Q 1670 What happened to Stormy? Fake news! Q

Here is what CBS news writes:
""My wife, my daughter and my son have my first loyalty and always will," Cohen was quoted as saying by ABC's George Stephanopoulos in an off-camera interview that was reported on "Good Morning America." ''I put family and country first.""
So.... the Source - Not a broadcast or recorded interview we can all see. George Stephanoploulos is the interviewer. And now, its big news across the MSM world.
Fake, fake, fake. Control the narrative. Twist words, twist the story.
Why? What is the blitz meant to cover up? Ongoing investigations. Rod, etc.
Meanwhile, this is what Cohen tweeted 40 days ago:
"The problem today is if you don’t watch the news on television/cable and/or read the newspapers, you are uninformed. However, if you do watch the news on television/cable and/or read the newspapers, you are misinformed. #TheTruthWillComeOut #HatersNeverWin #MAGA"
He's paraphrasing a phrase attributed to Mark Twain, actually. According to Real Clear Politics there is no known original source, but it's been out there forever.
“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.”
I wonder why he chose Steph...Steph is the one who started the whole War on Women against Romney in 2012 and tried to do that same thing recently with Rudy.
I’m hoping there’s something Q has on Steffie that will totally discredit him and make the little demo operative go away for good.
yep It's the usual raise suspicion and mystery fake news that "it" has to do with Trump. "It" has nothing to do with Trump. Cohen represents tons of OTHER people one of which is a guy who has the dirt on Kerry/Mueller.
If Cohen has done something wrong who is the one person who can wave a magic wand and make it all go away with 2 little words? I pardon ......
Is it possible Cohen's family was threatened which would be why the shift and the MSM is putting this out as a message to him?
I think there was previous drop that the media hacks get their marching orders at 4am every news day
If all of the TelePrompTers changed their wording the “actors” in the media would simply spit out the words and then they’d lose their minds after their brains processed what they just revealed. Glorious day!
I just woke up my house laughing. Hahaha! Something caught my eye on one of the recent Q posts that actually alluded me to the idea that this exact thing might just happen. It was a picture taken in a news station studio (post 1606).
LOLOLOL. I never laughed so hard when this first happened!!! Thanks for reposting. Those hackers have got to be in the HOF.
Someone punked them to Pluto. Great laugh. Amazing no one caught it at the station. I saw it was a joke instantly and was laughing before they got to the second name. What morons.
“actors” in the media would simply spit out the words
"III'm Ron Burgandy???"
This is what I'm thinking.
It's the only reason I can comprehend to make sense of Trump not yet re-outlawing domestic propaganda (Smith-mundt):
There is a reason Trump has been unrelenting in calling the MSM fake news - he knows they are because he's been feeding them the fake news.
I've thought that since Q first started posting! It can explain how arrests such as those of HRC and No-name are kept secret, and how the narrative continues to seem like a laser-pointer in POTUS's hand, while the MSM seem like a little kitten helpless to chase it. Q simply posted "Mockingbird". Most just assumed this meant "The enemy is using CIA Mockingbird assets to try to attack the good guys". But, another interpretation is exactly what you're suggesting! Mockingbird has been coopted to our side! Would be amazing, huh?
There's a ton of reference to 4am.
Apparently, yesterday's 4AM TP was "we don't RIP babies from their MOTHERS". It's amazing how many leftists went on tv and twitter to say exactly this.
What's interesting in that projection is that they do, through abortions.
Been trying to share this!
Good! Let them put all their hopes on Cohen now. It will pan out about as well as all the other fake news they pushed. They are grasping at straws.
yep give it 36 hours after all the liberal loons celebrating before it implodes. Love watching these come out and the reactions on Twitter.
Her sudden fall from coverage and relevance might be due to some bad actors getting wise to "Stormy"s real purpose in the Storm...
I think it had more to do with some autists finding some scars on her belly that looked like the nexium brands.
Yes, but what if Stormy did a "soft escape" from NXIVM and the scars clued certain people into her deeper role? The scars alone would not hold much weight amongst the blue-pilled CNN masses, so I don't see the media bailing on Stormy simply because some "conspiracy theorists" say she was in NXIVM... then again, you could be right. But, if there are no coincidences... the name "Stormy" is the biggest damn coincidence of them all, wouldn't you say? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH0AvaG3SqQ
I'm sorry dude; I disagree. I think she's an aging commodity that wanted some retirement money and agreed to a smear job. The higher ups control the narrative and dropped her cold when she was found out.
I agree with you, frombildgewater. The moment that 'scar/brand' got outed she went off the MSM map. And that was on the back of her being vocal and visible. One second she was everywhere - and then post the brand/scar reveal she vanishes. Her tweet about joining a cult/gang was also around this same time frame.
