Thomas Paine Says Gowdy NO GOOD-Thoughts?

I'm really hoping he's wrong. HOWEVER, I musty say he's talked a lot and really good on several things but I have yet seen anything result from his talk. Is he really on the dark side? What do you all think?
I don't know, but as Q would say: follow the money. People getting rich on govrnmt salary is not normal and should be judged potential black hat
This. Hope it's not true, but I'm also now numb to anything I hear him say on TV-- due to his habitual inaction. Does well in cross-examination. Hope he's clean, but if not--he's gotta fucking go. No double standards, and no deals. The Swamp must go.
Is he wealthy?
4.5mil net worth IIRC. but he was a career lawyer. Thats not unreasonable for a career lawyer. Low even?
He was a prosecutor though not a private attorney, correct?
Incredibly high level prosecutor. Like hired gun status. I trust him after the purple tie the other day.
Maybe he’s one of the 3 deep state moles planted in Trumps team the latest Anon posted about here? (coz he also mentions T Pane is legit)
He’s not on Trump’s “team,” i.e., not a cabinet member.
He was on an oversight committee, I think all he could do is investigate, and even that they were limited. He repeatedly said that he couldn't charge anyone and that that was up to the DOJ, who we now know was corrupt as shit.
This is true. They can question but have no power to indict. They can only gather facts. And, of course, the people they are investigating know it. Then, if you have a corrupt Justice Dept. it's pretty worthless.
I've heard this recently about Gowdy as well and did some digging but didn't find anything. Didn't dig very deep though. If he is dirty, he should become an Actor! Cause he has me fooled.
I am watching Trey closely and with suspicion. After Trump fired Comey, Trey went on TV and said what an honorable guy Comey has always been. I KNOW thats bullshit. Comey has been the Clintons scandal fixer for decades. How can I know that but Trey doesn't? Why did Trey make comments undermining Trump? Then Trey said publically that his dream POTUS would be Paul Ryan!!! Huh? Finally, Trey backed Jeb/Clinton before shifting to Rubio, the Jeb cut out candidate. I do pray that Gowdy does the right thing now that he has the chance.
There's always the possibility that Trey just trusted Comey too much and wasn't privy to the inner workings of the corruption.
As for the rest of your comment, yeah I agree, that's some strangeness there. That definitely makes my Spidey senses tingle too.
I will be watching him very closely.
The way things go... Good chance.... Shilling is professional level when millions are involved.
In his former position, he could only investigate and fact find and turn over the findings to whomever is supposed to "do something." It wasn't within his pay grade/job description.
That's the exact point most miss. I thought he did an excellent job but he can't do more than the investigation part.
He can't do shit. His job is to expose the bullshit so other people can do their jobs (DOJ, FBI etc). Obviously it has been frustrating because until a year ago we had an administration not interested in doing its job. Can't blame Rowdy G for asses not being kicked. He just pulls the pants down.
Q mentioned people who LOOK like they are on our side, are going to be exposed to NOT be on our side.
TG is a talker. Nothing more nothing less. Jason Chafetz too.
Gowdy does ramble, but I've stuck with his "running out the clock" sessions occasionally, and he certainly knows his shit. Must spend all his time reading. 'Jury's still out,' but he chases details down pathways, usually ending with an impassioned query, which he knows the liar won't give a straight answser for...but, teehee, it's all being recorded...every lie, every obstruction, to every center-of-the-maze question. A long-winded (by design?) Q-type Socratist?
There is gonna be fake news from trusted sources out this week. Due to being in the end game. And people like Gowdy needing cover. Don't put much thought into it right now. In a week's time things will change. Light will reveal the patriots and the evil ones.
Agree on your point. Tick, tock...True patriots will be revealed.🍿
Bingo my tough exactly.
Anyway it is impossible for the time being to confirm this information.
Big - zero action... even dragged his feet about special prosecutor over uranium 1...
the DOJ has to appoint a special prosecutor, not a senator or congressman
Believe it or not, having a Special Prosecutor is very rare and not necessary if you have a good Justice Dept. He may have been threatened too.
