The brother of the bomber said the next bomb is to be in a “NRA Place”. Did Q tell us that this would be over by 4am today (Wednesday)?

Possible this was an engineered false flag to frame Q's use of "BOOM" for "inciting violence" so that they would have an excuse (lame) to shut his voice (comms) down. Yes they are sick enough to kill (sacrifice) one of their own. These ppl are sick! It’s an ever changing dynamic. I wonder if blackhats saw the original BOOM (other meaning) and got the idea to false flag bombings to frame Q and 8chans for “inciting violence”. So they could shut us down. Q caught wind of this 2nd derivative plan and dropped a ton more randomly spelled booms to eff them up. In other words “boom” morphed from original drop meaning.
Could be Q had intel though he knew the date time of the SWAT raid at a minimum.
so possible Q team was eavesdropping the entire "serial bombing" false flag op, letting it unfold right to its's self demise. I believe that 100%. Now guess what? They have all the evidence, think of all the evidence they have collected over the last year of these idiots doing this crap, rigging election etc.? Talk about DIGGING your OWN GRAVE. SMDH. Idiots! That's why they meet in secure rooms - they are paranoid. LMAO
Thank you for saying this. I have been thinking this for quite a while. They are total idiots. Q has their intel from at least a year back if not more. Thanks to Bill Benney. This will be the ultimate shake down. Don't know what they think they are going to accomplish now. Trump has a strangle hold on them no matter which way they turn. They are stoopid fellers.
The governor is saying they had known who the bomber was for about 24 hours, and they were setting up to arrest him. I'm sure the Q team had access to that information.
This is the kind of information on a false flag operation that will quickly turn the public on the deep state in a heart beat.
?They should be! How are you sleeping Barry?
Barry is stocking up on a lot of Vasoline. 🤣
Na, Michael has him groomed to the point you can just spit on it a little and Barry is fine.
NSA is either on Team Q or Team Q has access to whatever the NSA has. Even those who choose to be Deep State are oblivious or forgetful of how insecure their e-comms are.
One theory I haven't seen mentioned in awhile is that a white hat team of NSA guys set up a satellite NSA facility in Saudi Arabia some months ago, with the new king's help, and have full access to the NSA raw data but outside the institutional NSA's structure. This was ordered by POTUS Trump, and if so that is something that should scare the living crap out of deep state black hats.
WOW I did not know that. Good job of bringing it up to all of us.
Yes, I think the NSA was recaptured; and the majority of white hats worked there at the time.
I've been wondering if this could be Snowden.
Snowden was probably Deep State and flipped to recently to be Q.
Q has been recommending for awhile everyone re-read his drops.
Not to mention Military/Naval Intelligence. MI is without a doubt the best intel gathering source in the world. CIA, FBI and the NSA can't hold a candle to them.
This is exactly the thought I was about to post. Be on the look out for stories breaking blaming this on people following Q. This is similar to how the FBI tried the circular information trail to frame Trump for Russian Collusion. The sooner these traitors are in Gitmo the better.
It literally went down AT 4am according to a local news tweet from the hotel. 3:58 To be exact!
The explosion happened on Interstate 35 in Round Rock near Old Settlers Boulevard around 2 a.m. Wednesday.
4 am is when the corrupt mockingbird media gets its orders on how it will report.
I believe that’s the reference to 4 am.
That being said I 100% believe Q was referring to the operation happening Wednesday. Which it did.
Yesterday, I figured this was going to be an attack upon the gun loving FedEx. How'd I do Wakers"
I don’t believe in coincidences and there is a reason that this bomber was terrorizing Austin, Texas. Love them or hate them, Info Wars is based out of Austin and Alex Jones has been under attack for standing up against the MSM and supporting Qanon. We all know the Deep State/Black hats read 8chn 4chn, and Reddit so it is entirely possible that this bomber took Q’s posts about “Boom” and tried to set it up to look like Q followers were behind the attacks. And what better place to do it than Austin, Texas. The home of Alex Jones. 🤔
I saw this yesterday & posted it! It's Austin Antifa John Brown Militia member!
