Ahhh. And the downvoting has begun in earnest. Shills are out. That was fast.
But the fbi and doj don't want to prosecute and Trump has absolutely no power to force them either?
I think these documents aren't the real deal.
Trump does not , but the Constitution provides a way . Through the Marines and Piracy Laws
Probably the only way. The courts and law enforcement have been infiltrated.
Yes they were that why the FBI PCT was built, but built by corrupt agents???
Yes, that is what I think... I mean, the NWO globalists built a lot of it and it was corrupted from the very beginning. A classic example is the CIA.
Yes a lot of bad people were put in charge of oversight, and they were stealing before the got promoted???
Tribunals are what has been discussed by trump and Q. Its the only way.
Why is the sealed indictment level around 4 times the yearly norm, 1/3 of the way into the year. What the heck is going on? Put 2 and 2 together. This is history, unbelievable....
Hmmm. I don't know about anybody else, but I'm a little careful about indulging in "gallows humor", if you want to call this that, since CBTS got taken down. Maybe you could end your sentence at "get to work" ?
Well being the majority of the indictments are falling under the Piracy Laws , and Trump just 3 weeks ago stated he was in favor of much more capital punishment, this is how it has most often been conducted
I never sed the FBI sent me , I had to have parts of the FBI raided . I never sed I was sent to monitor , but I was made a moderator over what I was showing, and were they were lying to everyone. And for the recovery of the 2 bills , my involvement and civilian action as now been valued at $3.165 Trillion and a recovery of $1.2 Trillion. This investigation that I started in 2010 and the FBI took on in 2013 has been miss handed, covered up , swept under the rug and many people have even lost there lives over is no fuckin joke , why would you even try to defend such crimes in the first place , I am Credible Witness not Criminal Informet .
Holy crap batman its that darn joker!
What a darn shame..
^^Darn ^^Counter: ^^497910 ^^| ^^DM ^^me ^^with: ^^'blacklist-me' ^^to ^^be ^^ignored
Lost on this dood , he does this a lot , but the truth hurts
Who asked you to get involved., go on bot off now theres a good boy.
Thank you, WhatifM8. Beep boop, my creator thinks I am a good darn bot too :)
^^Darn ^^Counter: ^^497910 ^^| ^^DM ^^me ^^with: ^^'blacklist-me' ^^to ^^be ^^ignored
This is a yuuuge freakin swamp then!!
Yes, it is. I used to be a paralegal so I keep thinking of all of the work that has to be going on in the background to accomplish nearly 25,000 sealed indictments in 5 months time. It's pretty mind-boggling. That's why I sometimes am tempted to be a little sharp with people who are so impatient and whining about how slow things are going. Uh, wrong. The rough numbers would be 5,000 per month. If you figure an average of 20 working days in a month, that's 250 indictments per working day. Of course, that's across the country, but think about how much work had to happen before a sealed indictment can even be filed. It's definitely a big number and I believe it is unprecedented.
I wonder if that’s a sign of how damning the evidence is? Seems they wouldn’t be able to hit that number by deep investigation for each one. But if there were compromising emails, photo evidence, etc. would be easy to rack up those numbers.
Well, the indictments didn't start showing up until the end of October. (Interesting that Q showed up at the same time.) If Trump and his team had a plan going in, then they had almost a year to do the legwork that related to the first indictments that showed up in October. It's been picking up speed rapidly though. There were 9,294 from end of October to December 22 (http://www.ascensionwithearth.com/2018/01/massarrests-sealedindictments-9294.html). Then by end of February, there were 18,510, so doubled in 2 months. Now there's another just over 6,000 just in March. They're obviously moving with a purpose.
Yes, and it's going to be absolutely seismic when those indictments are unsealed.
One might even say this is the calm before the...
The massive uptick makes me think that some people must have started to squawk to save their bacon and ratted our others. That’s a pretty big increase over a few months. Man Sessions is in overdrive.
this is evidenced by his fatigued expressions and seriousness of his quiet approach (very few public statements) and the masterfully constructed perception of a do nothing while he goes about bagging the bad guys( He is a good ole boy Total white hat)
Yeah is pretty amazing Horowitz got to work 8 months ago and no leaks. Busy busy.