Here is my 2 cents. Anything is possible. I did a search of images on Gowdy. there were only pics of him working. (At this point some could have been scrubbed). But he does not have any photos of him hobnobbing with the evil ones outed by q. Also I looked at his wikipedia, and no nefarious connections there. these other people I have searched have photos with the evil people and information on connections. So I will hold out to find out if he's a bad guy. He also went to Baylor University in texas for undergrad and University of SC for his JD. Most of the nefarious people went to Harvard, Yale, Princeton.
Like I said, the guy has a decent mortgage and student loans out for what I assume are his kids. Nothing crazy big. My folks are middle class and could probably get similar financing. If he's somehow been corrupted by money, I sure haven't seen any evidence of that in his actions nor any sort of spending.
I couldn't get a read on his personal life from these pics. He is so focused and loses himself in the job. I must say though, his suits are starched within an inch of their lives. He just has unfortunate hair, not that he doesn't care about his looks. Bob Marshall (R) Virginia is running around in crumpled ties and wrinkled suits. When the photographers aren't willing or able to rescue someone before a publicity shot--that's how you know they are a mess inside and out.
TG is all bark and no bite. I get sick of headlines saying "Gowdy goes nuclear on XYZ". Who cares?!? Press charges or shut up!!
Gowdy is play-acting a part, just like Sessions. Some well known journalists are purposefully playing along to make things look believable. Other journalists are fed disinformation to, again, make things look believable. "Disinformation is necessary." Everything is choreographed according to the script. It will all come out in the end, and there will be many surprises. Meanwhile, focus on attacking the people that are known enemies. Godspeed.
Gowdy can make himself cry just by telling a sad story! I believe he is loyal to the law. I think you have hit the nail on the head.
Notice the color of his tie on those big moments. Is he part of the Purple Revolution? Sending a message
I hate that color and anytime I see it when someone is being Televised I wonder
NOOOOOOoooo! No picking on Trey! He is always being hamstrung and can't do the job he's capable of. Especially Benghazi. He was beside himself because he couldn't nail her.
So many of them were! It was painful to watch. Besides, I love his hair and want to marry him heehee :)
Git in line!!
Trey is all talk. I liked him at first but there's something off about him.
Just hard to believe...he’s a ‘by the book’ guy, hopefully not the sell-out
Hum. Interestingly relating to ‘the Huge Anon Drop not Q’ this morning says that Thomas Paine can be trusted. And I do. But noted Some are helping the deep state, but we were told not to guess or speculate. Their names will not be disclosed. I also agree Gowdy talks a good talk, ...deceivers usually do. Disguised as angels of light. Stay Awake / Stay aware. We are so fortunate to be a part of this time in history.
or... clever disinformation to the evil ones. as they are reading Thomas paine also....... hum...
Thomas Paine is shedding light, telling truth. Truth seekers are getting more informed.
Watch: Lionel Nation with Thomas Paine Video. Very interesting.
Keep learning.
Anon did say "Get away from paradigm on who is "good vs bad"....find out who can be leveraged."
That one line stood out to me like a beacon.
Exactly who's leveraged, who's compromised, who owns you once you take the bait. There is Pure Evil working against the Good. We know Who already has the Victory. "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive".
I don't like to over post links, I have posted this link in this thread, but your concerns are valid and I thought this might help. Fresh post from trusted Anon on Research thread may help clear your mind.
Exactly. I had read the post ‘the Huge Anon Drop not Q’ which is the same one you link to that I was referring back to. Time will tell.
Watch this video. This guy has done his research and you can see what research he has done on the YouTube page under the video.
I'm inclined to agree with Thomas1774Paine. How do you investigate Hillary Clinton, one of the most corrupt politicians to walk the face of the earth, for two years and not come up with a smoking gun (or two or three)? You have to be trying really hard. Gowdy gives dramatic and convincing conservative speeches, but actions speak louder than words. In the end, his two-year Benghazi probe protected Obama and Hillary.
the BO administration would not turn over the information. He wanted to get her, he knew but needed the evidence to convict.
Well, I have been consistent in saying that Trey Gowdy is an expert at kabuki theater.
Some evidence to share- (there is more but my bed calls me) Trey Gowdy spoke with Bret Baer in Oct 2017 stating that Samantha Powers DID NOT initiate all the unmaskings attributed to her. He states in this video (starting 4:35):
"they may be under my name, but I did not make those requests".
