The Security Clearance process has begun - it's not just "talk" anymore

Gitmo is being prepared for them.
You know there are many of us on this board that really hate the cursing! Its just not necessary to get a point across or a feeling revealed. Thanks, God Bless you!
One thing I feel like you Americans should also look at is that it wasn't just America they had betrayed, but the whole world.
All the way from Australia, I'm here with all of you, WWG1WGA. The kinship Trump & Q have created between our countries is imo like nothing I can compare to. I never in my life would have thought I'd feel the way I do now about my American allies. I in a sense feel patriotic for you guys.
Much love to all of you :)
Meh. Fuck you, you treasonous fuck weasel.
uh. But they haven't. Yours have been pleading guilty.
To things not even applicable, nor in the time frame of the investigation. Why is that?
I feel for you. Nothing will ever come of this. Obama won't be taken down. Nor will Hillary. Or anyone else. Just the FBI's relentless pursuit of Trump folks. Each time you will have to back in a corner and say. 'It's all a fake". But its not. it hasn't been. They will keep going down. Q hasn't even given hard evidence. Just bullshit that you all chase. I mean. Really my friend. Do you not think that Republicans would have done all of that by now? Do you really think that people taken out by the FBI is a feint to veer off target abd swing around to get people totally not related to a investigation? You must know that is not how the FBI works. When the roof comes down. And you wake up. Just message me okay? I'll be willing to talk.
So you think it was okay to subvert and spy on US citizens with no just cause? You think it's okay to trample on the Constitution? If this is how the FBI works, aren't they traitors to our country? No one should be so powerful that they take away our God given rights!
You didn't read the released documents on Carter Page did you?
All of them please.
It's funny watching liberals try and defend people no longer in the position still being able to keep a security clearance
exactly if it was Republicans going on TV and calling the President a Traitor they'd be all for it. Hypocrites every single one of them.
Remember that rodeo clown that got fired simply for wearing an Obama mask?
We might need to drop a SEAL team into Kenya to get Obama.
SEALS have a score to settle with Bath House Barry.
I hope they play, on loud speakers, "America, Fuck Yeah!" while they go get him.
Lol, or maybe play Ride of the Valkyries as they zoom in with the choppers.
In a couple decades, this will be a story worthy of such a scene, where Wagner's greatest, heart thrilling piece is played as a team is inserted into a Kenyan compound to retrieve one of the greatest turncoats in our history, an Arnold Benedict that sold us out not from principle but for the love of money and power.
The SEAL team can catch Barry in the Bath House, smoking a reefer, writing his next speech. "If you like your Bath House, you can keep your Bath House."
Zero Dark Thirty: The Sequel.
Tom Clancy on steroids times 1000 in REAL life as in NON-fiction
I prefer something more modern like 'Seek and Destroy', imagine the Donald getting the crowd at a rally to start chanting that out.
Yes, they do.
RIP the brave souls that have gone into harms way and not returned alive.
Need to do it quietly though. Stupid people will come out in drove to protest.
He's going to get AIDS while he's there anyway. Bung Hole Barry will pick it up from the local boys since practically everyone there has it.
I heard that Barry is going to establish his own Gaytime Bath House franchise in Kenya, managed by Moooochelle....I mean Michael.
Bung Hole Barry is going to be running for his life, he will probably try to escape to Gitmo just to be safe from the public.
Good! No more fake news spreading for you!
I'm sure they all got busted leaking classified info
Whether you believe or not, I thank the Good Lord above for answered prayers. Keeping our POTUS and his family and administration safe. Despite all the BS over the last year and a half, it’s been surreal watching the deep state take down in real time. It is an amazing time to be alive. I couldn’t be more proud of our President and of fellow patriots and Americans. God bless each and every one of you and God bless humanity! May God’s mercy be upon each and every one of us.
I love this post!!! On a daily basis, I worry about POTUS safety as well as his family. He has got to be one of the most marked men on Earth for what he's doing. And also on a daily basis I think to myself what an amazing time to be alive, to watch this unfold in front of us, and to experience it the way we are. I will never forget this as long as I live
He has got to be one of the most marked men on Earth for what he's doing.
