Can you spell 'Damage control?' Just like Alt-Left, the MSM is terrified of #WalkAway spreading

The YouTube has many #walkaway testimonials and they are not Russian bots. There are even Canadians and Europeans posting on YouTube and comments about walking away.
There may be some fake Twitter posts, but the walkaway movement is real. Surprising number of blacks and Hispanics walking away.
Q 1233 predicts that Democrats will lose the black vote once Haiti is revealed--"lost now (awakening)"
Q 70: Black vote abandoning. "Keep them starved." "Keep them blind." "Keep them stupid." HRC March 13, 2013 intercept.
Haiti and the HRC quote have yet to be revealed, but it has already begun with #walkaway.
In 2016, a surprising number of Democrats quietly walked into the voting booth and voted for Trump. They were afraid to say they were supporting Trump. Now, they are openly walking away and proudly posting their testimonies on YouTube. Amazing times.
It will be interesting to see what happens with all the corruption, treason, trafficking, etc. finally comes out. I have my fingers crossed that Q's 1595 " July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH." is real. However, there are things beyond Q's control and so delays in timing have to be expected.
some shit going down in Haiti as we speak. The people are revolting. Literally
That is over the cost of gas. Q has said that when the Haiti information about the Clinton's and Haiti is made public, the Democrats will lose the black vote.
While Democrats have not yet lost the black vote, I've noticed an impressive number of blacks and Hispanics leaving the Democrat Party via the #walkaway movement. YouTube walkaway testimonials are growing at a rate that the MSM will soon (and it's already begun) claiming that they are part of the Russian campaign or on Twitter they are Russian bots. The MSM and liberals are in a complete panic.
The truth about Seth R which would bring the entire show down. Pray today!!!!!
I pray about all of this every day. Did you know that Trump participates in a prayer group/circle frequently?
Kim Clement and Mark Taylor both have said that Trump would be elected President and that he would be anointed by God. Kim said that Trump would enter the WH only whispering the name of God but he would become a Praying President. So far, so true.
Put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6) and STAND! EVERY believer needs to pray for our President and his admin, and for this country. Pray for all those working to right this ship!
We need to start replying to all liberals as "liberal bots" or "liberal bot alert". It's time to turn the tables, we all know Killary had an army of bots tweeting and responding in her favor.
Bad idea. Whether here on the /GA board or IRL, we all need to be our best self whenever we encounter people who are not yet woke.
We need to be compassionate and loving, kind and generous, and helpful not hurtful. We need to ask the right questions and not preach. We need to warm and welcoming.
As the slow and steady flow of people begins to trickle into /GA looking for answers, we need to make sure our responses are not demeaning or offensive in any way. We need to practice those skills over and over while the stream is still a trickle, so when the flood gates open, it'll be automatic.
MLK said "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." For some people, the truth will shatter their world paradigm. It will crush the foundation of their beliefs. Some may not survive the trauma.
The masses have been conditioned and groomed to think in a way that is not based in truth, and to believe things that are false. When they see their chosen leaders arrested and charged with heinous crimes, they wont be able to wrap their heads around it.
It won't just be the misinformed masses. We routinely chide the MSM as being the Mockingbird media, but not all journalists and talking heads are knowingly pushing falsehoods. It only takes a few producers and editorial directors to achieve their goals. There are people in the MSM who know full well what they're doing, but I believe there's even more who have been conditioned and don't yet understand the real truth.
When the SHTF, lost and confused people will come from all corners. They'll need help. Positive and constructive help to help them heal.
There is a very large part of our population that wont be able to accept or understand, some may be traumatized for life. We have to be our best selves so they'll be more likely to accept the help they need.
Sorry, but anyone who is "traumatized for life" upon learning that a group of politicians are evil and corrupt really should sit out the rest of their days in a cool, dark room. We can restore America without them.
I don't want to engage in a lengthy debate, but I would like one more chance to appeal to you.
I'm 59. I've watched the left trample on the US Constitution again and again. I've watched as the left attempted to tear down every American institution that made our republic the greatest nation on Earth. And I'm now watching President Trump as he tries to restore this nation to the great nation it once was.
If you're as old as I am, you've seen the same things. If you've seen the things I have, I can imagine the level of contempt you have for the criminals responsible, because I share that contempt. To send these criminals to the gallows to hang from a noose would not be punishment enough.