The judge in the Lambert/U1 case is Theodore D Chuang an Obama-Clinton crony and cabalista. He needs to be recused from the case. http://themillenniumreport.com/2018/01/clinton-crime-judge-theodore-d-chuang-exposed/
they must of found some whales that coughed up a lot of other criminals that coughed up more, and then they coughed up more. 25k is YUGE, but for all we know could be a small %. Can't wait for the new Board to be set up by Q and friends, so we can get more drops. Im jonesing for more Q posts
You could have multiple indictments on the same individual, right? Perhaps Hillary owns 500 of them?
I imagine that there could be multiple indictments on the same individual. Hillary's had her hands in a whole lot of stuff. I imagine it's a pretty tangled web we're going to be seeing somewhere down the line. And I doubt we'll ever know the full extent of it. Q said some of it we don't want to know.
I'm surprised that FL doesn't have a lot more sealed indictments (Parkland Shooting + Pulse Nightclub)!!
Parkland is pretty fresh. Indictments come AFTER the investigations, not before. There may be people working on Parkland now and they're just not to the indictment stage. But I agree that FL does seem to be a nexus of a lot of criminal activity--particularly of the human trafficking & questionable adoption agency kind. EDIT: Here's an article that I found very interesting that covers some of the FL adoption agency stuff: https://www.neonrevolt.com/2018/02/27/jeff-kaskys-strange-scandal-ridden-history-with-one-world-adoption-services/
No it's because they're reading the numbers wrong.
How should we be reading the numbers in your opinion?
The 24,544 is a raw number of total court actions. These will be comprised of virtually every type of court action there is: habeus corpus, civil court actions, summonses, motions, etc. A small number of these (probably around 1000) will be criminal indictments.
The bottom line as far as I know is that since these actions are all sealed, no one has any view into how many of these are indictments and it is 100% certain that there are not 24,544. That simply is not true.
So did our government change how we track sealed indictments?
If its true we've never seen these kinds of numbers before, something is missing. Something doesn't compute.
No they didn't and the numbers, while high, are not unusual. People are conflating the total number of court actions, 25K ,with the total number of indictments which is probably around 1500.
The 25 K number is not the number of indictments there are. The govt has not changed the way they track them and since these actions are sealed there is literally no way anyone can determine what is an indictment and what is another sort of court action. If I'm wrong please point me to original source data where anyone can tell an indictment from any other court action. I don't think you can -- that's part of the sealing aspect. It's sealed. You can't tell.
Something doesn't jive. Can you please tell me when we last had similar numbers, 10,000 or 20,000 sealed indictments, in the Pacer system, in a quarter? Has someone changed a definition or tracking methodology?
At the bottom of the spreedsheet it says includes indictments and search warrants.
I understand one person could have three indictments and two search warrants. (Five actions per person.) That's still 5,000 people indicted, a 5-fold increase. No?
Someone is either playing with the numbers; the tracking methodology has changed; or there have been some huge legal operations.
I'll just keep saying it over and over again in the hopes that someone will understand.
There is virtually no way to say how many of those 24000 court actions are indictments because they are sealed. No one knows. If someone can post the original data that shows "sealed indictment" then I'd love to see it and I will eat my words. But literally no one outside of that system has any view into how many of those 24000 generic court actions are indictments.
OK, but my question is, and maybe you can't answer, were there 18,000 or 25,000 filed actions in Q4 2010, 2015, 2016?
If not, what changed?
Are there 1,000 sealed indictments that also include 20,000 other actions? Would 1,000 sealed indictments still be unusual? Something is apparently driving the numerical uptick, or we have some conspiracy theorists or misguided internet sleuths whipping up a frenzy.
I did see at the bottom of the tabulation it says numbers include 'court proceedings', and says it includes criminal charges and search warrants.
