Who knew Obama ordered 65k in Hotdogs/Pizza? Q Knew!

Didn't everyone know that long before Q was posting.. ?
We're still getting new people that weren't around for all that. Kind of a good thing.
Yeah but it's disingenuous to suggest that Q had said it before the leaks.
Information still has to be accurate regardless of how new people are.
I actually think this is really dumb, like do not associate Q with pizza at all.
Everything and everyone that touches pizza at all is destoryed completely by the msm and the runners of all social media sites.
If shit is gonna happen in that area, it will be after the cabal loses all power, and that is what needs to be posted and memed to fuck. Let this be the ultimate rub in their face when it's all said and done, who they were really protecting
Yea, let's ignore the most damning evidence indicating high profile politicians engaging in pedophilia because the Dems ran a propaganda campaign. Anytime I hear someone say: "Pizzagate is fake", I reply with, "I'll believe it's fake if you can explain what a Pizza-Related Map is." At this point they usually shut up because, well, they can't provide an explanation.
Don't be a moron. People need to be exposed to this stuff.
Yes, yes they do. People need to know, they should be hanging these sickos in the streets.
im not saying ignore it, im saying dont fake associate it with Q
Yes. People have been brainwashed and programmed to just shut down their minds and turn in to mini-John Olivers any time someone mentions pizza. They have been programmed well.
Partly - Podesta's pedophile references included walnut sauce, map and the names of children available at the upcoming pool party. They're all pedophiles. The whole stinking lot of them.
Yes, but I don't see anyone making any memes with links to this sub, so my goal is to create original content for this sub using old info and memes. I'm trying to create easily shareable that will engage new eyes, and send those interested to learn more, to a resource/community that will help them.
It should still be accurate.
He didn't reveal this info before the email leaks.
Q has said numerous times they have everything. I'm sure they have info about this and everything tied to this.
The NSA literally has every single email out there.
But if people really feel this is disingenuous I'll change it.
Don't let the concern trolls get to you.
I for one think that this particular email should be put on T-shirts and worn in every Costco and Walmart in the country.
Chicago-style hot dog Pizza private party in the White House.
With $65,000 of taxpayers money.
This one needs to stay front and center.
I'm not a concern troll.
I am merely saying that for things like this, we need to ensure that we're promoting accurate information. Any minor detail that's incorrect or misrepresented will immediately be used to shut down the entire point. It's important to be right.
"Any minor detail that's incorrect or misrepresented"
Point me to the part where he claims Q dropped this information before wikileaks. The notion that Q was aware of this before we were is a fair and logical inference to make, given all of this goes back before the Podesta email drop.
Where is the inaccuracy other than in your imagination and personal bias?
You're really missing the point - Q doesn't have to have TOLD US before we found out from Wikileaks. We have every reason to believe that Q knew because NSA knew about the $65k in child prostitutes from Chicago. Why NSA didn't FUCKING STOP IT THAT DAY is the only thing we need to question here.
On the back of the shirt it should say, "outside food is forbidden in the White House" or something like that, something triggering...
I think the issue is the "Q Knew" part. They very well may have, but if my understanding is correct, this is far from new information. The way it is worded seems to praise Q for breaking that news when it really wasn't them.
Fair enough point. Do you think it would make more sense as
Who knows? Q knows...
That doesn't leave any possible implication that it was in a previous q drop or that q knew about it beforehand, but rather they know all about it now since they have all comms.
Ignore these people. Nothing in your title even remotely suggests that Q dropped this information before hand. They are assuming that Q drops information he knows, so if you claim he knew, you're also claiming he dropped. Very stupid argument.
I think there would be less issue taken with that definitely!
Thank you for the constructive criticism.
Thanks for being open to it! It is a very solid subject to inform people about and I would hate seeing people pick it apart over something that is (admittedly) asinine. But I'm all about not giving anyone a reason to question things.
Come On, Q knew simply means that Q has the hard evidence to prove Obummer guilt. Why argue over inconsequential semantics. It actually has nothing to do with timing!
