Anonymous ID: bdc943 QRB General #527: TheY Had 11 Days To Get People Out, Bastids Edition Aug. 18, 2021, 2:04 p.m. No.84218   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 2:06 p.m. No.84220   🗄️.is 🔗kun



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>>84055, >>84062, >>84097, >>84107, >>84112, >>84146, >>84147, >>84180 Wenzday Eyez to the skyz

>>84212 Wells Fargo is no longer shuttering existing personal lines of credit after customer backlash

>>84205 Billboard wins Gold Sticker today

>>84203 Milley Claims Taliban Is Not Interfering at Kabul Airport as White House Lashes Out at Taliban for Interfering at Airport

>>84193 Something Sketchy in the Blame Game, Joint Chiefs Chair General Mark Milley, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Pentagon Collectively Throwing Biden Under The Bus

>>84188, >>84190, >>84192 This guy is ON FIRE

>>84184, >>84185 Joe Biden’s State Dept Halted a Trump-Era ‘Crisis Response’ Plan Aimed at Avoiding Benghazi-Style Evacuations Just MONTHS Before Taliban Takeover.

>>84181 ERIC BOLLING, PETER NAVARRO and RAHEEM KASSAM on NEWSMAX at 4:05, Channel 1115 on Comcast

>>84175, >>84177 Vaccines’ protection against virus infection is waning, C.D.C. studies suggest

>>84167 Fuellmich Corona-Ausschuss / Corona-committee uploads to anonfiles

>>84166 @DrPaulGosar it’s time to stop dumping unvetted people here

>>84162, >>84163 Ngo: #antifa account on Twitter is run by Jonathan D. Chase, a 38-year-old Portland antifa member who mentors youth.

>>84160 Milley: "There was nothing that I or anyone else saw that indicated a collapse in 11 days"

>>84158 @SCUBA2024 Trump on who’s running the government: Its a cabal,

>>84155, >>84156 @SaraCarterDC The State Dept, has just alerted American citizens in Afghanistan that their own government can’t guarantee their safe transport to the Kabul Airport.

>>84154, >>84168 Raheem J. Kassam Bye-den

>>84151 Fed Says May Have To Raise Reverse Repo Limits

>>84148 CME denies report of buyout bid for Cboe, saying 'inaccurate' report needed 'correction'

>>84143 Blindness following Covid 19 injections per VAERS

>>84118 45: This plane should have been full of Americans. America First!

>>84106 Coronavirus forces cancellation of Formula One Japanese Grand Prix

>>84102 WRogers: Teddy Daniels for Congress

>>84095 CM: Election Integrity

>>84093 Watkins: Night Owl News and daily bible verse

>>84088, >>84089 Grenell: We need to hold our intelligence community to a higher standard.., Germany goin Germany First

>>84087 A Rothschild speaks out

>>84084, >>84085, >>84098, >>84104 ECW: Afghans with travel docs?, Utah wants refugees

>>84082, >>84083 Pompeo: Oklahoma PAC talk, helping candidates

>>84066, >>84070 rt: >>84063 lb Bun of ANTIFA memes ; One year Delta?

>>84056, >>84058, >>84059 Analysis-Afghan central bank's $10 billion stash mostly out of Taliban's reach

>>84217 #526



>>83976, >>83990, >>84009, 84034, >>84035 Wenzday eyez on the skyz

>>84037 45 rips JPMorgan's Dimon over China threat: He is 'no patriot'

>>84027 US NAVY w/CAP: Running on a full tank

>>84004 Former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fled with $169MILLION in his cash-stuffed helicopter and has been given asylum in Dubai on 'humanitarian grounds'

>>84003 There’s Nothing Normal About Joe Biden Going AWOL for Four Days

>>83995 SoftBank Unloads $14 Billion In Tech Stocks After NASDAQ Gamma Squeeze

>>83977 [They] skeeerd: Hit pieces out on Tina Peters, Mesa Co Clerk

>>83970, >>83975 Vax-entration Camps? Australian Government Builds “Mandatory Quarantine Facilities”, Officials Say Jab Is “Golden Ticket to Freedom”

>>83950 PG&E Shuts Off Power to 51,000 Customers in 18 Northern California Counties to Prevent Wildfires

>>83944 “Don’t Talk to Your Neighbors” – New Zealand Enters Nationwide Lockdown Over ONE Covid Case (VIDEO)

>>84041 #525



>>83875, >>83872, >>83881 Trump interview w/Hannity

>>83882, >>83888, >>83891, >>83899 Prof David Clements and Stew Peters

>>83884, >>83890 Bizarrely high spike in WA state covid cases?