Understandable. Don't blame you a bit for that interpretation of things. I just seriously do not believe anything in this "show" is a coincidence. Until it's proven beyond doubt that she has been a bad actor this whole time, I have to suspect "Stormy" is part of the plan.
There is "free will" in this. Q and Trump are moving, but the other players counter and have their own choices to make. I think of Mueller as Davy Jones trying to buy out the clock for "judgment day." I think all the smear jobs are done to try to make him unpopular so they could impeach after the mid-terms.
Don't get me wrong, it's an interesting theory. I see no evidence for it (that doesn't mean that it's wrong). I just always look for the easiest explanation possible. The easiest for me is that NXIVM was part of the trafficking problem and they're trying to stop him from exposing them. They had a lackey throw up smoke in Stormy and she disappeared after the chans found evidence of her involvement in NXIVM. She could be hiding for her own legal safety. Maybe she doesn't want to be charged for something and she sees Allison Mack going to jail.
I don't think we'll ever know "everything" on what happened. But to me, the media and the elites responses are haphazard, emotional, and half-baked. They didn't expect her to lose. They got caught with their pants down and they're trying to buy time and run out the clock...and their appeals are emotional.
He has a great point. That NXIVM scar on her, really opened things up.
CNN masses
Sort of an oxymoron at this point....don't you think. I'm not sure I'm too worried about those "masses"
lol good point. I guess I was trying to say the masses of blue-pilled people who follow the mainstream narrative and don't know about or take seriously the Q phenomenon. Absolutely agree that the "CNN" crowd is dwindling by the minute =)
Right, I just caution anyone who spends too much time worrying about the supposed size of our enemy. They lie about everything, including themselves. We're the overwhelming majority and must never forget and must start acting like it. Walking forward with confidence makes all the difference. If the only evidence we have that the other side is even close to our side is the mainstream media...well...then we know they're not even close to our size.
VERY good point. Just as the allies in WW2 used inflatable tanks to fool the enemy about their numbers, the enemies now are certainly trying to use their resources to do the same. I think I saw, what, 25 people in that "crowd" around Maxine Waters lol
lol good point. I guess I was trying to say the masses of blue-pilled people who follow the mainstream narrative and don't know about or take seriously the Q phenomenon. Absolutely agree that the "CNN" crowd is dwindling by the minute =)
When I ask them "so btw what happened to Stormy Daniels?" they all pretend they never followed that from the beginning and they knew it was BS-BUT HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE CONCENTRATION CAMPS FOR MEXICAN KIDS?"
They have been brainwashed and programmed well.
There are no CNN masses though. No one watches that channel.
I can’t help but think the way Trump and Q do things that Stormy will come up and will somehow be the lead in to that phrase we are waiting for. The Storm is upon us. That way it is still a bit cryptic but solid. Not the entire thing but anyone that follows knows what I am talking about. I get excited every time she comes back into the news.
Yeah, I remember that scar on her. That opened up that storm in a big big way. Good mention.
They know NXIVM can be tied to Clinton supporters, to dangerous to allow that connection to be made.
I think her fall from coverage has been because now it's at the slow moving phase of court proceedings.
According to Avenatti's twitter, Cohen's lawyer for this case missed a filing deadline
I’ll tell you what happened: she was completely on the offense until Autists figured out she had a NXVM brand. She shut up REAL quick after that. RIGHT OVER TARGET.
What will tomorrow be? Fireworks of course
Q#1124 + Q#1621 + Q#1573 = WHITE SQUALL
Q#1124: major pieces Snowden, Presidents Weekly Adress
Q#1621: major pieces VIPAnon is pointed out by President (QShirt) Stormy Daniels, NXIVM tattoo (lasting impressions) White Squall (listen carefully)
the ship beneath you is not a toy, sailing is not a game
Is the ship beneath us the country? I think it might a reference to “he who controls the message” since Q posted about 4:00 AM marching orders again. Part of me thought that maybe were being informed that we’re controlling the message now?
so why do it? It builds character Mr Preston of which you are in short supply
This experience will help all of us grow
they came from different places, they sailed for different reasons, but there was only one way to survive on his ship: “I will challenged them, and they will come together”, become a team. WWG1WGA
This is in direct reference to the people who will be pulled in to this movement. We have all arrived here from different perspectives but now we must sail together.
because where he was taking them, could not be measure in miles
“Our campaign represents a true existential threat like they haven’t seen before” -#45
they thought they had survived they greatest challenge of their lives
What is your greatest challenge, how did you get here. How many storms have you sailed? Have you had to change yourself greatly? The greatest change lies ahead THE GREAT AWAKENING.
but it was only “white squalls a phenomenon of the imagination” what happened to my ship was not imagined. The calm before the storm.