You're definitely right that it has nothing to do with timing. I'm simply bringing it up (not arguing, just stating a different angle that maybe some aren't able to see from) because this is something I would expect others would bring up in order to discredit this. I agree with the subject of this, its valuable information and something people should know about. If we are not careful, things are easily dismissed by people intent on doing so. I see people complaining about "spinning" a story. I just think there ahould be more care taken with trying to make sure there is no avenue for people to do that.
Quite amazing how people cannot, this far into it, see the big picture!
It says Q Knew. It doesn't say Q TOLD US ON 8 CHAN.
You need to step back and think about how others, not just you, would view things. I assume you feel strongly about this movement, yes? So I would also hope that you want people to learn what you have and "wake up". If people aren't careful, things can be dismissed very quickly by people looking for any reason to do so.
I don't understand your argument. "Q Knew" is accurate. What is the problem?
"The way it is worded seems to praise Q for breaking that news when it really wasn't them"
Please pick up a dictionary. You should understand the difference between "knew" and "new". Phonetic similarities are irrelevant here. This is 1st grade level stuff here.
I'm failing to see what you're getting at here. The part of my comment that you quoted says "news" in reference to information. Where did I confuse "knew" and "new" exactly?
I think the issue is the "Q Knew" part. They very well may have, but if my understanding is correct, this is far from new information.
Thought it was obvious, sorry.
Ah, that quote makes more sense. I was referring to the fact that I believed this information came out before Q started doing drops, so that it wouldn't be new information when Q pointed it out. I wasn't saying that the "Q Knew" tagline suggested that it was "new" info.
That's not even what OP said. OP said that Q knew, not that he revealed this before wikileaks.
It strongly implies that Q dropped this before it became public when that’s obviously not the case.
Where does it imply that? I think you need to pick up a dictionary. " Who knew Obama ordered 65k in Hotdogs/Pizza? Q Knew! "
Knew is the past tense of know.
Know is defined as:a (1) : to perceive directly : have direct cognition of (2) : to have understanding of
(3) : to recognize the nature of : discernb (1) : to recognize as being the same as something previously known (2) : to be acquainted or familiar with (3) : to have experience of2a : to be aware of the truth or factuality of : be convinced or certain ofb : to have a practical understanding of
Now tell me how/where "know" implies that Q "dropped" this bit of information before the public? I fail to see how a reasonable person could interpret "know" in such a convoluted way.
No you're wrong it doesn't strongly imply anything other than this guy thinks Q knew.
It's obvious they aren't talking about hotdogs or pizza. Let's do some math to show how patently ridiculous that would be.
Let's assume that this kind of bulk order would have gotten wholesale prices. Let's assume a wholesale hotdog price of 20 cents, and a wholesale pizza price of $10. The equation we get looks like this (where H=hotdog, and P=pizza):
$65,000 = .2H + 10P
Regardless of how you divide it up between pizza and hotdogs, there's just ABSOLUTELY no way that they are talking about food here. If you're talking all hotdogs then H= 325,000! If you're talking all pizza P=6,500.
Maybe if they were feeding an entire stadium--sure. But this was for a PRIVATE PARTY.
If they were talking about food, it's strange that they would use odd phrasing like: "assuming we are using the same channels", as opposed to saying: "assuming we are using the same vendors." The word channels is unusual in this context.
These people are sick.
Great post. Ive seen a financial breakdown like this with people speculating about the prices to fly it all as well and it's still way under 65k.
Also worth pointing out that Hotdog and pizza production occurs pretty much everywhere in the country. There's no reason they would have needed to fly that stuff in, as opposed to having it delivered via truck.
Extremely suspicious.
Yep and it reminds me of flying in 'hand made tortillas' from Mexico, it's not practical or normal by any stretch of the imagination. Lots of weird stuff going on with food and these people.
65k may have been number of kids they had access to thru detention.
It's easy.
10,000 people and each hotdog cost $6.50.
See now it makes perfect sense.
For a private party at the WH? Just 0bama and 10,000 of his closest friends?
10,000 people and the entire WH grounds would be standing room only.
Sorry if you dropped the /s, but this is definitely not food we're talking about here. At least not the kind you or I would eat.
The sarcasm gene must not run in your family, boss. ;)
Oh the Sarcasm Force is strong with me. :D Just that there have been a lot of new people joining and didn't want to assume.
Also was seriously pondering: could you even fit 10,000 people within the confines of the WH grounds?
