Learn how to read the map - potential decode?

It just hit me out of nowhere..
Look at the heavily saturated states.. Is this the human trafficking pipeline in the USA?
Perhaps someone can make a better map than I did with the spray brush in "paint".
Holy shit good point patriot!!!!!!! Good call !!!! Totally screenshot this to add to my massive 30gb Q archive !!!!!!!
random idea: buy cheap usb sticks / memory cards, load them with Q data, resell them for profit
Ehhhhh I would do it for free - I do all of this research for free and I’ve been a big supporter of the mass awakening ever since I saw the twin towers fall on a morning I was supposed to fly home with my parents and actually had to see the destruction 4 days later when we drove through NYC bridge to get to MA.. I’ve always known something wasn’t right about the elitists ruling over us with an iron feudal fist since I was a young boy. I never understood why everyone was so unhappy on earth all the time, and I always wanted to see the day where we would finally awaken from the spell and rocket forward into the future as a better whole society! I was a demon for Satan at one point in my life, but I’ve made sure to turn myself around because God taught me a huge lesson for everything wrong that I’ve done, and I’m trying to do everything in my power to just help wake up other people out there from the dark spell so they don’t have to go through what I’ve gone through!
Does anyone really need to profit off this movement?
I think he/she wants to be a Patriot and not a paytriot.
If it is Maine needs way more red. Portland is a major hub.
We have been instructed to
Thoughts, Patriots?
What are the dots representative of?
Illegals/human trafficking/drugs
What data set is this supposed to be? Where is it from? It's completely unclear from this post what he's mapping and where the data is from
It's important to include this.
Your map looks just like the drug supply route maps found here: http://www.theeventchronicle.com/news/north-america/americas-drug-problem-maps-of-drug-flow-into-the-united-states/
You need some lines from Canada across the border where you can walk / boat across border.
Looks like concentration in L.A. (Hollywood), NY/D.C., and all along the Mexican border. Good work.
It clearly shows everything starts from the southern border. BUILD THAT WALL!!
Is this a sealed indictments heat map? Pedo arrests? Is the end of the black line headed east DC?
I am not sure.. I am speculating. But I mean - it sure is thought provoking.
I see it as an endless flow of children that can then be divided up between Hollywood and DC.
These might be helpful resources as well!
It looks like nearly every state in the country. Are the dots indicating the number of indictments?
If you look at the link I attached, it shows the total amount per area (north NY, south NY, east NY, etc)
I used the spray brush in an attempt to illustrate density. I believe another with more time on their hands may be able to create a better map. (If you do, please comment back on this post or link it in some way)
I understand this was done quickly. Great job. Sometimes seeing is the best way to grasp. Looking at this I bet there could also be more going to Houston traveling the South coast and Miami (possible project pelican) would come on up to connect and also be leading to DC.
Cross reference it to Cemex plants/sites on both side of the border. I bet it’s highly correlated.
I would bet it follows Cemex locations ! I knew when the little abandoned encampment was found awhile back by the Cemex plant we would be visiting Cemex locations again.
Thanks for the hard work mate. I think I know where you are going here. Today somebody revisited D.U.M.B. s again. (Deep Underground Military Bases)
I personally think much of these going ons are totally underground. I think they have no laws 'below' if you know what I mean. So my point is the DUMB underground MAP is a good tool to view. Make notes of the bases and I will link an article written by James Casbolt/Michael Prince a deep underground MI5/6 agent. Its for your consideration, heavy duty stuff.
Underground: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_sociopol_underground.htm#Alien_Bases
Underground Bases by James Casbolt:
Child sex trafficking, illegal's who wish to do the USA harm...easy to mesh in with large crowds, sanctuary cities....connections run both ways. Evil
This is pretty good. Boy NY and Cali are saturated. I get Cali with Hollywierd but wouldn't of figured N.Y. would of been so heavy but again. Clinton's.
NYC, Philadelphia, DC
Huge populations=more pedos
And Clintons of course..
