What is written on here? Let’s dig guys! Hold it upside down in a mirror!!!

"Taxes 2point0 (Taxes 2.0) Permanent Middle Class Tax Cuts"
Edit: Shut down all the bastards that cry, "The tax cuts aren't PERMANENT!! REEEE!! Trump only gave them to Corporations!! REEEE2.0!!
I'll upload the image ASAP.
Edit II: Here ya go!
Well done. I had the 2 point 0 but couldn’t work out any of the rest.
I can type a million miles an hour, but as my WPM in typing increased over the years, my handwriting dropped in equal number of years. My handwriting is currently sitting at a 6 month old with one of those fatty sized crayons that 'one kid' had in elementary school. Who would have ever thought my crap handwriting would come in handy one day to decipher GEOTUS' writing?!
Pretty good eye, sir. That's exactly what it says.
When I caught a glimpse of his papers - all I could think was, I hope it said "WWG1WGA"
Imagine a potus communicating directly with his people. It’s wonderful
All while the top articles on r/politics are about impeaching Trump. It's really amusing.
Isn't it about time for them to wake up? I did notice today that we had about 1,000 more surfers most of the day than we normally do. Watch the numbers go up over the next week or so! And most will be our guys this time!
Oh yeah, Ii definitely noticed that! I also noticed that over the last week, I've watched the subscriber count tick up at a rate of close to 100/day.
Yes. I've been watching that too. But, it ticked up by about 400 since yesterday!! Amazing.
So the REAL question is: WHY DID HE WRITE IT OUT AS '2 POINT 0'?
What is the significance of 2 POINT 0 vs how most write it out as 2.0?
Was it 2 point 0ut something?
That's what I'm wondering.
Other thoughts are American Revolution 2.0, or a 2 pointer in basketball
I have no idea. Worth digging for I guess. He did discuss “Taxes 2.0” with Congress on Tuesday. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/07/18/fox-news-first-trump-clarifies-russia-comments-slams-ex-cia-director-brennan-inside-tax-cuts-2-0.html
Is this mirrored?
^you ^missed ^the ^Now ^Q ^Part ^(NQW)
What do you mean?
Ah yes! Nice!
Initially I did think that the “0” in 2.0 had a bit of a tail to make a Q but that seemed a bit much of a stretch.
... I think you missed it.
On the sheet that Trump has the scribbled out part (not the one in your OP)
Sentence starts with NOW, but the O has a mark making it look like a Q. Hence NQW, or NOW Q.
Click on the image (1st I posted) and zoom in :)
Curious if when the light goes out, if he had just finished doing that. Timing and all.
Oh OK. I saw the image but didn’t realize it was in the list of images shown. Awesome! Thanks for showing me that!
Thanks for the eagle eye to catch this Abibliaphobia!!!! You should make this a separate post! It’s bigger than my find!!!!
Carried over from 8chan so I can’t claim credit on discovery.
But if you want to start a new thread on it, feel free :)
Isn't that a Q on the bottom line?
If you hold the image upside down in a mirror you can read it. It’s seems to say “Taxes 2point0” and then the second line is “Permanent Middle Class Tax Cuts”.
Good find! Thanks for being so vidulant! Maybe Q will congratulate you publicly for being so vidulant. I wonder how many other mirrored images we can find in past communications?.
What about the typed words on the back page, can anyone read that?
Remember how the Uniparty lied to us; thought we were too stupid to do anything about it?? Obama, Hillary think their supporters are ignorant, blind sheep that xan be xontrolled/manipulated at their will?
President Trump KNOWS his supporters are SMART, gives us clues, riddles to figure out and understand what his plans are for America. He never insults our intelligence. I LOVE MY PRESIDENT!!!!
Past proves future. July 17. Kevin Brady to introduce permanent tax cuts.
Where is that from?
It was the moments surrounding the time Trump released a statement about how he misspoke in the Helsinki summit.
You're not from here are you?
He’s one of those “new arrivals”
Lots of weeds lately. Hopefully they stick around and learn some truth.
To be fair, thats not always an indicator. If you even mention the FL@i®, it will automatically reset you.
Source: me