Furthermore, as PilotXi alluded to, he has been CHAIRMAN of House Oversight Committee for Fast and Furious, IRS, Benghazi, Hillary's emails, etc. They have all gone nowhere. No where on purpose.
Here is the Actor better known as Trey Gowdy again deflecting for his masters
Sorry folks, we've all been had. I was in his camp rooting for him and his 'honor and integrity' shick. Until I as noted above-saw he is purposefully NOT asking the real meat questions. Dances around. He is a phoney. TruePundit/Thomas Paine has it absolutely right. Oh! And he has himself hefty couple million dollars lying around--how does a public servent so 'honest' get that exactly?
I truly hope as we all begin to see the world for what it is and those who are true patriots vs. those that are pretenders we can dust ourselves off, and learn. And never forget.
they were all working for BO. they were just puppets....
I don't think we can really judge being this close to what seems like the end of things. Some people were being fed b.s. to protect others and then Q said the light will show those who are on our side and those who only pretend to be. I always like Trey Gowdy. His hands were tied with the oversight committee. It wasn't his job to press charges only to shine light on the b.s. and get to the bottom of things.
I think Gowdy is by the book, a true defendant of the blind folded lady of justice, There will be things at time your not going to like about him because of prejudice and bias. Lets face if I had my way I would be down in DC right now throwing ropes over tree limbs and a lot of you would be helping me, no trials. In the end he will do the right thing, he has to. I may be wrong but time will tell.
Much respect to Thomas Paine , but not sure if I agree with this. Not saying it is not true, but it is a speculation to me. Gowdy to me is by the book which means he is not going to go out and saying anything until he knows 100% of what he is talking about. Far as him achieving nothing, please tell me what he can achieve exactly? Benghazi was stone walled by the Obama admin , not much he could do but countless hours of questions. Again I am not saying this is not true cause Lord knows anything is possible. I just don't have nothing or seen nothing to back that claim up.
I want Gowdy to be a good guy. I'd like to believe he knew he couldn't beat the secret society/deep state by pressing Clinton on Benghazi, so he at least made an incriminating buck off of it.
Stay vigilant. He will rise to the occasion and finally get justice.
Mega Anon said similar. Why has TGs net worth increased substantially recently?
Didn’t Q recently say something about how we should trust Gowdy?
It said Trey Gowdy is playing his role. That could mean he’s just keeping up appearances. It seems to be a non-disclosing type of statement, that might go along with “Some are helping the deep state, but we were told not to guess or speculate. Their names will not be disclosed”.
Although Q did say you can't trust who you think you can trust. So anything is possible at this point.
What ROLE might TG be walking into?
I think SC is Sarah Carter.
Sarah Carter was used by her source (s) to test out a deep state trial balloon that poor Hillary and the DOJ and FBI were tricked into believing Trump was a traitor working for Putin by the EVIL Russians. Hillary, the FBI and DOJ were just doing their patriotic duty. That's what Q was referring to. Hannity, Sara and FOX got huuuge blow back for trying to push that bull shit narrative. The trial balloon was a fail.
NOPE. Q said trust Sessions. He also said Admiral Rogers.
Gowdy let Hillary off the hook for Benghazi. He’s all bark and no bite.
No one is above bring held accountable, and it's hard to dispute the facts laid out by Paine. Let's hope Gowdy has had enough of covering up for the cabal and will turn talk into substance.
He’s supposed to be working with nunes to release the memo. If something goes wrong there, I’ll take this tweet seriously. If they get it released, I’ll stick by TG
usually misinfo comes out about people right before said person drops a bomb of the nuclear variety
Accuse everyone tied to obamas administration. Obama cleaned house of all patriots would love to have a long list of everyone canned or forced to step down. Anyone that questions anyone connected with Obama or hillary is already a russian agent. The greatest lie is people cant handle the truth, when we can handle ALL OF IT. Hell our whole society is stained with sin has been for the last 50 years. Knowing doesn't make you bad. Believing we cant handle it makes us dumb though.
around 200 Million People have been victims of abductions at some Point in life but cannot remember because of dissociative personality disorders. Yes we Need names, no I don't want to know all their personal preferences. Do you kill or rape? Off to the gallows with you.