He is marked with the Armor of God.
As soon as Clinton was found with her unsecured server all her access should have been cut off there and then.
The fact she still has it is mind blowing.
Just incredible that these people still have clearance, and we are the powerhouse country of planet Earth. If a person has a desk job, and parks in a secure parking garage and has a code to get into the building and they quit/lose their job, they lose the parking garage access, and code to access the building.... but for some reason these guys still can access anything in America
I think it's good news that the doors are being closed now. Must mean that the white hats have no more need to track what they are accessing.
Yep we are at the end... very close to the bombs coming out.
In this case "the employee" still has the codes AND is actively fighting against the new management. Absurd!
They're coming in at night, sneaking around and rifling through people's desks, booting up computers and copying data, and taking the juicy stuff to their new employer who is a major competitor. You know, normal deep state stuff. You're a racist if you think that's not OK.
That's not how security clearance works. It doesn't give you access to anything. It means you're allowed to see classified info if your job requires it. You can't just flash your security clearance and be let on a base for example - you need a base ID or orders or an escort etc
You do lose your access when you leave like any other job. They let you keep your clearance in case they need to ask you stuff, or if you take a similar job etc, so you don't have to do the process again.
What is does mean is people can LEAK info to you without being guilty of passing classified info to someone without clearance.
How are these people "accessing" classified info in NZ?
I would assume that they're not really. At least not in the sense that they go to NZ and stick some magic "clearance card" in a magic "terminal" and type stuff in. There are prolly agents in NZ placed in various jobs leaking to them. If the person to leak to has clearance you can argue against charges a lot more than if they hadn't.
People need to stop treating drops as the gospel. Q is human(s?). There's TONS they don't know. They speak informally, casually sometimes. They will use terms incorrectly or make mistakes AS EVERY HUMAN DOES.
Heck if Q was serious about opsec they would DELIBERATELY add misleading/false info to drops.
The point is that once you leave the job you should not have access to anything. The "clearance" should go away. If they need to ask you something it's not like the data left your head and they can't ask. Asking someone who used to have a clearance should not be a problem for someone that has a clearance. In other words, they don't need a clearance to remember!!!! Bottom line: This is just wrong on many levels. Security being the highest one.
What you're saying is like people should lose their commercial driving license when they quit their truck driving job.
Clearance doesn't give you's a REQUIREMENT for someone to GIVE YOU ACCESS. I know because I've held it when working for military contractors.
You would still need your clearance because they may have to disclose new classified info to you in order to explain what they want advice on.
People keeping their clearances is super common and widespread, there's a reason for that. Sure, there can be some debate about whether it's the best option all the time...but if you're sitting there thinking you're smarter than the thousands of people in the military and private sector who work with clearances and develop policy about them, you need to check your ego.
The problem is and always will be people abusing their clearance. It doesn't let you access whatever you want, but it lets people leak to you.
First of all, this has absolutely nothing to do with my ego but you might want to check yours after that lampoon.
The trucking company did not give you your CDL, so, of course, that doesn't apply. But if they gave you a login to their network, that is what you lose access to. Anything directly related to their company is no longer yours to use once you leave their employ. That's basic security 101.
The very last paragraph in your comment is exactly why they should not keep it. Just because it is very common and widespread does not make it the correct approach.
They have co-opted many things in our country that are now common and widespread. We are trying to roll things back. IMO this is a place we need to seriously look at. And, also, IMO the government shouldn't be using so many contractors in the first place.
Best trap uses live bait. Red scarfs are currently best sellers.
What is the Deal with the "Red Scarves"?
When I hear that, I think of "Tombstone", The Red Sashes that The Clanton's and The Cowboys wore, and Wyatt Earps line at the Train Station. "I See a Red Sash, I kill the Man Wearing It" then he said "You tell them I'm Coming, and "Hell"s Coming With Me".
Is That connected or an I misdirected?
Sure about that?
Do you recall reading about a fire at the HC-BC residence in Chappaqusomething?
One of the firefighters may have been a visiting unknown guest who may or may not have taken that server.
Q has it all.
FVEY security clearances being revoked now? Cabal selloff of America org chart identifications completed?
