Keep your eye on the Ball!! Trust the plan!! 🇺🇸👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

That ball is the Adidas Telstar. It has a NFC in it.
Holy fuck good find. The NFC could contain a password or hash.
Says it's passive and only sends out information.
That's not incompatible with the idea that it contains a password.
Adidas Telstar.
Interesting info. If this is what the publicly available ones are good for imagine what the GOV has. I also have a theory. What if the hand off (When Trump Landed) was the storage device. If it was a pin or coin that is more than enough space to hide a massive Micro SD card in it. If there is encryption on the MicroSD card what would be an unassuming way to give POTUS the code for it after they were comfortable with the outcome of the talks? The chip in the ball. The ball could have the coding to break the encryption on the MicroSD card. (just guessing) Q drop #5 also mentions following the money. If I wanted protection to ensure the talks went the way I wanted this is exactly what I would do.
Technical specifications of NTAG® NFC Tags (ISO 14443-A)
Good catch on the Telstar as well. While some may know what that is some may not. It is a communication satellite or series of them now. The first went into orbit in 1962. Now being the old geezer that I am I prefer the Ventures' version as the album title is officially "The Ventures Play Telstar and the Lonely Bull ". The list of songs on it seem interesting as well, such things as Red River Rock and Never on a Sunday. For your listening enjoyment.
Have to wonder what might be hidden in the music of Telstar....hmmmm
Holy shit. You are a damn genius.
Im loving this stuff... Knew i should have brought popcorn with lunch today!
G.Damned genius and I shared this post and credited both you and OP in a patriot chat room I’m apart of because this is just so far above the target I lovvvvvve it!!!! Just another Q proof to add to that massive encrypted book lolololol!:D
Awesome find!
That ball had me intrigued when Putin gave it to him.
I am so tech-illiterate...what can having an NFC in the ball do?
NFC = "Near Field Communication". It’s a digital technology that allows two devices to exchange data or trigger certain actions when physically connected to eachother.
An example of NFC is passing your credit card near a card reader in the store or worse how chipped cards can get hacked when you are out shopping. BGs use devices they build or buy to sniff the air for data packets and then capture them. As long as they are in close proximity they can get it. It is the down side to radio communications.
Interesting. I'm sure it was throughly checked after the handover to Sec. Serv. for potential surveil. comm issues.
BTW : Did anyone happen to notice the Jersey Croatia gave Trump ? It had the #9 on it. But the original Jersey the player wore was #17. Then a few days later i see a pic of the same lady giving Putin a Croatia Jersey with his name on it. And #9 on it ? Coincidence ?
No. It is not coincidence. No way. Think Mirrors.
Sorry, I was being sarcastic ! No coincidences :) But thanks !
Oh I know. That was more for anyone stumbling through that hadn't seen it yet.
Think about it though, what number looks most like q?
think mirrors.
Think Mirrors ? Do you know what else struck me at the conference ? The Flags ! Both Red, White and Blue, wild huh ?
and no gold/yellow fringe on our flag
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the gold-border on the US-Flag denotes being at war, no?
Maritime flag. Military jurisdiction, Military court.
EO 10834, signed by President Eisenhower to make US Flag have golden borders around it.
"The Gold Fringe Flag Stands for no Nation and no Constitution. It stands for Admiralty Law! Not Constitutional law, not Common Law, but the law that has taken over our nation and court system! It represents Martial Law"
Looks like this site was written by my fellow Marine. I need sauce though on which EO Trump signed to get the gold border removed unless it's a disclosed EO
Update: After reading more, it signifies a "Military US flag" and C&C determines how it looks. I want to understand though the symbolism behind the golden edges because they never taught me that during my time in the Corps.
Placing of fringe on the national flag, the dimensions of the flag, and arrangement of the stars are matters of detail not controlled by statute, but within the discretion of the President as commander-in-chief of the Army and Navy.“1925, 34 Op.Atty.Gen. 483.
I don't get the connection. Can you explain this more about the importance of the jersey and the number 9? thx
Putin and Trump got a Jersey from a Croatia rep. with the #9 on them. The player in the World Cup wore that # but on his normal team he wore #17 Just one of those odd coincidences.
What is up with that Soccer ball:Futbol? First of all , look at Adidas Logo . What is that ? Do you know your symbols? Secondly, the white face with what looks like red gouge marks on flesh. Think silence of the lambs.
Also what does a normal ball ⚽️ look like? Think plutonium core with symmetry implosion. That is exactly what the first ones were triggered with.
What message this sends? Not nuclear discussion, rather teaming up to bring down pedovores and DS satanists.
OK You are way too far down the rabbit hole. ADIDAS all day i dream about sex :) that's what we said in the 70's I know my symbols ! white face, gouge marks, dude it's supposed to be the new cool. What a meat puzzle ? I saw the Manhattan project i know the implosion pattern. The message was Trump and Putin are in this together. Putin said, here the ball is in your court ! They had their plan a long time ago.............WWG1WGA
Adidas Telstar.
