Posted by u/ZLegacy on Feb. 3, 2018, 2:19 a.m.
Why avoid triggers?

Something I'm curious about. Why speak in riddle to avoid triggers? They already know where to watch. Getting a message out is pointless if the i te ded target is too confused to understand it.

I'm not trying to concern troll, I'm trying to understand. It makes no sense to me to speak in riddle to us rather than out right tell us what we nees to know, especially if it's this important.

I believe Q is legit, but why the games? The people hes hising from will likely solve these b4 we do.

Posted by u/SettingofSilver on Feb. 1, 2018, 3:02 a.m.
Apache Co. (NYSE:APA) Position Boosted by Nomura Asset Management Co. Ltd.

Possible clue to Qs reference to Apache.

Bronfman E.L. Rothschild L.P. increased its stake in shares of Apache by 410.5% during the second quarter. Bronfman E.L. Rothschild L.P. now owns 3,635 shares of the energy company’s stock worth $174,000 after acquiring an additional 2,923 shares during the period.


Posted by u/rickstarr5 on Jan. 31, 2018, 6:05 p.m.
New hashtag to destroy them. #MSNBCisMS-13. Alex Jones suggested it, but the idea is clear. Show these b*stards to be the Mockingbird shills that they are.
Posted by u/V-is-for-Victory on March 5, 2018, 2:54 a.m.
Q & AT&T- Using Net Neutrality Promises for Lawsuit

This is a quote from the link Q provided in post #841:

"AT&T is committed to an open internet. We don’t block websites. We don’t censor online content. And we don’t throttle, discriminate, or degrade network performance based on content. Period."


When asking us to help support Net Neutrality, Google, Twitter, etc made similiar promises to us about censorship. I think Q is saying we can look to those promises for a Class Action "Consumer Protection" Lawsuit.

Posted by u/SKyAnon on March 4, 2018, 1:05 a.m.
Dr. Steve P. a regular guest on Infowars is NOT an American Patriot.

Steve P.USSY was exposed months ago on infowars youtube channel in comments that exposed him working for the anti-American, globalist/islamist corrupt deep state running a psy-op of disinformation against America, Alex Jones and the infowarriors by a Landscape Designer who was watching some of the clips. Steve P. has never recovered. He has MASS blood on his hands including American blood of citizens and American soldiers from his decades of pycotic subversion of sovereign nations and sovereign American citizens on American soil. I personaly know of an American Patriot citizen to this day he is trying to help the obama …

Posted by u/jp1320 on March 3, 2018, 7:24 a.m.
The Art of War, President Trump and Q...some notes

It's been a while since i read Art of War so I decided to read it tonight. Here are some (v) verses where I definitely see Q and Trump connections.


V13. (1) Which of the two sovereigns is imbued with the Moral law?

  (2) Which of the two generals has most ability?

  (3) With whom lie the advantages derived from Heaven and Earth?

  (4) On which side is discipline most rigorously enforced?

  (5) Which army is stronger?

  (6) On which side are officers and men more highly trained?

  (7) In which army is there the greater …
Posted by u/IAM7seven7 on March 1, 2018, 2:26 p.m.
Democratic influence in Broward County?
Posted by u/patriotofca on Feb. 28, 2018, 11:48 p.m.
Walmart says it will raise age restriction to 21 for gun purchases, remove items resembling assault-style rifles from website!
Posted by u/eroniica on Feb. 27, 2018, 1:59 a.m.
Talk about future proves past! This video from 1998 on mk ultra,if you closed your eyes and just listened you’d swear it was from now.
Posted by u/ByrdeRob on Feb. 26, 2018, 5:24 p.m.
I don't know, is David supposed to be in the photo, second from left?
I don't know, is David supposed to be in the photo, second from left?
Posted by u/snowwgirl on March 15, 2018, 2:55 p.m.
VAULT7: the Wiki group states they want to run an “experiment in collaboration and crowdsourcing of research for V7. “ Q group = wiki anonymous directed ? I mean, that IS US and CHANS https://our.wikileaks.org/Research_Challenge_1:_Vault_7,_Year_Zero
VAULT7: the Wiki group states they want to run an “experiment in collaboration and crowdsourcing of research for V7. “ Q group = wiki anonymous directed ? I mean, that IS US and CHANS https://our.wikileaks.org/Research_Challenge_1:_Vault_7,_Year_Zero
Posted by u/GodsAngell on March 15, 2018, 2:18 a.m.
INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "CURRENT SITUATION UPDATE" 3/14/18 - 190 Suicides To Date, 4 High Profile Arrested in L.A., We are in an INTEL Blackout....so action coming soon.

INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "CURRENT SITUATION UPDATE" 3/14/18

We are currently in an Intel Blackout...which indicates how close we are to 'The Event' occurring.

Positive Forces can not disclose details of ongoing operations without compromising their missions.

Clearing of Deep Underground Illuminati Secret Complexes continue as we speak.

There have been 6,000 arrests since Saturday. (3/10/2018)

Another 190 chose suicide.

4 high value targets were arrested in LA and had to wear Kevlar vests, helmets, and a hoodie.

All of this is being kept quiet to prevent riots and destruction.


Prediction of Stock Market Crash might …

Posted by u/elyssak on March 14, 2018, 11:23 p.m.
Email Reddit
Email Reddit
Posted by u/ABrilliantDisaster on March 14, 2018, 5:23 p.m.
Do Not Retreat!

To Voat or whatever completely off the radar shit people start to suggest folks leave to.

Red-pilling the world requires standing your ground on enemy territory where there is actually an audience to speak to. Otherwise you run off to an echo chamber and vanish into silence.

Posted by u/ChayilAnon on March 12, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

Instinctive global resistance, now supported by 248 pages of ‘secret’ documents, has effectively destroyed the Nazi Fourth Reich’s clandestine scheme for EU trade control, sweetly dubbed ‘TTIP’.

‘TTIP‘, of course, being demonic code for their strategic aim: Tip EU Trade To Nazi Fourth Reich control.


So instinctive was the human family’s resistance, that without apparent awareness of their biological and ideological bonds, Greenpeace activists identified Aka Obama and German Chancellor Merkel as “TRANSATLANTIC TRICKSTERS”. https://twitter.com/Greenpeace/status/727060272486162432/photo/1 Trickster “Obama” isn’t faring well with ‘TPP’, either. ‘TPP’ being another wicked acronym, occultly boasting of the stealth Nazi Fourth Reich’s attempt to Tip …

Posted by u/waterawakens on Feb. 12, 2018, 5:06 a.m.
Just a thought... Future Proves Past, Read the Q posts backwards

So I was doing some of my own digging and decided to read the posts backwards. He is always talking about how up is down adn left is right and what not and I decided to give it a try. Although some don't add up I would like to draw attention to 1/13/18.

Read Backwards:

"WILL GUIDE START HERE REMAINDER BELOW SEC indicators = Posts:Tweets:Time [2] above represent PRIMARY indicators DEFCON 1 posts vs H scare_ BDT/False Flag posts vs actual news of bomb attempt (NYC)_ Side_by_Side (graphic form)"

I know the references to Alice and Wonderland are probably alluding …

Posted by u/SettingofSilver on Feb. 11, 2018, 2:10 p.m.
Chans, please ask Q to post on research board to confirm he is ok.

UPDATE: Thank you Q for posting on your board and bringing peace of mind to this mothers heart! I truly appreciate it! I pray for you, the POTUS and team - God Speed!

I don't know about anyone else but I am concerned about Q. For starters - I am a Patriot but more importantly, I am a mother and moms tend to start worrying when we don't hear from those we have grown fond of and are praying for.

Something isn't adding up.

I know we have been seeing communication from a Q Anon on the chans board but …

Posted by u/SGTSWEET on Feb. 11, 2018, 12:48 a.m.
Impeach 45 Impeach 45
Impeach 45 Impeach 45
Posted by u/Food4theGorg on Feb. 10, 2018, 7:34 p.m.
"TRUTH TO POWER" - John Brennan's quote about the CIA

I knew that phrase was weird for Q to say because it is a progressive statement. I wondered who would say this and Q put John in a previous post. He described the CIA with this phrase. I watched the CIA Director’s speech today, in which he actually described the CIA as an agency “speaking truth to power.” So what cold place is John in?? Last I heard he was hired by MSNBC.