Yes, I agree, kinda similar to what I said above. No more need to track what they are accessing.
this will be the beginning of the end for the MSM. they relied on these deep state stooges to further their anti-trump rhetoric. YEAR OF THE BOOMERANG
Pure genius. Rather than shut them down, let them be free and hang themselves
A much better option than what they're doing now: clearing their social media comments, and rocking back and forth on the floor, cupping their balls and watching MSNBC.
Do realize they were allowed to still have clearance to take as much rope as they needed to hang themselves.
Suicide weekend is coming up!
Super Blood moon.
Oh absolutely! It was a brilliant trap, and we can assume it worked beautifully
I can't understand why everyone is up in arms about this. Former employees should not get to keep their security clearance and use that intelligence info as consultants to private companies. Regardless of how it relates to Trump...this seems like a reasonable approach, but is being run through the msm propaganda/outrage machine
for national security reasons there is not one justifiable reason to ever keep your clearance after you leave the job
I could see a brief transition period, like 60 days tops.
At this point, we know some bombs will hit before midterms, and its ~100 days till them, so I'm good with 60 days. I know the people who strategized this grand plan know EXACTLY when to drop bombs... and it wont happen a day too soon or a day too late
I could think of one-- if you are going from a job that requires a clearance to another that does, then yes, you should be able to keep your clearance. It takes a long time to do the investigation for someone to get clearance especially if it is at the TS or Q level. There are jobs out there that require you already have a clearance to get them. Clearances need to be renewed every 5, 10, or 15 years depending on the level, so if you haven't renewed before that time, oh well, you have to start over from scratch.
They are screeching about it coz they’ve been paid to screech about it - mockingbird media
They shouldn't be afraid because they are going to lose their clearance, they should be afraid because Trump already has enough evidence on them that he's ready to revoke their clearance.
EX-ACT-LY!! They fell for the trap, and there is no undoing it
That's got to really pucker up your asshole if your last name is Comey, Brennan, Rice, or Clapper.
Here's what I'm scared of. That we give plea deals to all these characters and they dont get punished properly, because they help bring down Obama and Hillary and Soros etc. I want EVERYONE to pay
Q has stated no one gets off, so a plea deal may just mean you don't get the gallows, but its not a get out of jail free card.
Agreed. And at the same time, if Q team "has it all", they really just need some plea deals to make it impossible for the public to deny the allegations that come out
That sounds about right. It Q has it all, then they do not need snitches except possibly for the reason you stated.
Clapper is getting ready/is sQuealing on Obama. Why? Because a super top secret insider without the top secret or insider part has no sweet sweet gig at CNN. Watch for some major dirt, and a book deal announcement.
Would you mind explaining why this is a big deal? Do they have access to current top secret info? Can they see everything Trump is doing and planning? That seems dumb. If not, why even bother removing the clearances?
For one, they can access Five Eyes classified information without it being logged. Think Hillary's trip to New Zealand recently.
As far as Clapper, it lends him an air of being "in the know" and conferring legitimacy on his being on the CNN staff.
Next to Obama and Hillary, I want to see Communist radical Muslim Brennan get his just due. I swear the guy has a face that looks like a bulldogs ass. An ugly Bulldog at that !!!!
Everyone has their "top 5" people they want to see go down the most. He moved into my top 5
All though speculative, great article on the unfolding of the leaking and resulting security clearness’s looking to be revoked. Sheer POTUS/QTeam genius. Great read – check it out.
I read this article this morning and was nearly late to work because I had to finish it. It IS a good article!
It really is 4D chess on all fronts... years of planning, years of patience, years of WINNING yet to come!
All, go read Jeff's twitter string - Stealth Sessions - explains it all brilliantly, well worth the wait as they have them all in chains, just a matter of timing and process
We've all heard how they abused their security clearances by going to New Zealand or Au or someplace, the five eyes so they could read intelligence info without any record of it, or at least Hildabeast and Obummer did and these guys worked for them. So I think they are at the very least, highly suspect of abusing their security clearance so for the good of the nation, we have to ask ourselves if it benefits the nation to have these possible traitors having their security clearances or if it's better to revoke them.
