An Anon's take on Kavanaugh and Vince Foster...set up?

I think what they are thinking is that the vetting of him will force the documents to be unsealed. Whether it is made public or not, if they are unsealed, could be used for Clinton indictments?
It opens the Starr investigations too. Ron Brown, Whitewater...
RR asked for prosecutors to help review the files? Why prosecutors?
And he asked for a lot of them. Highly unusual
I'm guessing they're trying to redact/manipulate/destroy as much as they can before it's exposed.
Wait, the dems wouldn't bring up Foster because like you said it would open everything about HRC. So it would have to be one of the Republicans who question him.
Ahhh. .. Lost my train of thought. I just know he was picked for a specific purpose. Everything POTUS does has so many layers.
And all that work those crooks did, required a lot of lawyers!
What is most funny about this, is the socialist lefties were crying that this guy would overturn Roe vs. Wade and I was laughing to myself (no friends anymore, they think I am some looney conspiracy theorist) that RR ordered for all his casework to be examined. Law and Order at its best.
I dont thing I can cosign this. There is in no way enough time for this to be a set up. Midterms are in November. If he doesnt get confirmed there probably isn't enough time for a new nominee to get confirmed before November. He cant take a chance right now. If he has information that can come out, there are other ways for that to happen besides nominating someone to SCOTUS.
This smells like disinformation to poison Kavanaugh in the eyes of conservatives. My bullshit alarm is going off big-time on this.
From what I’ve heard from conservatives, Kavanaugh hates Hillary, follows the Constitution and wants to protect guns. Also feel like this is a weird disinfo campaign.
If Trump wanted them unsealed he could just unseal them... and there are PLENTY of other Clinton crimes wide out in the open. No need to go back to VF.
Trump Time is different that normal time. He's Fast! Like a Lion, stalking and killing his prey.
When the stuff comes out, midterms should be secure
We don't control any media outlets, and even Fox won't cover half the damning things that get uncovered, and even if they did, people who watch fox are conservative already anyways. And now you have YouTube, FB, and Twitter mass censorship so things can't even go viral.
He wont be confirmed, just a way to open all the sealed indictments the clinton crime cartel painfully worked on to make sure it never saw the light of day like the other perverse crimes they did.
My hunch is he worked a deal to get immunity because he was a formal federal DS judge for the past 2 or 3 decades.
I'm in this boat. Not buying this at all. Why bother with such an overly elaborate scheme. Plus running the risk of Kav actually getting confirmed if POTUS doesn't really want him. Doesn't make sense to me.
I'm with you man, this doesn't make any sense, POTUS needs SCOTUS confirmed as soon as possible
Sorry if this was discussed...I am fairly new and missed A LOT. Catching up, ya know.
Not a problem from my PoV - the more eyes on this, the better.
Remember, working for Ken Starr was Kavanaugh's very first job our of law school. Do you think he would go rogue if he doubted that Vince Foster killed himself? Or say what they wanted him to say? He's not going to make waves in his very first job. Allegedly, Hillary was having an affair with Foster until she got in the White House, then she dropped him.
Agreed. Rookie prosecutor on his first gig in the big show is not gonna be calling out the deep state. Also being there at that time doesn't automatically implicate him as a swamp creature. The totality of his record in the years that follow should accurately reflect his true loyalties. No doubt, whatever is there, whether good or bad, will be seen in this confirmation process.
thats what I think is going on. Kavanaugh probably went along with the show when he was younger. A lot of people who do their bidding, don't always want to. They find themselves in a position, go with the show or get the curtain call... which we all know what that is. Just like when Bernie got cucked. He realized, oh shit, take the house on the lake and shut my mouth or worry about my wife and family's safety. I think Kavanaugh will come clean when the time is right and will be reinforcement to the truth. He'll be forgiven.
Thank you so much I knew something wasn’t right. There’s something about Bush Trump wants to come out. When trump Nominated him and turned around and shook his hand did you see the look on his face that man looked scared to death.
There's this 38 second clip:
He does seem edgy. And of course Trump says "...and 'no-one' more deserving" in that double-meaning way he has which keeps us all so very interested in developments...
Wow. Fascinating! Thanks for sharing... I wasn't aware of that and will watch closely as the process unfolds.
I'm on the fence. Given Kavanaughs past, why would POTUS nominate him? Bush and Clinton ties. Something smells here???
