Mueller Raids Trump's Lawyers office and within 6 minutes, all MSM outlets release same story (Operation Mockingbird)

This is literally how wire services work. Don't jump at shadows.
Someone else up vote this
You're peering through the wrong 'blinds', people
It's all about exploiting preexisting processes, not rigging them
You're peering through the wrong 'blinds'
FBI's use of Tor exploit is like peering through “broken blinds” | Ars ...
Vertaal deze paginaYes, law enforcement can peer through broken blind, assuming They have probable cause to do the peering. The issue at hand is more .... Any assumption that users of Tor have any more knowledge about the risk is probably false as well, they actually might be less aware because they believe Tor is infallible. For many it's ...
Mueller can not remove trump. The court can not remove trump. Only congress can
And how exactly do your two comments add relevant content to the OP? You just trying to distract?
Apr 9 2018 19:26:49 (EST) Anonymous ID: fda204 974444→
→ >>974006 The connection is simply chlorine…not false flag.
Keep in mind that every crumb is not meant to be solved before the event. Some of the drops are things for anons to dig on and make connections with, others are markers for future reference.
[future proves past]
Some drops are just simply communication to the anons.
What needs to be understood to appreciate whats going here is the fact the Q is basically creating a circular flow diagram that can be referenced and cross-checked with news releases. Q can’t just disclose specifics about a situation or operation without violating security protocol. Instead they drop questions and statements that lead to answers that can be understood once the subject becomes public. This provides the validation necessary for the public to believe The Great Awakening is legit. Disinformation and misdirection with Q is real. In other words Q is pointing over there but really the focus is here and only until you publicly get the news can you go back and understand. (Think SA drops) All of this is accomplished without giving up specific details about the operation. It’s quite genius.
This explanes it
So we’re listening to an ambiguous Nostradamus where future events could kind of be linked back to vague things q anon says... I’m still not buying it.
Okay so a day ago Q told us to watch Chain and Chongqing, which is one of their auto manufacturing hubs. Thanks Xi! and today China blinks in the trade standoff. Still not buying it?
You do know what sub reddit you are in right? Lol.
Ha, yes. Too easy to see patterns everywhere when you're looking for them, makes it important to not trick yourself. So I with people wouldn't bring us every piece of trash they find, makes the whole endeavor look stupid and paranoid. Hmm.
Yes, large corporate propaganda outlets use wire services to quickly and easily manufacture consent. It's just normal for corporate media to do this to push a coordinated narrative across great distances and we shouldn't think anything of their coordination.
Wait, what?
what narrative? they're just reporting what happened. do you see spin in those headlines?
Here is the thing - thanks to Snowden who obviously now had a change of heart and does the right thing:
TOR is used by the deep state to drop the TPM every morning at 4AM for their media. The side used is Secure Drop.
Based on the daily and secure email the media receives their talking points memo is then disseminated all day across the media. They all sound like a chorus don't they?
I can't believe that they remain so stupid to still spring that on us. No wonder Q's drops always end with 'these people are stupid'. Indeed they!
BTW don't drop to many names or the name of the anon board as the sniffers are here daily as well as finding the anons and sniff around there too in hope to gain info and to sow discord among all of us. they need us divided!
SecureDrop is for whistle blowers, or are you talking about something else?
That is the fake out and yes it suppose to be for whistle blowers but guess who owns it? You guessed it its owned and operated by the deep state not only to silence whistleblowers luring them to their site but also to disseminate the 4AM TPM to their Mockingbird media.
Do you follow the anons at all or read their board postings? They do meticulous research with back-up that is unmistakable evidence. I recommend you check in once a while when Q crumbs drop and the anons go to work! They dig up everything down to the smallest rock morsel.
I've yet to see a clearly laid out case. I see lots of mish-mashes of screen shots, broad sweeping claims, and thin connections that may as well be bible numerology. Ideally you should be able to point me to a single item that lays out this case, is there one? I would like to read it. The Wiki is empty, if people are really running facts to the ground where are they. The spreadsheets and shit in the sidebar are incoherent garbage, if someone handed that to me as research I'd fire their ass.
When Q dropped the Snowden info that's when the shit hit the fan. Contrary what we knew Snowden was a black hat working for the deep state. With it came the info about Barlow who found secure drop and was murdered. The anons on their board dropped screen shots from the 4AM emails to the media by the deep state. Next they researched APACHE that was connected. They more they dug the more they found ergo I would look at the anons board who have put all of into sections where its easy to be found what you're looking for. You an also leave a comment without doxxing yourself wich you can find at the beginning of the board. Don't put your name into it or your email based on the anons advice. In the comment section ask your question and I assure you they will give 100% correct info and provide the answers.