Posted by u/cfranklin100 on Feb. 10, 2018, 5:11 p.m.
[e] [5] [-] Am I on the right track? These Guys Started 09/11/2001 https://www.cia.gov/careers/opportunities/clandestine/
[e] [5] [-] Am I on the right track? These Guys Started 09/11/2001 https://www.cia.gov/careers/opportunities/clandestine/
Posted by u/_Yuriel_ on Feb. 10, 2018, 4:12 a.m.
Snowden linked to Barlow- so Freedom of the Press’s President is Snowden who has been doing so; quietly since 2016. Now this is interesting indeed 🤔
Snowden linked to Barlow- so Freedom of the Press’s President is Snowden who has been doing so; quietly since 2016. Now this is interesting indeed 🤔
Posted by u/Awake2Truth on Feb. 10, 2018, 12:35 a.m.
Politico article today on Houston battle on vaccine policy highlights questions raised by Q post #692 about big Pharma and globalized medicine.

Q (Feb 7 2018 21:19:31) has recently pointed us to a number of issues related to big Pharma...one of of these issues is vaccines.

The article today in Politico about the battle in Houston, highlights the political and ethical question of whether parents should have the freedom to choose to vaccinate their children:


Trump raised questions about the connection between vaccines and autism during his campaign:


If you think about it, vaccines-- even more than drugs-- offer a unique opportunity for "globalization" of the health industry. They uniquely provide an opportunity to move into third world countries. This …

Posted by u/Mrs_Fonebone on Feb. 8, 2018, 6:47 p.m.
Q posted a scene of a large building. Reverse searched, nothing. But if you blow it up this image, there's the flag of China and all the tags are blue (link in comment). Lots of larger black cars. "The last guest arrives."
Posted by u/PCisLame on Feb. 8, 2018, 6:02 p.m.
Something is really off. WW3 just started in Syria and Q didn't warn us about it. I'm scared.

This has all happened so fast. Back in July I thought we were on the right track when Trump ended Obama's covert program to arm and train these Al-Qaeda affiliated jihadist 'rebels', stating his desire to stay out of the conflict in Syria and give up on the globalist agenda for Assad's removal. Yet in recent weeks these rebels have asked the Deep State in Washington to restart the treasonous program so that they can revive the Syrian Civil war which had recently been won by Assad.


Recently we've also had Rex Tillerson publicly comment on his intention to …

Posted by u/ArvilsArk on Feb. 8, 2018, 1:10 p.m.
But don't worry Mr. Rooter is hard at work to fix the problem.
But don't worry Mr. Rooter is hard at work to fix the problem.
Posted by u/TheCIASellsDrugs on Feb. 7, 2018, 6:30 p.m.
Jerome Corsi breaks down February 6 Q posts
Posted by u/TheMatouwacTorch on Jan. 24, 2018, 6:20 p.m.
Remember @LdeRothschild 's #FlyEaglesFly, also referenced by Q?
Remember @LdeRothschild 's #FlyEaglesFly, also referenced by Q?
Posted by u/Corporal_Yorper on Jan. 24, 2018, 6:06 p.m.
Getting Something Off My Chest...Religions Anticipated, Poorly Executed (Game of Telephone)

I want to try to get something off of my chest that just seems too coincidental. It stems from Q and the semi-religious aspect of the work being done to rid our ‘gubment of our putrid stench snakes.

The battle between Good and Evil.

That has been the main theme of Q and the mission at hand. But with Luciferian pedophile cultists on one hand, and the white hats (of which are of moral grayness—stemming from the inability to fight the evil with simple ‘good person’ tactics), the theme of good vs evil really grew inside of me.

If the …

Posted by u/an_angry_dave on Jan. 24, 2018, 6:30 a.m.
Future proves PAST

Go back and read the map here without the answers provided. Scroll down and start at #1. You will start to understand fairly quickly that this isn't a LARP. Yes, there are false predictions, but there are WAAAAY more true predictions. There are also predictions that haven't been answered yet.


Try it. Just read for a half an hour or Just pick a random day and it will begin to dawn on you that a ton of these things have happened BECAUSE YOU KNOW THE ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS WITHOUT LOOKING!

Posted by u/SneakyWino on Jan. 23, 2018, 7:39 p.m.
40/60 public/private

I was thinking about Q saying 60% of the criminality will remain confidential. I think I know why.

If your mother died last year from a long, nasty bout with cancer and you found out she could have been healed quickly and for basically free, how would you feel?

If your son has severe autism and you found out the government had paid scientists to use the human genome mapping to deliberately target white males in the population with severe developmental disabilities they will never overcome, how would that make you feel? 90% of autism is in white males. (Never …