>>83885 Pic of Mike Lindell's attackers?

>>83886, >>83887, >>83889 Gen. Flynn: Since New DHS Alert, You're a Potential Terrorist if You Oppose White House Lies

>>83893 ‘Don’t be deluded’: Taiwan warns the Chinese regime that claimed the US won’t protect it

>>83894 Massive Healthcare worker shortage coming to a town and city near you shortly

>>83896, >>83902, >>83932 We The People are the "Plan." Plus: Lin Wood's "Strike for Freedom"

>>83897 New study claims that wildfire smoke is linked to thousands of COVID-19 infections and deaths (attributes it to CLIMATE CHANGE!)

>>83907 CM on Afghanistan & not getting distracted from election audits bc FREEDOM OF SPEECH is everything!

>>83908, >>83911, >>83912 Pray for Christians & others stranded in Afghanistan

>>83922 Wendy Rogers: People are fired up and ticked off!

>>83923 Fauci: Unvaccinated Need to ‘Put Aside’ Concerns of Personal Liberty (you go first, FAUXI!)

>>83924, >>83925, >>83926 Prof David Clements threatened by State Bar

>>83933 #524


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>>83863 #523

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Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 2:07 p.m. No.84221   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 2:07 p.m. No.84222   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 2:36 p.m. No.84238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4308 >>4382

"We very much hope they (The Taliban) will be doing what they say they are going to be doing – they will be killing terrorists and killing some very bad people."

Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 2:43 p.m. No.84242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4308 >>4382

Melbourne marks 200 days in lockdown


Jesus Christ Australia you've been locked down for 200 days and it still hasn't gotten rid of the Virus. WAKE THE FUCK UP!

Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 3:07 p.m. No.84264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4308 >>4382

Erik Prince: Afghanistan Proves Taiwan Should Buy Nukes


“The Taiwanese must be very concerned about how much they can rely on the U.S.,” Prince said Monday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow. “If I were the Taiwanese leadership, I would load up an airplane full of cash and fly to either India or Pakistan and go buy a few nuclear weapons, because it’s really ultimately up to them to determine their own defense [and] their own deterrence, because I don’t think they can depend on the United States showing up for that.”


President Joe Biden’s approach towards Afghanistan demonstrates the unreliability of U.S. support for Taiwan against China, Prince determined.


He remarked, “Ultimately, Taiwan needs to defend itself. They need to prove that with their willingness to defend themselves and certainly a nuclear deterrence is the best way from to do that.”

Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 3:11 p.m. No.84268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4308 >>4382

Anons better get ready for some more winning.


5 Q posts in Aug 2018 reflecting [20] in relation to FISA. We are only two days away from a mega boom…


And take a look at the only post from August 21, 2018…


The Great Awakening…

Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 3:19 p.m. No.84278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4281 >>4308 >>4382

BREAKING REPORT: VP Harris To Visit Vietnam and Singapore, COMPLETELY IGNORING Afghanistan Catastrophe..

Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 3:34 p.m. No.84284   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4308 >>4382

Illinois To Partner With Experian For Vaccine Passport System, Data Will Be Available To NSA And DHS


Experian suffered a major data breach in 2015, and lobbied for immunity to share private consumer data with the NSA, DHS, and other law enforcement agencies


The Illinois Department of Public Health is launching a program called “Vax Verify” that asks residents to verify and download a receipt of their vaccination status, noting that “More and more companies, such as United, Google, Netflix, Morgan Stanley, Saks Fifth Avenue, Ascension Health, and Lyft, are instituting vaccine requirements for at least some of their employees.”


Vax Verify will be contracting with consumer credit reporting company Experian, which will use an “identity verification process to gain access to their immunization history.” Experian has lobbied to share consumer data with the NSA, DHS, and other law enforcement agencies.