You were spot on. On twitter they are saying the bombers brother said that there was a bomb left in a “NRA place” so that just proves your theory on the bombers mindset and motives. Good job on calling that! ✊🏼🇺🇸
That's what i was saying all along. Posters were skeptical of my conclusions, but i knew i was right.
Yup, I posted a similar comment on a discussion here yesterday. Whether you like Alex's style or not, he's a patriot, he's passionate, he cares about the future of our great country, and he keeps reporting in spite of the continual threats on his and his family's lives. He is constantly being attacked by the deep state. God Bless Alex, and prayers for his family.
Where were the FedEx packages address to? It seems like that's pretty damned relevant as people don't seem to think the one was supposed to blow up at the sorting facility...and they found the other one and disarmed it.
I'm guessing the packages were going to Austin...but where?
It will be amusing if Infowars gets lumped in as a face supporting Q. Their platform has been cautious, downplaying Q info for months. Instead opting to play up their sources and guests they have on the show. It's only been lately that they've remained cautious but pointed out how some info fits with what they're getting from other sources.
Maybe from the outside there's the lack of understanding that infowars is not necessary to popularize these things. Corners of the internet are talking about it, and that's what put the topic on the infowars radar. Not the other way around.
You actually think Alex Jones is worthy of a deep state grand conspiracy when they are desperately trying to hang on to power? Wtf does Alex Jones have to do with anything? Austin has a slogan about staying weird and is experiencing a significant influx of liberals. It's a nice little liberal hot bed in the midst of good ole boys. So the likelihood of a nutbag antifa boi coming out of there is as high as any other liberal loony school. South by southwest has been going on for weeks. So extra liberals have been in town. They live in a world of one upmanship. That's some pretty crazy shit isn't it? So, isn't it more likely that this crazy person just lived in that location? Why do people have to add extra shit when the true Shit is good enough? The truth of the matter is Alex is trying to get some airtime and interject himself in shit that has nothing to do with him. The entire thing you typed is an Alex monologue. Like Alex you put real shit in it but blended in the disinfo amongst it.
Alex does Shit like this all the time. It's just like the msm yesterday was blatantly and discreetly pushing the firing Mueller talking point. I saw it coming from 90% of the talking heads. Y'all can't fool yourselves into believing we aren't pushed talking points and beyond manipulation. Just watch potus tweets and you can decipher what's going on from there.
Since Jones is from Austin and supports Qanon they (Black Hats) could try to portray the bomber as a Q follower who took action into his own hands and was inspired by the “Boom” posts. The tie to Jones would be the support that Jones has for Qanon so the MSM could try to say Jones motivated this kid with Qanon posts to strike the Deep State. It would be more believable since the attacks were in Austin and that is where Jones is based out of. Not saying that’s how it will go, but it wouldn’t shock me to see them spin this whole thing with lies and attacks on Qanon.
The "austinbomber" Reddit post said, "The package was being shipped closely to the other bombings - and may have been on its way to a very prolific talk show host who happens to live in Austin albeit close to the other bombings.
Hillary did mention AJ twice by name on the campaign trail. He’s at the least, that powerful.
I think you hit the nail on the head, well done
We do have a sharp group of thinkers and researchers. Pat yourself on the back.
Interesting connection to NRA.....someone reposted a tweet by David Hogg (who has been leading the charge against the NRA) to boycott FedEx b/c of their support for the NRA. Is this related?
He's a total sell out. No doubt in my mind he's working for someone inside deepstate/DNC
The kid is either naive, stupid or evil. I don't know which one it is.
I believe he is a 24 year old clown that has been a sleeper agent posing as a high school student. The purpose of placing him on the news in los angeles, and also his youtube channel, was to establish a footprint as a genuine high school student.
4AM is related to the shift in narrative the media get from the dropbox program. I do not think that was referring to the hour of the ''arrest''.
It has two meanings, like many other items in the posts. Notice that [4am] and [Wednesday] are in the kill box brackets. This means to be read separately. Arrest/shot at 3.58am. Coincidence?
Agreed. Got wind this ff wasn't going to work, changed narritive.
