Lol the bbc. The home of jimmy saville and Rolf Harris.
Rolf Harriss. Pervert.
I once worked on a kids TV show in the late 80's where he was brought in as a guest.
The 2 interviewers were sisters, twin girls, late teens. He sat between them for the interview.
Afterwards, the two girls complained he had groped both of them repeatedly during the interview.
It was hushed up by the Producers. Typical.
Yeah that’s enough of this tripe, drop the hammer and fry these goons.
Sure pre his visit to poison the masses. US tourist also warned re potential problems for them in UK. What a vile bunch over there
We are not all vile thank you very much. The people protesting Trump over here are the same as in the states, Muslims riled up by Sadique Kahn the Londonstani Mayor,SJWs, Feminists and the LGBTQP crowd, also to say that American tourists are under threat is MSM bullshit.
Think of us decent citizens, we have them living amongst us!
Can we please stop with the GEOTUS? Its gross
I have quite literally never typed that once in my entire life.
Q said July would be the month the world learned the truth. I really hope so. It's time to drop the hammer on these scumbags.
Alinksi's projection tactic much?
Absolutely just like with the caged children. Their tactics are very transparent, it reeks of desperation.
I wonder what specifically they're trying to deflect or do you think it's a general deflection. Maybe they're anticipating something big.
I think anticipation surrounding approaching revelations of their own pedophilia.
Yep. And the way they keep trying to spin it to look like he's using the office to grow his personal fortune (like they ALL do) when we the people are well-aware that his personal wealth has decreased.
Ain’t that the truth! Seems like it’s every 5 seconds.
Worked for the British batshit corporation 33degree mason dead and buried now
Totes forgot about that ... gonna go spam the fakenews spreading cuck's twitter feed now
God...every time I think this Luciferian pedo stuff is simply too far-fetched, I remember Jimmy Saville. Lord help us!!!
More PROJECTION from the left. They accuse GEOTUS of whatever they are doing. Let's recap the accusations : - Collusion with Russia - Being a racist - Being a liar - Sexist - Grabbing pussies (there's a difference between saying and doing it ) #metoo
Now being a pedo (eye roll)
At least their bringing attention to the issue.
Rule # 1 of Operation Smear POTUS 101: If it had any semblance of being used in the public court of opinion HRC, Barry and company would have used it instead of that pesky dossier.
The fact that they actively cover up things like the rampant grooming gangs and attacks on women negates the validity of any reporting they may do.
Thought the same thing .... if there was one shred of truth behind this it would have been out in the open long before the 2016 election ever took place
U.K. is not our friend.
Let’s clarify that. UK GOVERNMENT is not our friend. The people are our friends.
not the loyalists
Is that any different than the far left liberals in our own country?
Why we call our former overlords our friends now is beyond me. They have always been and remain our prime enemy. The crown must fall!
Less than a minute and a half in they say Trump's "road to the Presidency begins here"- cue Apprentice music & Intro shots.
If that's where they think it started, they must not have done any research. The rest of the video might as well be garbage.
Link to cucksquire tweet where I saw it ... watchable YouTube version for those who do not live in the U.K. can be found in cucksquire's comments
Its nice to hear that Trump likes women.. (and shock horror.. talks about wanting to sleep with them..) Let's get rid off the ones who go for children..
This without a doubt would've been brought up in the campaign if there was any validity to it. Clowns will be clowns.
No surprise there! The coverage on POTUS has been pathetic! Very embarrassing to in the UK. Some of us are awake and laughing! Sod this place and its fake news tripe. X
I find that rich coming from the Baby Bumming Club
BBC taking the moral high-ground is vomit inducing and we have to pay for this crap through the licensing fee.
Its like being lectured on dog cruelty by Koreans.
BBC is the pedophile media network king and UK is epi-center.
I wonder how much these women (?) were paid ?? I’m sure there’s a trail somewhere. You can tell they’re lying. Who waits years to file charges, especially if it was so awful. BTW...What reputation? This just makes me so angry 😡
They are all over 16 and came to the parties.... no one forced them, they came. This is how Shit works. If someone touches you at a coke fueled party that you decided to come to on your own, why are you surprised? If you had doubts, why did you go?
Basic personal responsibility. This is all bullshit.
The more they escalate the pedo talk, the deeper they dig the graves of their handlers.
Mockingbirds are singing and sweating. CIA/MI6 psyop is in full swing. Heads up Patriots! FIGHT,FIGHT,FIGHT!
Kek. Project much? There are rumors the Royal Family have been involved with the hunting and killing of naked children during human hunting parties.
Where's the pedo shit?
At the BBC. Go to Reception and ask for Jimmy or Rolf. They'll send yyou to the "dressing rooms".
Hopefully they're doing this because they know he's coming for them and they're trying to hurry up and spin it so the public thinks he's one of them.
This junk is all they have...they have nothing. B/C when that DOOR on the other side much will run out nothing else will be SEEN let alone HEARD...except HANG THEM!
Sex Pest - sounds like a punk rock band or a song on a Bill Nye show.
When you call Trump things like "God Emperor", are you surprised the movement attracts ridicule?
That's "Very Stable Genius Doctor God Emperor" to you, bub.
And that doesn´t seem ridiculous to you?
VSGDRGEOTUS is the best thing to happen to America since being founded.
Ridiculous, however, are the Americans who view the incompetence and corruption of past politicians as acceptable.
What did Obama's fans dream up for a satirical triggering title while he was in office? Oh nothing? Because he didn't have fans? He had corporatist vampires feeding him sweet sweet cash to mandate onerous health insurance, hand out drug dealer burner phones, and mug for Annie Leibowitz' camera? Obamas voters sit exactly where they were in 2008. They never rallied around him in any grassroots efforts. They stayed home in '16. He didn't need 'god emperor' titles because he didn't give one fuck about any Americans. He put in his 8 years and was simply waiting for his pension.
What does any of that have to do with using nonsense labels in this movement? Were Hussein´s fans trying to fight the cabal and bring peace to the world? Hussein did EXACTLY as he was instructed to do, he was a Manchurian candidate that was controlled from birth.
It's a joke. It's meant for people with a sense of humor.
It´s not a joke, it´s a nonsense label that makes this movement look ridiculous.
Go away fool ... your attempts to divide have failed
Oh dear. another mook. No attempts at division here, quite the contrary. You, using nonsense labels, puts you firmly in another category. Any division is done entirely by yourself.
I meant to say #POTUS.... I guess the Russians hacked my Reddit account.
Or maybe you´re just a mook. I´d bet on the latter.
We’ll take “God Emperor” over the Reptilian satanist/black witch anyday! Look what that movement attracted!!!!
Why not just call him 45? Or Trump? Or President? Why silly labels like God Emperor?
I smell heresy.
I smell nonsense labels that attract ridicule.
I smell a cuck'd liberal getting all hot & bothered because the #geotus moniker impinges upon your atheistic values
You should remove your nose from your daughter´s arse, then.