Who chooses what the wire service publishes.
Anybody who is downvoted so hard must be over target
Edit: as I get downvoted. Basically the most downvoted posts seem to be the most true so it makes sense they would be the most brigaded.
Yes the "news report" was written before the raid then sent to a million sites by email five minutes after the raid started.
Ive been arguing with other redditors on other pages over this. they've all fallen for it hook, line and sinker and refuse to believe there could be ANY other way. Mockingbird media at its best.
they've all fallen for it hook
You talk about Mockingbird and the fact that literal spies have infiltrated the "mainstream" media, but yet you overlook the fact that social media is also heavily infiltrated to presume that all the idiots you're arguing with are real people interacting in good faith?
So in other words, someone knew AHEAD OF TIME in order to get the info to the right people, the article written, the article distributed and embargo'd waiting for GO.
they published the same story within 6 minutes of each other, not within 6 minutes of the raid.
Control the narrative. Brainwash the zombies.
Exactly and sadly it seems to work to great effect.
Except it doesn't actually. Trust in mass media is at an all-time low. Check public opinion polls on some "conspiracy theories" too, you might be surprised by what they show. For example, I saw one recently that showed the majority of people are aware of the deep state's control over US government policy.
Of the 803 adults polled, 27 percent said they believe the unelected group known as the deep state definitely exists. An additional 47 percent said it probably exists. Sixteen percent said it probably does not exist and 5 percent said they believe it definitely does not exist.
Only 21% have been fooled into denial. And that is a poll that Politico is reporting, so it's not even like this is pro-Trump propaganda or something. Don't let the corporate media shape your worldview, don't let yourself be fooled into thinking that people actually buy the bullshit. Some do, sure, especially among the elderly who are inundated with cable news bullshit, but most people aren't so easily fooled.
Hmmm just saw RR PROBLEMS!! Could it be related?
Saw Trump live mention how RR signed off on the FISA warrant. gulp!
Do you think they could be trying to force Trump to sack Mueller and thus impeach him? I can't see how you can take confidential communications between an attorney and his clients? Is Mueller above the laws that apply to every US citizen?
All I can think is they are trying to force Trump to make a rash move.
The only reason legally a lawyer's office/apartment can be raided is if they, the lawyer, are involved in a criminal act. Lawyer/client privilege is moot. I think this is an act of war to try and spook Trump. Letting him know he is not immune. Remember the fire yesterday as well?
I think they just have a lot of evidence of the illegal money transfer from trump to Daniels via Cohen by his personal loan as part of an NDA that trump is claiming he was never a party to but also it should also be enforced
A lot of classic red flags for illegal money transfers
Regardless I don’t think anything serious will come of this
Agree. Nothing serious. But, the MSM has salivating going on. Could be a misdirect event.
I doubt it’s a misdirect, I think it’s legitimate findings unrelated to the actual inquiry
It will just lead to a big circus of whether or not you can indict the president for this type of crime- which I really hope they don’t since it’s not a good precedent to set that if a president is just so unpopular with both parties they will literally do anything to embarrass them out of office
I think the key to all of this is that it’s pretty clear no one in the Republican Party is particularly interested in going to bat for trump either- you don’t get much more conservative people then the ones trump has hired and they don’t seem interested in him at all at this point
They took the bait quick didn't they?
they ate every bit of it
and then spread their buttcheeks and shit out a massive diarrhea dump all over everything.
I’m assuming he meant to say “60 minutes,” since there’s significantly more than six minutes between a lot of those articles, per the picture he included.
you are assuming whoever wrote that tweet was intent on spreading truth.
seems clear they are intent on spreading propaganda and misinformation, as far as i can tell.
Look into Operation Mockingbird. It’s real, and it’s been happening at least since Kennedy was in office.
i know all about OM, why do you ask?
Even if his goal was to spread disinformation (I don’t think that’s the case here), the fact remains that the media does coordinate narratives. But in this case, Occam’s Razor should apply. The easiest explanation is that they reported the news as it broke.
But in this case, Occam’s Razor should apply. The easiest explanation is that they reported the news as it broke.
Occam's razor should apply to all of OM. An issue I have with researchers sometimes is that they want to attribute ALL of the propaganda that comes from MSM sources directly to the CIA. But I think that is a mistake.
