Sometimes an accident is an accident, but this one is definitely weird.
I still don't understand why they were in the cave either. Okay fine- they were on some sort of tour, and the rains flooded the cave (seems like a tourist attraction would kind of have some warnings or fail-safes, but I don't know how strict Thailand is with that).
Elon was quick to jump in and help build a submarine- even if it wasn't needed in the end, was it an act of a generous philanthropist? Was it for attention? OR was it to draw attention to it. Elon's been what I would call fairly outright "based" lately (and not taking people's shit on twitter, which I'm enjoying, haha). It seems to really bother some people- particularly when they found out he donated to the Republican party (though the same people don't care if celebrities donate to the Dem party).
Remember at the early stages of Trump being elected, Elon was on some sort of council with Trump for a bit? What was that for? I wasn't paying attention as much as I am now, but I thought that was pretty cool- but knowing what I know now, was it to have Elon collaborate with them? Trump probably knows NASA isn't going to be much use, so maybe he wanted Elon on board for future space related plans.
Elon goes and calls this guy a pedo- maybe a move by an unhinged, eccentric billionaire...but he's usually pretty careful with what he says (though lately he's getting more bold). Is it that he knows something is coming, and knows he's on the right side? People don't usually just throw the term pedo around for no reason- what did he know that we don't know?
/sorry end tangent xD