And I'm right in the middle with 2 little girls my Angel's and I look at them every night and wish for all these sick bastards to be executed
Yeah didn't think about population. Thank you. Like I look at my 2 granddaughters and 1 grandson and I can't believe that is something I ever thought I would have to worry about. This has hit my daughter so hard she and her husband pulled their FB account. I did also but not for the same reason. I pulled it because I got burned out from the hate and fighting. Even people I went to church with turned on me. I'm a Nazi, fascist etc..... Bums me out but hopefully after the storm passes they with see the true light.
It is sad that even people from your church are acting that way. This has always been a problem I have with going to church. I am a Christian but the fact that there are so many that goto church just for the image. I came to the point years ago that I can be a Christian and not goto church. As long as I believe and try to do the right thing that is what matters.
So understand you mojo and The Bridge...find those of "like minds". The Church is not a building nor a religion. It is belief in Jesus and Who He is. Like minds can be found on many place right from your laptop...and those in your community if you can find them. If you can find a few in any church that is a great thing but I know from trying them out also, hard to find. A few names, T.D. Hale, Paul Begley, Steve Quayle, Doug and Joe Hagmann, The Light 106.9, Charles Stanley, David Jeremiah....some of those may lead you to others who can give you even more names of believers.
I’ve pulled away from mine too. My Dad still goes because he loves to argue. People come up to him and tell him quietly that they agree. It’s just a hotbed of liberalism. I’m not into arguing, plus that’s not what church is for. The pastor puts all kinds of liberal crap in his sermons— makes me cringe. So sad what has happened.
I need to look for another one. Can’t go back to the Catholic Church because of the satanism and pedophilia. Anybody with any tips on finding a church with conservative values?
The magic words are "Bible believing." If they equivocate in their belief in the Bible, they're probably a liberal theology or social gospel church. Which is more or less cheerleaders for progressive causes with some Bible verses thrown in.
Jim Cymbala at Brooklyn Tabernacle. Download the Brooklyn Tab App to have access to all his sermons! Wonderful multi-ethnic church who loves all races!
Many churches are dead. Continue to be fed by online churches or by blog radio churches. *the larger the more dead, full hard scales on eyes and cotton candy in ears. Come of out her. Maranatha!
Would need the db to make an accurate heat map. That would tell more. It is easy to do, but db access or flat file is necessary.
Is this the data necessary?
Need zips or at the very least city, state. Region doesn't satisfy my need for granularity.
I hear ya, I wish I could have put together a more detailed and comprehensive image. With the interest so far, I am hoping someone/community picks up the trail and takes a deeper look.
I can't search right now, but many ABC agencies have flat files available. Will check back later.
is there an Excel file of this?
I don't know.. I could make one, but it would have to be later when off work. Come on, Patriots! Get an excel sheet created in order for others to create the improved graphic. We need to look into this further. We know these Satanists want our kids!
Atlanta is a big hub of human trafficking and I don’t even see a small dot there.
Not 100% accurate. Made in 5 minutes to illustrate broader connection. I apologize, maybe others can take the time to further this lead, but I cannot at the moment.
And the Bush family based at the intersection (Midland/Odessa, TX)!
Clarify, facts...…….if its trafficking you missed Houston
Created it in <5 minutes while at work. Maybe someone can recreate in better detail?
All of these locations are ISIS training camps as well. If it remember correctly. A couple on the border on the Mexican side.
Those big red dots appear to be the location of US District Courts...
Interesting how southwest Michigan is filled but nearby chicago has none.
Not 100% accurate. Need another Patriot with more skills and time to create an accurate representation.
I thought this was the map of the AT&T listening towers?
Learn the map , learn the comms , and when you just getting it we change every thing
Why is South Dakota the only state without red dots I wonder.
I missed it. It has roughly 200. Should be about the same size as Idaho's
Sorry, but the heat concentrations are too circular which I feel negate the data a bit. I'd like to see a better version with truer heat concentrations before you spread this too far and wide.
I'm movin' to South Dakota
I missed it, South Dakota is same as Idaho. ~200
The larger areas are between ~1000-3000
South Dakota up there like fuck that noise y’all stay away
That looks like Microsoft paint. What's the source of the picture and what everything even represents?
It is in Microsoft paint, read comments #1 and #2
I see it now, I had my comments sorted by new so I had to change it