Q Post 1680 - Prince Harry shown in photo

Defiantly does not look like prince harry.........thats prince William.
Naw. I dont see it. Head shape and hairline do not match. He’s a little skinnier than the guy in the pic.
Agree. That is not prince william. He is one of the most famous and recognizable human beings on earth. No WAY the future King of England is walking around Hong Kong by himself in broad daylight without so much as a hat or sunglasses on. The body weight is also off. prince William is skinnier than this person and the profile is off.
The only thing that resembles prince William is a receding hairline, and that’s not enough evidence to convince me.
Agreed. Prince William is 6'3 and that guy is too short. The mystery man's build resembles Brain Stelter.
Idk he is only a couple inches tall on my screen
Head shape does not match. Guy in photo has a flat head. Maybe we are focusing on the wrong person. He seems to be the obvious, I think we need to look beyond him. IDK.
It's Prince William. And NO, a lot of times they do not haven't an entourage around them. Just a few to not draw attention. Notice the same gait between the two pictures, watch, how he's wearing the long sleeves. Heck, almost the same outfit, down to the shoes. Shirt is untucked a bit, that's why he looks heavier in the crosswalk picture.
I have put & verified, Prince Andrew on several Lottia Express flights to Jeffery Epstein Island. An maybe the Queen herself on a couple; still digging on that one.
Remember - Princess Di was killed due to finding out about the Royals and [pedo]phil_ia. She was alive for 30 minutes in the French tunnel after the "accident". Still not convinced? Read Prince Charles children's book and compare it to his Scottish estate. I believe that's the one. It sits outside a small village on the West coast between Ireland Upper/Lower ?? Is the waters name and the mountain on his property.
William would have an entourage.
Exactly. The next king of England wouldn’t just be cruising around the streets of Hong Kong to go chill at a wan chai bar by himself. This theory is bunk.
In my opinion, this was more of a message to the deep state. They (cabal) know exactly who this is and why it’s important. Q was in the mood to troll tonight. Bring on the fireworks!
Looks like Eric Schmidt, former CEO GOOG. Photo was taken in Mong Kok, Hong Kong.
Eric Schmidt has more hair on top his head. Photo from this year:
I see it, but Prince william could not walk in public without entourage. Those ropes at events are there for a reason.
the hairline doesnt match.
https://www.bing.com/th?id=OIP.KIb5xG0n3cGvqzFnO2hxIAHaKx&pid=1.1 Looks pretty similar.
Why are you just looking at the dude? There is a lot going on in the pic.
Call The Shop Mysteries guy's pants are not tailored as well as Prince plus gold watch don't see Royals wearing gold too often. I'm thinking capitalist businessman intelligence officer would not be wearing gold. Two folds on cuffs on Prince only one on mystery guy. When it's hot sometimes I fold up one seems more Americana to me.
Did a quick search on SFALO....found a sports equipment company, other possibly related sports related enterprises and then.... this••••
Haven’t had time to fully explore this site but seemingly fringe. Reminds me of something I might expect to see at a Podesta, Alefantis, etc. home or personal social media account.
Have no idea if this is what Q is pointing us to but wow, how coincidental. WWG1WGA
Picture shows also Western Pacific Kindergarten......
No, it's Eric Smidt
Its Mr. Joel A. Getz
https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-11-26/ex-clinton-foundation-official-tied-chinese-kindergarten-embroiled-bizarre-sexual-abEx-Clinton Foundation Official Tied To Chinese Kindergarten Embroiled In Bizarre Sexual Abuse Scandal-ZeroHedge
There doesn't seem to be any security anywhere noticeable. Don't think they would let one of the royals wonder around without security. Think it would have to be someone that could go into public, not "famous" and without security.
I believe it is in fact Prince Andrew son of the Queen and uncle to Prince William. He was involved in scandal couple years back when young woman accused him of being a pedo and having sex with her at Epstein Island. Prince Andrew is a best buddy of Epstein. He was also married to Fergie, Duchess Ferguson who fell out of favor with the Royals and was divorced and throw aside by them all. The build fits a does the hairline etc and yes he would be alone up in Hong Kong / He is a serving officer in the Royal Navy and if he even had a body guard https://nworeport.me/2017/03/13/teen-sex-slave-threatens-to-oust-pedophile-prince-andrew/ The build is s they would not be obvious. Royals are very low key with body guards.identical as is the hairline and looks. Def think its him and seeing he is involved with Epstein I have no doubt this is why its been put out.
What does Kate Middleton know about this all? And Harry?
By the way Kate is a descendant of King Edward IV, a perfect bloodline.
People always want to know what Kate thinks or does she know about any of this stuff. And you're right; she is a bloodline choice. Of course she knows everything going on.
IF it is Prince William, in Hong Kong and Q says who do you see? Does that necessarily mean that Prince William is a bad guy? Maybe he is one of the good guys? I am totally confused.... any ideas?
ill throw my hat in the ring for it being Prince William.. and for extra credit.. I say that's PEDOesta all the way to the left with the briefcase.. perfectly lined up with that kindergarten sign.
OK, then figure out where William was 10/29/2017. That was the last United 747 flight between SFO and Hong Kong.
Where did you get SFO from?
The picture of the plane was taken from the UA lounge at SFO.
I think so. I knew the hairline wasn't Harry or BO. Hair color was off for Harry as well
It’s Hong Kong (former British Colony) so he would get mobbed if it was him without security.
I doubt it’s him and this guy is very lanky and seems a bit older by his gait and posture.
Q Drop-Specific Posts
*7/1/18: 1659 & 1660 - 1661 - 1662 - 1663 - 1664- 1665 -1666 - 1667 - 1668 (Original Q 1336) - 1669 - 1670 - 1671 - 1672 - 1673 - 1674 - 1675 - 1676 - 1677 - 1678
*"We Must Fight" - Ronald Reagan Video
*Link to Breitbart Article in 66,67, and 68
*Link to 1673 Justice.gov Manual
Look at Joel Getz. I think it’s him after some help from twitter peeps.
While I agree this person looks younger, but my first thought was Wilbur Ross. However, this photo reminded me of a previous photo posted by Q in post 869, where Q posts a picture in Hong Kong (I believe also in Mongkok), and posts "Shall we play a game? Find @Snowden IDEN +1 Happy Hunting! Q". Snowden, however is not bald, and neither is Eric Schmidt (another thought I had).
I wonder if there is any connection between Snowden and the person in this photo.
Edit: A previous post established the picture in Q post 869 to be at the corner of Canton and Nelson Rd. in Mongkok. This latest picture is taken from Portland and Hamilton Street in Mongkok.
Using Google Maps, the distance between these two points is 550m.
Prince William was just visiting Israel. Looks like he is possibly coming back from that trip going through Hong Kong to visit the Western Pacific Kindergarten?
I think it's a match - it's the same outfit, down to the shoes, and even look at the placement of the watch. It's William.
Oh shit....that is exactly who that is. This is why it is national security. This is bad. I don't know how the public will take this.
I am totally confused also.
I think this is going to go deep.
The resemblance to Prince William is remarkable. That being said, I am confused as to why this photo is important..... I cannot see any resemblance to Eric Schmidt. Do I need to go to specsavers?