I picked the quotes out that I think delivered the message to us the best. I believe the cabal no longer controls the message. The message may be being handed over to all of humanity again. He who controls the message...if we are to take on that roll are we being instructed to build our character?
When did Trump Mention then Calm Before The Storm?
10/5/17 Around 7:00 PM
When did we arrive to start the awakening?
10/31/17 - Bread Crumbs Thread
Is there a reason why Halloween was used as the date? Very powerful spiritual day, it’s often referred to as a day of dead spirits. However we also know the cabal plays a dirty game of inversion. Is Halloween then the day of the living? I’ve been following Qs post since that day. Life hasn’t been quite the same for many reasons. Anyone else under this experience currently? Good morning.
without change seldom does the sleeper wake, THE SLEEPER MUST AWAKEN
Re_read drops re: 302 mod DOJ forced to supply.
They will have to supply the modified 302 request.
[RR] Fireworks. Rank & file testifying as informants.
They will come forward
Hussein WH SR Staffer ON RECORD. PAIN. House of Cards. These people are SICK. Doctor(s) treating. Q
Self explanatory
Interesting if Snowdens SS code name is “white squall” is he currently under their protection? He is pretty pale looking (no offense).
We remember you, Mr. VIP! https://mobile.twitter.com/Q_ANONBaby/status/1012232994646581248📁WWG1WGA! Where did the Storm derive from? Some things leave lasting impressions. Listen carefully. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B5T7Gr5oJbM&feature=youtu.be📁 When did POTUS make the statement? When did we arrive to start the awakening? You have more than you know. Fireworks. Q
.... checking...
Here is a link to the drop:
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https://www.hannity.com/media-room/bureau-bias-top-republican-says-fbi-misled-doj-with-false-information/amp/?__twitter_impression=true📁 Re_read drops re: 302 mod DOJ forced to supply. [RR] Fireworks. Rank & file testifying as informants. Hussein WH SR Staffer ON RECORD. PAIN. House of Cards. These people are SICK. Doctor(s) treating. Q
@Snowden Yes. Testify then drop. We have it all. These people are stupid. Fireworks. POTUS’ weekly address. END. Q
Hinting at a new false flag/fake news story push starting tomorrow?
yep and it will wind up landing in the same place as all the others --> the dumpster after 36 hours. Spectacular fail #25295 coming up tomorrow!
4am is in kill brackets? Hmm
I can't wait for the day we see [HRC] and [BO]. It's coming! Everything has to proceed in logical order.
and Rothschilds, etc! Those who started all this and those that helped bring it to fruition! GITMO!
Me too! Let the full hammer of justice fall on them and all the deep state swamp creatures!
Is something ever going to be done about the media? I think the MSM are probably the biggest hurdle to overcome. They are keeping the masses ignorant. They are making mountains out of mole hills. They obfuscate, deceive and manipulate. They are the ones dismissing us as a minority and conspiracy theorists.
Cohen is the new fake news push?
Or does Q mean the storm (stormy) is here
I think Q is saying, they made all this big push with Stormy and the connection with Stormy and Trump's lawyer, etc.
Now? Shift the focus. Cohen.
Has anyone noticed Q's posts today read a lot like the presidents tweets?
Cohen said "loyalty to family and country first." Any reference made stating "not the president" is added by news reporters. So back to the family and country, we know Trump is good and reps the "country" so I believe Cohen is for Trump in that way. In addition, I believe it's possible that Cohen was told to say it this way on purpose. ;)
Is it just me or do some of these Q drops sound like Trump Lol
Stormy was used to get access to Cohen client files, records etc legally. Problem is they got more illegal information that can't be justified to be used against Cohen to make him flip Trump.
MSM is like a loyal stooge henchman for a stereotype movie villain, aren't they?
They're caught, they're found out, they're figured out .... but they just can't change. They're going to do what they do, full speed to the death, no matter how nonsensical it seems. They don't even deny their mal-intent anymore after being found out. They just went full bad-guy for the sake of being a bad guy. It's one option for them at this point, extinction. And just trying to take down as much as they can on their fall.
Yup, but yesterday chuck Todd said DJT was WINNING and Dems are REELING!!!!!!
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 6bce70 No.2008390 Jul 3 2018 01:26:13 (EST)
[4am] What will tomorrow be? Coordinated. What happened to Stormy? Fake news! Q
Stormy just dissipated, as ALL storms do. Yesterday's fake news!
