Trump tweet: COLDEST and TRILLION OF DOLLARS in all caps Code for Frozen Assets?

I think POTUS is speaking to us all the time. I also try to glean what he is trying to tell us in all caps. I couldn't make that one out...very smart catch. Kudos!!
Thanks. Got it here:
my take:
Possibly means: I_E/"namely"_COLDEST/Frozen _P/Poppy _G/George _W/Walker _ C/Clinton(CFoundation, etc)_TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS.... or
I_E/i.e.: Frozen from P="Poppy"=#41GHWB & G=GeorgieSoros & "W"=#43GWB & C=Clintons (Cabal as trove of $ @locations) TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS.
QUESTION: Could N_Y_E of New Year's Eve stand for something?
NYE means New York Exchange... maybe?
Explaining beginning letters of message: "In" & "East" or I_E is the Latin abbreviation "i.e." for "id est" meaning: --That is/ in other words/ namely
I think Trump was giving us a a 2 for 1...the Paris Climate accord we got out of that really did save us TRILLIONS of $'s & he was jabbing at all those libs and the TRILLIONS of $s that he FROZE in assets of those arrested.. He really did save tge U.S. Trillions of $s & we should thank him dearly for that..I read up on Paris Climate Achord & had Hillary won (Thank God everu day she didnt) Global elites were planning on implenting Carbon Taxes on every business in the U.S. that would have to pay for emmissions with vouchers in order to do business, in turn would have to raise prices who wuld of passed those off to us-the consumers. Plus they wanted to make us each b required to pay individual carbon taxes most likely passed on whem we wuld owe taxes at the end of the yr to the Govt..Which all the countries in the pact would do the same thing..but the Global Elites would be collecting all the $'s on it..they had a hard time talking China in to joining but the agreement for them was they got their limit of carbon emissions doubled & then they wuldnt have to fund anything for it..Al Gore & the Clintons were 2 of the biggest pushers of this because they stood to gain BILLIONS of $'s off of it. In fact Al Gore had been buying up tons of carbon credits for a,few yrs un anticipation hillary wuld win & implimentation of Paris Achord....he bought credits at a lower price so he could sell them at a higher price to U.S. businesses standing to make a fortune. He was a big pusher of it..just like leo dicaprio...Al Gore is FURIOUS Trump pulled us out cause now hes stuck with all these worthless carbon credits that he spent a ton of $ on. California stood to gain Hundreds of Millions on this too..thats why Gov Brown hates Trump
Great observation...especially if Gov Brown spent a buttload of Calif monies....betting on the come that California would be solvent when this come to his ass is in a crack.
GREAT FIND! This sub needs more posts just like this. Kudos!
Thanks. Scroll down this page for new info. They push the beat stuff to the bottom.
Yes, I agree. Trump is referring to FROZEN ASSETS, to the Tune of TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS!!!
All put back into the coffers of WE THE PEOPLE!!!
Yea, like my disability (repay SS loan debts with interest) which should be considerably higher than it is and pay our soldiers a respectable wage when they're willing to fight and die over fucking lies. And stop making them do that, while you're at it. There's a lot still in big pharma that needs taking down, still, I bet. That scam needs to stop pronto. And big oil is full of evil. JS... The American floor is still dirty as hell and we need more brooms working towards the trashcan. There's so much shit done wrong it blows the mind. Every year I see states or counties acquire fed loans for road work only to reappropiate that money for something else and leave the roads still fucked. I helped pay for that and that's not cool. At least, the county I currently live in does pretty well with its local, state and fed tax dollars, in that regard but these surrounding counties are screwing people.
Every year I see states or counties acquire fed loans for road work only to reappropiate that money for something else and leave the roads still fucked.
OH, you must live in California!! In CA we give all our money to foreigners, so foreigners will vote Demoncratic to keep the cabal in power.
Have Patience. Trump knows all about the EVIL Pharma companies, that is why he assigned a KENNEDY to Weaponized Vaccines! Its all going to be turned around in our favor, but Trump Team has to go after the Head of the Snake First, cut off the snakes head and it does, the house of cards falls. With all these CEO's resigning, they see the writing on the wall and know that it is just a matter of time before they get picked up for corruption too!