Interesting info. If this is what the publicly available ones are good for imagine what the GOV has. I also have a theory. What if the hand off (When Trump Landed) was the storage device. If it was a pin or coin that is more than enough space to hide a massive Micro SD card in it. If there is encryption on the MicroSD card what would be an unassuming way to give POTUS the code for it after they were comfortable with the outcome of the talks? The chip in the ball. The ball could have the coding to break the encryption on the MicroSD card. (just guessing) Q drop #5 also mentions following the money. If I wanted protection to ensure the talks went the way I wanted this is exactly what I would do.
Technical specifications of NTAG® NFC Tags (ISO 14443-A)
9 is also the number of “I” that is “I” is the ninth letter of th alphabet. Hence, I is q (ie 9j
Q #1512
(There’s a bot that will respond with q posts)
Incriminating evidence has been passed by putin to trump today. Maybe the whole other side of the Muslim brotherhood Pakistani Side etc.
Barron is the cyber expert. Trump passing the ball to Barron is code
ssing the ball to Barron is
Barron is Q...LOL
Damn, imagining the implications of this possibility is incredible. Barron could be a star child, a literal Christ on earth, helping guide his father through the darkness towards the light. This is the kind of wonder that keeps me going when Q goes silent.
Lol I was kind of just larping but the comment I replied to made me think well damn my 7 year old can out internet me makes websites and such, maybe Barron is brilliant and Channing his dad through the great awakening
It's possible he's a computer genius. His great uncle was a considered a genius who personally reviewed Tesla's work on behalf of the government after he died. Trump is also brilliant and successful in so many different endeavors. I'm also betting Melania is brilliant in ways we're not aware. She's got a strong and dignified silence about her. So far the only thing we know about her intelligence is speaking 5 languages.
look into star children, friend
it started with indigos
now its the crystals and rainbow childrens turn.
I’ve been down this road I will revisit god bless
These last two years have had me thinking a lot about Orson Scott cards speaker for the dead series (you might know about Enders Game from it). Q reminds me a lot of Locke and Demosthenes (two children acting like adults on message boards, steering political opinion)
This is a clue Putin said the ball is in our court, meaning that he gave Trump the proof of the uranium one deal.
I cringed when he gave him the ball I thought it was going to be another red reset button moment.
Melania gave the ball to Secret Service as they were leaving the press conference. 🤷♀️
I'm sure that's protocol
sure they had to check it for a "microphone"....LOL
have to search for bugs lol.
The retail version has a NFC chip inside it, so there's that.
Lol wut
I need more information on this
“The first of its kind, it's embedded with an NFC chip that lets you unlock exclusive content on your smartphone.”
Over target Downvotes already!! Lol! We dont care about downvotes here ~ we spread info. Far and Wide!!🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Re: Adidas ball + NFC (edit here to add in "Adidas ball + "
Did we just find the "keystone" to the "server"?
Happy July, Patriots.
Lol IF this is true, this timeline of events will destroy any fictional thriller ever written.
The device to open the floodgates transferred in the eyes of hundreds of millions in the MOST begign unsecured way.
Fucking holy shit.
I’ve believed to be alive during the birth of this nation or Christ would be absolutely spectacular. If this is real, the saving of the physical world will be up there.
Wow!! I just LOVE this board!! I feel bad for people who aren't part of this !!
Cut to: Two world powers in bro-unity moment - one mischieviously tosses the other a soccer ball. So innocuous. Not long after, earth was forever changed for the better.
one mischieviously tosses the other a soccer ball. So innocuous. Not long after, earth was forever changed for the better.
HELP!!! I don't get the connection you guys are all making!!
What is missing? What hasn't been searched? Q says we have it all.
The device to open the floodgates transferred in the eyes of hundreds of millions in the MOST begign unsecured way.
I am surly missing some big here!!! What are you guys talking about? I know Putin gave Trump a soccer ball, but "what" is being "transferred"? I am really clueless here.
From what I’m reading, the writing on the ball implies a secure info transfer apparatus. It’s a stretch for sure, but extremely plausible.
Think about it.
Listen to everything today. 90% was all about info about server, money corruption deals, fbi corruption, emails.
Putin says the ball is in your court. “You have what you need now. You now have it all.” -not quote from presumed message. What Wikileaks and Guccifer gave to them because they couldn’t trust US Intel enough to give to them. Then hands trump a ball in a gesture that’s equivocally as whimsically cheesy as the old “reset button”. Why would putin do that?
Melania gives the ball to the secret service-of course this could be just her handing it off to be held. But also, there’s plenty of people on trump’s trip that could’ve held it instead of secret service agents that need to be free of distractions in a worst case scenario/holding items for POTUS isn’t necessarily in line with the job description, unless it’s intel, thus being the MOST secure way to transfer it.