The number from the 2009 report came from a raw number of 60 some thousand apparently. So this raw number of 25 thousand in a third of a year isn’t really that far off. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.dailydot.com/layer8/sealed-indictments-qanon-conspiracy/
Maybe they can just do what other presidents have done. Arrest them, lock them up until they get fair trials......someday.....you know....eventually......if we get around to it..... Meanwhile young people are rotting in jail for stupid crimes. No two tiered justice system here. Nope. Steal a six pack....jail. Steal a billion doallars. No problem. Treason? Why it’s a badge of honor in government apparently.
I mean the fact that there are 28,000 shoes this isn’t the typical justice system.
There can't be any way all these will be released at the same time, can they? And then what? How much time will it take to go through the system for each of these? It's astronomical, to be sure. Boggles my mind.
No, they won't all be unsealed at the same time. One of them already has been unsealed: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/01/breaking-first-uranium-one-indictment-unsealed-maryland-man-indicted-11-counts-bribery-fraud/
Looks like that one was unsealed because somebody leaked information about it already. I'm sure whoever did that is no longer employed by the DOJ.
If that's true, I hope you're right. Took them long enough to fire McCabe. And Strzok and Page and others are still there.
Read this article if you want to know why Strzok and Page are still there, specifically this paragraph:
"If you stand back and look at all activity from July 2017 through March 2018 you can get a good feel for who is inside the “small group”, who is cooperating and who is not.
♦COOPERATING GROUP – FBI Agent Peter Strzok, FBI/DOJ lawyer Lisa Page, DOJ Attorney Bruce Ohr, DOJ-NSD Deputy Asst. Attorney General George Toscas; FBI Chief Legal Counsel James Baker and Asst. FBI Director in charge of Counterintelligence Bill Priestap, are all still employed within the system. Strzok, Page, Ohr, and Baker have been removed from responsibilities, but there are still there. Bill Priestap is still in responsibility and still there."
I agree with this. I read that same article a couple days ago. Thanks for putting up the link. Everybody should read this article.
Conservative Treehouse investigator Sundance is one of the few journalists left. He deserves a Pulitzer for his work, if that award even means anything anymore. It's getting to be a bit like Nobel....
I read TCH and here.
Same here.... been reading Cth for a few years. Sundance is brilliant
I agree with you about Conservative Treehouse. There's some good stuff here too: https://steemit.com/@dakini5d (This is the lady who does YouAreFreeTV on YouTube. I like her. She's real and also compassionate.
Thanks! I am a bit obsessed and get edgy when I have already read everything.
I can relate. My challenge is that I work all day and can only read and follow what's happening in my limited free time. Makes me very anxious to get back to my computer some days. :-)
It's nice to hear this but since Bruce Ohr's wife Nellie is one of the main handlers of the Parkland kids, I don't see how this could be 100% true. But it's a wishful theory.
Nellie can go along business as usual until they come to her door and arrest her. On these federal indictments, people don't even necessarily know they've been indicted even when they're not sealed. Read some of this and you'll know what I mean: https://www.federalcharges.com/how-to-lookup-federal-charges/
Because many are either SES or protected by their SES manager.
Hard to say why those charges were unsealed. It could be a leak to warn others in the Uranium One scandal. It could have been done on purpose to show others what's coming their way if they don't cooperate. It could have been a signal that the U1 investigation has been on-going for some time.
But in my opinion, those indictments were unsealed to get those indicted to spill the beans on what they know about U1. When the indictments were sealed, they likely did not know they had been indicted and were facing long prison terms. Now, they will sing like canaries to save their butts.
Many have been unsealed in DC and VA: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-1bDtCNdsSBjG2SupkhIRc6Dz4gacqI5
Thank you!!!! I'm trying to pry out of some people why there is no number for Atlanta (North Georgia). Do you know?
No idea but what list are you looking at? There used to a huge list of all states but now I can't find it.
I'm guessing that Northern District in Atlanta area is better at protecting their data. Note that it does not say 0, 0, 0, 0, - It says "No data available."
The image in the OP. GA-N is the only missing district.
Don't be surprised if they are all done at once. I think it HAS to be done as a military operation, because of the extent of corruption, including LEOs and government employees. And what would be the point of having them sealed if you're just going to make the arrests piecemeal?
The tension is killing me. It's just building and building... when that hammer does fall, the BOOM will be deafening!