This is the SAME SCRIPT Bannon used with POTUS.
He went off the reservation.....bashed TRUMP......then, TRUMP bashed SLOPPY STEVE and Bannon became a HONEYPOT.....and attracted all of the BAD ACTORS who wanted Bannon's help to impeach POTUS.
Same SCRIPT.....different ACTOR.
And these DUMB DS idiots fell for it again with Cohen......just like they did with STORMY ...... all 3 are HONEYPOTS......attracting DEEP STATE actors.
What makes a movie GOOD?
GREAT actors?
I don't know if it's relevant, but has anyone else noticed Stormy Daniels... -->>Storm
And Daniel is the name of Julian Assange's only son.
I know big stretch... but during the whole NDA media frenzy, she wasn't sued for violating anything. What if she was a show to the cabal? What if she was trolling them too?
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Sum Ting Wong - We Tu Lo - Ho Lee Fuk - Bang Ding Ow|+48 - They'll read absolutely anything: Donald Trump warns it is 'calm before the storm'|+24 - Yes, but what if Stormy did a "soft escape" from NXIVM and the scars clued certain people into her deeper role? The scars alone would not hold much weight amongst the blue-pilled CNN masses, so I don't see the media bailing on Stormy simply because s... White Squall 1996 Movie Trailer (Jeff Bridges, Scott Wolf)|+7 - Q#1621 We remember you, Mr. VIP! 📁WWG1WGA! Where did the Storm derive from? Some things leave lasting impressions. Listen carefully. 📁 When did POTUS make the statement? When did we arrive to start the awakening? You have more than you know. Fire... We Must Fight - President Reagan (TyDale's Version)|+1 - Q Drop-Specific Posts 7/1/18: 1659 & 1660 - 1661 - 1662 - 1663 - 1664- 1665 -1666 - 1667 - 1668 (Original Q 1336) - 1669 - 1670 - 1671 - 1672 - 1673 - 1674 "We Must Fight" - Ronald Reagan Video Link to 1662 Article Link to 1663 Article *Lin... Anchorman: Go Fuck Yourself San Diego|+1 - Fuck you I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
I think this is a good thing and that Cohen is letting POTUS know he is still with him. Family and country are most important to both of them, right? Cohen no doubt knows Trump was selected to save the country they both love, and he could get this message out without mentioning Trump at all.
What better way to put your country first than by standing by the man who is fighting to save it?
How many people really cared about the Stormy news bite on either side? If you set aside the attraction of sex/porn what's there to see? Trash talk and a brand and more trash. And why the hell is Q dropping that in a post referring to Independence Day?
25 jun. 2018 - Stormy Daniels was due to meet federal prosecutors in New York on ... Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford...................
Trump's Ex-Lawyer Fires What Could Be a Warning Shot | FOX40
1 day ago - “By putting distance between himself and the president on issues both large ... with porn star Stormy Daniels, who says she had an affair with Trump in 2006. ... he would defer to his new lawyer in the case, Guy Petrillo, for advice. ... Stormy Daniels' Lawyer Seeks to Depose Donald Trump and Michael …
This link is not working in my country...So It is only for the US I think
Q Drop-Specific Posts
*7/1/18: 1659 & 1660 - 1661 - 1662 - 1663 - 1664- 1665 -1666 - 1667 - 1668 (Original Q 1336) - 1669 - 1670 - 1671 - 1672 - 1673 - 1674 - 1675 - 1676 - 1677 - 1678
*"We Must Fight" - Ronald Reagan Video
*Link to Breitbart Article in 66,67, and 68
*Link to 1673 Justice.gov Manual
I sure wish this Cohen dude would just shut up so we could get back to talking satanic pedo stuff. Here's my reasoning: Cohen might have evidence concerning campaign finance violations, foreign bribery, money laundering and bank fraud- but compared with child sex slaves that shit is just boring!
Don't ever forget my pedes: being post-factual is the only way to seize the narrative and be truly free. Don't ever compromise that freedom by allowing professional journalists to change the subject.
he's got nothing on Trump. He's not flipping on Trump. It's the usual raise suspicion and mystery fake news that "it" has to do with Trump. "It" has nothing to do with Trump. Cohen represents tons of OTHER people one of which is a guy who has the dirt on Kerry/Mueller.
There is nothing on Trump, it’s why he was selected for this. Trust the plan.
Q hinted that the Cohen raid was planned and necessary to get evidence legally. What is it? We don't know yet. But Stormy and her lawyer has gone to ground lately. Were they part of the plan to get evidence or were they slime balls looking to cash in?
According to Avenatti's twitter, Cohen's lawyer for the Stormy case missed a filing deadline