“As more businesses, events, organizations, and others require proof of vaccination, Illinois residents will be able to confirm using Vax Verify that they have been vaccinated for COVID-19,” IDPH Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike said in a statement on the IDPH website. “With the current surge in cases, more people are making the decision to get a COVID-19 vaccine and this new tool will aid residents in confirming their vaccination where needed.”


A digital vaccination verification program in Illinois requires its users to GO THROUGH EXPERIAN to gain access.


"Due to the Experian link, those with frozen credit will need to unfreeze it."






— L 🤺🏴 (@LHatesYouALot) August 18, 2021


The site also warns that “More and more companies, such as United, Google, Netflix, Morgan Stanley, Saks Fifth Avenue, Ascension Health, and Lyft, are instituting vaccine requirements for at least some of their employees.”


“The verification system follows best practices to protect confidential health information,” the website states. “In order to download proof of vaccination, residents will go through a brief, one-time identity verification process to gain access to their immunization history. The State of Illinois utilizes Experian® as its identity verification service provider. Individuals who have placed a freeze on their credit will need to unfreeze their credit with Experian® and wait 24 hours before completing the registration process. After completing registrations, individuals can re-freeze their credit by contacting Experian®.”


Experian was the subject of a massive security breach in 2015 that resulted in the personal information of some 15 million people being exposed online. The Guardian reported at that time that “Experian has lobbied in support of the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, legislation currently being considered in the Senate that would broaden its immunity were it to share its stores of information with the Department of Homeland Security (which in turn would be compelled to share it with law enforcement and the NSA).”


President Barack Obama signed the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act into law in December 2015.

Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 3:38 p.m. No.84286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4308 >>4382

Defense Secretary Says US Doesn’t ‘Have The Capability’ To Evacuate Large Numbers Of People From Afghanistan


Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said during a Wednesday press conference that the U.S. does not have the ability to evacuate a large number of people from Afghanistan.


“We don’t have the capability to go out and collect large numbers of people,” Austin told a reporter.


Austin said earlier in the press conference that the U.S. was nowhere close to where they wanted to be in terms of evacuations from Afghanistan.


“As I stated earlier, we’re gonna push more military assistance down to the entry points to facilitate these efforts, but we’re really working hard to get as many people through as possible,” he said. “And, quite frankly, it’s obvious we’re not close to where we want to be in terms of getting the numbers through.”


He promised that the U.S. would work around the clock to “get everyone that we can possibly evacuate, evacuated.”


“And I’ll do that as long as we possibly can until the clock runs out, or we run out of capability,” Austin said.


The Taliban managed to take control of the country just days after President Joe Biden ordered American troops to withdraw. Chaos ensued at the Kabul airport as crowds of people desperate to escape the Taliban chased planes down the tarmac, some even going so far as to cling to the side of American planes and fall to their deaths.

Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 3:38 p.m. No.84287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4308 >>4382

Biden to direct nursing homes to have staffers vaccinated to continue to get Medicare and Medicaid


President Biden is set to officially announced the change Wednesday afternoon.


The Biden administration will tell U.S. nursing homes they must require staffers be vaccinated for COVID-19 to continue to receive Medicare and Medicaid funding, according to news reports


President Biden is set to officially announced the change Wednesday afternoon, according to CNN, which learning of the matter from administration officials.


Biden will direct the Department of Health and Human Services to draft new regulations making vaccinations for nursing home employee a condition for such facilities to participate in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, the officials said.


The move represents a significant escalation in Biden’s campaign to get Americans vaccinated and the tools he is willing to use, marking the first time he has threatened to withhold federal funds in order to get people vaccinated.


Nursing home residents, largely the elderly with pre-existing medical conditions, were among the hardest hit in the early stages of the pandemic. Such facilities being largely confined space without enhanced ventilation contributed to high case rates. The virus's highly contagious delta variant threatens to create a similar situation with high hospitalization and death rates.


"As we see the spread of Delta and the threat of Covid cases, it is really especially important that we ensure that those caring for our most vulnerable are vaccinated,” Carole Johnson, a senior official on the White House’s Covid-19 response team, told CNN in an interview.