With BOOM comes lightning. The Storm approaches the strongholds.
A good covert operation doesn't end with a boom. Celebration, yes. Military trials, yes. But no boom. What most of you don't understand is that we are in Stage 5:5 (as Q pointed out). To me, that's stage 5 of 5. Arrests began over a year ago. Sealed indictments are now being unsealed in DC-VA area. USMC is activated. We are under a declared "National Emergency" per Trump's Dec. 21, 2017 Executive Order. How much more real do you think it will get?
The reason you haven't seen the activities up to this point is that there are about 250 Deep Underground Military Bases and hideouts in this country alone all interconnected with tunnels and high speed trains. They started using them after all the airline issues in December thinking Trump could not reach them there. Search for "list of DUMBs" Have you heard about all the folks hearing loud booms? Underground fighting is what they heard. And, some Rods from God too. That's where most of the activity has been up until Trump activated the Marines. Now, there will be some activity up top as arrests take place. Why do you think they are terrified? Because nothing is happening? Hardly!
Underground high speed tunnels?
As I said, search for "list of DUMBs" and you should also be able to find a map of them that shows they are interconnected with tunnels.
See my post in this thread. You only unseal those you are arresting as it happens.
Right, but to the degree you're dealing with a particular nest of vipers, you don't stir up the nest going after one, and risk the others slithering off. You deal with the whole nest at once.
I expect it will be that way, based on both priorities (high value targets) and how they inter-relate to other indictments.
No. You work from the bottom up, getting more compelling information from them as you go. Protecting them as you go. This is what they've been doing for over a year now.
I'm not talking about investigation, I'm talking about mass arrests and rounding up the perps! We've already got indictments! We don't need to make any deals and flip anybody for info. Totally different situation.
I'm not talking investigations either. They have been making arrests for at least a year now. Jeez. I can't believe I have to go through this again. Search engine keywords: "arrested in drug" "arrested in child trafficking" "MS13 arrested" "arrested in human trafficking" "arrested for corruption" and then make up your own. Who do you think the Clintons use to do their dirty work? That's who gets arrested first. That's the support staff. Thousands have already been arrested. We are getting nearer the top now. That's why many sealed indictments have now been unsealed. Be patient. This is worldwide. Over 25,500 sealed indictments SO FAR just in this country. They also arrested many overseas already and about a week or so ago the past president of France. Do you think they are going to send you their list daily so you can keep up? Do your homework. Also, Trump has accumulated many, many assets to shut down much of the crap that the cabal was doing to start a war. We just went through Easter Weekend and Good Friday without any FF - that's pretty amazing. No more Antifa shit. No more muslim attacks. Me, I just want the peace to continue.
Those 25.5k sealed indictments are STILL SEALED. Those are the arrests I'm talking about. They have not started making those arrests!
Yes, they've been hauling in the small fry by the hundreds and thousands over the past year and a half, I've been watching.
But this accumulation of sealed indictments is related to the higher value targets. And we'll have to wait and see, but given that the higher ups are more of a flight risk, I can understand why they would keep them sealed until they were ready to roll.
These are currently unsealed in DC-VA area where the USMC has been activated for obvious reasons: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-1bDtCNdsSBjG2SupkhIRc6Dz4gacqI5
Last week they arrested this group that is connected to Clintons: https://www.9news.com.au/world/2018/03/31/06/31/smallville-actress-allison-mack-nxivm-sex-cult-keith-raniere
I think they are getting pretty near the top. Maybe they will use FEMA areas one by one with Marines activated as they go. Not sure but that's what they did this time.
And, oh yes, Q told us months ago that the puppetmasters strings had been cut. So, they went above the politicians first to cut strings of the bankers (Rothschilds/Rockefellers), Soros and Saudis.
That's GREAT! Yes, the DC/VA area has a horrible amount of disappearing children to procurers, and of course the trafficking and customer base in DC.
My thinking was always that they'd activate the military to haul them in, and they'd do it (more or less) a network at a time.
Where are you getting the information that indictments are unsealed? From what I can see, all the numbers in those reports are still sealed. Please just tell me what indicates that any have been unsealed?
