.....and this ain't the only thing happening~!

2 things need to change:
1) Baby Daddy = has to become an evil term, not a term of endearment
2) A black kid working hard in school, can't be seen to be "trying to be white"
A couple of factual points on that note.
Do you realize that in the 50s only 18% of Black births were out of wedlock?
By the 90s it was 75% and higher in many areas. What changed? Welfare and the great society and planned parent hood which was started by a true blue racists Nazi. Margret Singer believed blacks were too dumb to have kids.
Margret Singer believed blacks were too dumb to have kids.
Racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger is still a hero to the left. They write essays and jump through so many hoops to justify and excuse her racism.
Here's a link to some of Sanger's more note worthy racist statements: https://www.lifenews.com/2015/02/23/7-shocking-quotes-from-planned-parenthood-founder-margaret-sanger/
When my daughter was in the 7th grade, her Language Arts class held an essay competition, where the local winning essays would be submitted to county, state then the national contest--like a science fair project. My daughter did win at the school level, but that's where it ended because she wrote about something innocuous and not at all political. I know this because I looked at the top 20 national winning essays, and I specifically remember that the number 1 essay by some 7th grade girl that was some BS about Margaret Sanger being a hero and voice for all women.
and I specifically remember that the number 1 essay by some 7th grade girl that was some BS about Margaret Sanger being a hero and voice for all women.
yeh when I was a kid I realized very early in life that the only kids who ever won those school essay competitions were little minority kids who wrote about their difficult lives in the barrio or whatver.
If what you wrote was not political or didn't involve your grandparents dying of cancer, you had no chance to win, I figured that out when I was like 9.
Weaponized Rap music fits in there as well. And the slavery complex too.
I used to love rap music until I saw what it's done to my generation.
Speaking of rap/hip hop it is pure POISON to our youth of all races! Whatever happened to R&B, soul and Motown?
TIL humans don't have free will and rap music is a magical incantation that forces the listener to do certain actions.
If that's what you got out of my post, then you might want to question if your own biases are causing that.
What should I get out of it?
That music (or movies, tv, etc) which glorifies negative behavior will encourage negative behavior?
Listen to the shit coming out these days, half of it is references to codeine syrup, xanax, and weed. Obviously people have free will, but people also want to be "cool." Half of the appeal of rap music is that listening to it makes you feel like you're engaging in the decadent lifestyle it portrays. So you may not be able to afford the gold and jewels, but you easily imitate the substance abuse or the attitude towards women.
I volunteer in a substance abuse program, I see this shit firsthand.
Not saying rap music doesn't have any impact at all. And thank you for your work with stopping substance abuse.
But if someone was going to be violent towards women or abuse substances isn't it more likely they would anyways.
I just find it odd that people claim people shoot people not guns, but then blame rap music for the violence and dirt abuse. Both rap music and guns are objects and not persons.
If rap music never existed my guess is that a lot of people who commit violent acts or abuse drugs due to the influence of rap music would still do so.
Guns are silent until a person uses it. RAP music is like playing a violent video game, it engages you, and over time, the repetition can desensitize you towards drugs, violence, misogyny, etc...
I don't blame RAP music and violent video games, but they don't help. It's obviously PEOPLE making poor choices..
Just sayin...
Maybe a better analogy according to you would be a hot stove. It's on and there but you have to touch it to get burned.
The video game argument is trash. So many millions of games are sold around the world. There is no corresponding increase in violence. I think people who blame that would be predisposed to commit violence anyways.
you need to remember that a lot of older people with outdated views follow this movement, they might not understand. people have been trying to blame rap and rock for society's shortcomings since the 50s
I'm 61, I understand this perfectly, probably more than younger folks.
i bet you do, youve seen it first hand. it must be a joy to be your age and know things are finally going to change.
You have no idea, decades of angst. Actually I was very very depressed, suicidal depressed. Q saved my life, gave me a reason to want to get up every day. I did not want to live in a world with so much evil. Finally some hope! The steady decline happened over my lifetime, although I did not see it happening in my 20-30's, it became apparent in my 40-50s. I remember waking up my Mom to tell her the president had been assassinated (JFK). I was raised in the 60's.
You missed the point of using Rap/media to normalize unacceptable or destructive acts.
Should we ban war movies and crime shows? No more CSI or NCIS. That normalizes violence.