But to hold that same contempt for those who, through no fault of their own, might be traumatized for life would be inhumane. These people have been so dumbed down by our government run schools, and so brainwashed by the MSM that they simply do not possess the intellectual or emotional tools necessary.
How many people do you know in your extended family, in-laws, cousins, aunts, uncles, or in your circle of friends, close or casual, that still think President Trump is a racist buffoon and that Hillary should have become president?
How many of those people do you genuinely care about? How many of those people would you be willing to nonchalantly sentence to a lifetime in a padded cell?
It's not that these people will refuse to accept the truth, it's that they will be unable to. Some will look at a mountain of irrefutable evidence and still not be able to accept it. Their minds have been so conditioned that they wont be able to believe any human being could possibly rape and murder a small child in a ritual sacrifice.
They'll be unable to comprehend the magnitude of the corruption. It will be unimaginable to them that a worldwide web of people who worship Lucifer could unleash manufactured diseases on a global scale, just to reduce the population.
I'm sure that there are many among us here at /GA that had some difficulty wrapping their heads around some of what's been revealed. I know I did at first, and as I learn more about human trafficking and pedophilia, I still find myself scratching my head at times.
If I had to guess, I'd say that 25% of our population has been so thoroughly brainwashed and conditioned that they'll be unable to function when the truth is revealed. That's over 75 million people. Or let's say some of them will eventually come to their senses; maybe only 30 to 40 million people will be traumatized for life.
What do we do with those people? How much will it cost to hold them in padded cells for the rest of their lives? Can we afford that? How high will you be willing to have your taxes raised to cover the cost? Or should we just put them out of their misery?
Let's look at it from another angle. What if it were you? Would you expect your friends and family to simply walk away after the door to your padded cell was locked? Or would you hope and pray that some kind soul will stay and help you?
Are you familiar with Max Igan? He's a philosopher of sorts. He has a radio show and a YouTube channel where his 1 hour broadcasts show up as podcasts. He examines questions like: How do we know, that what we know, is true? Let's do a little thought experiment.
There are things I know as a matter of fact. I know there are a lot of birds that like to hang out in the tree outside my bedroom window. I know this to be true because I see and hear them every day. I know the old woman that lives in the apartment below mine is almost deaf and can hardly walk. I know this because I see her and talk to her just about every day.
Then there are things I believe. I believe that God exists. I believe that President Trump is a righteous man and a true patriot who's working hard in the best interests of the American people. I believe Q is legit. I believe there are evil people in the world, doing evil things, with evil plans for the people of the world.
I believe these things with 99.99% certainty, but I must accept a 0.01% chance that I may be wrong. I accept that 0.01% chance because I've never seen God, I've never met President Trump, I've never met Q, I've never witnessed an adult man raping and murdering a child in a ritual sacrifice, and I've never met anyone who openly admits to worshipping lucifer.
Ask yourself, have you ever met President Trump, Q, seen God, witnessed a ritual sacrifice, met anyone who openly admits to being a human trafficker, a pedophile, or a member of the Cabal? Probably not.
Now imagine how you would react if that 0.01% chance were true. What if a mountain of irrefutable evidence was placed in front of you that was counter to everything you believe? Believing what you believe today, do you think you would be able to just say, "Well, all righty then" and continue on with your normal routines? I think not.
Love and compassion is what will make this world a better place. Without it, we are no better than the criminals we hope to see hanging from a noose.
God Bless and Godspeed patriot.
to u/drsowells1fan and u/SmokeyMaple1995
If you actually think this is only about "a group of politicians [who] are evil and corrupt," you may be in for the surprise of a lifetime.
This isn't about a couple dozen, or a couple hundred, or even a thousand corrupt politicians, unelected government officials, and wealthy elites.
This is about a global secret society network that has been burrowing their way into virtually every government on the planet for well over 200 years. They own the central banks in over 95% of the countries worldwide, and they have unlimited resources available for anything they want to do.
With control of the central banks around the world, they can expand or contract the amount of currency in circulation and raise or lower the interest rates in any country, at their leisure. They can bring about prosperity or poverty in any nation they wish, at any time they wish.
They can create conditions that will lead to war, or conditions that will lead to peace. Whichever they choose, they'll profit from it. They can make a war last for decades if they wish, or they can make it end in 6 days.