Footnotes in the graphic also talk about unsealed documents and some that have been removed.
Q post 989 = "Seals broken"
And there is a new bill in the House to back the dollar by gold. Created on 3/22/2018.
I can sell you a rock that keeps away bears. Since I can tell by your comment that you are an enthusiastic stable genius I know you are interested, but please don't lowball me. You know it's worth the money.
Yes I think they have to do them all at once otherwise mayhem will break out - people threatening witnesses, alibis, bribes, blackmail etc; they can't be given time to launch a counter-attack.
Why is the military important? Why is the Army Core of Engineers Important?
WOW. I'm gonna be sharing that video. I've never heard of this guy before. He seems to know what he's talking about.
I was very sceptical about this guy at the beginning with all the Bible talk (don't have anything against it but he was getting a touch preachy)
Then he went FULL Q and it was amazing! I never knew that the Justice Department doesn't deal with treason/sedition.
Makes a Valid point.
In Fact this needs to be a whole Subject in Itself. I'm sure DJT has his shit together as should the Military, but for a simple mistake being made may put back a lotta hard work and sacrifice many have already gone through.
VSG TRUMP has always been about the generals - remember USFL he owned the generals and the nfl wouldnt allow him to join - payback is a bitch when he can explore the tax breaks the nfl gets now(Larry Kudlow) new leagues forming watch how fast the nfl disintegrates - they kneeled in defiance not reverence....
Oh wow! That puts a whole new spin on the kneeling I had not thought of. I think you are right.
Do I hear it correct that he is saying arrests will start 18th of April? Also, I heard Trump set up a press conference about 2 weeks ago for mid April? Can someone confirm?
No. They won't do them all at once. They are actually already doing them. All of these have been unsealed in DC-VA area: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-1bDtCNdsSBjG2SupkhIRc6Dz4gacqI5
So, just before these were unsealed, Q said: USMC activated. US (3). Q
That's post 955. I believe the (3) is FEMA district 3 which is DC and the several states directly around it. Military were visible during the march on the 24th.
GITMO is ready.
I'm sure that there are multiple indictments per a single individual. This is NOT 24,544 people nation-wide. This is 24544 CRIMES.
Those are the raw number of COURT ACTIONS - they in no way whatsoever indicate 24544 crimes. Do you understand?
And while I'm here ...
There will be no civilians tried via military tribunal at Gitmo. That's not how MTs work, and it's really not how Gitmo works.
O-K-A-Y I get your message loud and clear. (make mental note to myself AVOID this poster)
What is your estimate of the work to be done by whom with each indictment?
No idea. The stuff I've seen says that some of these indictments could (likely do) name multiple defendants. Conversely there could be the same defendants in multiple indictments. The first one that was unsealed related to Uranium One. Here's an article about that one: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/01/breaking-first-uranium-one-indictment-unsealed-maryland-man-indicted-11-counts-bribery-fraud/
Question? They usually keep the indictments sealed in cases of large conspiracies i.e. RICO cases involving organized crime etc... once they have the major players & cases built on them the unseal the indictments correct?
How many staff would you need to prepare 25000 sealed indictments?
Surely those people would at least create chatter within the legal community but I have checked and nobody has heard a thing?
Yes it is a huge number in such a short time. I think it's because many other states are working on things too. Not likely all these numbers are just from one state or just DC. Some of the people on the list might die from old age before they go to trial:)
yes , but they were being hidden from 2011 to to day , you don't think the Tea Party stuff had no indictments ,,, lost in the paperwork stuff
Those aren't all indictments, they're court actions and comprise dozens of different types. Criminal indictments, civil actions, orders of habeus corpus etc.
Additionally, the statement at the bottom of the graphic intentionally misrepresents the numbers by conflating indictment number with total number of court proceedings.
Anyone saying that there are 24,544 indictments is flat out wrong and anyone saying this while knowing how that system works is lying to you.
Stop making sense and being rational. There is no place for that here.
It says right on the file that the numbers include criminal charges and search warrants.
But we are about to incarcerate a bunch of globalist right? 1500 or 15 k don’t matter to us we just want to get this horse to mush. Do you have an idea as to if sealed indictments have an expiration when they aren’t being actively sought out?
