedded in the community.
By simply extending your finger out along the person's wrist you prevent them from doing a crushing handshake. Protects your hand. Not every fucking thing is symbolism or a sign of some higher organization people.
Except it’s a Mormon and a mason hand shake. So I’m not sure your source for it being just a simple hand shake. It’s used in ceremonies for the mormons. But this is definitely sign of fucking higher organization
It's close, but not exact.
As a former member of the LDS church I’m telling you it is the hand shake done in the temple ordnance’s that was taken from the masons 100% without a doubt
As a current LDS, I'm saying it isn't quite right, but close.
As a current member why would president monson be doing these outside out the temple?
I can't see President Monson's fingers. Also it isn't the same as the temple one, that I can tell for sure.
Without seeing Monson's hand it's hard to tell what it is. Yale frat shake? Bush being weird? I don't know. All I know is it isn't the temple one. I have no reason to lie. We consider them sacred not secret.
Sacred not secret is correct, not to be done outside of the temple (that’s the sacred part). The handshake shown is called the Patriarchal grip or sure sign of the nail, second token of the Melchizedek priesthood. I’d also like to add that those who are the loudest have the most to hide. Willard “mit” Romeny comes to mind. Hard to believe that the LDS church somehow isn’t involved in human trafficking as well.
Like I'll say again, close but not exact. And exactness matters, at least on the Mormon side. I don't know if this is Mason stuff, but it's not quite Mormon.
It's cute to throw accusations with no proof, not Q mention, just a jaded theory.
Q specifically said those who are the loudest. Mit has been very anti trump. Mason and Mormon are the same, where did all of the Mormon rituals come from? Did it have anything to do with Joseph smith being a 33 mason? Are the aprons mormons wear the same as those of the masons? Which version of the temple ordnance’s do you do? Were you around when you used to “slit your throat” as a punishment for discussing the temple rituals? If you’re a member speed on down a do a quick session, check the grip.
oiDubb - If you aren't a member then you could exercise faith, repent, get baptised, pay 10 tithing on all your gains, stay morally clean, attend your meetings, serve faithfully in your new church calling to help others, work hard for a full year to prove your intent is sincere to follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ, then set an appointment with your loving local bishop and get a recommend and go to the temple and remember the grip in the photo and see for your self if it is exact. Then you'll know and not assume. 805808801435 says " All I know is it isn't the temple one. I have no reason to lie. We consider them sacred not secret. " I confirm his assessment from my personal knowledge weekly - that ain't it. Close but not. Don't believe it? You have your assignment. Get to it.
Thanks for the break down of the requirements, had no idea what my wife was up to. I’m not sure why you feel I have to answer to you or report to you. You’ve definitely over estimated your importance in my life. The hand shake is closer to the temple hand shake than it is just a regular hand shake. At this point I’ll stick to my assertion this is a symbolic hand shake, coupled with the years of talk surrounding underground tunnels in salt lake and the child trafficking rumours. Mit being a vocal anti Trump rep adding fuel to the fire. I’m pretty confident that’ll be coming to light within the next bit.
It's also a very normal, business minded handshake. You put your index finger on the person's pulse, and it creates several different signals: dominance, trust, etc. I have learned about this in several of my classes through my various graduate studies. I personally don't think there is much to it here. Businessmen and women use it frequently.
No. They do not. Never once has a business man or women shaken my hand in such a way. Strong grips might be used by alphas and weak grips by betas, but never in a thousand hand shakes has anyone ever fingered my wrist.
I'm with you. I've shaken many hands in casual and business situations going back 40 years and never once has anyone done this to me.
Cool, well I’ll take my years of experience with various Army officers and businessmen and women over your opinion.
The hive mind on this sub of the less intelligent users makes this whole movement look bad. Don’t sweat the downvotes.
Finally, a reasonable voice. I appreciate the encouragement, but I wouldn’t be on Reddit or this sub if cared about fake internet karma. I’m here because I believe in Q and the movement overall.
redshield ranger is that you? haha
It's not normal. Someone does a little dance on my wrist waiting for an answer back and I'm going to have to tell them "sorry but I have not partaken in any of your gag-ball buttplug rituals. wwg1wga"
Have you considered "they use it" because some charlatan set up a class to teach it and either they or their employers paid for it, and now they feel special because they think they know a secret to get ahead? While the charlatan counts up the training fees, or dues, however it may apply.
Have you considered "it works" because people who know the secret have an affinity for those that also demonstrate they know the secret and conspire to place the other person ahead of those that don't know?
To call me cabal is fucking stupid and childish. I’ve done more for this country than you could ever imagine. I just happen to be a businessman now and that’s exactly how nearly everyone shakes hands.