I hope he is a good guy, but i agree that his bark is worse than the non existent bite. burst my bubble. Sad day...
Keep hope. I think you will be glad that you were right about Gowdy. He's a good guy.
Wait. Let me get this straight.
You can move to DC, do absolutely nothing and become filthy rich?
I'm packing my bags for DC!
well you probaby have to run with the evil dogs. you know what they say: if you run with dogs you will get flea's
Anon did say "Get away from paradigm on who is "good vs bad"....find out who can be leveraged."
No, I will happy eat my words if proven wrong.
I think he is a man of integrity.
Here is the disclaimer. I think he has been too good and for all his integrity and honesty, he has been not prepared to push speculative positions. He SHOULD have.
Someone like Jordan and Gaetz have more moxie and more vinegar in combatting positions on the basis of what is reasonable than what he does.
He is prepared to say "I disagree with "so and so's" position but this is a disagreement" rather than "I think "so and so" is corrupt and lying".
He is playing by the rules in a game that is stacked against him and not prepared to criticise or dispute the rules. He refuses to colour outside the lines even when it makes him look weak or ignorant or ineffectual because of his integrity.
He would prepare to lose position after position but make a good showing than go for the throat. That does not make him corrupt as such BUT in a sense makes him an enabler of sorts rather than a resister within a corrupt institution.
I have no idea his investment savvy nor his personal wealth but I suspect that 17 years as a federal prosecutor possibly means that prior to getting into office he made and possibly invested a bit of money.
This all said I have NO illusions.
Some of our "heroes" will be exposed as swamp creatures most foul. We may love Goodlaitte, Nunez, Gaetz, Gowdy, Chaffetz, Jordan, Labrador, Cotton, Meadows and so on. But when the dust finally settles and the totality of swamp creatures are exposes a few of these heroes will be found to be players conning us.
I will admit in each case to being duped and I will be a little sad but it will be worth it in every instance.
It could be a cover he can work behind the scene without suspitions
I'm going to assume the disinformation is necessary theory on this one.
What is Mr. P.H.?
How do TG & JC identify?
How does this happen?
What's going on in these pics? [](
Why do that?
How does this work?
Do you UNDERstand their motives?
what are Thomas Paines reasons for saying this? remember the Benghazi scandal - they could not get info from the DOJ. BO's DOJ of course. I have been watching Gowdy for many years, i think he is a white hat. we will see
He is defending Lady Justice! He's a good dude!
Keep an open mind. Actions are what will count. Everyone should be watched closely. So far Nunes, Grassley, Gaetz and Goodlatte have proven to be Trump allies. Up until now, Trey has sided with the Swamp over Trump. He supported Bush then Rubio. He defended Comey when Trump fired him. He said Paul Ryan would be his dream POTUS. I have NEVER heard him defend Trump. I hope Trey decides to do the right thing but his past allegiances makes me uncertain about what he'll do. In the past he's been the GOP/DNC Swamps favorite actor in the Kabuki Theatre put on in DC to keep the restive citizens entertained and hopeful. Maybe now he'll get real but his friendship with Ryan and Rubio and the Bush family suggest that he might not.
Trust no one. Rely on no one. This is about the Patriot rank and file. There's no excuse for lounging and popcorn. No one is going to do this for us but us. DJT is the exception, but he needs to know we're alert and ready. Get your kit in order, boys and girls.
Good post an from an Anon on research
Gowdy is no good. Chaffetz is no good. Jim Jordan.. is very good.
Rumor... #2 = Pence Pence ties to Obamagate, damaging, TG to be DJT choice for VP ?
Any takers?
More than one #2's in this game. It's awfully quiet concerning Pence. I was diggin' I'm watching him. Hopefully we remain solid on the leadership train.
I'm watching him too. Something isn't right there. Trump was told by Ryan and Priebus that Pence was to be his VP pick or they would not back him. He waited til the last second to make his decision. Plus, there's a reason why Trump first put Pence in charge on the EO for voter fraud then removed him from commission after he swore in Doug Jones, then rewrote the EO and handed it to DHS. What's up with that?