In the seven states in which less than half of nursing home staff is vaccinated, weekly cases were 7.9 times higher in the week ending August 1 than they were in the week ending June 27. Meanwhile, in states that have vaccinated a larger share of staff than average, cases reported in the week ending August 1 were three times higher than cases reported in the last week of June, the new outlet also reports.


The new regulations could go into effect as early as next month. However, Johnson told CNN the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will work with nursing homes, employees and their unions to ramp up staff vaccinations before the regulations go into effect.

Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 3:43 p.m. No.84289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4291 >>4308 >>4382

Donald J. Trump

This could be—Afghanistan—another Dunkirk situation!


Donald J. Trump

Fake Elections have consequences, just look at the horror of Afghanistan coupled with the massive incompetence at our Southern Border!

Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 3:48 p.m. No.84293   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Here we go, blocking off states from travel


Troops to be deployed to Queensland border to counter 'real and present' threat of NSW COVID-19 Delta variant outbreak


Troops will be deployed to the Queensland border in a bid to block New South Wales' rampant COVID-19 outbreak from breaching the state line.


Key points:


The deployment of 100 troops is designed to protect Queensland from the spread of COVID through NSW


There will also be a recategorisation of essential workers who are allowed into the state


Queensland Health said it is working with remote and rural cross-border towns to get people vaccinated


The military deployment, in the form of 100 soldiers based along the border, was requested by Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.


Last night, a spokesperson for the Premier said she was delighted with the federal government's agreement to the deployment, but the timing of the soldiers' arrival was still to be finalised.


The military call-up is the latest in series of measures brought in to try and stem the spread of the Delta variant of COVID-19 that has overtaken NSW.


Cases from the fast-moving outbreak have emerged throughout NSW and in the past two weeks started to appear in local government areas within a few hundred kilometres of the Queensland border.


In response, Ms Palaszczuk has been steadily escalating border protection measures.

Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 3:49 p.m. No.84294   🗄️.is 🔗kun






put as much effort into a withdrawal plan for Afghanistan as he is trying to force masks on our children then we wouldn’t have Americans and allies stuck behind enemy lines. He’s more concerned about Republican governors than he is with the Taliban.

Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 4:04 p.m. No.84299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4300 >>4303 >>4308 >>4382

It's a controlled operation.


Taliban are playing ball with the white hats.


Media will lie (playbook) and cast doubt,


meanwhile everyone will be allowed to return home country.


The Dunkirk evacuation, codenamed Operation Dynamo - Operation Dynamo was the rescue operation implemented by the Royal Navy. It was co-ordinated by Vice Admiral Bertram Ramsay and his small team in Dover Castle. There, beneath the fortress, a network of tunnels deep within the cliffs. (did not embed vid due to graphic)





Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 4:15 p.m. No.84305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4308 >>4382

"Biden did this to celebrate on September 11th when in actuality the celebration is our enemies and the fact that we already have the Taliban flag flying over our Obama-Biden built $1 Billion U.S. Embassy in Kabul." - President Donald J. Trump

Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 4:33 p.m. No.84308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4311


>>84235, >>84246, >>84282, >>84290, >>84301 Wenzday Eyez in da skys

>>84307 REAL POTUS on Newsmax: Greg Kelly

>>84305 45: "Biden did this to celebrate on September 11th when in actuality the celebration is our enemies................

>>84304, >>84306 @NatRothschild1 More than ever we need America's intervention in Iraq to succeed. #democracy

>>84299, >>84300, >>84303 Taliban are playing ball with the white hats.

>>84298 San Diego woman GOES OFF at Board of Supervisors meeting over COVID-19 mandates

>>84289, >>84291 45: Dunkirk and elections have consequences

>>84287 Biden to direct nursing homes to have staffers vaccinated to continue to get Medicare and Medicaid

>>84286 Defense Secretary Says US Doesn’t ‘Have The Capability’ To Evacuate Large Numbers Of People From Afghanistan

>>84284 Illinois To Partner With Experian For Vaccine Passport System, Data Will Be Available To NSA And DHS

>>84279, >>84280 Thoughts on the DEEPFAKE trend

>>84278, >>84281 VP Harris To Visit Vietnam and Singapore, COMPLETELY IGNORING Afghanistan Catastrophe..

