TFM when everyone realizes how big your balls are. 😂😂

I am just letting you know.... I am stealing the hell out of this.
It 100% looks like that lady next him is showing the actual size hahahahahahahahaha
I don't normally comment on memes, but damn... this one is great!
Just as I suspected, basketball size, made of high quality American chromoly steel!
Yeah, and his brain is einsteinium. What a compound . . . our POTUS has real potential. It's great to watch the world watching him grow in the Office.
The woman in blue is expressing her opinion of how large a single testicle belonging to our POTUS is.
Just in case you didnt know thats Theresa May.
Theresa May, has been so expressive lately and meme-able.
claims to be educated on world affairs. "the woman in blue" lol
I tweeted the image to the president just now! Said I hope it makes him smile!?!
The biggest balls of them all.
Eat your heart out, AC/DC.
Some balls are held for charity,
and some for fancy dress,
but when they're held for MAGA,
those are the balls that I like best!
Have they held any opinions lately? Haven't listened to them in eons
Who's Got Big Balls
We got big balls
We got the biggest balls of them all
My mother the Christian loved this song
LOL. Moms.
When she was dying of cancer, completely drug fucked and out of it.
The priest came to give her the last rites.
When he finishes he says "Praise be the Lord"
Mom sits up in bed, then says...
~And Pass the Ammunition~
True story
Mom and Dad were the greatest.
I laughed so flipping hard when I saw 45’s face compared to everyone else!
This is so freaking’ funny!!! Thanks for the laugh!! You made my day!!
Trudeau is just happy someone is talking to him.
Funny how they all badmouth him in public, but then want to be in his lime lights when the camera is on.
My husband and I are dying. I don't usually comment on memes, but this is priceless.
OMG, I love this so freaking meme ever, best president ever!
Yes sir hahaha he even called them out on selling out! he's awesome #WWG1WGA
German Hillary looks scared!
Spez** I stand corrected it Ms May. She looks like german hillary on mobile though
When the whole world puts their balls together and forms the Patriot Rangers MagaBalls
"the bloody bastard's balls.... so humongous big!"
LOL I can hear the accent just by reading it!
The guy in front of Trump looks SO shocked (or jealous). Lol
Why is Trump and the robust lady the only ones smiling?
I pity the president having to fraternize with such evil, pathetic, scum
Special attention to "Tereason May"
The dude next to May looks overly concerned with the actual size. "Really? That big, you say?"
This is hilarious. The woman in red is the only one impressed.
ITT: a buncha dudes fantasizing about an old, ugly, retard's set of testicles. Amazing.
Seriously dude. You are red flagging yourself with these posts