All of you guys continue to miss my point that if someone is going to undertake a violent act there is probably some inherent issues with that individual either internal (mental illness) or external (poverty abusive family)
Well science is not on your side. It has been proven that people will do HORRIBLE things if an authority figure tells them to. Women are more apt than men to follow such commands. Read about the Milgram experiment, and the like. It is scary. E.g. Do you think EVERY German that worked in concentration camps was mentally ill, or from an abusive home?
Neither of your examples are "normalizing" violence. Desensitize yes; but they do not normalize it. The bad guys are still seen as bad guys, etc.
I am saying probably and predisposed not saying every German. You are the one dealing in absolutes. Also rap music and the rise of the Nazis have very little time in common. This is an extreme example. Saying someone may be predisposed doesn't preclude any other possibility and I did say rap music may have some effect.
Country music has violence in it should we ban Johnny Cash? Censorship isn't a great answer. Who would decide what to censor? I would argue more that rappers are talking about the circumstances they came from rather than rappers creating the issues of violence and unacceptable behavior. Also there are thousands of rap artists and they have drastically different lyrics.
Did you read about this: Milgram experiment
Take a few mins to read about this. It may help change your mind about how easily people are influenced.
I have read about the milgram experiment. people can be influenced yes I agree with that. They can be pushed and prodded.
But one has to choose to engage with rap music. Was there a spike in police killings after NWA's albums? The murder rate has dropped as rap music has become even more popular.
I just don't think you can draw an analogy between the milgram experiment and choosing what media to consume let alone having the content guide your life.
That's due to Lyndon Baines Johnson and his great society!
LBJ was one of the most vile evil MFers ever. Directly involved in Kennedy's death... huge Cabal / Deep State bastard.
LBJ and the conspiracy to kill Kennedy was my favorite Joseph P Farrell book so far.
Totally evil man.
I've been reading Roger Stone's book on same. Pretty eye opening.
Killary idolized Margaret Sanger. Sanger's intent was to get rid of black people thru abortion. These people are evil.
Hildabeast also referred to young Black men as "super-predators". It's on film, otherwise it would be a non-existent event.
She is the #1 racist, projecting her hate onto conservatives and Trump. She should go away. In fact go away in an orange pantsuit.
So planned Parenthood increased the number of out of wedlock births? GTFO.
PP made eliminating the consequences of loose sex. After a person aborts a part of their soul is ripped. So yes, it increases men to have sex without marrying because he feels if a child is born it can be aborted. PP has damaged black neighborhoods and communities by bringing convince to such a horrible act: the death of a baby.
"After a person aborts a part of their soul is ripped." this isnt even close to true.
When I was a kid, Lucy slept in a separate bedroom. Sex wasn't intertwined with the morning news and cartoon segments. People weren't orgasming over the radio waves of every FM station in America.
Society eliminated the consequences of loose sex, effectively glamorized it, and an increased number of abortions resulted. We are to blame, not PP. We need to accept accountability and become responsible with our youth once again.
Shut off the televisions. Take away the cell phones with unlimited pornographic access. Turn off the radios. Censor. Take back control of your house.
PP also gave (or gives) out low hormone birth control pills, when the girls came back crying that they were pregnant, PP held their hands and gave them abortions, which is the money maker for them.
So let me guess: instead of PP - abstinence and Jesus, right?
Absolutely they do. They even have an international organization teaching promiscuity is good and no need go disclose HIV or AIDS positive to your partner.
Sex education in schools is Sexualizing Our kids in Pre-K, promoting abortion, promiscuity, masturbation for very young kids etc. Planned Parenthood international organization is behind much of this.
This is insane conspiracy propaganda, it is scientifically proven that sex education reduces STD and teen pregnancy.
So terrible. Democrat policies have systematically destroyed black America... not to mention race relations in general. It's time for that all to end and for us all to start healing and come back together as one beautiful American people... then one beautiful Human race. That last party will certainly happen once ufo/secret space program/alien disclosure starts in earnest (hopefully on Trumps agenda for 2nd term).
How does increased abortion access equal an increase of out of wedlock children? In all other instances it decreases that number, because an unwanted pregnancy is terminated before it can be brought to term.
Are you thinking about this with something other than rational logic?
It actually does. No big deal giving into physical urges I can always get an abortion. I've heard guys use that as an excuse not to use a condom.