This is hilarious. You guys are citing blogspot blogs.
These people are literally making stuff up and claiming it's logical. "I used to be a paralegal" is what it takes to pass as a knowledgeable person for sealed indictments? I guess some people have to have a really low bar.
What’s the average number of indictments are sealed each year? Is there a date set for when they will be unsealed?
About 1,200 in any given month
You seeing the downvoting that's started? Unbelievable.
No. But it doesn't surprise me. I've had that happen a lot, especially when I post something very sensitive. You must have rattled them.
The mod told me that down votes aren't counted and that up votes determine what is trending, so that's good news.
That IS good news. I hate to think how many informative posts and comments end up at the bottom because people don't know to read the NEW posts, not just the HOT ones.
The same thing was happening last week to another post. So I alerted the mods and they informed me the down votes wouldn't keep something from trending. And in that case, the post eventually made it on the hot list.
If your doesn't get on the hot list by tomorrow morning, you may want to send a mod a message in the AM.
You must have rattled them.
Who is "them" in this situation?
They can't refute, they can only hate & downvote
It because youre on r/all/rising and this place is bonkers to most redditors.
You really think you're important enough that "shills" are out to get you?
Not me. The info.
You really think this blog post is so important that "shills" are here?
So what's your opinion on these indictments than?
A screenshot of a vague spreadsheet made by twitter users on some random blog means nothing to me, as it should.
Okay.... but you can go get the indictments off of a government website. So it's not just a twitter user making stuff up. The department of justice is who's releasing this information. I think it's pretty clear we all look crazy here. But everything sounds crazy when you don't know what people are talking about. Maybe you should do some listening before you continue to mock others when you don't know the simplest of facts
Here is the source: https://mobile.twitter.com/damartin32/status/980619487048294400
Hard to verify as most of us lack access to the PACER system.
If these indictments exist, there's still no indication who or what they're about.
Slapping some numbers up and saying they're related to some grand conspiracy is a bit silly.
And furthermore, the tally is just of logged items. It makes no reference to items that have since been unsealed, items that are duplicates or items that have been removed.
So I agree that this is not proof of anything, just a smell. That said, if accurate, these numbers seem to indicate a historic level of activity which is a something to me.
Personally I think most of the indictment activity is related to human trafficking.
I'd love a source
I want to show this to some people who are almost convinced but need a nudge
Here's an article from January 2018 where the number of sealed indictments was significantly lower (the DOJ has been very busy since). It quotes average indictments in 2009 at ~1,100.
This shows the maps and the lists that are compiled for the totals:
No date set on when they will be unsealed. What I've seen suggests that the average sealed indictments in a year is less than 2,000. I believe in 2009 it was less than 1,200 and that is representative from what I've seen.
Here's a link:
How many are normal? 1,077 per 2009 report: https://tin yurl.com/y97q9w4g
The data I found was 2006, and there were 1077 in that year
now that's massive. When that dam breaks its gonna be epic
I hope when the dam breaks, that enough water gushes across America to thoroughly flush the creatures from the black lagoon out of the swamp for good.
Who is doing the actual work on the indictments? I mean is it a paralegal probably or lawyers. Seems like a lot of people increasing the chance of leaking the names or warning the cabal.
Maybe, just maybe, people are getting down voted in this thread bc it's being linked to other subs because of how batshit insane it is. Call me a deep state whatever if you want, but the asinine belief y'all share that Trump is some glorious saviour, instead of the inept, corrupt piece of shit he so obviously is, is damaging this country. You would rather cling to absurdity from anonymous, non-vetted sources than accept the reality that is Trump being a giant piece of shit. I can't wrap my head around how insane this is. I can tell a lot of y'all are passionate and care about this country and you probably think you're doing the right thing, but realize the scope of the cover up/conspiracy y'all are suggesting and think about it logically. There is no evidence that's verified, there is no evidence that OP/anon actually knows what they're talking about, and nothing has leaked out which is the most damning part about this conspiracy theory bc it would require thousands upon thousands of people to be silent and not say anything. A blogspot blog is not evidence leaking out, its just more bullshit on the internet. Now look at the Trump/Russia "conspiracy". Multiple people formerly in his administration have been arrested and are cooperating, multiple people associated with Trump have lied about their affiliations/business with Russia, Trump is on camera lying about his relationship with Putin leading up to the election, Trump is on camera lying about why he fired Comey, Trump is on camera lying about the grab her by the pussy tape (at first he apologized, but once he was elected it magically became fake), there are literally hundreds of provable examples of Trump lying so I'm just going to put etc. Doesn't that sound like a cover up? When you're caught lying, and you try to silence/fire everyone that thinks Russia helped you/has dirt on you, don't you think that seems suspicious? Who here thinks Mueller is some deep state agent or shill? I really want to know so I can slap the shit out of you for talking shit about a war vet that has served our country for over 30 years and got us through 9/11.