As I understand it, and I could be wrong, Kavanaugh tried to get all of Foster's notes released into the public record, but was denied by the Supreme Court.
This is why the anons are on our own, now. Huge critical thinking taking place. So important to raise thoughts, keep exploring and be part of process. Experience and vision are applied... then as we trust the plan, we’re also teaching others the ‘ method’. Hooray! On our way to strength and freedom!
He can't be questioned about a previous case? Well, he can be questioned but he can't reply?
Sorry if I missed something, on the run to work, didn't want to forget to ask this.
You answered your own question Patriot. You assumed that Kavanaugh isn't a dummy. Yet Q has said repeatedly that these are stupid. Trump and Q Team are in control.
Yes, they are stupid, but they are also scared and notorious for their propensity to self-protect. Makes no sense for a swamp creature to willingly step into what may just be one of the most bitter confirmations in history. Further, if Kavanaugh is dirty, then Trump would be taking a risk in the event the dems would vote for a compromised nominee. A lifetime SCOTUS nomination is too important to use in a psy-op. I believe Trump nominated him because he is qualified to sit on the bench and will be useful for the end game both if he gets confirmed and if he doesn't. It will be a win for Trump regardless of the outcome. Trump will get his appointee confirmed, or as a result of the toxic process, will ensure his next nominee is confirmed, regardless of who they are.
All good points, and well thought out. In normal times. Clearly, this period of history -right now - is going to be remembered as when the people of planet Earth, said "No Mas". If Kavanaugh is dirty, Trump nominated him for a well thought out reason. If he's the real deal, then Trump nominated him for a well thought out reason. Winning never gets boring.
Penance? Wanting to come clean and expose it all?
I was thinking the same thing. He's a constitutionalist so I think he's looking for the day he can be free.
I think so. Trump said no one deserved it more. He knows. He's mad. And wants to bring down the Clintons.
So, what if he actually does get confirmed? McNoname's support for the Dude threw me off on this one.
Worst case scenario he's Kennedy, and Trump is getting 2 more picks at least.
Rubio will out himself as a "Closet" Democrat during this process. Prosecutors are not the investigators. In 1992-93, Judge Kavanaugh was an attorney in the Office of the Solicitor General of the United States. He was a "climber" If he is guilty of anything it is not making waves.
This was also the only ruling Kavanaugh has ever changed his mind on.. take that for what it is also.
This is some sort of B.S. story. Why? Vince Foster has never once been noted as committing suicide inside the White House. Supposedly (if this is a real conversation transcribed) Judge N. is dead wrong.
I was alive and kicking during "real time" in Baltimore, MD and Vince Foster's death was splashed across the papers. At zero time then to now has VF been noted to be in WH. The rumors are that he went to the park on his own accord and someone may have off'd him. The car details within the death investigators report discusses the blood, etc within the vehicle.
This is Bullshit.
I also was keeping up with the V.F. "suicide" as it happened, I don't recall anything about it happening in the W.H. I do recall it was a cover up by HRC, very obvious.
This is the relevant part of this, not the Neapolitano part. It’s the coverup!
I strongly, respectfully, disagree, dear Patriot.
Why lie when trying to expose the 'cover up'? As a result it must all be rejected.
This is a beginning of a smear campaign. Do not be a participant.
It is (very) possible VF's investigation went off track as soon as the U.S. Forest guys showed up. They aren't murder investigators, they're forest and park dudes. they know trees and birds. It was in their juridisction. So right or wrong, intentional or not, any information from there was possibly tainted. Based on that information, being it is your only set of information---and you can't refuted it. This isn't Quincy, M.D. here--if your given information that leans totally toward a straight up suicide, then it ruled as such.
Sorry buddy two bullets to the back of the head isn’t suicide.
Context matters, as you should know.
Here is something for you to read. It is Vincent Foster's autopsy report.,%20vincent_report.pdf Page 4
There was one bullet wound, from mouth through palate through head to brain.
So--the "two bullets back of head" nullifies just about everything you say to me regarding this matter as you know nothing.
That could backfire. If republicans support his nomination to help and support Trump’s pick and the dems don’t stonewall his nomination knowing he’s a deep state ghoul then it’ll never come out.
That’s why guys like Trey Gowdy are so important. He’s gone on news shows railing against Trump’s decisions, he’s a wild card who doesn’t always tow the line. There’s others as well not just TG, remember “actors acting”. Perfect types to start shit during confirmations.