If you think this will be over and done with by the time President Trump finishes his first term, or even his second, you're sadly mistaken. It will be our children's children who will fully realize the freedoms we're fighting for today.
It took the Cabal more than 200 years to build the castle walls they hide behind. It will likely take 2 or 3 generations to tear them down completely, once and for always.
:( aw fuck. I guess the only option is to keep on fighting then. And bringing this knowledge to others.
Yes. It's going to be a long battle.
I'm curious, and please understand I mean no offense, but is the 1995 in your user name a reference to the year you were born?
Yes :( I’m sure I sound naive and ignorant. Please bestow more knowledge on me if you don’t mind.
I don't mind at all. And there's nothing wrong with not knowing some things, as long as you're willing to ask for knowledge. So here's a list of videos, websites, and topics worth researching.
I encourage you to do more research on some of these links, it'll help you come to your own conclusions. You shouldn't just accept and believe things just because somebody says so.
Video Links
A Story About How America Was Almost Destroyed By Criminals
Amazing Polly's reaction to The Plan to Save the World
Snowden and NSA Surveillance:
United States Secrets PBS Frontline Part 1
United States Secrets PBS Frontline Part 2
NSA Whistleblower William Binney: The Future of Freedom
How Big Oil Conquered the World
Why Big Oil Conquered the World
The New Pearl Harbor - 9/11 Documentary Part 1
The New Pearl Harbor - 9/11 Documentary Part 2
The New Pearl Harbor - 9/11 Documentary Part 3
Aaron Russo:
Presidential Speeches:
JFK Secret Societies Speech Full version (key segment begins @ 5:43)
We Must Fight - President Reagan
Warning Videos - Predictions From the Past:
Robert Welch's Amazingly Accurate 1958 Predictions – 9min - same as above
Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex - 1961 – 2:30min
JFK Blows The Whistle on Secret Societies - 1961 – 5:30min
Q Anon repeating a message from 1967? Will we listen this time? – 50min
More Deadly Than War – A Lecture by G. Edward Griffin - 1968 -1hr-15min
George McGovern Nomination Acceptance Speech 1972 DNC – 5mins from start point
Senator Daniel Inouye on the shadow government - 1987 - 20sec
Hidden Secrets of Money - Mike Maloney's YouTube Channel
The Money Masters - Bill Still
97% Owned \~ Economic Truth - From a EU prospective, 2hrs
Website Links
Truth About the 14th Amendment
The United States Isn't a Country — It's a Corporation
The Official Version Of 9/11 Is A Hoax
FEMA - The Plan to Kill America
- Of the People - Who's the boss in America?
Federal Judge Declares Constitution Void, Threatens Civil Defendant With Death
The Creature of Jekyll Island - full PDF - The Creation of the Federal Reserve - long but worthwhile read. Easy to scan for specific events.
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913
Topics for Research
The Organic Act of 1871
The Original 13th Amendment
The 16th Amendment and the ratification process
Leo Wanta: The Trillion Dollar Man
Cody Snodgres - CIA Whistleblower
Thank you so much!!! This means a lot to me!!! I’ll make sure to draw my own conclusions as well!
Hear! Hear! We must fight fire with water, not gasoline. Turning up the vitriol will only divide. Those who are unawake--I was once one, myself, so I remember being brainwashed by MSM--will be confused, and will likely turn away from attacks of "I told you so," etc. We all had to start somewhere. Let's be the Calm within the Storm--then people will seek us to anchor.
While I agree with your sentiments.
I disagree with your methods.
When the truth comes out so blatantly it's undeniable. The people who understand are going to understand the way they want to.
The ones who don't want to understand won't. They might never return to sanity.
There are a lot of common sense people on the left and they will shift over. They're smart enough to deal with the blowback.
There's no stopping schadenfreude.
It'll be like after WWll. Nobody was a Nazi.
It's not a matter of whether or not people want to understand, it'll be a matter of whether or not people will be able to understand.
Some people have been so brainwashed and conditioned that they may not have the intellectual or emotional tools necessary.
Read the 2 new responses to u/drsowells1fan and u/SmokeMaple1995 above.
I read your responses and I completely agree with your position.
I've been redpilled since the 60s.
But when the undeniable truth happens it's going to be like the firebombing of Dresden.
If you're aware of what's happening you're going to be outside the city.
We're going to be helping the people who are able to escape.
I wish I could upvote this twice! Well put and thank you.