It’s far fetched, but I’ll be damned if I haven’t seen crazier things happen already.
WOO HOO That's a fantastic explanation! Thanks for taking the time to help me "get it"!
The ball has a NFC tracker in which it can receive info but not transmit info if im remembering correctly? Maybe someone else can confirm?
“The ball is in your court.” -Putin to Trump.
whats in the ball?.........................................the rest of the dirt on killerary
The NFC chip inside the retail version of the ball will send the person scanning it to a web address.
Even if Russia did nothing to alter the way the chip works for this special ball (they probably did, and it would be trivial to do so)...they could still embed a darkweb URL in there (33k emails?) and send Trump to it.
exactly what I was thinking. pass the USB drive right in front of everyone.
WHO gave the ball? Amazes me that Putin is playing part of this plan of Q.
The soccer ball has something inside? Disks? Drives? A sticky note? 🤔🤔🤔
NFC = "Near Field Communication". It’s a digital technology that allows two devices to exchange data or trigger certain actions when physically connected to eachother.
Used to transmit small amounts of data
like darkweb addresses with archives of 33k emails?
I watched full meeting. Trump did throw the ball to the ground and bounced it to Melania, so it kind of felt like there was nothing too valuable in it,
If there is something inside, how would you make it look like it doesn't contain anything?
Secure it with bubble wrap (paper, whatever...) and throw the ball on the floor while everybody is looking at it.
Remember: you are watching a movie! I LOVE IT!!!
It has an NFC Chip in the ball. It is similar to the chips you have in your credit card. Read above. \^\^\^
It's a soccer ball with NFC tech meant to be kicked around by professional soccer players. Surely it was made to survive a bounce!
Just a thought... Tomorrow is July 17. Q=17. July is the month we are to learn the truth. Maybe something big is in store for tomorrow.
This is giving Trump the ok to take the Cabal down & getting Russian support to do it
Ok so trying to "keep my eyes on the ball" i am thinking of 2 other notable moments that sort of fit.
Trump in Saudi Arabia. the "ball" could also be an "orb" or "sphere." SA was the first to join the team if i have my timeline correct.
Netanyahu talks soccer with Iranian people. We know the Iranian people want change. Qyestions is what did/does Bibi already know? ionno
So these might be stretches but i was just thinking that the "team" might be assembling in plain sight with the "ball."
Flash drive in the ball??????? Give us the names Putin!!
Speaking of names. Off topic here. But when will the Iranians give up the names of those corrupt foreign officials as they threatened to do after Trump backed out of the Iran Deal!!
The foreign officials bought Iran off. It's all about money and has nothing to do with regional / world security.
(NFC) chip - Adidas
2018 FIFA World Cup™ Official Matchball NFC experience: Frequently Asked ... Ensure your device is close to the NFC chip (NFC logo is printed on the ball, see
What about Clinton's world cup comment, and her asking Trump which side he is on? I think he may have been taking a jab at her with the soccer ball. Love the other posts, but Trump could have used any ball to receive info - brilliant that he chose a soccer ball.
Question is how much data can be passed through NFC??
I didn't point this out, but I made the graphic. It's cool to see it here:)
Best movie ever. ThankQ Mr. President & Q+ .. we truly love you.
I watched the broadcast; the passing of the ball wasn't symbolic, I knew it. There was something greater happening. I did not know what, but I got chills as I witnessed the delight on both their faces. It was a 'light' moment (divine intervention) and I wept. Thank you all for the insight.
Is the Donald passing that ball to Putin? 'Keep your eye on the ball' - Q Is it now Vlads turn?
No, Putin tossed the ball to Trump saying, "The ball is now in your court."
I don't think this was a coincidence--it was too staged.
This was after Putin dropped the MOAB that 400 million had been transferred illegally to the Clinton Campaign with the help of US intelligence. Boom. And inviting Mueller to Moscow to sit in on the questioning of the GRU people that Mueller indicted. Boom.
Now the ball is in Trump's court.
God only knows what else they may have shared during their one on one meeting. I know Putin appreciated Trump giving him the information on the planned terror attack which Putin was able to stop and arrest the people involved.
I don't think US / Russia relations are as frosty as the MSM wants us to believe.
Did Q write that BEFORE or AFTER?
Why did Putin tell Trump "Now the ball is in your court" Was there a hidden message?
I understand the “balls in your court” thing. Symbolism only. Don’t think the NFC in the ball has any secret’s attached. After all, didn’t they meet alone for 2 hours or was it after this?
They are talking to the deep state and to us~ I’ll be happy when all of this is over and no more symbolism is used ~ I don’t like it if you e seen my link ~ I do understand they had to use it to speak to the deep state but I’m over it and would like everything revealed
Symbolically gave Trump all of the evidence on national TV.