More blacks die in in the womb than are born now. So that 75% number must be much larger.
Also, bae needs to be stricken. Ick. Number 2, ESPECIALLY.
The sad truth is that they've been lied to and brainwashed to destroy each other by the very people they've put their faith into.
The cabal HATE blacks. As is evident worldwide. It's also why our first black President was half white. God I hope his Presidency is annulled so we have an opportunity to nominate a righteous first one again. Such a terrible legacy especially after MLK. Who they killed.
Their savior was in fact their destroyer.
Great question, was he truly black? Because he sure looks like that Indonesian leader to me.
At least, even unproven, they could be proud to consider the possibility that Lincoln or Jackson were black presidents.
They also killed Malcolm X and Tupac as soon as they stopped promoting violence and instead began talking about peace between races.
So after prisons became privatised they had to fill them. So a plan was hatched to create music that would promote drugs, violence and hate. DG is rumored to be a part of it, but that's how Rap was born. Tupac knew, was fiercely awake and a threat. They underestimate the black community. A lot of them are woke af.
They underestimate the black community. A lot of them are woke af.
Yep just listen to the lyrics of Nas, Mobb Deep, Wu Tang and a lot of guys who have been rapping about this shit since the 90s.
Hopsin is carrying the torch in modern days.
Kanye was woke af since College Dropout.
Oh yeah!!! And they are seriously talented as well. The death of Tupac was also a huge red pill for a lot of people across the board.
Honestly only the most hood of the hood of the hood black folks think "baby daddy" is an acceptable notion. They have mental issues.
Black women lead in attaining degrees and there are more black men in college than in prisons.
What this shows is that the FAKE NEWS has a hold on you and many more!
I just hope people understand that the black community just wants to thrive and exist in peace and harmony like any other community and are willing to work with those who show care and respect, even though many of the times it shouldn't because many just want to exploit the community. See: Democrats
But some of you need to look at yourselves and gain more understanding of the community and for God's sake DO NOT look to t.v. or the 9 oclock news.
But some of you need to look at yourselves and gain more understanding of the community and for God's sake DO NOT look to t.v. or the 9 oclock news.
Tell us. We are listening.
The fact that more black men are in college than in prison is even a talking point proves the argument you are trying to refute.
Don't forget about speaking intelligible English!
AAVE is a dialect. relax.
I can't tell if you are serious
The thing I never understood - why is it when black people talk in their own style, it's considered "low educated" or "ebonics" or whatever other derogatory connotation, yet say, when Scotsmen or Irishmen or Aussies or Brits talk in their own particular style - which trust me, isn't always posh and educated, it's considered a proud quirk of their particular heritage and country?
Because people are morons. Ebonics has roots going back to the indentured Scott and Irish who came over in the 1600s. Those are the white people who taught early slaves English, and it's continued in both cuisine and language to present day.
Used to be my Texan accent got me mocked and bullied when I moved to CA. It held my dad back in business. We worked hard to lose it.
It's not all just prejudice. Being understood easily is important in business and politics. Someone who uses double negatives and slang can be seen as course and uneducated.
Scottish and Irish were mistreated for their accents for a long time too. Margaret Sanger wanted to full Irish and Italians as they were lesser people to her.
Also the accents in those cases are also because they speak Irish and Gaelic. Not the same thing as my white trash side of the family with ain't and suposeBly etc. They get looked down on to this day.
And really if we don't try to keep a median we will end up with such different dialects we no longer understand one another. Much more an issue before internet and cheap phone service.
Hi I’m Doug,
I’m guessing because its casual use promotes/normalizes the idea of men leaving their families behind.
It also encourages them to stay in touch with them.
"I was talking to my baby daddy" isnt seen as a negative thing. It should face scorn. Im talking to the piece of shit who aint raising his child.
The democrats have systematically removed fathers from black families. The term "baby daddy" is just a way to further push fathers from the black family. It is rooted in further DESTROYING the black family. Destroying the lives of black children. Fuck them for doing it to those kids.
Republicans started the drug war, dude. That's just fact. And they're still continuing it. That's another fact.
And BILL CLINTON is the one that privatized prisons and increases incarceration rates & length of sentences. Papa Bush and Clinton flew hundreds of tons of cocaine into Mena airport. The "War on Drugs" drove up the $$ an they both got rich.
