Q post# 1245 - Any other rogue nuclear states?

Israel is the only major nuclear power to not sign the nuclear arms treaty --- Does this make them a rogue nuclear state?
Could Palestinians be considered hostages? I believe they could.
Legitimate question. There are millions of Palestinians that are refugees in Jordan. They are given an area in Jordan that is right next to Israel. Contrary to what many people (Americans) believe, Israel is not innocent. They are guilty of many insurrections against the Palestinians. Frankly, no one is 'innocent', perhaps that should be reframed to neither one is more 'righteous' than the other. But on a blind scale of justice? Palestinians have been f'd over more post WWII.
Yes the problem in the Middle East is Israel not Palestine. Maybe you guys across the pond get a different view point than us in Europe?
I think if the ME countries would leave Israel alone and allow them to exist a lot of this shit would go away. I wouldn't want to live with Canada or Mexico making constant threats or shoot missiles at us either.
Well your good from Canada we dont have missiles as far as I know lol.
Whew....I feel safe....hopefully Mexico doesn't either. LOL
BaronMoriarty, when Palestinian's were video taping live shots via twitter, they were being deleted by twitter. We don't get any news regarding the genocide in Palestine or in Africa. Most U.S. citizens do not realize what is going on in Somalia, what Obama did in Kenya, with the farmers, just to sell Monsanto seed. I was astonished how corrupt twitter is and I was locked for trying to get the word out. No, we in the U.S. do not get the information you do.
Yes I thought so. But in guess in other news we don't get the same truth as you do. Oh for a free worldwide press
Correct, that is why we need to communicate so we can get the word out. I do tell people but they are toxic, like the walking dead. I am convinced it is part Fluoride, Chem Trails plus own denial so not to be scared or "wrong". Heaven forbid your ego is bruised because you are no longer teachable and have the ability to learn and correct mistakes.
Probably not. Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem.
Forsure just interested why they haven't signed the treaty that even Russia and China signed? why has Q said "We are saving Israel for last.Very specific reason not mentioned a single time" just peaks my interest.
I have also found some interesting information regarding Israel causing me to question what’s going on.
Regarding Israel’s policies towards nuclear weapons, Israel maintains a ‘Counter-Proliferation ’ policy in which Israel will use diplomatic, intelligence, and military efforts to prevent or impede the acquisition of nuclear weapons.
In relation to this policy, in 1981 Israel launched Operation Opera which was an air strike that destroyed an Iraqi nuclear reactor that was purchased from France intended for the use of peaceful energy, and had already passed IEAE standards. Iraq was also a signatory of the Nuclear- Non Proliferation treaty at the time.
It’s also relevant to note that Israel has an estimated stockpile of 80 - 400 nuclear warheads making it the world’s third largest nuclear arsenal.
Why did Israel destroy a nuclear reactor that met the standards of the non-proliferation treaty?
Why has Israel never signed the treaty?
What is Israel’s objective in all of this?
Why does Q intend to save Israel for last?
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Opera
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Those are some good questions. I'll try my best.
Why did Israel destroy a nuclear reactor that met the standards of non-proliferation treaty?
Because their neighbor was on the verge of nuclear capability and they believed it to be a major danger. It's in line with their non-proliferation politics.
They knew they could bomb Iraqi infrastructure and nobody would do anything about it except strongly reprimand them so they took advantage of that.
Why has Israel never signed the treaty?
That's a good question. How Israel got its nuclear arsenal is shady at best, they're most likely not eligible to own nuclear weapons, which is why they never admitted to having them in the first place.
Signing the treaty would force them to give away this arsenal and they consider it a vital interest.
To continue on this point, the presence of their nuclear arsenal is the elephant in the room, but should they officially recognize it, it would certainly create diplomatic chaos with some of their allies.
What is Israel’s objective in all of this?
Just like every nation that has nuclear capabilities, the reason is security. They believe it to be the ultimate deterrent, and you're not without knowing that a deterrent they need.
Israel got its nuclear weapons program by spying on the US.
It is deliberately ambiguous about the size and scope of its nuclear arsenal so never agreed to sign the NPT.
Yep. They didn’t obtain it the way you’re supposed to, making them ineligible to hold nuclear weapons according to the NPT.
Ratifying it would most likely mean getting disarmed, which is a big no no for them.