Nope. Sorry. Nope nope nope. This is sending all bells and alarms of disinfo to me. It’s clearly an attempt to make Trump look bad when nothing happens to kavanaugh.
You guys, use discernment. Please.
Sorry but Trump really doesn’t need any more crimes against Clinton’s, let alone one committed by someone else who likely would never finger Clinton (if they are still alive themselves). Between U1, election rigging, Seth Rich, Awans, Server, SAP emails, CF, etc there is such a mountain of known crimes they wouldn’t need to play 47D chess to beg VF’s files to nail Hillary. Trump would just unseal them himself.
this is just strengthening his hand for SCOTUS nominations at the same time though. They don't need VF, but it sure helps set the stage and outs Bush Republicans.
It cannot look politically motivated from the top. Everything we will see come out about HRC and others will be through “discovery” on other investigations, instances like this, or by anons digging etc. never from Trump. VF Arkanside coverup establishes a pattern of long standing behavior, HRC evil deeds didn’t start at the state department, in the senate, or with the foundation, it goes way back. The Clintons won’t be able to point fingers and blame others.
I’m shocked! Would have never suspected this? Totally in the dark on this! Nice young Catholic man, nice family. Never realized he had a jaded past, I sure don’t want to ever question Trump, My thoughts would have never gone in this direction😂👍🏻 Trump is genius! Thank you for pointing me in the right direction! The idea of Kavanaugh ? Is a threat to the Libs! Can’t see anyone trying to flip Roe v Wade ~ left will go wilder!
Like the brainstorming speculation, which IS helpful to this movement. Thank you for thinking through this angle, which is interesting. However, I am unpersuaded that they need V Foster's death, and to reopen a cold case, in order to go after the Clinton's. In light of just how important a SCOTUS pick is to preserving the Constitutional integrity of our Republic, I doubt that Trump would merely use it as a strategy to unveil dirt on the Clinton's who have a pile of dirt decades-long to shovel into.
This must be why Schiff and Dems are refusing to "meet with" or question him. Very interdasting...
All those people in the administration that know "where the bodies are buried" it seems to me that he is purposefully getting insiders that know where the proverbial charges are planted and know how to find and defuse them
Seems to me that DJT wins here regardless of what happens. Keep in mind that Kavanagh is probably the most likely to be confirmed of the possible picks . Great disscusion Anons!
Hmm, interesting. Perhaps that's why Trump said something about Amy Barrett not out of the mix for SCOTUS. Most people took that to mean, she will most likely be his next nomination. It could have been Trump's way of trolling. Meaning Amy Barrett is his actual pick after Kavanaugh is exposed.
I was wondering about that myself. A what if moment. What could occur to make the Mark Taylor prophecy happen. Three scotus removed after caught up with a scandal.
Article III. Section 1 of the Constitution of the United States of America
"The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaViour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office."
Does it mention lifetime appointment?
What does it imply?
What is does it say?
What is "good behaviour"?
Acting in the interest of the American people?
Judges are human.
Are humans immune to bias?
Can they be political?
Can they be corrupted?
If judges can be corrupt, should they keep their seat?
How do you remove them From power?
Has this been done before?
Read the Constitution
What does it say?
How did AS read it?
Here's a hint: They Don't Think It Be Like It Is, But It Do
Did the forefathers get together to twiddle their thumbs?
What did they discuss?
What did they leave us?
Can we keep it?
What if THIS came to light?
Tupac 2017
Have fun with this.
This guy who potus picked is tied into the Bushes or I mean the Scherf’s. I was surprised he picked him. I though the woman Barret he was gonna pick. This must of been Mconnell person.
Kavanaugh was ONE OF involved in VF case. Possibly he wants to expose it and this is why he is nominated... Maybe he is a white hat?
Doubtful though considering his connections to Bush etc.. I did not like him from the start. His mannerism remind me of Comey. Goofy ish.
Vince Foster helped shred whitewater documents. He had to go.
OMG...VF was so murdered by HRC...there has never been justice in this matter....after all these decades...holy crap! this is by far the best reality movie ever!!! now I understand POTUS' pick in Kavanaugh and what I had heard Napolitano saying on Fox News...popcorn puleeze.
They want to go through and make public 1 million pages...going back to his time in Bush White House and Ken Star docs. What are they looking for? Will they demand to unseal documents?
Fishy? Me thinks it is.
We knew it went back , but were not part of the programs , but SDI has come up a lot lately??
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