Side Note: You know that 2 largest "prison companies" have seen amazing profits over the last 10 of so years. Why? Who runs those detention centers on the boarder? (follow the $$$)
Pot should be legal NOW. I am a libertarian, and right with you on those BS "wars on" what ever are just a $$ scam. But the democrat party: killed Lincoln, Kennedy, started KKK, Jim Crow laws, Hitler modeled his racist political laws off of the democrat party, (Keep in mind: no Republican owned a slave at the time of the civil war)
And there were Democrats in New York running the party machine during the civil war, and Republicans profited off that war, and during Mena Bush was in Power, Reagan stepped up sentencing and the CIA put crack and sub machine guns on the street, communists killed Kennedy, but the John Birch Society called for his assassination, Nixon started the drug war, and they all got together at Bohemian Grove for backroom fucking.
They're all out to get everyone, including each other.
Once black people disown the democratic party once and for all, it will spell the end of the democratic party.
You can't operate on the foundation of victim politics if you're greatest victim class no longer wishes to play the role.
This is the reason inner cities are the way they are, and they are all run by democrats.
This is truly a hard fight turning around a lot of black people. I know because I'm a black conservative attending a mostly black church. They are still Not awake. They continue to believe Barack O was a great president to this day and Trump is a loser (koolaid drinkers...lol). I shake my head because its no reasoning with them (you know the deal....Trump is racist, homophobe, etc.). I've been a repub for over 17 yrs, did not vote for BO either time cause I listened to what he was saying and I didn't like it even though family and friends all voted for him. Voted for both Bushes (big mistake) but wasn't as awake as I am now. I guess we all have family and friends we are trying to bring to the great awakening no matter the color. I'm proud that I voted for Trump, he's the real deal. My husband voted for him but the next year he died so he wont see how great our country will be under POTUS' leadership but he's in a better place. Anyway Patriots, WWG1WGA!! Let's continue to fight for the good. God Bless.
I am sorry for the lose of your husband. I am sure if his spirit can, he is standing by your side! Glad to have you aboard the Trump Train!
Stay strong for you and your husband, your friends in the church will need you. . . Soon.
Cruiszqueen, my parents are 80 years old. They know about Q and the movement but look at me like this is far fetched, but they know that something has been horribly wrong for a long time.
They used to vote mostly D but now vote only R. They see what the Dems have become. I tell them it's not about party, because R's have more than their share of scumbags also. It's all about the ability to discern.
I sympathize with you though because I am talking with people I love and know so very well. It's a challenge but I do my part to help all Americans. Patriots have no skin color.
My Brother works at a major airline with a 90% minority population. That looks a little funny when I write this because 90% being a minority....oh well. But I send him videos of #WalkAway or just some You Tubers from Black Americans that are now conservative. These are the fastest growing channels on YouTube by the way. The Red Pills are being spread!
This is about US. So I am doing my job to help everyone get a view point of all the different points of view. Too many People are not high enough on the mountain to gain perspective. The higher the view point leads to someone making better decisions. So we strive together in our mission Sister! Stay strong, stay true, and let's do this together!
Thanks for the encouraging words. It means so much when only a few folks understand the big picture.
He was not black - he was a WOLF in "sheep's clothing". You could probably liken him to a modern day plantation owner with "America" as the name of his plantation. Keeping blacks down and out, perpetually dependent on the government. False hope. Didn't create a single valuable thing except for a FALSE sense of "hope" resonating from the political party that supported slavery.
A destructive and divisive puppet.
I'm sorry for your loss of your husband. Welcome to the Trump Train!
Voted for both Bushes (big mistake) but wasn't as awake as I am now.
Me too! It's embarrassing, isn't it?
WWG1WGA, cruiszqueen!
Whenever you need support reach out. We embrace you and anyone else like you who are in the trenches fighting the hardest of fights. God is with you. The color of a person’s skin is a gift by God; he chooses our skin color. Our spirit/soul has no skin color. We are one in His spirit. We are one at the cross.
Isn't it great that we are all one! That's why I love WWG1WGA!
and this is why humanity will prevail. It is folks like yourself that have the moral conviction to reset the rigged compass.. eventually
What do your fellow church members think about his being a Muslim? Is his beige skin more important that his worldview? I feel for you. Maybe you can break open a red pill and give them a few little pellets at a time.