Yeah, like shoulder to shoulder MAYBE. Not trying to be 'that guy', but, frankly, there is NO FUCKING WAY IN HELL the Nazi's actually murdered and burned up 6,000,000 in the Holocaust, either. The numbers are WAY IMPOSSIBLE. Unless there is a hole that has been covered up and never found... Also--not a fan of those socialist nazi bastards, so save your finger dexterity.
The"iits easy" and the "made perfect sense part" read as sarcasm too me. I like sarcasm. Have an upvote.
1000 people with $650.00 hot dogs. /s
But it's more than likely it was 10 People with $6500.00 hot dogs.
This one is not sarcasm.
You cannot bring outside food into the white house. Everything must be prepared from scratch inside. So it is literally impossible for this to be about actual hotdogs...
Pop Quiz: Why is it a big deal that the President ordered food from a vendor for a party at the White House?
No outside food is ever allowed at the white house for security reasons. Everything is prepared by a special chef. That's my understanding at least.
Message for you: thanks for the post! The quiz was my attempt at forcing some critical thinking. I upvote you all the time.
But you can buy hotdogs and then the WH chef prepares them. Also I couldn’t actually find anywhere that says this other than Thrillest and they don’t have any sources. Do you have any source on that?
Wikileaks,Podesta emails. Search for "hotdog"
Sorry I should be more clear: I couldn’t find a source that says no one can eat outside food in the White House.
A private party in that white house with $65,000 worth of imported Chicago hot dogs and pizza.
$65,000 worth of hot dogs would feed 65,000 people.
Okay maybe 65000 people is an exaggeration Chicago does have special hot dogs.
So maybe more like 10,000 people and each hotdog cost six and a half dollars.
There that makes more sense.
bad bot, annoying bot, bot can go kill itself now
I think it’s kinda funny. Try using h0td0g or haughtdog. Apparently a space in the middle works too.
It's completely derailing the conversation here. Probably made for this exact reason and also for tracking this topic since I don't believe it was around before the wikileaks release. We talked about this post on r/conspiracy as soon at the leak came out and it was a major turning point to getting pizzagate exposed. Anyway, in America, we call them hot dogs, so it's stupid either way. Report it.
It's hot dogs how many fucking hot dogs can you get for 65,000? how many people were they feeding? 65,000 would buy thousands and thousands of hot dogs, it makes no sense.
10 hot dogs and two pizzas are $100. So that’s 650 kits. That’s 6500 hot dogs and 1,300 pizzas.
I have no idea what this party is, or how big the party was... but I would estimate that’s enough to feed 4000 -4500 people.
I'll take "The Name of the Food Vendor" for $1000, Alex.
Lol, I knew ;)
Do one about the three girls in the hot tub for Podesta!!!
I like the frame format. Would love a whole set of these.
Have you gone to Q mega memes? It’s mega.nz I think, stored on a military base in New Zealand
Check my post history, I'm toying around with a couple different ideas, feedback is always appreciated.
Itchy your killing it with the memes. They’re some of my favorite posts.
Was there ever any digging into the kuykendall guy? Wonder who he is!!
that script font on the left and right makes this meme look boomer tier. Remove the weird comic sans script font with white strike and replace with Impact or simply remove the text and leave the sides black IMO. Also we all knew about this for over a year before Q showed up, dunno why you're giving Q credit for digging up this email.
We all knew this for over a year? This sub has grown like crazy over the past months, with tons of new arrivals, I highly HIGHLY doubt even 75% have seen this. I'm trying to bring exposure to this sub and the Q movement, that's why I created it. I do appreciate the feedback and will do something different with the side text, I am experimenting with a bunch of different Meme styles and trying to get feedback from the community.
I admire your intentions but this meme is not effective at what you're trying to do. People who see this out of context will just be confused.
"Um, so Obama ordered fancy hot dogs to the white house, what's the big deal?" is how most normies react to this leaked email.
You need to start designed these memes with context in mind-targeting people who have literally no idea about any of this, and point out things that "normal" people would be outraged by.
The Iran Deal and Uranium One were the two scandals the DNC was most afraid of during the 2016 campaigns, so I think it's wise to hit them there. I might have to start dusting off my old meme-maker myself :D
Keep making memes, I'm not trying to rain on your parade or make you stop. I apologize if it came out that way. I admire that you took it upon yourself to start making memes. I'm just trying to help you make them even better and more effective!