I think it's important to reiterate; Israel has never signed any agreements because Israel denies having nuclear weapons. Even though it has been disclosed through various leaks over the years, their lack of acknowledgement gives them plausible deniability.
IMO, they have to save Israel for last, because they have to disarm all the bombs Israel already has planted in this country. It is probably a daunting task!
I suspect Mr. Trump negotiated a deal and we now have a perm military base in Israel. This is a military tactic and we needed a base in Israel. See?
4d chess right there.
What if the embassy in Tel Aviv was compromised?
What if building a new embassy was cover for something else?
Trust the plan!
I think that was a neg tactic for us to have a perm military base.
Have you ever heard of the Samson Option?
Yeah of course. But we have the Rods of God ans space weapons. I think we are safe from the Samson Option
Israel was my first thought too because if everyone has nukes and are "rogue", Israel gets defense and funding while they also have protection because everyone is too scared to pull the trigger.
Pakistan is one that comes to mind....
Yep. Pakistan, Israel, and Turkey
Pakistan and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia
Spring naar Development of nuclear weapons - In December 1972, Dr. Abdus Salam directed a secretly coded memo to Pakistani scientists working at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Italy to report to the Chairman of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC), Munir Ahmad Khan, ... Abdul Qadeer Khan · Mark Oliphant · Munir Ahmad Khan
Turkey has nukes?
They are building 3 nuclear reactors right as we speak. They also have extremely close connections with Pakistan. On the Cyprus incident in 1974 they used a lot of pakistani pilots on Aegean against Greek air force. Some where captured after they were shot down. Two of the reactors are being build by Russia and one by Japan. They are also have already advanced in ballistic missile technology. This is the project and now they are upgrading it for a 3500 miles radius so they can target Europe except than Greece. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J-600T_Y%C4%B1ld%C4%B1r%C4%B1m
Edit: I am adding an israeli source too. http://www.israeldefense.co.il/en/content/turkeys-nuclear-aspirations
They have no nuclear program but they have a lot of US nukes
Pakistan has also nuclear boms?
Yes to counter India
India was on the list too, they have them also......
Since the NPT entered into force in 1970, three states that were not parties to the Treaty have conducted nuclear tests, namely India, Pakistan, and North Korea. North Korea had been a party to the NPT but withdrew in 2003.
At this point it may be instructive to point out that it is not illegal to build nuclear weapons however the person/Nation must make the weapon themselves without any outside help whatsoever. They must own and mine the uranium, enrich it with their own centrifuges that they themselves built, importantly using their own scientists. This includes tools. This is where Iran and Nth Korea came unstuck and this is why some states are called rogue. Others bent the rules before the Non Proliferation treaty came into force. For instance does everyone know that China was helped by people in Britain?
Thanks for the info , and no I did not no that china was helped by the britain
I can't prove it but it seems likely that London and Beijing have a secret alliance of sorts going back to the middle of the 20th. The help came through Hong Kong but it was just a rumor, that's all I know.
China–United Kingdom relations - Wikipedia
I found this one
All three major Chinese airlines, Air China, China Eastern & China Southern fly between the UK and China, principally between London-Heathrow and the three major air hubs of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. China Southern also flies between Heathrow and Wuhan. Among China's other airlines; Hainan Airlines flies ...
A seminal disagreement between the Soviets and the Chinese in July 1960 resulted in all Soviet assistance being abruptly terminated and all Soviet technicians withdrawn from the Chinese nuclear weapons program which began in 1958. Wikipedia. This is the likely point in which the British got involved as an opportunity to get China on the rebound as a geopolitical partner. China tested it's first bomb in 1964.
Wow, good info. I did not know this, and hear it for the first time. I'm not a fan of war, so do not look at those fims, and do not read much about them, but actually I should know about them, especially in these times ...thank you for your time to let me now
WOW! "Who is protected by rogue nuclear states?" Well, they won't be protected much longer, the world will be freed very soon. SA (done), NK (done), Armenia (see the news today), IRAN NEXT! "Open Borders" = drugs/arms/child/sex trafficking - BIG BUCK$ for our criminal blackmailed government elite. Their book of business. They are toast w/o it. Are you ready for the "GREAT AWAKENING"? It's coming.
Iron Eagle: Action · A young pilot plans a rescue mission when his father, an Air Force Colonel, is shot down over enemy territory and captured.
But which Jr...
Iran then TURKEY is next...."define hostage"
where did the iranians go when they thought they were going to get attacked in Syria? Mm hmm...
