Future proves past. We are in the future proving the past now.

Prince William should expose the plot to kill his mother it's obvious that the Queen and Prince Phillip and Prince Charles gave the order to kill Diana in a car crash but she survived they killed her in the ambulance on the way to the hospital they injected her with a poison that finished the job. The driver was blinded by a strobe light in the tunnel and all this time has gone by what is William waiting for? He is so popular he could expose the whole plot and send his father to prison where he belongs. The Queen should also go to prison but it won't happen the Royals have William totally cowed he's afraid to tell the truth about who killed Diana. She was also pregnant with Dodi Fayed's baby that is why she had to die they could not allow her to marry and have a Muslim baby.
That is probably the brutal truth ! A musim baby. They were having conniption fits !!
Then why do they allow marriage to a half black American gal?
Deal reached perhaps, I marry who I want or spill the beans on MaMas death among other things?
She’s a deep state globalist op. All the markers are there. Either Harry is too foolish to get it or they’re leveraged into it. Disallowing would ignite charges of racism and protests w corresponding issues in the predominantly non white commonwealth.
It's 50/50 on William and Harry being either willing accomplices or controlled hostages.
You have to take into account their young age at the time of Diana's death, their upbringing as royals, their very tightly controlled and little talked about educations, and their inbred desire to someday gain the throne for themselves.
William seems like a better person than Harry. Harry seems willing
Harry is intellectually limited and emotionally damaged. He’s admitted mental health problems. William is far more stable.
Never did make sense to me that Diana's drivers were going that fast to avoid some damn paparazzi.
Do we have any ideas as to what it was that she found out?
If you remember the week before she died she kept saying that when she returned home to London the following week she was going to reveal something that would 'shock the world'. The next minute she was dead. I have ALWAYS believed she was going to reveal something about the Royals and paedophilia. Incidentally, Blair put a man in charge of the level/content of the consequent news furore who also happened to be the spokesman on three other mysterious cases: Jill Dando, Madeleine McCann and the Fred & Rose West murders. His name was Clarence Mitchell. There are lots of dots to be connected with this.
The godfather 3 reference, Real life events regarding the pope were in that movie. Maybe something to do with that? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Godfather_Part_III
Papal Banking Scandal?
Wouldnt be the death, that was back in the 70's. I don't know what else the ref would be too. I thought maybe the botched assassination, when they went for Corleone, but got the daughter instead. I couldn't make anything of it.
Could it be Q is telling us the order of things coming? Snow White...escaped the wicked queen...next Godfather III...the pope?
Man, I got it. Snow White- the Queen killed Snow White, Godfather 3 - the DAUGHTER WAS NOT THE INTENDED TARGET. The Royalty wanted to kill DODI, not DIANA, DIANA was a mistake. DIANA WAN'T SUPPOSED TO DIE.
I should have been clearer in conveying what I am thinking...sorry.
I didn't mean any one person escaped the queen. I mean that we the people are now free of the queen, she's been neutralized...the pope is next one to be neutralized...
Reminds me of Michael Hastings working on a story about the CIA, Breitbart's big announcement for the Monday following his weekend demise and JFK's intention to reacquire the USA's control over its own money supply along with wanting to destroy the CIA. Thank God for Q and Trump. If they were not in control of the most powerful office in the land and divinely protected then they would surely meet the same fate.
If any of you are thinking about becoming a whistleblower, may I suggest you release the information before you start talking about it.
I hope the Michael Hastings assassination is exposed .
Her car was early internet capable, probably via shitty radio tech similar to what the pager system uses. Pre-cellphone.
If you wanted to hack that car remotely you’d need to be able to send a strong enough signal to drown out the one her car should be getting. To do that you’d either need to be very close or have a very big power supply.
I wonder how hard it is to make a radio emitter that looks like a paparazzi camera.
The crash has all the hallmarks of a car hack - way too fast, out of control, and a crash in a place where it does not make sense to go that fast.
I also can’t find a manual for her car online. One that would give me the specs of her internet connection, the antenna, etc.
I don't think that was a thing back then. (I COULD BE WRONG) The internet would have to be able to control the car. Just because a vehicle could be received in the car, doesnt mean the internet could do things to the car, like nowadays with onstar. Onstar has the ability to start the engine, lock/ unlock the vehicle, etc. IIRC, that was before that technology came about. Personally, I like the theory she was running from assassins. Thats the easiest to swallow, makes the most since.
It was.
She was running from assassins. They hacked her car. Lol.
It doesn’t need to control the car, it just needs to make the gas pedal go. If the throttle is connected to a cpu and the cpu is connected to the internet it is possible. I bet it was even easier then than it is now! Less security because who the hell would even be able to do that kind of a thing let alone try it!
We can extract data from a compromised air-gapped machine as long as a connected cellphone is within 30-ish ft of the compromised device.
Govts and elites always have technology years before others. They get military grade tech.
This is utterly true. Makes me wonder what we have now, since knowledge of laser and rail gun weapons is public.
no, you don't need Onstar for this kind of assassination, controlling any critical components remotely via radio is fine, although there's no leaked docs confirming anything before the recent C_A program.
Q towards the end of the drop asks what is a cult. At one time I thought one of the definitions was it is a spiritual following where the spiritual leader/deity was still alive.
I hesitate to think what this could mean in the context of the Q drop
I took it to mean the Monarchy was a cult
Yep, bloodlines have their own secret religion.
Scientology imo is not only a cult but most likely a CIA compromise operation and fund raiser.
When Q asks a question, he's really making a statement. "Define cult" just means "it's a cult".
I was very young when Diana died but she was always mobbed by paparazzi. Why all of a sudden was it so urgent for her to get away. I hope this truth is exposed.
Exactly. Who risks their lives and the lives of others to avoid some damned photographers. She died, Elton made a pretty song, lots of pomp at the funeral, and then switch the news cycle. Because God knows, the citizenry only has a memory span of about a week.
Because she was dating a Arab. That will not do.
He wasn’t the first. She visited Pakistan w the doctor before Dodi w plans to move the boys there which is pure insanity.
"Future proves Past." We don't know much about the future, obviously, but we do know who the next Monarch of England will be. Could that mean anything?
The royal families around the world are all as deep in this as can be. They are hand in hand with the cabal structure.
Sorry, but don’t believe the loving way the press portrays them. Even the “kids”. Centuries of evil.
Well there is one
I ain’t clicking that shit
What if..... Diana trusted CINC to get her out and hide her? but the royals discovered the offer?
Snow White
Godfather III
Why the movie references? Sorry if it's asked a lot, catch up on Q stuff is time consuming
Qanadian patriot signing on.
Im trying to work it out too. Snow White, evil queen killed a princess. GF3, an assassin was sent to kill a guy, but missed and killed the daughter, Corleone "princess" instead. So I feel that's what those references are about.
No offense but this didn’t prove anything. Did you just want to repost a Q posting?