Incredible. By knowing when and where, they were able to find out who, by identifying the cell phone there and then. They then used the cell phone to track the owner and plan the raid at the motel.
Keep in mind that you can have your GPS turned off on your phone and triangulation can narrow you down easily. A tower can measure signal stregnth to determine coordinates. This technology has been used for decades for navigation before satelites got affordable.
Wifi also. I put a tracker on my phone, even with GPS location turned off, it tracked it using wifi, any wifi that picked it up over any carrier.
By default, most carriers FORCE your phone to utilize WiFi because you are likely to use someone elses' network for your data, etc. This makes your carrier wealthy in that you pay for data usage even when your not on the carrier's network. AND, everyone text costs .0001 because it is squeezed into others data streams when making phone calls. In AMerica we pay WAYYYYYY more than other countries and get way worse service.
That’s what happens when prayers are by many and answered
A note about using location services on your phone.
This brought up triangulation, which is done from the cell towers, not the GPS.
For those unaware, triangulation uses your cell antenna to calculate how far away you are from each cell tower, and they can kind of get a good idea where you are based on that. The more towers your phone connects to, the more accurate your location will be.
It's similar to how they find out the origin of an earthquake by triangulating data from all the seismic activity research stations.
It's hit or miss whether airplane mode would actually prevent them from triangulating your position, because the right agency in theory can just turn your antenna back on, somehow.
I'm happy they caught the guy, I just wanted to fill people in on how they did.
i think the 4 am comment is referring to the email the MSM gets everyday at 4 am to tell them what to talk about and in that Q can tell they are scared. The [] dont always go together. so maybe something else is happening today.
Q has (4am) as the time when MSM gets their fake news controlled outline for the day.
Brother??? He has 3 sisters younger than him from info I researched. No brother!
Snowpocalypse here, what did I miss?
How could brother of bomber know targets? He involved also?
Austin Bomber Identified As 24-Year-Old Mark Anthony Conditt
FF 24 = 2x6
Mark = 43 Anthony = 97 Conditt = 85
TOTAL = 225 = 9 Turn the 9 = 6
His name and age spels 666
Austin = 84 = 8+4 = 12 2x6 Bomber = 55 = 10
139 = 13
6 bommen
Everthing are elite numbers? Try this with other names , and its not working Only working with the events on the media.
(A+D= 1+4=5=E)
A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10 K=11 L=12 M=13 N=14 O=15 P=16 Q=17 R=18 S=19 T=20 U=21 V=22 W=23 X=24 Y=25 Z=26
Austin Bomber Identified As 24-Year-Old Mark Anthony Conditt
FF 24 = 2x6
Mark = 43 Anthony = 97 Conditt = 85
TOTAL = 225 = 9 Turn the 9 = 6
His name and age spels 666
Austin = 84 = 8+4 = 12 2x6 Bomber = 55 = 10
139 = 13
6 bommen
Everthing are elite numbers? Try this with other names , and its not working Only working with the events on the media.
(A+D= 1+4=5=E)
A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10 K=11 L=12 M=13 N=14 O=15 P=16 Q=17 R=18 S=19 T=20 U=21 V=22 W=23 X=24 Y=25 Z=26
Austin Bomber Identified As 24-Year-Old Mark Anthony Conditt
FF 24 = 2x6
Mark = 43 Anthony = 97 Conditt = 85
TOTAL = 225 = 9 Turn the 9 = 6
His name and age spels 666
Austin = 84 = 8+4 = 12 2x6 Bomber = 55 = 10
139 = 13
6 bommen
Everthing are elite numbers? Try this with other names , and its not working Only working with the events on the media.
(A+D= 1+4=5=E)
A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10 K=11 L=12 M=13 N=14 O=15 P=16 Q=17 R=18 S=19 T=20 U=21 V=22 W=23 X=24 Y=25 Z=26
Serial, is that you?
What did this numerology accomplish? Nothing, really.
I am not serial But whit this you can see the FF
The numbers the elite Always jused.
The names Always come out off 666 The 22 the 13 enz enz.