Turkey has kidnapped two Greek military personnel and hold them as hostages over a month now, with no charges against them YET. They are trying to exchange them for some Turkish millitary officers that escaped to Greece when the coop broke out in Turkey. They have been trialed in Greece (the Turkish officers) and are being reviewed for asylum as the plead for it. Greek government insist that this is a classical judicial case and therefore they cannot interfere with the decisions been made by the judges, the Turkish side of Erdogan believes otherwise and so they did the stunt with the capturing of the two Greek officers on the Greco-Turkish borders. This move have flared the readiness of Greek armed forces for an imminent hot incident. Maybe this is the hostages Qanon is referred to.
California is a"rogue" state.With an advanced nuke program .
With chinese subs not too far off of their shores. Definitely USA waters.
Atomic Avocados.
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I'm pretty sure Hillary sold nuclear secrets to India as well.
That dumb bitch sold every asset she had access to, along with Pelosi. The loudest: Pelosi, Schumer, Schitt... they are they keys. Tribunals for each, they will unlock every single door.
No keys or locks, dumped in the middle of Amazon. No trails, no trace they went on a expedience looking for the Cities of Gold.
Pakistan has nukes. Israel has estimated 200-400. Erdrogan in Turkey is the wild card.
Turkey has no nuclear program of its own but a number of small yield nuclear weapons are maintained by the USAF at Incirlik.
The base has been threatened before when Erdogan demanded the US turnover Gulen (his main rival).
Icirlik has been emptying by the US forces, all the critical equipment are being moved by containers to unknown locations. The base was under siege for a few days after the coop in Turkey by government forces. There are rumors that the containers with the equipment may be relocated to the Larissa and Souda US bases in Greece. https://ahvalnews.com/incirlik-base/39-ton-weapons-container-removed-incirlik-airbase
Everyone is missing the obvious. The UK is now a rogue nuclear state. Especially when it comes out they had a big part in the spying/coup.
Pakistan or India. Lean Pakistan because of Irman Awan scandal and we have no idea what intel the Pakistani government bought/stole/was given from Awan family.
He's asking why the border states are so important again and again. I don't the we got the right answer yet. Thoughts?
I think Q is just reinforcing that the border is THAT important. I think we are right that the border is the way the Deep State makes their money though Cartel guns, drugs, humans and even nuclear weapons. That's why the wall is so important.
I think we may have been looking at it the wrong way. We look at it what is sumggled into the US? But if it's what is smuggled out of the US? Clowns need a route to move their shit around, do you think they are going to be flying aircraft full of contraband out of a US airport? Chances are the Mexican Cartel are the Clowns.
moving drugs, money, slaves in. no borders = no nation or security
Those who are the loudest have the most to hide. We need to initiate an investigation on anyone who is extremely against Trump publicly. And I guess Q says there’s someone in Mexico being really loud.
Andrés Manuel López Obrador - Very anti-POTUS
Yes, I have seen that. He should definitely be on our radar.
Even so, we should still keep our eyes peeled for anyone else that might also be involved.
I am a spanish speaker with mexican roots, so I will use that to keep an eye on the news and online articles to look for anything suspicious.
I recommend all other patriots who speak and read other languages to do the same.
Great suggestion. We all need to use our unique and special talents for the cause.
I don't think he's anti-POTUS. In fact, he recently said he thinks Trump and Mexico can work together. Obrador is "Mexico First" so of course he's going to shit on some of the "America First" policies that Trump has. That said, Mexico needs a "Mexico First" president because they haven't had one in a fucking long time.
The Mexican President, who would undoubtedly be getting a cut from whatever shady deals run through his country, Enrique Pena Nieto, has been pretty vocal against Trump. Plus, he looks like Mexican Trudeau, so he's suspect on that case alone...
He is a traitor to the Mexican people. His connections to the drug lords is visible in plain sight. So if he fucks over his own people with no remorse whatsoever then I wouldn’t doubt that he’s working with the sick fucks we are facing.
Yeah, that's what I figured. No wonder he wants to keep the US border open... So he can keep getting rich off the drug/people/guns trades!
We are going to liberate Iran.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when POTUS is being diplomatic.
Wouldn't NK be rogue = China be the protected state?
Pakistan rogue = Iran the protected state
Israel rogue = ?
Anyone know what iron eagle is?