>>84268 5 Q posts in Aug 2018 reflecting [20] in relation to FISA. We are only two days away from a mega boom…?

>>84264 Erik Prince: Afghanistan Proves Taiwan Should Buy Nukes

>>84245, >>84247, >>84248 The Boss sure is making the rounds!!!

>>84242, blocking off states from travel Melbourne marks 200 days in lockdown

>>84238 "We very much hope they (The Taliban) will be doing what they say they are going to be doing – they will be killing terrorists and killing some very bad people."

>>84231 Muslim festival starts tonight, sundown, Ashura, 10 days of darkness and grief.

>>84230 SEC Sues Ex-Netflix Software Engineers for Insider Trading

>>84227 45: vax, boosters money making scam



just a looksie

lemme know

Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 5:05 p.m. No.84318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4320


I'd like to lodge a complaint to the union

I don't have a card or t-shirt eben

I gotz bennies?

if I find out ya'll been out bustin sheitz up without me imma get realz complainin

lemme know

Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 5:57 p.m. No.84346   🗄️.is 🔗kun


wait till audits come out

bunch of those mofo's gonna step down cause they can't walk the streets

we still got guns

rent free reminder


Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 6:03 p.m. No.84351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4382


TRUMP: "It's inconceivable that anybody could be so incompetent…to imagine you take out your military before your civilians…There's never been anything so poorly handled."

Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 6:04 p.m. No.84352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4382

China will conduct live-fire drills in Bohai Sea from 11am to 7pm on August 24 (Beijing Time); entry will be prohibited, according to Shandong Maritime Safety Administration.

Anonymous ID: bdc943 Aug. 18, 2021, 8:41 p.m. No.84382   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>84235, >>84246, >>84282, >>84290, >>84301, >>84334, >>84337, >>84361, >>84367, >>84374, >>84375 Wenzday Eyez in da skys

>>84379 US to limit some Chinese airlines to 40% passenger capacity

>>84356 Japan defends rare-earths industry from unwanted foreign takeovers

>>84352 China will conduct live-fire drills in Bohai Sea from 11am to 7pm on August 24 (Beijing Time)

>>84351 TRUMP: "It's inconceivable that anybody could be so incompetent…to imagine you take out your military before your civilians…

>>84342 Status of INSLEE RECALL:

>>84338 @GovInslee’s press conference is being held. The group is chanting, “Recall Inslee.”

>>84307, >>84309, >>84310 REAL POTUS on Newsmax: Greg Kelly

>>84305 45: "Biden did this to celebrate on September 11th when in actuality the celebration is our enemies................

>>84304, >>84306 @NatRothschild1 More than ever we need America's intervention in Iraq to succeed. #democracy

>>84299, >>84300, >>84303 Taliban are playing ball with the white hats.

>>84298 San Diego woman GOES OFF at Board of Supervisors meeting over COVID-19 mandates

>>84289, >>84291 45: Dunkirk and elections have consequences

>>84287 Biden to direct nursing homes to have staffers vaccinated to continue to get Medicare and Medicaid

>>84286 Defense Secretary Says US Doesn’t ‘Have The Capability’ To Evacuate Large Numbers Of People From Afghanistan

>>84284 Illinois To Partner With Experian For Vaccine Passport System, Data Will Be Available To NSA And DHS

>>84279, >>84280 Thoughts on the DEEPFAKE trend

>>84278, >>84281 VP Harris To Visit Vietnam and Singapore, COMPLETELY IGNORING Afghanistan Catastrophe..

>>84268 5 Q posts in Aug 2018 reflecting [20] in relation to FISA. We are only two days away from a mega boom…?

>>84264 Erik Prince: Afghanistan Proves Taiwan Should Buy Nukes

>>84245, >>84247, >>84248 The Boss sure is making the rounds!!!

>>84242, blocking off states from travel Melbourne marks 200 days in lockdown

>>84238 "We very much hope they (The Taliban) will be doing what they say they are going to be doing – they will be killing terrorists and killing some very bad people."

>>84231 Muslim festival starts tonight, sundown, Ashura, 10 days of darkness and grief.

>>84230 SEC Sues Ex-Netflix Software Engineers for Insider Trading

>>84227 45: vax, boosters money making scam




gonna bake it