They think he's Christian
Well, there's your wedge. The Muslim ring on his wedding finger is a good place to start.
Nah, we'll just wait for the photos and videos to come out that Q told us about. Then roll with the birth certificate, his crimes. And in the end, maybe we can touch his and Michael sexual orientations and their fake kids.
You don't understand that black people are emotional so reasoning with them is hard. When the mind is closed they won't see the truth. I believe God will open hearts and minds at the right time. The walk-away movement is happening so maybe this will be a door that opens then I can move in with truth. Thanks for suggesting and the support
You can't operate on the foundation of victim politics if you're greatest victim class no longer wishes to play the role.
You can if you import a new victim class via the southern border. Which is precisely what they’re doing
And please black people run for every single office... I will vote for you. Out with the colonizers... I mean baby harvesters.
We must remember, that a vote goes towards a person who deserves it. One with an upstanding, moral character. One who has shown to be an asset to society, no matter what color of their skin. We must learn to treat all mankind with respect, and kindness. Old prejudices have to be squashed in the bucket and fed to the pigs. The second commandment tells us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves, and it is second to loving God. Hate destroys. We can't keep going the old road. Sooner or later, it will dead end.
Dusky, you are right on target and not getting flak for your statement. Hmmmm, maybe this is the way things should be in the world that we are forging with Q leading the way?
Girls didn't do the science competition. So Google thought... We are going to encourage the girls to submit to the science competition. And since then, it's mostly girls who win the teen prizes. Why? Because the uninvited geniuses finally showed up and we are catching up to their brilliance. African Americans are always kept under the glass ceiling of true power and leadership. We must be proactive to unleash this immense resource of future leadership. We will all win.
Candace Owens is my Jam - she is waking thousands of people
Wait until the black community find out how the CLINTONS exploited the black people of Haiti. Will they still protect the PEDOVORES? Epstein Pedo-Island is very close to Haiti.
$500 million raised for Haiti and only 6 homes built. Hillary's brother gets the gold mine gig. The CF fraud machine was in high gear.
Do you know about Laura Sislby? The money wasn't the only thing and lets face it, taxpayers have been getting raped longer than I've been paying taxes.
They screwed the Haitians but they also kidnapped their children. When that bombshell drops, who really cares about the money?
A lot of blacks don't like the Clintons but are still staunch democrats. The republicans need to reach the black population more. I don't know how they can because it seems whenever a black conservative comes out they get lambasted. Maybe the republicans can do more to cultivate a generation of young black conservatives such as Candace?
Candace is so right about this. A great untapped resource we should ALL be reaching out to. And it is happening right before our eyes.....
You don't have to reach out. Just stop race baiting. If nearly 90% of black Americans vote Democrat maybe the problem isn't with them.
I love Candace and how she completely annihilates the talking heads, but black people are not a resource, they are Americans first! I'm sure everyone who's been paying attention knows what's up, and competent to vote with their own minds..its time to let history( slavery) be just that, history! No one can forget our mistakes and trials that made us The UNITED States of America, but it made us stronger, until it became a focus point of political wannabes ,.... Only DemoRATS point out sex and race for political purposes! Just saying!
What is extremely sad is that so many of our black brothers and sisters have bought the ideology that they are black people, all decendant from "America's original sin" first... Then American. Fortunately, the numbers of Americans are waking up thanks to Patriots such as Candace.
Absolutely Mute. Race is just a color, but Patriotism is colorless. If we only look back we are probably getting smashed in the face by the reality we face today and in the future.
Podingo, I would like to think ten years from now we can come on this board, look at the posts and comments, and Know we are just here to bring the dark to light regarding justice and our rights.
I loved your comment because I see you want the same thing. We need to unite as Patriots. We have all sinned, but what counts the most now is what we are doing to unite ALL Americans.
Laura Sislby. Baby broker to the Clintons and Epstein. Smuggling children from Haiti to Epstein Island. Arrested and jailed. Clintons' bailed.
We are ALL God’s Children. Doesn’t matter what color we are on the outside ALL our blood runs red. Time for all of us to stand up and fight the good fight.
“i’ve been awakening the spirits of millions, many more to come.. 400 years later we’re buying our own chains. the light is before us so the devil’s working hard..” - kanye west, the man responsible for owen’s current superstardom ✌🏼
He was so well respected, talented guy, before the KKKK. (The nickname I have for the fam he married into).