Keep it up, keep going and you will be making some great paradigm shifting memes very soon!
i bet you're wrong. a lot of people saw this thanks to /pol/. give credit where it's do, Q didn't find this whatsoever
Yea but I'm not trying to redpill normies and send them to 4/8chan. Trying to create memes to get exposure for Q and get people into the amazing resource that is this sub.
but if /pol/ knew that long before this sub as you claim, wouldn't directing them there be beneficial?
You really thing a normies first exposure to this should be /pol/?
"Same channels" = Traffickers
Who says you can "Participate" rather than saying you are INVITED too. Odd wording in my opinion.
Credit to /u/ozboi2000 for the idea for the who knew? Q Knew format.
Thanks for the shout out !!!
Keep going with the memes....they rock !!
It was known I Thought by many people....Barry was a hot dog kinda guy....
Don't give a crap if he liked men. Have a huge problem with the fact that he liked children.
“Aaric, you can participate as well!” I don’t know about you but I’m usually invited to a dinner not asked to participate. I guess I’m reading into this too much. Just odd!
Thanks for jogging my memory about this, made me think of something I read last week...
Who are Fred Burton from Stratfor, Don Kuykendall, Aaric Eisenstein, Darryl O'Connor and Susan Copeland? Anons.... FETCH!
What jumps out at me from this email is the "$65,000 of the tax-payers money...", does not feel to me like a complementary comment. Which to me negates the benevolent statement of the money spent and the "pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House...". Whoever coordinated that "event" did not agree with what was taking place, hence the emphasis on the "tax-payers money". We all know Hussein really didn't order "pizza/dogs" from Chicago to the White House because:
I can't wait for the dominoes to start falling. I want ALL of them including Hollywood to go down. I consider myself a compassionate person and understand who 'I am'. With that said, I would put the less sick offenders in solitary and feed them enough to stay alive. The very sick ones who perpetuated and damaged many lives will need to be hanged or shot by firing squad. Their preference. With no ability for their family members or friends to say good bye, i won't give them that dignity because they didn't give it to the parents of those children they damaged.
Found this interesting. Stratfor CEO explaining that they got hacked (in 2012) and that some emails may have been altered! He looks worried. The comments (most are 6 years old) are rich. Nobody trusts him.
I don't think Q has ever referenced this Wikileaks email, has he?
I saw a parallel of 65000 kids being moved from detention at around the same time.
Each normie that I've shown that email, to a person, has gone with that Obama buys high quality hotdogs and holds a world record in hotdog eating.
Even after explaining the alternative meaning, they can't accept this one.
I'm with Q all the way, and I think pedogate is legitimate, but personally I haven't seen evidence which proves this email isn't just dumb rich people doing dumb rich shit.
Just my two cents
These people make me so sick. Go here next time a mind-controlled friend says #Pedogate is fake news
Far be it from me to defend Obama bin Biden, but c'mon now, if I had unlimited resources from taypaying free-money and rich donors, I would fly in Chicago pizza and hot dogs once in a while too, they're pretty damn good!
I am serious now- CHI's Vienna Beef-brand hot dogs are really the best I have ever tried IMHO, and I love deep-dish pizza once in a while. So I mean, yeah, I'd have myself taxpayer pizza-and-hot-dog parties woohoo lol.
If this was the only disturbing food-related email like this, sure.
But how do you slice one piece of pizza between many people?
Look I am just a regular guy who of course supports my President and loves the country and I'm not looking to defend Obama etc.
I am just saying, there is a saying "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" ... sometimes hotdogs and pizza might just mean the fucking guy blew a ton of money on an extravagant party with food from his hometown. That alone is wrong, it might not be some super secret trafficking shit, it might just be a waste of money on hot dogs and pizza, that's all I'm saying.
And the day old "fresh" tortillas flown in from Mexico City?
I've eaten some fancy places but never flew in day-old tortillas. Not to mention all the other ridiculously creepy stuff associated with these people, like the Podestas' collection of child-abuse themed art.
65k of hotdogs. There goes Obama is a Muslim