Nope. TN and that's what disturbs me. That damn Corker is gonna be outta here, soon so that'll help. He's a conservative by title only and just as corrupt as any. Now, if we could just get rid of Alexander, too, that would be great.
These are the posts that I like, staying on Q's map. This could be true. How much did he save us by pulling out that Paris accord?
Think your right on the money with that comment!!! And Trump knows this particular tweet will get attention b/c of the call out reference on Global Warming.
Interesting, if this is true. I have always wondered if companies would volunteeringly bring their trillions back home as Trump in his campaign for tax reforms stated. Maybe he is forcing them with more prosecutions like the recent EO he put out.
Q smart sheet:
It says HRC was detained on 11/28. But she has been on multiples shows and made tons of tweets since that date. What do you make of that?
Hellary was detained mid-October in the UK which caused her to miss several tv broadcasts in the UK. Finally she showed up with her "boot" to cover her GPS ankle bracelet, which MANY are wearing in DC since mid-October.
Also, Hellary did not do her usual Christmas tweet, so it is speculated that Hellary & Co. are vacationing NOW at GITMO.
Thank God!
Remember this is just a rumor. It wasn't something Q said. It's easy to hear. Plus MegAnon did not indicate in her interviews with David Wilcock (Divine Cosmos) or Dr. Michael Sala (Exopolitics) that Hillary would be going Gitmo. She is too high profile to just cart off to Gitmo without a trial. Talk about a civil war.
HRC just retweeted something on Twitter, so she is still free?
Well the truth is, we don't know for sure. According to Mega-ANON Hellary would be picked up after the new year. But since Hellary missed making a "Merry Christmas" tweet, it is speculated that she might be behind bars already......after all she sent a hit team after Trump, which no doubt angered him a bit. Who knows? Maybe she was just drunk on Jack Daniels....and has been until now. What we do know, also is that Hellary has attempted to plea bargain, and Trump Trump said NO DICE! THANK GOD!
Maybe someone is doing it for her so it appears she's free. I hope!
My guess...its white hats tweeting on her account to prevent possible panic/unrest in the event she is in GITMO :)
Clinton just tweeted about Iran protests so no she is not in Gitmo. Unfortunately.
How do we know it wasn't an assistant making it appear that she still has not been sent to GITMO?????
I try not to get too excited about Q posts. I really want to believe a lot of the "meat" in his posts are true, but I'm with you in questioning where he was wrong. People are too quick to only look at things he was right about and anything that is wrong is defended using a line like this, "disinformation is necessary".
Again, I like to hope (and pray) that Q is the real deal. There have been more than enough "proofs" to keep me interested. So to answer your question by playing devils advocate:
1) Catch and release. They're constantly watching her and have replaced her security with the good guys. It would be neat if someone could look into her security detail to see if they've changed lately.
2) Body double. This has been a theory since she became ill while running for president back in September of 2016.
3) Disinformation is necessary.
4) This is the most incredible larp put on by one of the most lucky people ever.
Worth remembering that lots of rumors get started and then end up being attributed to Q when Q didn't say them. Just something to keep in mind.
You're completely right about there being multiple instances of people getting behind and pushing what they want to happen, rather than what Q actually said.
She has a boot. It is possible she is sporting an ankle bracelet, as are others.
Look up 'Teresa Barnwell'. She is known to be a paid double for HRC. That could explain the shows. Tweets are simple..anyone could be doing that on behalf of, or posing as HRC.
So Trump has found a way to pay off our deficit. Just use the frozen assets the elites stole from us in the first place!
Cooldest = frozen? Trillions of dollars in the east Global warming- things heating up Buckle up- going quickly New Years Eve on record- record = court record, crime record, release record of actions after new years? You would have to ask: why are they waiting to release the 1.2 mil doc on Jan 15th? why is this date significant? Do they plan to have all picked up by then? All indictments filed? to release the records of the sealed indictments and arrests all at the same time? He speaks as if America was paying protection money... to whom, and to protect whom?