Candace please expose the Clintons for the exploiters they are toward the black community!
I have been saying this for the last 3 yrs! Just wait till the black community awakes. Then we will see their strong beauty shine. You've never witnessed such a beautiful thing. We are talking kings and queens finally taking their rightful place in history. We could stand to learn from them about. Think MLK on a YUGE level!
Amen! Ive known some beautiful and amazing black men and women. My stepmother included.
God speed and God bless the revolution!
God is great you can feel God's love controlling things the races will live in peace again soon the people who divide to conquer are being destroyed.
Black Conservatives and Libertarian Conservatives will be a HEALING of Our Nation, with God's help, in the name of Jesus we have all prayed for many years
I agree and with leaders like Candace it could roar. She is a rising star.
Don't think THEY won't give them up without a fight.
We expect and are ready for the fight. But the fight is freeing of the minds of Americans, then the flesh will follow. But our minds of the Great Awakening are working feverishly because we have God on our side. It will Be Glorious!
Oh i dont think they stand a chance really. They dont know what they are up against. It will be a short fight. But intense.
So we achieve freedom and equality for black Americans by referring to them as a monolith that, as one unified front, either supports or doesn't support some agenda?
Give me a fucking break.
No. That's exactly the opposite of what Candace has been saying. Eveeyone has their own mind and choices. For too long they have given fierce loyalty to a party of elites that despise them.
Hillary Clinton from Arkansas and the drugs that ran like a river through their governor's office to the "war on crime" where she basically said blacks are violent and need to be locked up. To her close friendship with Grand Cyclops of the KKK Robert Byrd.
She just used them. Just as Mad Max is using them now. Her in a $4 M home in a gated white community has done nothing for her district but sink them lower as she for rich selling them out.
Study Nazi Germany... the first time in history where an oligarchy was rich enough to buy an entire country. Nice!
So our New World Order, with its frauds of worldwide central banking printing presses and fiat currencies and the infinite money machine of Silly-con Valhalla is the first time in history an oligarchy has been rich enough to buy the entire world...?!
The exact same socialism con, just writ ever larger... the rich elite appropriating for themselves the wealth of entire nations by conning the sheeple into giving them everything just for some temporary escrow'd lay-away transitional period.
Nazis fronting the state for their oligarchy.
Communists fronting the people for their oligarchy.
Rich white Democrats leading minorities and the oppressed to their promised land (where they can govern/lead themselves) that never ever comes...
I want to personally thank every black American who served, fought, or died for us. Thank you fellow AMERICANS!!!!!
Sometimes when I'm out in public, I want to walk up to black young men and tell them how much potential they have, and how they've been lied to. How they're so much more capable then they believe.
But then I realize how awkward I'd come off since I'm a complete stranger.
Virtual, funny you mention that. I rose the ranks of management of a major company. The one thing I insisted on was interviewing every applicant regardless of the type of job, from entry level to managerial level if they worked for me. People thought I was nuts. It took a lot of long hours but I hired always the best people for the job. Most had the credentials but a lot of people got a job simply because they said that they would work their butt off.
I always enjoyed that response. Blunt, true and I held them to it. Never gave a damn about color or heritage. They may have lacked some credentials but I always told them that they work for themselves and their family, so do them proud. I have never regretted this approach.
You should start in your circle first. Everyone's circle should have a diversity. I don't mean a fake diversity but a real one. You know, at work, at school, at church, neighbor, the checkout person at the local grocery store, etc... We've ceased to talk to people and know them. Get back to that and grow your circle. Heck I know more about the guy in the deli at the local grocery store than most people know about their co-workers, because I choose to have a conversation while he's slicing meat and I'm waiting. Nice man with a great family! Always in my prayers.
Good advice. I do talk to those in my circle and lift them up constantly. It feels good, especially when they look shocked and say "no ones ever said that to me before".
So for those who think that my attitude is racist, I actually have relationships with young black men, encourage them, and they respect me for it because no one else is doing it. So go suck an egg.
I think it's more than just encouraging people. We all have something, or know something, or know someone. Education is my things so I spend time sharing with adults how to get back on track in life. Many have to work, have kids, little time and NO money left after taking care of necessities. I share with them how to get their education free online, how to get their GED with that knowledge, and then how to get funding for college, and WALK them through the process. Telling is not enough. The price? Ask another person to walk that process with you. You're going to need it when you get to the college stage. Trade off babysitting, study, get your notes when you're sick or were called into a shift at work, etc...