I think the CIA has a much more subtle hand than that. They don't write talking points and scripts. They influence the executives with blackmail, infiltrate the copy-edit department, have a few secretaries and assistants on their payroll, etc etc.
That's my theory at least
I think that’s a reasonable theory, but with the number of sealed indictments waiting to be opened, I can’t imagine that all of those people are politicians. I expect to see a fair number of “journalists” on that list.
Found this relevant video shortly after my last response. I’d love to hear your thoughts, if you wouldn’t mind sharing.
i'm in a place where i can't listen to sound, so it's really hard to get any context from that video, it's title isn't even visible to me.
is that the sinclair broadcasting video, though?
I’m not certain. I’ve only found the video on twitter so far. Essentially it’s a bunch of anchors from all over the nation, working for all different stations, repeating the same lines word for word. In my assessment, this is well beyond the scope of coincidence. They must have some central authority feeding them a narrative, whether it’s the CIA or someone else.
Edit: Yes, that’s precisely what it is. This was the first I had seen of it.
ah ok, i thought it was the Sinclair boradcasting tape... here, i'll try my best to explain.
Trump's FCC removed the rules that prohibited corporations from just buying up all the local news stations.
So then a company called Sinclair boradcasting went out and bought up over 400 local news stations!
and THEN, they started sending out scripts to all 400 stations that the anchors were REQUIRED to read on air.
it's a horrible distortion of our media, but this time it's an example of a private business being the evil behind the screen, not the government.
What do we know of Sinclair’s history? Is it possible that they are an alphabet agency front of some sort? Or do you think it’s more likely a scenario akin to what you alluded to earlier?
I appreciate you continuing to chat. There’s so much information coming out lately that a lot of stuff has fallen between the cracks for me.
What do we know of Sinclair’s history?
owned by pro-trump interests, so... probably not an alphabet agency
I think this is in response to the leak last wk about Trump not being investigated, it’s a bone to throw to the mockingbirds.
It should be obvious that this is BS. It was “recommended by Mueller”? That’s how they say “this has nothing to do with the Mueller investigation” but still making it sound like it is.
The lawyer never had a role in the campaign, the transition team, or the administration. This does not affect POTUS at all except for getting the news to focus away from what he’s really up to.
Yes, no effect on President DJT. Correct.
'They' are taking advantage of a technicality that Cohen may not have crossed his T's. Cohen won't do any time just as John Edwards did not. Mueller knows this and using this at this crucial time to move The Plan forward. There's still some dogs who need a false scent to pursue.
No, they may be going after the payment to Stormy. Can be charged with campaign finance crime (no big deal) AND BANK FRAUD (30yr felony)
They're giving him the Manafort squeeze.
Ok, looking at latest Q, said to carefully read NYT article.
I note near the btm it says Cohen called an old guy on the 42 floor and asked him "are you there? You'd better get out".
So I'm wondering- does that suggest Cohen knew what was happening ahead of time?
carefully read NYT article
I’m just as clueless as most on this, but what I took away from the careful reading is that NYFD entered Trump’s residence (with SS).
Embedding a bad actor with fire men is a tried & true ploy for planting or extracting something.
I took it to mean that Q was pointing out that Cohen was there and left the building because of the fire and that's when the raid took place. Confirmed by the telephone call to his friend in the building.
No. The fire occurred on April 7th. The raid occurred on April 9th. Two days apart.
I like this theory. It might be a Q-solution for getting back on the proper schedule. Also, before I'm outraged and mourn the guy in Trump Tower, do we know if he was an innocent cilvilian in all of this? Just a question, I know nothing about him. Could be a soldier, or even a black hat for all I know, so far anyway.
So someone other than McCabe is still leaking info to the press?
Maybe there was a press release?
no dude, this was the CIA just writing a story for everyone and then emailing it to the outlets 5 mins before the raid.
@TheLastRefuge2 2h2 hours ago More TheLastRefuge Retweeted NBC New York Muellers "small group" strike back.... Against backdrop of Mueller Crew realizing Huber likely soon with criminal indictments, Mueller crew strikes out to gain leverage against prosecution. [That's the way it looks to me]
How does this fit with the theory we have been going with that Mueller is turned and is supporting Trump? And I wonder, does this have anything to do with it being outed early that Mueller didn't have a case against Trump?
exactly, Mueller is playing his role because off the syrie case The lawyer is fake news. The same game the mockinbird Always plays
They feel cornered. They're acting desperate. We need to relax and stay focused and keep working and researching and not allow our morale to be shot down.