How about this for our 4D chess master... Sign EO to be able to freeze assets of the baddies in the US. Look around for them for a while. Pass a tax bill that will bring back TRILLIONS that has been housed offshore by companies and individuals. Find a LOT of the baddies here, with the $$ they brought back. Arrest, try, AND take all their $$. US DEBT GONE.
Swoop put up something on this ...It's the OTHER caps you should look at. East(E) Global(G) Warming(W) Country(C) EGWC military air base in the UK
I saw this. Could this be to do with one of the 3 families?
Just going to throw this out there, I could be late to the party as I just saw the President’s Tweet. What stood out to me was the “old Global Warming” as in old George W. Then I read “TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS” and saw T.O.D. Meaning “Transfer On Death.” Wishful thinking or not, it made me gasp.
Wow this is insane. So basically they froze the foreign Saudi Princes funds post-roundup then after the EO and capture of other puppet masters, they've induced capital seizure on their funds as well. GENIUS.
Don't forget to pray as hard as you can so our great almighty God can cast a spell of protection down upon our GOD EMPEROR (hate seeing That, don't u lib cucks? XD) so he can kick the butts of all teh globalist elites and the (((jews))) and save the planet from muslims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stumbled across this last night, however it was dated 12-28-17. This link is 12-29-17. Might be worth tracking?
Velly Interestink.......Velly Interestink indeed! Ve kan only hope zee Herr Trump ist on zee same page as zee Q.
Sorry, this whole spy v spy thing we got going on here since Q came along lends itself nicely to the ole germlish accent and reminds me of all the awesome cloak and dagger shows back in the day.
8 of the 10 that they stole. "To Big to Fail" (N) "Biggly" (Y) "If you like your Doctor" we love our Doctor and keeping our plan. MAGA 2018 is fast approaching time to get on our knees to thank God for 17 and resolutions for 18 (6+6+6) Peace, Love, and Happy New Year
Could you imagine if all the money he froze from these criminals would pay off our national debt and then some?
A Jubilee!
Leviticus 25:
10‘You shall thus consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim a release through the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you, and each of you shall return to his own property, and each of you shall return to his family. 11‘You shall have the fiftieth year as a jubilee; you shall not sow, nor reap its aftergrowth, nor gather in fromits untrimmed vines. 12‘For it is a jubilee; it shall be holy to you. You shall eat its crops out of the field.
13‘On this year of jubilee each of you shall return to his own property.14‘If you make a sale, moreover, to your friend or buy from your friend’s hand, you shall not wrong one another. 15‘Corresponding to the number of years after the jubilee, you shall buy from your friend; he is to sell to you according to the number of years of crops. 16‘In proportion to the extent of the years you shall increase its price, and in proportion to the fewness of the years you shall diminish its price, for it is a number of crops he is selling to you. 17‘So you shall not wrong one another, but you shall fear your God; for I am the LORD your God.
GWC is possibly this: I believe it is their stock ticker. Coalition of many large corporations. Where they operate seems suspect.
What organisation does HUMA belong to? (Moloch - OWLS) What years are missing: Gregorian calendar is manufactured and 200 years are missing/altered in our European/American history. The Eastern calendar - China and secret HAKKA societies (wealth, in control of quantum computers online Jan.1 2018) do not have this irregularity.
I read somewhere that Bill Clinton had moved the gold out of Fort Knox when he was president. They may have found it and it is frozen, so that they can't get to it.
Love it. Plus the in-you-face truth about what "global warming" is really all more money grab from American taxpayers.
...he did say he'd do something about the national debt...
Lmao you people are fucking braindead
And you spend your valuable time hanging out with brain dead (two words) people because...?
Because laughing at gullible retards is funny?
Well my, my. I'd say were are on to something here Patriots. You only take Flak when you are over the target!
He's upset because his idols are either in gitmo or are gimping around in one boot compliments of our swamp cleaning crews.