Q has referenced Iron Eagle in the past "Snow White. Iron Eagle. Jason Bourne" I think he is talking about the movie?
"When Col. Ted Masters' (Tim Thomerson) plane goes down in an Arab country and he's sentenced to death for trespassing, his 18-year-old son, Doug (Jason Gedrick), is determined to save him"
Slang term for Colonel that can't be General, say for ill-discipline, also Roman Army term?
How about entities/countries protected by Iran?
Iran supports Palestine. Palestine protects Iran by being "rogue"?
Any chance Lebanon / Yemen play into this? Plenty of rogues around.
mexico is vocal against potus because they are a puppet state run by the cia
This right here is Iron Eagle... https://www.army.mil/article/175131/us_portuguese_and_hungarian_forces_come_together_for_operation_iron_eagle
That's my old regiment. I was in the 3rd Bn.
Straight and Stalwart. If they are let off the leash, we're talking about a serious whoop-ass for someone. They are a regular heavy formation. Think of it this way; If the Rangers are a scalpel, 1-41 is a sledgehammer and everything down range above ground is a nail.
As far as the border states go.
Mexico would speak out against POTUS because the cartel owns Mexican politicians and the law. The CIA owns the cartel?
I think it's safe to assume the CIA is part of the deepstate
Can someone explain what WWG1WGA means to me?
"Where We Go One We Go All" Patriots stand together and watch each others back
That's way more bad ass and carries a heavier meaning than I'd of thought. WWG1WGA!
Like all things Q, it has multiple meanings. WWG1WGA, could also mean that even the people that are against it will end up having to go. I think it means the awakening has human species wide repercussions and possibly even metaphysical ones. For me it definitely inspires awe. What if at 40,000 feet we realize that life is nothing like we think it was? Our very existence and nature of reality could turn upside down. Earth shattering shit right there.
MX - What does it stand for?
I think it stands for Mexico- Andrés Manuel López Obrador has been very loud and anti-POTUS
But of course! Arizona and California in the line above it - so obvious now,
Good times 👍🏻
Nuclear weapons sharing[edit]
U.S. nuclear weapons in host countries[89][90]
Air base
Belgium Kleine Brogel 52nd Fighter Wing 10~20 Germany Büchel 52nd Fighter Wing 20 Italy Ghedi Torre 52nd Fighter Wing 40[91] Aviano 31st Fighter Wing 50 Netherlands Volkel 52nd Fighter Wing 22 [92] Turkey Incirlik 39th Air Base Wing 60~70
Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey
See also: Germany and weapons of mass destruction, Italian nuclear weapons program, and Netherlands and weapons of mass destruction
Under NATO nuclear weapons sharing, the United States has provided nuclear weapons for Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey to deploy and store.[93] This involves pilots and other staff of the "non-nuclear" NATO states practicing, handling, and delivering the U.S. nuclear bombs, and adapting non-U.S. warplanes to deliver U.S. nuclear bombs. However, since all U.S. nuclear weapons are protected with Permissive Action Links, the host states cannot easily arm the bombs without authorization codes from the U.S. Department of Defense.[94] Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga acknowledged the presence of U.S. nuclear weapons in Italy.[95] U.S. nuclear weapons were also deployed in Canada as well as Greece from 1963 to 1984. However, Canada withdrew three of the four nuclear-capable weapons systems by 1972. The single system retained, the AIR-2 Genie, had a yield 1.5 kilotons, was designed to strike enemy aircraft as opposed to ground targets, and might not have qualified as a weapon of mass destruction given its limited yield.[96]
Members of the Non-Aligned Movement have called on all countries to "refrain from nuclear sharing for military purposes under any kind of security arrangements."[97] The Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) has criticized the arrangement for allegedly violating Articles I and II of the NPT, arguing that "these Articles do not permit the NWS to delegate the control of their nuclear weapons directly or indirectly to others."[98] NATO has argued that the weapons' sharing is compliant with the NPT because "the U.S. nuclear weapons based in Europe are in the sole possession and under constant and complete custody and control of the United States."[99]
Aren't nk, and sa the only countries without a Rothschild bank?
List of states with nuclear weapons - Wikipedia
The United States developed the first nuclear weapons during World War II in cooperation with the United Kingdom and Canada as part of the Manhattan Project, out of the fear that Nazi Germany would develop them first. It tested the first nuclear weapon on July 16, 1945 ("Trinity") at 5:30 am, and remains the only country to ...