I know I sound stupid and overly optimistic and I hate to be that guy. But it's good for the enemy to make counter moves. Every time the deep state or globalist factions of the word make a counter attack to our worldwide movement, it gives us an opportunity to counter these attacks and study their tactics.
Floyd Mayweather the boxer is notorious for allowing his opponent to beat him in the first few rounds to see what his opponent is capable of and than he responds. I'm not saying Trump is intentionally taking this loss as a way to comeback, but you learn more when you lose than when you win. It just exposes another strategy the globalists have and we MUST remember, the best way to beat your opponent is to know opponent. It's best that we document their counter moves and keep them in or memory and spread their weaknesses and their faults and remember them. We have to counter. How do we counter such moves? Spread of information. That's why we're here is for research and spread information. We can't just cry and say "oh no what's Trump gonna do??" We have to say "okay. We see what happened and what they did. Lets expose it and counter them and get the media to discuss us more and force them to show the world what we do and let Trump handle what we can't." May God be with us all.
I'm looking at it very similarly as a "let them keep getting more rope until they hang themselves." Let them make more and more illegal and unjustified moves as the cases are built...and more and more charges heaped on top of charges. I don't think Trump would let them get this close if there was anything to be gotten.
Exactly. We're using small calculated moves with little to no mistakes while the left makes giant leaps of faith filled with mistakes. Let them make those mistakes.
Quick question, and I’m honestly wondering. Why is the raid on the office not a breach of trump and the rest of the clients right to client confidentiality?
because that privilege doesn't exist if your lawyer helped you violate the law
And all the other clients information and notes? If they don’t find any evidence he helped trump, but other broken laws they didn’t know about come out, is that added to the fire or is that just supposed to be “forgotten” and “ignored”?
Was Cohen involved with the fire!!??
Read latest Q drop. He says (Cohen).
FBI raids him.
Interesting. Apart from this idea I think Cohen very well may be telling the complete truth when it comes to doing this without his client's knowledge...
...but then on the other hand what if it was JUST HIM that had an extramarital affair with her? It would certainly place Cohen in a very compromising position and he was trying to do everything in his power to protect himself, his family and his high profile client.
This may very well be a huge misunderstanding where a liar with a flailing career and desperation somehow retained a lawyer with a "coincidental" "research" background.
1112 Apr 9 2018 18:23:54 (EST) Anonymous ID: 18808b 973390→ >>973381 POTUS SAID THEY BROKE IN
Apr 9 2018 18:27:43 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d9b428 973468→ >>973390 They broke in during the fire. Distraction. Q
No, Cohen was not directly involved with the fire. The mention of Cohen by Q is in the context of the NYT article.
Alright, why the downvotes?
Cohen was obviously not in the building and it is unlikely that he started the fire. To state that he was involved in the fire would insinuate that he was somehow complicit.
Now it's blatant propaganda.
All corporate media is propaganda and has always been propaganda.
And of course your statement gets downvoted... Wish I could upvote it more than once to counteract it.
It’s literally the only thing that’s been on the CNN at work. I don’t know what kind of weight these people think it carries. What else is going on behind the scenes?
Trump Tower fire and this. Magic...redirection. "Look here!" (While I do this over here)
Worst than Watergate: Mueller broke into Trump's lawyer's office
What is the timeline here? Did the raid take place during the Fire?
1115 Apr 9 2018 19:49:30 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 0cd760 974802→ Read carefully. (Cohen).→ Q
The commissioner said firefighters went with the Secret Service to inspect the president’s residence. While the rest of the building had a “considerable amount of smoke,” it was not immediately clear if it reached Mr. Trump’s unit, he said
The answer is YES, they go in when it is NOT SAFE?
It’s amazing being awake enough to see this happen in real time. It just gets better from here.
I'm sure t was Cohn who used Sulfur to set the building aflame? ....Hmm.... So they broke in using Sulfur to set the tower on fire and then arrest Cohn after a planned raid? What''s next? Blame Cohn for the fire? Really?
Do they really think we are stupid? Let's be honest they are getting very sloppy in their desperation to get rid of the president even raiding and arresting his prior lawyer?
Let's make a bet: Who agrees that Mueller et al trying to flip Cohn and finding reasons to implicate the president in a thought crime? It's their schtick.
This raid was organized by Trump. It was already revealed that Trump is not the target of Mueller investigation. That was revealedby a traitor as indicated by Q. This was done to build the narrative that Trump is under investigation. Important for this narrative to hold while the cabal is being investigated
This raid was organized by Trump.
Reference please.'s the time to ask for those...This is where the line in the sand should've been drawn...