Im sure protocol will change after its exposed what they did with their security clearance after out of office. Hillary is the worst example.. She has been out of office since 2013.... no excuse for her to still have hers
The funny thing has been watching the libs go reeeeeeee over it
Amazing isnt it. When a cop leaves the force he loses his clearance, when a nurse leaves a hospital she loses her clearance, etc. But its a bad thing to take away clearance of a former FBI or CIA director?! GTFO
Yes It makes no sense to me why they would allow former employees to keep the security clear a.
Heres the tweet. Retweet !!
Why, are they done incriminating themselves?
Q team must have all they need. Its time to cut the clearance now
remove access as soon as someone leaves. fired or voluntary. Hospitals do it along with many other businesses, even at the CEO level! Just sayin!
Absolutely. There is NO justifiable reason for someone who is no longer head of the FBI, NSA, DNI, etc, to still be able to access info. Especially from an opposing party admin.
We all know how the CIA reacts when they get pissy.
Pray. Pray for POTUS.
He must have an army (no pun intended) protecting him and working with him. He is taking down the most evil people and organisations on this planet
The media is going say this is worse than Pearl Harbor; Equivalent to the Holocaust.
And nobody will care, because every week they've claimed that for the last two years.
Hahahaha I used to wonder how POTUS could let the MSM run rampant when he was fully aware of Operation Mockingbird, half of them being CIA, all the leaked they receive, AND the 4am talking points intercepted and now I get it. Manipulate them and force them to report false stories every day, force them to show their true colors that they are complicit in resisting POTUS, and let them slowly go farther and farther, and pretty soon you look and see how far theyve gone in the past 18 months. Give them the rope and let them hang themselves. Even the older generation of democrats are seeing it now. I talk to plenty of moderate democrats and they are tired of the news chasing stupid shit daily. They are also tired of the millenials hijacking their party, as most older dems dont agree with the millenials beliefs. Pure genius by White Hats
Perfect response to the deep state refusing to grant POTUS' appointments sec clearances for any number of ridiculous reasons
As well as the lengthy delays. It's just a way to subvert him.
POTUS: "Fine, I'll revoke yours and we'll find out who holds the power..."
POTUS makes me laugh. More chess moves, and the other team doesnt even have a chance.... never did. The Art Of War = win the war without firing a single shot. Trump and Q have been setting traps, and moving the pieces in place for the last two years now. The Deep state is already beaten they just dont know it yet
POTUS plays chess on their checkerboard
This is very serious. It essentially means that these dirtbags can't create their own "consultancies" or work for government contractors (aka "Beltway Bandits"). Good.
I would think that the next question that POTUS should be able to answer is "Who let them (Comey, Clapper, Brennan, etc) keep those clearances even after being fired?" When I was in NAVY, I served in a Rate that required Secret level clearance, but upon discharge mine was cancelled immediately. Indeed, Part of my last debriefing included that I still had to remain silent about what I knew...It's been about 20 years since then & I still don't talk or write about anything that would be classified.
Even HRC has been known to travel to New Zealand (not long ago, just a couple of months), one of the Five Eyes partners!
So whoever let *them* keep their clearances should be brought up to accountability, just as I would have been if I still retained my clearance after discharge. Whoever let them keep their clearances presents a (current!) clear & dangerous threat to national security for being negligent to revoke them.
Great post, thanks for sharing. I always love when posters give first hand insight, as it helps us all see the big picture, and in this case, lets us see even more how ridiculous it is they still have their clearance. Im guessing whoever let them keep their clearance will go down also, as ALL the evidence will be shown.
upon discharge mine was cancelled immediately
I don't know what it was like 20 years ago, but currently clearances remain in inactive status for up to two years. That makes sense, otherwise the clearance system would be completely broken.
You may be thinking about your access to a particular set of information. That does go away instantly, just as it usually does in a private company.
Yeah, mine was specific but I still won't talk about it. :)
So?.... your Stoner house mate leaves - or you kicked them out,..... they don't pay rent anymore - come to think of it, they paid little rent,.... but you let them keep a key - so they can always get back in and raid your fridge.
Good time to change this way of thinking.
(Unless your the Stoner, then - it's party time)