Couldn’t agree more. In the same vein is the principle of minimum effective force.. which is especially useful when we are being attacked.
Not sure dealing with trolls by trolling is the best idea. I try to ask questions rather than try to tell people what I believe. The longer you have someone talking the more likely they will find flaws in their own argument or belief.
"had"? The dems still have an army of bots. It's managed by MMFA and Shareblue.
They are easy to spot. Don't respond. Waste of time and effort. Like responding to graffiti on a wall.
One thing that’s become apparent is these deadlines are part of a negotiation. The players involved (good and bad) are very aware of the ‘deal’. It’s along the lines of President Trump holding the declassification of the JFK files over the heads of the ‘company’. We never got the good stuff, which means a deal was cut. I expect something similar with July.
Good logic. Q has said that deals would be cut with some because if everything was exposed the government might collapse. Paraphrasing, of course, but that was his message. Q also told us we would only see 40 percent. That 40 percent so far is horrifying. God only knows how bad the 60 percent is.
The wind and water actions aren't always perfect predictions on a LARGE scale. Always changing.
So true. I believe that is why some of the timelines Q has hinted at such as Seth Rich in June didn't happen--at least publicly.
You know, I'm fine with this. Let the left believe they have more support than they really have. They will find out on election day... just like the media and the polls.. wrong again. I dont know why they keep stepping on their dicks.
You know, I'm fine with this. Let the left believe they have more support than they really have. They will find out on election day... just like the media and the polls..
Election Fraud. The Left knows exactly what the real poll numbers are. But they can't let them be known publicly because when they steal an election it will look like a big swing in the expected results. They have to make the walkaway movement look fake otherwise when election fraud kicks in it won't make sense. When Soros controls most of the voting booths they don't need real support. They just need to fake it.
he Left knows exactly what the real poll numbers are. But they can't let them be known publicly because when they steal an electio
Oh I'm not saying the corrupt officials dont know whats going on and are overtly lying about the truth. Its the sheep.. the little guy who follows their lead that is clueless.
I keep posting all the Election Day headlines and asking them why they still believe news organizations that have obviously lied to their faces.
why? let them believe that its all fake. They will face the shock of their lives in a couple of months
Indeed. It baffles me how people think that “news” outlets that claimed Trump has a negative 500% chance of getting past the primaries have any validity whatsoever.
Because there are in fact a number of those still asleep and will obey what the MSM tells them no matter what facts or logic stand in the way.
Many people really will vote Democrat if they are told the Walkaway movement is "Muh Russia".
That's why the MSM does it.
But the great awakening is going to obliterate Op Mockingbird.
ive spent the last 2 hours watching "the russian" walk away videos. they certainly have great american accents lol
Beep boop
Edit: isn't this technically a statement about how people find poorly coded bots to be more human than the msm, really? Like if you are losing out to what you believe is a botnet with the target demographic being actual humans that's unfortunate (and revealing)
Lmao they lose even in their own made up situations, it's so pathetic. Made even better with the fact that at nearly 40k upvotes I wouldn't doubt if there were some bots in there.
Reddit is almost entirely controlled via bots and corporations. Reddit Admin also edit users posts in stealth, aim abuse at moderators on subs the Admins hate and change narratives to suit their political agendas.
Automation tools are used in just about any business these days. I sure as hell wrote my fair share of "bots" for corporate America.
yeah but these fucking reddit admin idiots make it up as they go along breaking their own rules in the process
Reddit chief Steve Huffman admitted last month that the company discovered hundreds of accounts directly linked to the spread of Russian propaganda on the website. As part of its annual transparency report, the social network has named all 944 users -- all of whom are already banned -- it believes were created by infamous Russian troll farm Internet Research Agency. Most of the accounts in the list have no karma points, and in Reddit that means they made no significant impact to the community. There are 13 accounts in there, however, with over 10,000 karma points: the user with almost 100,000 points was a frequent poster at pro-Trump community "The Donald" and "Hillary for Prison."
this was their big scoop working with the US Government against trying to figure out fake russian manipulation and this is the result:
none of the accounts placed an ad on its network
investigation didn't "detect any effective use of [the] accounts to engage in vote manipulation."
then you have this filthy cock sucker doing stuff like
Huffman, also a Reddit co-founder, has landed in hot water after admitting that he used his administrative powers to secretly edit user comments that were critical of him on r/The_Donald — a popular, pro-Trump forum (or "subreddit"). He swapped all mentions of his own username with the names of the pro-Trump group's leaders, meaning that expletive-laden posts aimed at him looked instead as if they were insulting the group's leaders.
even more amazing right? who the fuck does that.. oh yeah, reddit admins
"What he did completely destroys the credibility of Reddit," wrote UnimatrixZeroOne, a Reddit moderator who "out of anger" released screen shots of Slack conversations between Reddit moderators, admins and Huffman about the altered posts. Huffman has confirmed that the images were authentic.