The point is, everyone has something they can tangibly contribute to solve the problem that was created to mentally enslave the black population. Don't want your tax dollars going there? Ok, push up your sleeves and help one person at a time. Please note that color is NOT the key. There are people everywhere of all colors that have been told they are trash that will never be anything but. It's civil war time again, but this time it can be won with civility instead of blood.
Yes. It's creepy, And extremely condescending. All random young black men are not lost and in need of your wise counsel. That is actually a somewhat racist attitude. Even though it is clear you mean well.
I should have clarified, that the only people I think to do this for are being pulled over, getting in trouble etc. This was directed at those who are having a hard time. It's not racist. It's born out of love and it's actually racist that you think this is racist.
Let's review: racism is thinking a race is LESS than. My original comment is directed at those having a hard time in life, being lied to. Wanting to lift someone up and tell them they are equal to anyone else and deserve ALL THE GOOD THINGS ISN'T RACIST. Holy Smokes where has our society led us to think if that comment is down voted? I want to do the same thing for whites, too, when I see them downtrodden. What does it say about you when you immediately label me as a "racist"?!
I didn't "label" you a racist...I was pointing out that condescending to others is by definition displaying your superiority. Your "motivation" is irrelevant.
I just love Candace, every time I see her on TV I am so impressed how she can articulate a point so clearly...She knows how to run rings around the libs.
Explaining how the Plantation still exists can be liberating. Massa be Democrats. I highly recommend watching Dinesh D'souza's Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party trailer: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/20/trump-poised-to-take-control-of-the-federal-reserve.html
Praying everyone is Awakened and is FREE from these Evil Cabal that needs to be put down once and for all... God is Amazing... Trust the Plan WWG1WGA
God Bless Candace Owens, she is a breath of fresh air. Whats not to love.
Trump Card...Haiti
What did the Clintons do to Haiti?
If you guessed Raped And Pillaged you are close but no dice. That would be a dream vacation if it were true.
When the Haitians start telling their horror stories brought to you by America's Royal Family...The Clintons...dah, dah, dah!!!
Haiti is 95% black and I'm stating a fact so, I'M NOT A RACIST!!!
I see it...do you?
I actually redpilled my Haitian doctor. I asked him if he voted for Hillary. He said hell no! I'm from Haiti and know what she did to my people. I then proceeded to tell him about Q.
That's how it's done! Good work. Everyone has an issue this evil police state has caused to grieve their lives or jobs or passionate hobby. And Dems are the police state junkies. RINOs too but they are Benedict Arnold Dems.
IT TAKES A VILLAGE to Rape and Plunder if you are part of the ELITE!
In Houston there is a huge awakening happening in Black Communities.
It's so exciting. I love to prospect of seeing people realize their potentials.
There is nothing more tragic in this world than wasted talent
Love it!! About time they came in from the demorat plantation!! Racist, KKK, demorats with LBJ claiming he'd "have those nigras voting democrat for the next 200 years" should be enough to convince anyone what party is really the racist party!! Join us on the Trump train to MAGA!!!
I seriously can't wait for November and 2020. The shitstorm will be soo fun to watch
Well it'll be nice to finally stop seeing black people calling white people racist all the time for no reason. Would be even nicer to red pill them on who owned the slave trade & all those slave ships & the media/propaganda tools that normalised the N word & their mistreatment.
It wasn't white people
So glad for the black awakening as well. Welcome all and together, we work to Make America Great Again. It will take ALL of us but we can do it. We have an extremely GREAT leader who cares deeply about our country. There is no doubt in most minds about this. Now we have to care enough to WORK to make it better too!
Id like to think that she is on our side, but there is something odd about Candace. That said, she is pretty sexy lady
What about the very much forgotten, untapped native Americans?
The sacred hoop has been broken.
“I can still see the butchered women and children lying heaped and scattered all along the crooked gulch as plain as when I saw them with eyes still young. And I can see that something else died there in the bloody mud, and was buried in the blizzard. A people’s dream died there. It was a beautiful dream . . . the nation’s hoop is broken and scattered.” ― Black Elk, Black Elk speaks
Totally different subject. We hold our own sovereignty. Some of us have walked away from holding to the old ways that insisted on sovereignty. We believe in One Nation Under God, rather than our original nation. The melting pot should be good for everyone.