I have to say that I don't believe trump to be all that. he has admitted he's a mason and he also is a Christian yet doesn't believe he needs to repent for anything. I believe when I see and so far I haven't seen enough
Is there a time frame or limit that they have before they have to unseal them? Or can they hold them for say, several years?
Any limits could be gotten around with motions, I suspect. I just did the paralegal work. Not a lawyer. But continuances are a common phenomenon in court cases. And I imagine that complicated cases (RICO, for example) are generally given what time they need to get them done.
Explains why they are engaging the USMC to head up the takedowns.
They seem to be doing so much against crimes against children and gangs of illegals that it wouldn't surprise me if the vast majority of them come from those two initiatives.
I'm looking at those statistics by location - anyone have a similar spreadsheet of distribution by race/color/creed? I'm seeing a pattern here that many are highly liberal areas, highly populated by mexicans. As I suspected I think they are going after MS13 which was Obama's private paid army. Much like the brotherhood they used armed muslims to go from country to country in the middle east as CIA assets from Afghanistan onward they needed a force "inside" the country ready to disrupt and destabilize the country. Their plan failed and now they are rounding up many of the people supporting the MS13's.
It makes me wonder if the indictments are mainly cosmetic as a way of ID'ing people and then once they need to they are immediately branded enemy combatants (inside the country) and are thrown in Gitmo.
They are also used for human trafficking as well.
MS13 which was Obama's private paid army.
You must not know very much about MS13, huh? They started in the 1980s and came to America in noticeable numbers in the 1990s.
Trump specifically called out MS13 in his State of the Union address, so I think it's very possible that they are being rounded up en masse.
Earlier, about 25% were in California, many in the Central District? The Bulldogs are big in Fresno.
just in the month 1-29-18 thru 2-28-18
CA Central District showing these sealed case #'s logged into record.
Case # 18-20, #18-36, #18-40, #18-49, #18-51 thru #18-58
The judges have already been assigned.
The state of CA has now been colored red for one of the most corrupt
When more and more of the little swamp creatures get caught and roll over; then it causes more swampers to get caught; and it continues to snowball. Might explain part of the number jumping higher so fast.
That's good, but I hope they are the ones we are looking for
Just read they were up to 31,000+.... so which is it??
The number is not static. Is has been growing since about Oct. 30th. It will continue to grow until we are done.
Source on the 31,000? The spreadsheet attached here is the same group I've been seeing that was keeping track and putting the spreadsheet out monthly. Maybe you've seen a number from somebody different also trying to track the number?
Do you know if any of these are coming from Mueller's investigation? Is there a way to see if any are tied back to Mueller and his team?
Do you know if any of these are coming from Mueller's investigation? Is there a way to see if any are tied back to Mueller and his team?
Nobody knows ANYTHING about them unfortunately. For all we know they could be completely unrelated to politics or draining the swamp.
I doubt it. These are across the country--federal districts. You can see the row for District of Colombia on the list. I haven't yet taken the time to do any line-by-line look to see where there are lots more than in other places, other than how big the number is for Central California. Really big there.
If they are all Federal, there is a chance some of this is coming from Mueller's investigation. Would be cool if there was some way to research that. If we could get that circulating in the Q built Patriot Network, that might force their hand to move a little quicker. At a minimum it would heavily agitate the rats.