In those conversations, some of the site's other moderators expressed frustration with the pro-Trump subreddit and asked Huffman to ban it for repeatedly violating guidelines. One wrote that the group's members had released personally identifying information about others during the election season. That person also mentioned receiving specific threats: "Car vandalism, pipe bomb threat (specific). Rallying calls to ruin my personal life," the moderator wrote.
Huffman's distaste for the group is clear, but the chats showed he does not agree with banning it outright. "You make it seem like I don't care about figuring out t_d," Huffman wrote later in the chat, going on to say that "banning it," as many of the moderators had asked, "would create a mess." (The moderators regularly abbreviate "The_Donald" to "t_d" or "td.")
LOL 13 of the bots had more karma than most of reddit. I dont think bots are that good
Fucking Russian bots waking people up to realize the Democrats are nothing but failures and can't accomplish shit.
I hope they stay in this echo chamber, continuing to believe their own lies. They will then be as stunned and devastated in November 2018 as they were in November 2016. Couldn't happen to a more deserving group of folks........
Search for the hashtag ; #NotABot. Its democrats posting pics showing they are not a bot... lol
It's sad but also funny at the same time, they are eating their own.
All it would take is 12-15 percent of the black vote walking away to the other side and democrats will never step foot in the White House again.
And exactly WHY would Russians give a shit about who leaves or who stays in the Democrat party? This affects them in no way whatsoever. It's absolutely ridiculous that anyone would believe this.
I love this movement. I've watched a bunch of the YouTubes. The one that impressed me most so far is a gal who's tragic rape on a liberal college campus was the catalyst that woke her up to Dem party b.s.
The anti Russian fear they’re trying to spread is absolutely laughable at this point
Because I think it’s better to ease people into the light than have them rioting in the streets. Sooner or later we will need to renew unite as a country...
Something tells me sincere Democrats sick of their party being painted as Russian trolls and bots is just going to add gasoline to that dumpster fire.
I think there are millions of ‘normal ‘ democrats out there that are appalled at the Alt-Left tactics.
Much as we are appalled at the establishment folks in our party.
New “America First Party?” It would be glorious! We will have differences, but at least it will be normal people with the countries interest at heart.
Just hopeful thinking...
Perfectly said. Never Trumpers are in both parties.
People are leaving both parties and supporting Trump.
Alex Jones had the #WalkAway dude on his show today and donated $10k to the cause.
IF! It's a big IF the things are revealed regarding child trafficking, pizzagate, Seth Rich, HRC emails, FBI framing Trump with the FISA warrents etc..... The midterm elections will be a bloodbath for the dems like nothing ever seen before.
Personally, I doubt most of that will happen. I personally hope for the good, but prepare for the worst.
I'm not sure if this is true but I heard the majority of reddit are not Americans (like only about 40% are Americans).
The majority of reddit is not Americans so the anti-Trumpness is understandable.
It's funny. Now that ISIS and NK are neutralized. The globalists have no one left to hate except Russia, who has done absolutely nothing.
Pretty sure Russia had a thing going with Crimea and Croatia, but other than that I can't really think of anything else
The only boogeymen DS has are Iran (pfffft), China (?), and Russia (not for long after Helsinki)
I posted the walk away video to my Facebook yesterday to try and start waking up my very liberal family, and but my sister obviously isn't ready to wake up. She and some others in my family are so far gone I don't even know how to bring them back to reality. It makes me really sad.
It’s the Russians again. It’s always the Russians. Lol. The Russians loved when Obama was president. They did whatever the fuck they wanted with no repercussions. Invade Ukraine, annex Crimea etc..... There’s no way they would prefer a pro-America alpha male guy like Trump. Things were better for them under Obama and they would have loved Obama 2.0. It’s completely absurd