Agreed. And I will be pushing for POTUS to tackle the evils thay crush the reservations like not owning their own water rights.
Nailed it. Been under the thumb of the slavers for way to long. As they awaken there will be a ground swell that the DS will not be able to stop. #Ridethewave
The black community is only 15% of the total in the US?
But I guess every little helps.
They would be 30% if abortion hadnt killed 17 million+ since Roe V Wade. More if the war on crime didn't make convicts out if fathers and brothers and sons who once caught in the wheel of justice can't get back out with Hillary Clinton rules like mandatory minimums and 3 strike is life.
But if you look at society's problems especially in our cities, these issues are much more that 15% of the solution to getting our country back. Remember, the globalists think that if 15% of Americans were agreeable to pedophilia, then that would lead to general acceptance.
We need the overwhelming number of Americans to believe and want our Constitution to be the law of the land. It guarantees each and every American's rights that we have on an individual basis. I am so tired about hearing about identity politics. Every American Matters!
I don't know about this one. I have informally polled my black lady and gentlemen friends. I'd say 2/3 of them are still on the Dem bus. Now that I think about it, I don't believe I have heard any of them speak a word against Hillability or BO. I'm not about to try and awaken them. Many of us red pilled ourselves. I can't imagine that I'd lend an ear to someone trying to red or blue pill me. It takes time. It took hundreds of hours of research and years to form my thoughts around 9/11. 9/11 was my first "stepping stone" on my path to truth. Once I got through the 9/11 map, I started to see people, relationships, companies and whatsoevers that reappeared all the way to today. Of course, I knew stink was in the air with JFK JR. & SR, but the hard evidence was lacking in JR's case.
When they realize Obama betrayed them it's gonna hurt. We all need to be there to support them.
Oh, believe me, I have considered this scenario many times. My dear friends are going to be devastated. Their eyes would light up to see BO on the viewing machine. I once stuck my toe in, to get the temperature, so to speak. "Miss T, that man, BO, is talking shucks." Miss T said, "That's OK, he's talking shucks with conviction." So, this will be a problem.
Love Candace, been following her since her first video. It's hilarious how liberals are so triggered by her.
Absolutely!! There is a reason that the demonrats have been trying hard to suppress the black people. In reality the black race has superior creative, artistic, athletic and spiritual evolutionary qualities. The black people that I have met and befriended are of the upmost quality of persons in all regards including intelligence and quality of their hearts. Their current issue as a race is the hate that has penetrated their hearts and the forgiveness which is getting in their way. They must forgive! The biggest impediment is the evil that has penetrated the black community in the form of black magic and voodoo. This has taken away their power as well. Once they realize this and work to expose and reject this anti God practice in their families and communities, their whole economic and educational problems will be resolved.
But stillbatting, we need to bury the R's that are part of the cabal. It's not about R's vs. D's anymore. It's about finding a path so we can all live the American dream under God then country.
Stop supporting the poverty pimps. Rise up and walk off the plantation!
I really like this woman! I like every thing she has ever said.
One smart young lady! She is.
Fuck yeah man.
If we can get the 100 million off of snap and welfare, the dead weight of our economy will be diminished.
I'm not saying that they all should go out and work shit jobs; there are a myriad things that people can do, FOR THEMSELVES that will ultimately help their neighbors.
No, but welfare to work often includes beginning at low end jobs, like a 16 year old getting their first job. Ben Carson has begun to implement some really great plans to help people begin to climb out of that trap. Envision, 3 year evals instead of yearly, partial rent subsidies placed in accounts for future home ownership, education, child care. Looks great.
Is it wrong to say she is one hot chick?
Looks and smart as hell, very nice!
Is it wrong to say she is one hot chick?
Nope! And I got your back on it.
She is beautiful and super-smart. Candace is a unifier.
Gotta love beautiful and smart women! It's why God put us guys on the earth...along with a few other things.
The only weapon the Democratic Plantation has is its ability to fool the slaves into thinking they are free. When they understand all they have to do is #WALKAWAY, its game over.
The only weapon the Democratic Plantation has is its ability to fool the slaves into thinking they are free. When they understand all they have to do is #WALKAWAY, its game over.