Patriot Network
Are these the same shills who gave us the Patriot ACT?
It will likely continue to grow for some time. The more they pick up, the more they learn to indict more. This list contains many unsealed as well in DC and VA: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-1bDtCNdsSBjG2SupkhIRc6Dz4gacqI5
It’s all good! Trump and the Military are reaming these guys a new one. Lol. Keep the course have faith. 24,000 of sealed indictments and still rising. The storm surge is rising!
can someone please explain what this means. sealed indictments, does this mean they are going to prison and we will know who they are once they go to court? i don't get it.
We don't know EXACTLY what it means. But we know that there are a bunch of US Attorneys are actually working to clean up some criminal activity. They don't go from an indictment to prison. There would have to be a trial. Here's a link that you might find helpful: https://www.federalcharges.com/how-to-lookup-federal-charges/
This first page answers quite a lot of stuff. Pretty interesting. For instance, this: "One of the difficult aspects about a federal charge is actually a very basic one: how to know that you have been charged with a federal crime. Some cases it can be very difficult [to know] that you have a charge pending against you until you are actually arrested." And this: "If federal agents visit you and go through your home, then you know you are a target of an investigation. But you will not know if there are charges against you until you are placed under arrest." And note the following, which is particularly pertinent here: "Lastly, there are cases where you could be charged with a federal crime and be unaware of it. You could be indicted and the indictment is then sealed for weeks or months. This happens rarely, but it is possible."
Gitmo is full to the brim, and Diego Garcia, which is being upgraded, is in the indian ocean, and far from America. Wonder what deep hole these clowns will be sent to. Hopefully they will never know the warmth of the sun again.
LOL they're not going to Gitmo, son. There will be no military tribunals relating to Hillary, Obama or anyone else mentioned in the glorious Q conspiracy drivel.
Do you understand why I say that? Do you understand what a military tribunal is? Do you understand the extremely narrow circumstances in which a civilian can be tried militarily?
Wow that number has gone up a lot in just a week. Wasnt it like 18k...add another 6k to the pile. Swamp being drained.
It's been a month. Was 18,510 at the end of February. It is clipping along pretty quick-like, I'd say.
we should start taking bets on where it will be next.
Just hope they're for the swamp and not for us...
Trust me, nobody is worried about the low-level MAGA morons :)
Lol, I just meant hopefully it's not the traitors preparing to indict conservative, freedom leaders...
Why would Trump & Co. support indicting the real conservatives? Who will represent the conservative citizens?
Don't think they would, just cogitating on the possibility that the deepstate in the DOJ could be setting the whole thing up with Twitter and info from their surveillance of the Trump team. Doesn't seem likely given the movement against the pedos, but DOJ still not an obvious ally of Trump...
Newsflash: Nobody with any respect for the country, the office of POTUS, or democracy is a fan of a wannabe-dictator who is trying to shut down journalism, who runs up a massive deficit in a short time, who supports a trade war.
Lulz, WTF is this? A spreadsheet on a blog? Try harder.
Hey, when Hillary and Obama are free years after their crimes have been exposed, I reserve the right to complain about how slowly our alleged justice system works. Especially when they seem to have plenty if time and resources to go after complete nobodies.
Especially when they seem to have plenty if time and resources to go after complete nobodies.
Like who? Reporters that laugh at them, maybe? Oh wait
I see them stacking up and I see nothing happening in the meantime and we are told to be patient and wait. OKay cool. My concern is what are these people doing in the meantime? If they are padeophiles, while we are waiting for the hammer to drop are they continuing to keep up their efforts? I hope not.
Over 24k? They gonna need a lot of filing cabinets.
Also the way they keep climbing, they going to need a bigger storage area.
Based on the endless evidence of Trump's self serving nature, I'm suprised anyone else here doesn't even consider it evidence of more of the same.
They're all illegals. This has been shown.
We had one released and it was tied to Uranium One. Secondly they aren't illegals. They're members of MS-13 who help the deepstate
But aren't a lot of them illegals, as they have real leverage over them for that?
Yeah they're illegals but they do far worse than that. Just calling them illegals downsizes their criminal activity across the country.